Einstein PDF
Einstein PDF
Einstein PDF
Asaf Pe’er1
Finally, we have all the tools needed to work out Einstein’s field Equation, which explains
how the metric responds to energy and momentum. The basic idea is that existence of energy
(which is equal to mass, according to E = mc2 ) curves space time. In deriving this equation
we will use somewhat informal arguments, which are in fact close to the way Einstein himself
was thinking, as this is (to my opinion) the most straightforward way. For those interested,
Carroll provides a second derivation starting from the action and deriving the corresponding
Equation of motion.
We begin with the realization that we would like to find an equation which supersedes
the Poisson equation for the Newtonian potential:
∇2 Φ = 4πGρ , (1)
where ∇2 = δ ij ∂i ∂j is the Laplacian in space and ρ is the mass density. (The explicit form
of Φ = −GM/r is one solution of Eq. 1, for the case of a point-like mass distribution.)
What characteristics should our sought-after equation possess? The logic goes as follows.
(I) On the left-hand side of Equation 1 we have a second-order differential operator acting on
the gravitational potential, and on the right-hand side a measure of the mass distribution.
(II) A relativistic generalization should take the form of an equation between tensors.
The tensor generalization of the mass density is the energy-momentum tensor Tµν . The
gravitational potential, meanwhile, should get replaced by the metric tensor. It is thus
reasonable to guess that the new equation will have Tµν set proportional to some tensor
which is second-order in derivatives of the metric. In fact, using the Newtonian limit for the
metric g00 = −(1 + 2Φ) and T00 = ρ, we see that in this limit we are looking for an equation
that predicts
∇2 h00 = −8πGT00 , (2)
Physics Dep., University College Cork
as a field equation for the metric. This equation satisfies all of the obvious requirements; the
right-hand side is a covariant expression of the energy and momentum density in the form of a
symmetric and conserved (0, 2) tensor, while the left-hand side is a symmetric and conserved
(0, 2) tensor constructed from the metric and its first and second derivatives. Equation 9
looks very promising; it only remains to see whether it actually reproduces gravity as we
know it.
To answer this, note that contracting both sides of Equation 9 yields (in four dimensions)
1 1
g µν Gµν = g µν (Rµν − Rgµν ) = R − Rg µν gµν = κT → R = −κT , (10)
2 2
and using this we can rewrite Equation 9 as
Rµν = κ(Tµν − T gµν ) . (11)
This is identical to equation 9, just written slightly differently.
Let us show now that this equation predicts Newtonian gravity in the weak-field, time-
independent, slowly-moving-particles limit. In this limit the rest energy ρ = T00 will be
much larger than the other terms in Tµν , so we focus on the µ = 0, ν = 0 component of
Equation 11. Recall that in the weak-field limit we have gµν = ηµν + hµν , with |hµν | ≪ 1,
and g µν = η µν − hµν . We can thus write
g00 = −1 + h00 ,
g 00 = −1 − h00 .
The second term here is a time derivative, which vanishes for static fields. The third and
fourth terms are of the form (Γ)2 , and since Γ is first-order in the metric perturbation these
contribute only at second order, and can be neglected. Thus, to first order we are left with
only the first term, Ri 0j0 = ∂j Γi00 . From this we get
R00 = Ri 0i0
= ∂i 12 g iλ (∂0 gλ0 + ∂0 g0λ − ∂λ g00 )
= − 21 η ij ∂i ∂j h00
= − 21 ∇2 h00 .
Comparing to Equation 14, we see that in the Newtonian limit, the 00 component of Equation
9 becomes
∇2 h00 = −κT00 . (17)
But this is identical to Equation 2, if we set κ = 8πG.
We have thus shown that in the Newtonian limit, Equation 9 indeed retrieves the familiar
Newtonian result gravitational potential. This guess thus seem to be a good one. With the
normalization fixed by comparison with the Newtonian limit, we can present Einstein’s
field equations for general relativity:
Rµν − Rgµν = 8πGTµν . (18)
These tell us how the curvature of spacetime reacts to the presence of energy-momentum.
Einstein, you may have heard, thought that the left-hand side was nice and geometrical,
while the right-hand side was somewhat less compelling.
Einstein’s Equation is the most fundamental equation of general relativity. The way we
introduced it here is as a generalization of Poisson’s equation for the Newtonian gravitational
potential. Its importance is that it expresses how the presence of energy (mass)
source curves space time. Pretty much what we are going to do from now until the end
of the course is to explore its consequences, and look for solutions for this equation. The
description will be split into two parts: in the first part, we will explore vacuum solutions
(Tµν = 0): in this category falls most of what we discussed so far, such as astronauts (or other
objects) moving in space in the presence of external gravitation field. In fact, you already
know one solution to the equation - this is the flat Minkowski metric. However, clearly
there are other solutions, the second most important one (after the Minkowski metric) is the
Schwarzschield solution.
In the last part of the semester, we will write Einstein’s equation for the entire universe.
Clearly, the universe is not empty, and hence the right hand side of Equation 18 is non-zero.
We will explore solutions in this case, the most important one results in the (Friedman)-
Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric that describes the evolution of the universe as a whole.
This branch of physics is known as Cosmology.
Rµν = 0 (19)
can be very difficult to solve. Thus, in order to actually solve Einstein’s equation, often
people use the simplifying assumption that the metric has a significant degree of symmetry.
This of course simplifies considerably the equation.
You may have noticed that there is another extra term that could be added to the left
hand side of Einstein’s field equation (Eq. 18), consistent with local conservation of Tµν .
This is a term of the form Λgµν , for some constant Λ. Adding it to the left hand side does
not affect local conservation, because the covariant derivative of the metric is zero. The term
Λ is called the cosmological constant. The resulting field equation (in vacuum) is
Rµν − Rgµν + Λgµν = 0 , (20)
Einstein’s original motivation for introducing Λ was that it became clear that there were no
solutions to his equations representing a static cosmology (a universe unchanging with time
on large scales) with a nonzero matter content. Indeed, it was believed in that times that
the universe is static. If the cosmological constant is tuned just right, it is possible to find a
static solution, but it is unstable to small perturbations.
This changed a few years later, when Hubble proved that the universe is in fact ex-
panding, hence it is not static (which Einstein’s equation would predict if the cosmological
constant was not added; to this Einstein referred to as the biggest mistake of his life). This
discovery led Einstein to reject his own suggestion.
The cosmological constant, though, made a great re-appearance. In modern day, the
Λgµν term is moved to the right hand side, and one can think of it as a kind of energy-
momentum tensor, with Tµν = −Λgµν (it is automatically conserved by metric compatibil-
ity). Then Λ can be interpreted as the “energy density of the vacuum,” a source of energy
and momentum that is present even in the absence of matter fields. This interpretation is
important because quantum field theory predicts that the vacuum should have some sort of
energy and momentum. In ordinary quantum mechanics, an harmonic oscillator with fre-
quency ω and minimum classical energy E0 = 0 upon quantization has a ground state with
energy E0 = 12 ~ω. A quantized field can be thought of as a collection of an infinite number
of harmonic oscillators, and each mode contributes to the ground state energy. The result is
of course infinite, and must be appropriately regularized, for example by introducing a cutoff
at high frequencies. The final vacuum energy, which is the regularized sum of the energies
of the ground state oscillations of all the fields of the theory, has no good reason to be zero
and in fact would be expected to have a natural scale
Λ ∼ m4P , (21)
where the Planck mass mP is approximately 1019 GeV, or 10−5 grams. Observations of the
universe on large scales allow us to constrain the actual value of Λ, which turns out to be
smaller than the prediction of Equation 21 by at least a factor of 10120 (!). This is the largest
known discrepancy between theoretical estimate and observational constraint in physics,
and convinces many people that the “cosmological constant problem” is one of the most
important unsolved problems today. On the other hand the observations do not tell us that
Λ is strictly zero (on the contrary, it isn’t), and in fact allow values that can have important
consequences for the evolution of the universe. This mistake of Einstein’s therefore continues
to bedevil both physicists and astronomers. (Further discussion is found in QFT course).
In order to search for solutions to Einstein’s equation, our best bet is thus to try and use
metric which has symmetric properties. The main problem though can be phrased something
along: “we would like to use the symmetry of the metric space in order to get information
about the metric, but how can we do that before we know the metric which tells us the
symmetry ?”. Thus, what we really need is a way to describe a symmetry in a covariant
language, namely, independent on particular coordinate system. This is done by means of
Killing vectors.1
The idea goes as follows. Consider a vector field V µ (x) defined at the vicinity of the
point x on a manifold. We define the integral curves of the vector field to be those curves
xµ (t) which solve
=Vµ . (22)
Note that this familiar-looking equation is now to be interpreted in the opposite sense from
our usual way — we are given the vectors, from which we define the curves. Solutions to
Equation 22 are guaranteed to exist as long as we don’t do anything silly like run into the edge
of our manifold; any standard differential geometry text will have the proof, which amounts
to finding a clever coordinate system in which the problem reduces to the fundamental
theorem of ordinary differential equations.
The vector V µ thus defines a curve on the manifold parameterized by t. We can now
change the coordinates along this curve from xµ to xµ + t; while this can be thought of in the
usual way of coordinate change, what we mean is that we are defining a map φ : M → M
which “move the points on the manifold, and then evaluate the coordinates of the new points”
(this is a specific example of a diffeomorphism, which is an invertible, smooth function that
maps a manifold to another).
Consider now a tensor T defined over all space. We say that the tensor is form-
invariant, or simply invariant under coordinate transformation xµ = xµ + tV µ (|t| ≪ 1)
if T (xµ ) = T (xµ ). The transformation is called symmetry.
The tensor that we are interested in is the metric tensor. Recall that under general
After the mathematician Wilhelm Killing, not because it is particularly difficult!.
∂xα ∂xβ
gµ′ ν ′ (x′ ) = gαβ (x), (23)
∂xµ′ ∂xν ′
or alternatively
′ ′
∂xα ∂xβ
gµν (x) = µ ν
gα′ β ′ (x′ ). (24)
∂x ∂x
Note a very delicate point: x and x′ are the same physical point expressed in different
coordinate systems. However, in the different frames (unprimed and primed) it corresponds
to two different point. (think of a translation: e.g., x′ = x + 3. The point x = 0 and x′ = 3 is
the same physical point, but in the different frames it is described by different coordinates).
We now use the assumption that gα′ β ′ is form invariant under the transformation xµ =
xµ + tV µ , namely gα′ β ′ (x′ ) = gαβ (x′ ) to write
′ ′
∂xα ∂xβ
gµν (x) = gαβ (x + tV ) (25)
∂xµ ∂xν
A transformation that fulfills Equation 25 (namely, for which the metric tensor is form-
invariant) is called isometry. The vector field V µ (x) which fulfills this condition is called
Killing vector field.
The condition that V µ be a Killing vector field can be found by using the assumption
|t| ≪ 1 and writing Equation 25 to first order in t,
α ∂V β ∂gαβ
gµν = δµα + t ∂V ∂x µ δ β
ν + t ∂x ν g αβ + ∂x κ tV κ
∂V α ∂V β ∂gµν κ
0 = ∂xµ gαν + ∂xν gµβ + ∂xκ V .
Using Vσ = gµσ V µ and taking the differential of (V α gαν ) etc., we can write Equation 26
∂Vν ∂Vµ κ ∂gµν ∂gκν ∂gµκ
0 = ∂x µ + ∂xν
+ V ∂xκ
− ∂xµ
− ∂xν
∂Vν κ
= ∂xµ + ∂xν − 2Vκ Γµν
or, in a compact form,
Vµ;ν + Vν;µ = 0. (28)
Any four-vector Vµ (x) that satisfies Equation 28 is said to be a Killing vector of the metric
gµν (x).
Killing vectors have a very simple geometric interpretation: If the metric is independent
of a coordinate, say, e.g., x1 namely the transformation x1 → x1 + C leaves the metric
unchanged, then the associated Killing vector lies along the direction in which the
metric doesn’t change. In our example, V = ∂/∂x1 .
By far the most useful fact about Killing vectors is that Killing vectors imply conserved
quantities associated with the motion of free particles. If xµ (λ) is a geodesic with tangent
vector U µ = dxµ /dλ, and K µ is a Killing vector, then
U ν ∇ν (Kµ U µ ) = U ν U µ ∇ν Kµ + Kµ U ν ∇ν U µ
= 0,
where the first term vanishes from Killing’s equation and the second from the fact that
xµ (λ) is a geodesic. Thus, the quantity Kµ U µ is conserved along the particle’s worldline.
This can be understood physically: by definition the metric is unchanging along the direction
of the Killing vector. Loosely speaking, therefore, a free particle will not feel any “forces” in
this direction, and the component of its momentum in that direction will consequently be
[1] S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General
Theory of Relativity (John Wiley & Sons), chapters 7 and 13.
[2] S. Carroll, Lecture Notes on General Relativity, part 4. Gravitation
[3] J. Hartle, Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity (Addison-Wesley),
chapter 22 and chapter 8.