HW 11 S 20

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Math 6720 Appl. Complex Var.

, Asymptc Mthds Alexander Balk

HW11 NAME: ..................................................................... due 4/10/2020

1. (a) A function f (x) has two asymptotic expansions as x → x0 over the same asymptotic sequence {φn (x)}
(n = 0, 1, 2, . . .)

f (x) ∼ an φn (x),

f (x) ∼ bn φn (x).

Is it true that an = bn ?
(b) Two functions f (x) and g(x) have the same asymptotic expansion as x → x0 over the same asymptotic sequence
{φn (x)} (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .)

f (x) ∼ an φn (x),
g(x) ∼ an φn (x).

Is it true that f (x) = g(x) in some neighborhood of x0 ?

2. Consider the exponential integral

Ei(x) = dt.
x t

(a) Find its asymptotic expansion as x → ∞, using integration by parts.

Suggestion: Using a few integrations by parts guess the formula

e−x (−1)N −1 (N − 1)!

1 2
Ei(x) = 1 − + 2 − ... + + RN (x).
x x x xN −1
with the reminder

RN (x) = (−1)N N ! dt.
x tN +1
Prove this formula integrating by parts one more time. Then prove that your representation is an asymptotic expansion showing in
particular that the remainder is asymptotically smaller than the last term in your expansion.
(b) What is the asymptotic sequence in this case?
(c) Is the expansion convergent?
(d) Use table 10.1 in Keener’s textbook (page 441) to find the optimal number of terms N̄ (x) and the corresponding
accuracies ¯(x) for x = 2, 3, 5.

3. Find a 3-term approximation to the integral

Z 1
I(x) = e−x t t1/2 dt (x → +∞).
R1 R∞ R∞
Suggestion: 0
= 0
− 1
; then apply the Laplace method.

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