Graph Theory: A First IN

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Western Michigan University


Mineola, New York

1. Introduction
1.1. Graphs and Graph Models 1
1.2. Connected Graphs 9
1.3. Common Classes of Graphs 19
1.4. Multigraphs and Digraphs 26

2. Degrees
2.1. The Degree of a Vertex 31
2.2. Regular Graphs 38
2.3. Degree Sequences 43
2.4. Excursion: Graphs and Matrices 48
2.5. Exploration: Irregular Graphs 50

3. Isomorphic Graphs
3.1. The Definition of Isomorphism 55
3.2. Isomorphism as a Relation 63
3.3. Excursion: Graphs and Groups 66
3.4. Excursion: Reconstruction and Solvability 76

4. Trees

4.1. Bridges 85
4.2. Trees 87
4.3. The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem 94
4.4. Excursion: The Number of Spanning Trees 100

5. Connectivity
5.1. Cut-Vertices 107
5.2. Blocks 111
5.3. Connectivity 115
5.4. Menger's Theorem 124
5.5. Exploration: Powers and Edge Labelings 130

6. Traversability
6.1. Eulerian Graphs 133
6.2. Hamiltonian Graphs 140
6.3. Exploration: Hamiltonian Walks 152
6.4. Excursion: Early Books of Graph Theory 156

7. Digraphs
7.1. Strong Digraphs
7.2. Tournaments 169

7.3. Excursion:Decision-Making 176

7.4. Exploration: Wine Bottle Problems 180

8. Matchings and Factorization

8.1. Matchings 183

8.2. Factorization 194
8.3. Decompositions and Graceful Labelings 209
8.4. Excursion: Instant Insanity 214
8.5. Excursion: The Petersen Graph 220
8.6. Exploration: Bi-Graceful Graphs 224

9. Planar ity

9.1. Planar Graphs 227

9.2. Embedding Graphs on Surfaces
9.3. Excursion: Graph Minors 249

9.4. Exploration: Embedding Graphs in Graphs 253

10. Coloring Graphs

10.1. The Four Color Problem 259
10.2. Vertex Coloring 267
10.3. Edge Coloring 281
10.4. Excursion: The Heawood Map Coloring Theorem 289
10.5. Exploration: Modular Coloring 294

11. Ramsey Numbers

11.1. The Ramsey Number of Graphs 297

11.2. Turan's Theorem 307

11.3. Exploration: Modified Ramsey Numbers 314

11.4. Excursion: Erdos Numbers 321

12. Distance
12.1. The Center of a Graph 327
12.2. Distant Vertices 333

12.3. Excursion: Locating Numbers 341

12.4. Excursion: Detour and Directed Distance 346
12.5. Exploration: Channel Assignment 351
12.6. Exploration: Distance Between Graphs 356

13. Domination
13.1. The Domination Number of a Graph 361
13.2. Exploration: Stratification 372
13.3. Exploration: Lights Out 377
13.4. Excursion: And Still It Grows More Colorful 381

Appendix 1. Sets and Logic 383

Appendix 2. Equivalence Relations and Functions 388

Appendix 3. Methods of Proof 392

Solutions and Hints for Odd-Numbered Exercises 399

References 427

Index of Names 438

Index of Mathematical Terms 441

List of Symbols 448

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