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Serial No. Question Booklet Series -B

Entrance Examination - 2Ol8
Time allowed: Two Hours (1O.3O d.m. to 12.3O p.m.) | Maxlmum lrlarks: 2OO


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4. The booklet contalns hundred questions. Each questlon comprises
four answens (responses). Select the correct answer (response),
whlch you want to mark on the answer sheet. In case, you feel that
th€r€ ls more than one gorrect answer (response), mark the ahswer
(response), which you conslder the best. In any case, choose O[{LY
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9. Sheet for rough work is appended in the question booklet at the end.

1. Which one of the following groups of states were not annexed under
the policy of Doctrine of Lapse?
a) Satara and Jaipur
b) Nagpur and Udalpur
c) Punjab and Sikkim
d) Jhansi and Samhbalpur
2. With reference to the Chamber of Princes, consider the following
1. As early as 1876, Lord Lytton had suggested the formation of
an Indian privy council of Grsat Indian States
2. The authors of Montagu Chelmsford reform favoured the
formation of a council of Princes
3. It was inaugurated in the year L925
Which of the statement(s) given above is I are correct?
a) 1and2 b) 3only
c) 1 and 3 d) All of them

3. Wlth reference to the Pre Hlstorlc India, conslder the followlng

1. Athlrampakkam, Paiyyampalli and Gudiyam are important
Palaeolithic sites in Tamilnadu.
2. The middle Palaeolithic phase was first identified by H.D.
3. The tools became small in the middle Palaeolithic period
4. The upper Palaeolithic period is based on blade and bone tool
Select the correct answers using the codes given below:
a) !,2 and 3 b) 2,3 and 4
c) 3 and 4 d) t,2,3 and 4
4, Conslder the following pairs;
/ Period
Culture Pottery
1. Indus civilization Black-on-Red, Grey and Buffware
2. Iron age in North India Painted Greyware
3. Mauryan Period Northern Black polished ware
4. Megalithic culture
of Tamilnadu Polished Black and Red ware
Which of the pairs given above are correct?
a) t,2 and 3
b) 2and3
c) All of them
d) land4
King Ashoka of
5. Consider the following statements with reference to
MaurYan dYnastY :
tRanyo Ashoka' refers to
1. At Kanaganahalli, an inscription read
2. During hiS father's reign, Ashoka was stationed as Governor
at Ujjani, and before that possibly at Taxila
The Second Buddhist council is supposed to have met
Ashoka's Patronage at PataliPutra
Renouncing violence, adjuring war, and advocating
the elusive
but admirable concept of Dhamma, Ashoka turned statecraft
on its head
a) .1, 2 and 3
b) 2,3and4
c) L, 2 and 4
d) All of them

6. Consider the following Pairs

TerminologY Meaning
1. Zimmis Non - Islamic grouP
2. Shariah Islamic Law
3. Zakat Islamic Income Tax
4. Waqf Endowment
Which of the pairs are correctly matched?

a) L,2.and 3
b) 2,3and4
c) 2and3
d) All of them

7. The subsidiary treaty of Lord wellesley was negotiated on the

following terms and conditions :
q ua rters
bY native officers'

8. Which one of the following statements is not true with the
Theosophical movement?
a) 'It aims to work for universal brotherhood of humanity without
any dlstinction
b) It believes that a special relationship can be established between a
persont soul and God
c) It was established at Adyar, an outskirts of Madras
d) It came to be allied with Hindu Renaissance,
L What were the measures not adopted by the Ghadr movement to
establish a national republic in India?
a) Procuring arms and Breaking Jails
b) Recrultment of youngmen and propogation of sdditious
literature \
c) Formation of secret societies and destruction of Railways
d) Non Interference In Indian milltary and police

' 10. With reference to Gandhi consider the following statements:

1. Gandhl came to India on hls own accord
2. The Khilafat movement was perceived by Gandhi as an
opportunity to cement the bonds of Hindus and Muslims
3. Gandhi promised "SWaraj within one yea{, when he launched
the Non-cooperation movemint
4. His meteoric rise on the political scene was also facilitated by
same accidents of history such as the death of stalwarts,
Gokhale, Mehta and Til.ak
Which of the statement(s) given above is / are correct?
a) 1 only b) 2, 3 and 4
c) 1, 3 and 4 d) t,2 and 4
11. STATEMENT (A) : Sun rotates hster at the equator than at its poles
STATEMENT (B) : Sun rotates faster at the poles than at the equator
REASON(R) : Sun is a ball of gas/plasma
a) A is true , B is false and R is not the reason
b) A is false , B is true and R is the reason
c) A is true , B is false and R is the reason
d) A is false and B is false
L2, Teeth also consist of organic and inorganic materials, but unlike bone,
once formed, dental enamel does not remodel. Consequently, in
Forensic Science teeth arre very useful for determining,
a) How old a person is
b) Whether he had a particular diet
c) Wh€re he lived in the years before his death
d) Where he was born and raised
13. Donna Strickland, the third woman scientist to get Nobel prize in Physics
The two other women scientists who got Nobel Prize in Physics are
a) Marie Curie and Lise Meitner
b) Marie Curie and Maria Goeppert Mayer
c) Marie Curie and Irene Joliot Curie
d) Marie Curie and Frances H. Arnold
L4, STATEMENT (A) : Smart textile uses textile keypads based on soft switching
REASON I (Rl) : Soft switching functioning is based on integrated chip.
REASONf 2 (R2) : Soft switching functioning is based on quantum tunneling
a) A is true Rl is false R2 is false
b) A is true R1 is true R2 is true
c) A is false Rl is false R2 is true
d) A is true R1 is false R2 is true

15. PET scan images are due to

a) Positron emitted by tumors in the body
b) Positron emitted by the radioactive tracers injected into the body
c) Photons formed due to annihilation of positron by the electron
d) 3D X-Ray

16. National Institute of Mental Health Rehabilltation Is establlshed at

a) Bengaluru
b) Chennai
c) Sehore
d) Hyderabad

t7. India and Russia sign deal for

a) Patriot missile
b) Tomahawk missile
c) 5-400 missile
d) RS-28 Sarmat missile
18, The country where adultery is not a crime
a) Pakistan
b) Philippines
c) Japan
d) United States of America


a) Shikha Sharma
b) Chanda Kochhar
c) Arundhati Bhattacharya
d) Padmaja Chundru

20. Bill & Mellinda Gates Campaign award winner
a) Dysmus Kisilu
b) Nadia Murad
c) Amika George
d) Frances Arnold

2t. PSLV-C42 Mission of ISRO launched two satellites of

a) Israel
b) Russia
c) UK
d) Bangladesh

22. STATEMENT (A) : Air bag in a car will be effedtive in capturing the driver
and cushioning the impact and exerts equal pressure on
all parts of the body
STATEMENT (B) : Air bag is a substitute for seat belt
STATEMENT (C) : Seat belt exerts a larger pressure on smaller area of the
" a) Statement A is true and B is false C is false
b) Statement A is true and B is true C is true
c) Statement A is false and B is true ' C is true
d) Statement A is true and B is false C is true

23. What is the full form of CITES?

a) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
b) Converrtion on Indian Trade in Endangered Species
c) Convention on Intermingle Trade in endangered Species
d) None of the above
24, The ABEL prize is awarded for the outstanding personalities in the area of
a) Physics
b) Chemistry
c) Medicine
d) Mathematics

25. James Webb Space Telescope to be launched by NASA in tlre year 2021 is
a) X-Ray telescope.
b) Microwave Telescope
c) Visible range telescope
d) Infrared Telescope.

26. MUDRA bank loans are
a) Direct loans
b) Refinance loans
c) CorPorate loans
d) Agriculture loans

27. Total Fertillty Rate ( TFR) replacement level has been achieved
a) Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra
b) Tamil Nadu,.Kerala, Delhi
c) Kerala, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh
d) Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat

index is
28. The highest ever value India reached in Human development
a) 0.596
b) 0.s86
c) 0.612
d) 0.602

29, The period of economic consolidation and preparatiorr for change in India
occurred in
a) 1950s
b) 1960s
c) 1970s
d) 1980s

30. Poverty gap means the difference behrueen

a) Poverty line and Relative poverty line
b) Relative povefi line and average consumer expenditure of pgor
c) Poverty line and average consumer expenditure of
d) Poverff line and Per caPita GDP

31. Which among the following is the World's largest Wetland System?
a) Camargue (France)
b) Okavango (Botswana)
c) Everglades (USA)
d) Pantanal

32. Which among the following terms of utmost significance in the dynamics of
resource management was coined in the Brundtland Commission Report?
a) Polluter-Pays Principle
b) Sustainable development
c) Inclusive Growth
d) Carrying Capacity

33. The Montreaux Record is a register of :

a) Invasive Alien Species and their ecological hazards outside their native
" environment
b) Wetland sites under the threat of anthropogenic activities
c) Endangered species of tropical and sub-tropical fauna
d) Coastal cities under direct threat of consequences of global warming

34. What award is presented to individuals or communities from rural areas who
have shown extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting Witrdlife by
' the GoI?
a) Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar
b) Medini Puruskar Yojana
c) Amrita Devi Bishnoi Award
d) :Pitambar Pant National Award

35. Which one of these Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) is not

correctly paired with the issue it deals with?
a) Montreal Protocol of 1987 Ozone Depleting Substances
b) Bonn Convention of 1979 The conservation of Migratory Species
c) Basel Convention of 1989 Regulation of Trans boundary'
movement, Transit, handllng and use
of GMOs
d) Rotterdam Convention Trade in Hazardous Chemicals and
of 1998 Pesticides

36. Recently scientists from Newcastle UniVersity, UK created world's fitst 3D

a) Human lungs .b) Human cornea
c) Human skin d) l-luman DNA

37, World Liver DaY is observed on
a) APril 19
b) October t
c) November 11
d) MaY 25

38. ' Which of these is paft of the Vitamin B complex?

1. TocoPherol
2. Nlacln
3. Folic acid
4. Ascorbic acid
. 5. Pantothenic acid
a) Iand4onlY
b) 2 onlY
c) land3onlY
d) 2, 3 and 5 onlY

39. UN's highest envirorrment award, UN Champions of Earth Award for 2018

was awarded to?

a) Bharat Vatwani
b) Nadia Murad and Dennis Mukwege
c) Jack Johnson and Li Bingbing
d) Narendra Modi and Emmanual Macron

40. WAYU (Wind Augmentation Puriffing Unit), an indigenous

air pollution
control device which was inaugurated In Delhi, was developed
b) cPcB
c) MoEF and CC
d) O4Ymed

a) Mudumalai National Park
b) Mundanthurai National Park
c) GuindY National Park
d) Annamalai Natlonal Park r

Cooling Action Plan' on the
42. The MoEF and CC recentlY released 'Indla
occasion of:

a) World Envlronment daY

b) World Water day

c) Earth daY
d) World Ozone daY

a) Saccharin

b) Sucralose
c) Sucrose

d) AsPartame

44. World TB DaY is observed on

a) October
b) November 11
c) MaY 25

d) March 24

45. Streptokinase is a drug given

a) For breaking down blood clots

b) For treating throat infection

c) For controlling fungal infection

d) For dePression

46. Choose the correct answer:

I am older than You. ?

a) amn't I?
b) don't I?
c) didnt I?
d) arent I?

. 47. Choose the correct answer:
He would not have joined the army if he that they would send
him abroad.
a) would know
b) was knowing
c) had known
d) had been knowing

48. Choose the word nearest in meaning to the given word: Immunity
a) exemption
F) tolerance
c) disinclination
d) apathy

49. Choose the word that is most opposite in meaning to the given word:
a) Lenlent
b) General
c) Magnanimous
d) magniloquent

50. Match the following:

A. Democracy - 1. Government run only by ofricials
B. Autocracy - 2. The rule of the people
C. Bureaucracy - 3, Government by nobility or elite
D. Aristocracy - 4. The rule by one person with unlimited power

a) ,l 2 3 4
c) 4, 3 2 1


51. There are 50 students admitted to a nursery class. Some students can
speak only English and some can speak only Hindi. l0 students can speak
both English and Hindi. If the number of students who can speak English is
21, then how many students can speak Hindi, how many can speak only
Hindi and how many can speak only English?
a) 2t, t7 and 29 respecilvely
b) 28, 18 and 22 respectively
c) 37, 27 and 13 respectively
d) 39, 29 and 11 respectively
52. If the third day of a month is Monday, which one of the following will be the
fifth day from 21s of this month?
a) Monday b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday d) Friday .


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. )
A,B,C,D,E,F are members of a family. They are engineer, stenographer,
doctor, draughtsman, lawyer and judge (not in order). A, the engineer is
married to the lady stenographer. The judge is married to the lawyer. F the
draughtsman is the son of B and brother of E. C the lawyer is the daughter-
in law of D. E is the unmarried doctor. D ls the grandmother of F. There
are two married couples in the family

53. What is the profession of B?

a) Judge b) Lawyer
c) Draughtsman d) Cannot be determined

54. Which of the following islare a couple/couples?

a) AD only b) BC only
c) Both AD and BC d) Both AC and BD

55. What is the profession of D?

a) Judge b) Stenographer
c) Doctor d) Cannot be determined

56, Landslide in India is due to.

1. Incessant rain
2. Large scale slope modification for the house corrstruction
3. High angle slope for road construction
4. Large scale sloping for coffee plantation.
a) lonly b) 3&4onty
c) 2 & 3 only d) Ail of them.

57, Which of these rivers is an antecedent drainage?
a) Ganga b) Gomti
c) Ghaghara d) Gandak

58. Match the following

A. gap
Wind 1. Glacier
B. Clrque 2- Runnlng water
C. Gour 3. Winds
D. Sinkholes 4- Karst ToPograPhY

a) 213 4
b) t2 34
c) 2413
d) 4 321
59. Ten degree channel sePerates
a) Andaman and Niccobar b) Niccobar and sumatra
60. Dried graPes are known as
1. Currants
2. Raisins
3. Sultanas
c) 3 d) All of them

61. Which is NOT a correct statement?

1. Tides are caused by the attractive force of the Sun and the Moon
2. Tides do not occur at the same time every day
3. Tides are caused by the force of wind
4. Tides are useful for man along the coast
62. Match the following
A. sanctuary
NalPati 1' Tamilnadu
B. Ranganathittu sanctuary 2' Haryana
C. SultanPur 3' Karnataka
D. Vedanthangal 4. Andhra Pradesh.

a) 4 3 21
b) t 2 3 4
c) 3 2I4
d) 213 4
53. Importance of port depends on its
1. Prosperity of the hlnterland
2. Good communication system
3. Population
4. Location and modern facilities
a) t,2&.4 b) 1&2
c) 1, 2 & 3 d) t,2,3 &.4

64. In India soil ercsion is associated with

1. Terrace cultivation
2. Deforestation
3. Tropical climate
a) 1&2 b) 2 only
c) r&3 d) 1,2&3
65. Which of the rivers is /are antecedent drainage?
, t. Indus
2. Sutlej
3. Ghaghara
4, Brahmaputra
a) 1&2 b)3
c) 3&4 d) All of them
66. Match the followlng:
A. Grams 1. karnataka and Tamilnadu
B. Maize 2. Rajasthan and U.P.
C. Barley 3. Kamataka and Telengana
D. Ragi 4. M.P. and Rajasthan

67. Which of the following pairc are correct?
1. Shelry of Spain
2. Port of Poftugal
3. Champaign of France
4. Marsala of Italy
a) 1&3 b) 2&,4
c) 1,2&3 d) 1,2,3&4

6g. Whicir of the following statements are correct? '

3. Go|den Quadri|atera| covers a distance of 14,845 kms
4. NH7 cuts across NH4, NHg, NH6, NH2
a) 1,3&4 b) 2,39'4
c) 1,2,9&4 d) 2g'4
69. Which are all correct statements?
1, Corals are found all over the continental shelf of the Tropical
4. Corals are found beyond 30 degree north latitudes
a) 1&4 b) 2&3
c) 2, 3 9.4 d) All of ,them
70. One and Half degree channel is found near
a) MYanmar b) Maldives
c) Point
Indira d) Sri Lanka

7L, On which one of the temple walls, famous sanskrit inscription
Pulikesi-Il is found?
a) Virupakshal Temple at Pattadakal
b) Ladkhan TemPle at Aihole
c) Megudi TemPle at Aihole
d) The Shore Temple at Mahbbalipuram
72. With.reference to India's age of Feudalism, consider the following
1. The period between 648 AD to 1206 AD is often designated as
2. D.D. Kosambi and R.s. sharma demarcated these six
3. The theory of Feudalism has not wide acceptance especially
when it is applied to the chola empire of the tenth and
eleventh centuries
which of the statement(s) given above is / are correct?
a) 1 onlY
b) 2and3
c) 1and2
d) 3 onlY
73, Consider the following pairs :

office under the surtanate Nature of work

1. Wazir In charge of Income and
2. Sadr-us-sadar Religious affairs
3. Mumshi-i-mumalik State,s postal correspondence
4. t6/akll-i-dar Incharge of royal armoary
which are the pairs given above are correctly matched?
a) l,2and3
b) 2,3and4
c) 1and2
d) 3and4

74' with reference to the Mughal empire, consider the following

l. From 1550 - t7tg, the Mughal empire remained a dynamic,
centralized, complex organization
2. The Mughar dynasty and the empire itserf became
indisputably Indian t

3. The Mughal rulers relied heavily upon the support of the

Islamlc relegious establlshment for legitimacy and political
select the correct answer(s), using the code given below:
a) land3
b) 3 onty
c) 2and3
d) 1,2and3

75' Regarding Shivaji's aFfity, which one of the following statements

is not correct?
a) Shivaji army consisted of light cavalry
b) It was most effective precisely at raids
c) It had abirity to take forts by storm, sapping, or mining
d) The Maratha army was backed up by forts as places of refuge
are nominated by
76, Nominated members for the constitutional assembly
a) Rulers of the Indian princely states
b) Congress PartY
c) Muslim League
d) Communist PartY

abolition of
what is the procedures required to be followed for the
existing legislative council in a state?
a) in" nuiyu Sabha must pass a re olution to that effect to that effect by
b) The state legislative assembly must pass a resolution
a special majority as prescribed in the constitution
c) Parliament must enact a law abolishing the legislative council
majoritY as in the case of a bill

which Article of the Indian constitution empowers

the parliament to legislate
on any matter of the state list?
a) Art 115
b) Art 183
c) Att 22t
d) Att 226
of a national
79, In India, if a religious secvcommunity is given '*the status
minority", what special advantages lt is entitled to?
1. It can establish and administer exclusive educational institutions of the
2. The president of India automatically nominates a representative
cornmunitY to Lok Sabha
3. .It Can derive benefits from.the Prime Minister's 15-Point PrOgramme
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
a) 1 onlY
b) 2and3onlY
c) land3onlY
d) All of them

80. Theauthorizat|onforthewithdrawa|offundsfromthe.Conso|idatedFundof
India must come from:
a) The President of India
b) The Parliament of India
c) The Prime Minister of India
d) The Union Finance Minister

81. Which of the following are included in the original jurisdiction of the Supreme
1. A dispute between the Government of India and one or more States
2' A dispute regarding elections to either House of the Parliament or that
of Legislature of a State
3. A dispute between the Government of India and a Union Terrltory
4. A dispute between two or more States
Select the correct answers using the codes given below :
a) 1and2
b) 2and3
c) 1and4
d) 3and4

92. What will follow if a Money Bill is substantially amended by the Rajya
a) The Lok Sabha may still proceed with the Bill, accepting or not
accepting the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha
b) The Lok Sabha cannot consider the Bill further
c) The Lok sabha may send the Bill to the Rajya sabha for
d) The President may call a joint sitting for passing the Bill

83. The abolition of the IAS and IpS has been recommended by the
a) Dhebar Commission
b) Kelkar Commission
c) Kher Commission
d) Rajamannar Commission

84. when the annual Union Budget is not passed by the Lok Sabha
a) the Budget is modifled.and presented again
b) the Budget is referred to the Rajya sabha for suggesilons
c) the Union Finance Minister is asked to resign
d) the Prime Minister submits the resignation of Council of Ministers
85. Under the Constitution of India, which one of the followlng is not a
fundamental duty?
a) To vote in public elections
b) To develop the scientific temper
c) To safeguard public property
d) To abide by me Constitution and respect its ideals

to cause to be laid before the Parliament which of the
4. The Report Of the National commission for scheduled
a) 1 onlY b) 2 and 4 onlY
' c) 1, 3 and 4 onlY d) All of them

sitting of the Parliament during the passage of
1. Ordinary Legislation
2. MoneY Bill
3, Constitution Amendment Bill
a) 1 onlY
b) 2and3onlY
c) land3onlY
d) All of them

88. According to the Constitution of India, which of the following are

fundamental for the governance of the country?
a) Fundamental Rights
b) Fundamental Duties
c) Dlrective Frinclples of State Policy

a) The Committee on Public Accounts
b) The Committee on Estimates
c) The Committee on Public Undertakings
d) The Committee on Petitions

between the
90. The power of the supreme court of India to decide disputes
Centre and the States falls under its
a) advisory jurisdiction
b) aPPellate jurisdiction .

c) original jurisdiction
d) writ jurisdiction

91. Twin balance sheet refers to
a) Balance sheets of corporate and banks
b) Balance sheets of RBI and corporate
c) Budget and balance sheet of corporate
d) Budget and balance sheet of RBI
92, The distinct feature of India's demographic dividend , working age/non
working age population ratio
a) Peaks at low and sustains for longer period
b) Peaks at high and sustains for longer period
c) Peaks at high and sustains for. short period
d) Peaks at low and continues forever
93. The first company whose management was taken over by government to
maintain investors confidence is
a) Mayhtas
b) Sathyam
c) IL&FS
d) Mcx

94, Deficit financing refers to

a) Excess expenditure over receipt
b) Financing deficit
c) Deficit in capital account
d) Supply of money

95. Between 1961 -2011 per capital cereals and pulses have increased but per
capital cereals and pulses availability have decreased due to which of the
1. Net import of commodities
2. Seed requirements
3. Wastages
4. Farmers consumptions
a) 1,2&3
b) 2, 3 &,4
c) I,2&4
d) 1,3 &4

96. . The highest ever
value in HDI attained by any country is

a) O.97t
b) 0.981

c) 0.955
d) 0.e65

97. The capitallsm giving emphasis to community

a) Gucci caPitalism

b) Co-oPt caPitalism

c) HYbrid caPitclism

d) Equi caPitalism

a) Absolute PovertY line
b) Relative Povefi'line

c) OECD PovertY. line

d) USA Povefi line

99. As per IMF stUdy flnds that for emerging economlcs

10 c Increase In

temperature, the agriculture growth will fall by

a) I.7olo
b) t,2o/o
c) 2:30,/6
d) 2.0Vo '

100. SiP refers to investment in

a) Shares directlY

b) Shares indirectlY

c) Commodities

d) Forex market


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