Modeling of ROV

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Positions and
No. DoF Forces and Moments Linear and angular Velocities
Eulers angles

1 Surge X

2 Sway Y

3 Heave Z

4 Roll K

5 Pitch M

6 Yaw N

{𝑛} frame : it is the tangential frame on the desired position

{𝑏} frame : it is the fixed body frame
Euler angle transformation
defining the rotation angles
about the x, y, and z axes as
roll 𝜙, pitch 𝜃, and yaw 𝜓, can
be used in the velocity
transformation between {𝑛} Sway
frame and {𝑏} frame


Yaw Heave
From {b} frame to {n} frame

The transformation for linear velocities from {b} to {n} is given by:

where and are the linear velocity vectors in {b} and {n}, respectively; and is
the rotation matrix from {b} to {n} and computed as:

Similarly, the transformation of angular velocities is given by


where and Θ̇ are the angular velocity vectors in {b} and {n}
is the angular transformation matrix from {b} to {n}
Quaternions Transformation

In order to avoid the singularity of the Euler angles, the use of unit quaternions
containing four parameters is an alternative method. According to the study of quaternion
kinematics (Chou 1992), a quaternion q is defined as a complex number formed by four
q=[q0 q1 q2 q3]T
where q0 is a real parameter and the other three units are imaginary parameters.
Then the rotation matrix will be

So, the transformation matrix from the vehicle body frame to the
NED world reference frame using quaternion representation is
given by:
Kinetic model

where MRB ∈R6×6and MA ∈ ℝ6×6 are the rigid-body and added

mass matrices
is the external force and moment vector acting on the ROV
CRBv ∈R6×6 is the rigid-body Coriolis and centripetal matrix
induced by MRB due to the rotation of the body frame about {n}
CAv ∈R6×6is the added mass Coriolis and centripetal matrix
induced by MA due to the rotation of the body frame about the {n}
Rigid body dynamics

where 𝑚 is the mass of the vehicle, , and are the inertia moments about the 𝑥𝑏, 𝑦𝑏, and 𝑧𝑏
axes in {b}, and , and are the inertia products (Fossen 2011); is the position of the
center of gravity (CG) in relation to the center of the vehicle
Rigid body dynamics

 Since the origin of the body-frame 𝑜𝑏 is placed at the geometric center of the ROV, the
vehicle has symmetry in the XZ-plane and XY-plane . Accordingly, the rigid-body mass
matrix can be simplified in which and are assumed whereas under the
consideration that CG might not be the origin of 𝑜𝑏 on the z axis.
Rigid body dynamics

using operation on yields the result of the rigid-body Coriolis and centripetal matrix given
Vehicle Hydrodynamics

After affecting the external force on rigid body there will be added mass
equation :

For underwater vehicles the added masses will be :

So, Coriolis and centripetal matrix can be calculated as:
Hydrodynamic Damping

 The underwater vehicle damping will be :


 the weight of the body and buoyancy force 𝐵 are determined by:

The center of buoyancy (CB) of the vehicle is defined Since the vehicle has symmetry in the XZ-
as rb=[xb,yb,zb]T. If the center of the vehicle’s body plane and XY-plane, the position of the center of
frame is placed at the center of buoyancy, rb becomes: gravity (CG) of the vehicle rg becomes:
rb=[0,0,0]T rg=[xg yg zg]T=[0,0,zg]T

Alternatively, the gravitational and buoyancy force vector gη can be

computed using quaternions expressed as:
Control and Simulation Results
Euler Transformation
Xd= 5 m

Zd= 5 m

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