Class 11 P-2.B Eng - Done
Class 11 P-2.B Eng - Done
Class 11 P-2.B Eng - Done
Read Passage 1, Silver, in the Insert and answer all the questions below.
1 (a) Note :
Identify and write down the uses and importance of silver in former times, and the uses and the advantages of silver
in modern times, as outlined in the passage.
Main Points
Used in solar panels, (which provide electricity for commercial and residential premises)
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(b) Summary
Now use your notes to write a summary in which you explain the uses and importance of silver in
former times, as outlined in the passage.
Use your own words as far as possible. You will be awarded marks for producing a piece of
writing which is relevant, well organised and easy to follow.
Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). You are advised to write
between 150 and 180 words, including the 10 words given below.
Begin your summary as follows:
......................................................................................................................No of words [ ]
2) Re-read paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 and give one opinion from each of these paragraphs. You may use the words of the
text or your own words.
Read Passage 2, Bandit in the insert and answer all the questions below.
From paragraph 1
(a) Why did the pile of straw heave ‘gently and rhythmically’?
(b) Why did the writer feel justified in disturbing the creature?
(c) Why was the animal in a hurry ‘to release itself from its cocoon of straw’?
From paragraph 2
(a) Explain in your own words why, even before the babies were brought to him, the writer had ‘ample opportunity’
to get to know kusimanses properly.
(b)The writer fed the babies with cotton wool dipped in milk. What were the two problems he encountered?
(i) ..................................................................................................................................................................................
(ii) .................................................................................................................................................................................
From paragraph 3
(a) Which physical development meant that the babies were able to see ‘the world that lay outside their basket’?
(b) Pick out and write down the three consecutive words which indicate the sudden way in which the babies were
prevented from seeing ‘the world that lay outside their basket’.
From paragraph 4
(a) What does the word ‘merely’ suggest about the many troubles the writer would have with the kusimanses in
the future?
(b) Why do you think ‘the Bandits’ was an appropriate name for the kusimanses?
7 Explain in your own words why, according to the writer, the kusimanses ‘grew fast’.
From paragraph 5
(a) What evidence is there to suggest that Colly was a ‘vain creature’?
. ................................................................................................................................................................................[1]
(b) The Bandits decided that Colly’s tail was ‘a tasty morsel of something or other’. What does this suggest about
their attitude to food?
From paragraphs 1- 6
9. For each of the words below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D) which has the same meaning that the word has in the
a) captivated (line 1)
b) appraised (line 5)
• the meaning of the phrases as they are used in the passage .
• the effect of the phrases as they are used in the passage.
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