MC3 - Microbiology and Parasitology
MC3 - Microbiology and Parasitology
MC3 - Microbiology and Parasitology
MC 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course deals with the study of important microorganisms and parasites. It explains the physiology and pathogenic properties of bacteria,
fungi and viruses as an introduction to disease causation, their biology, the infection they cause, host response to these infections and their mode of transmission,
prevention, treatment and nursing responsibilities. The laboratory experiences provide specimen collection, handling and processing of specimen for isolation and
identification of microorganisms and parasites involved in the infectious process.
LEVEL OUTCOMES: At the end of second year, given a normal and high risk mother, newborn, child, family, communities, and population groups in any healthcare
setting, the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process.
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing;
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population, group and community utilizing nursing process;
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care;
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles;
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language;
6. Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively;
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care;
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher;
10. Engage in life-long learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, nursing and health development in particular;
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino;
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in healthcare delivery;
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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13. Uphold the nursing core values in the practice of the profession;
14. Develop entreprenurial skills in the delivery of nursing care.
15. To fully integrate women into the development process, to continually search for new and innovative initiatives that will help transform unequal social/gender
relations into creative opportunities that would equally benefit men and women.
16. To help determine the extent of the benefits derived by both men and women from the curriculum, programs and projects. It must be able to address the needs
of both men and women.
1. Exhibits knowledge of physical natural and health sciences as applied in care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
2. Utilizes the nursing process in the care of clients with problems through the nursing fundamental practices.
3. Utilizes guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
4. Applies existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles in the care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
5. Demonstrates effective communication in relationship with the other healthcare team, family, and with the patient in the care of clients through the nursing
fundamental practices.
6. Performs accurate and comprehensive documentation in relation to the care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
7. Collaborates effectively with other healthcare team members, family, and with the patient in relation to the care of clients through the nursing fundamental
8. Utilizes management and leadership principles towards effective care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
9. N/A
10. Exhibits commitment in learning to the care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
11. N/A
12. Demonstrates utilization of technological innovations and systems in application to the care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
13. Acts in accordance to the Nursing Code of Ethics in the care of clients through the nursing fundamental practices.
14. N/A
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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Given interactive lectures and
discussion, and actual clinical
setting with minimal supervision,
III. Microbial Control the students will: Interactive Interactive
Lecture & Demonstration Paper- Pencil Test
1. Techniques for controlling Provides appropriate evidence Discussion Performance
pathogenic microorganisms 9 hours based nursing care using a Checklist
8 hours Reporting simulation
2. Universal Precaution Wk 7-9 participatory approach based on: Oral Revalida
Interactive Practical
3. Surgical and Medical Asepsis a. variety of theories and standards Return Demonstration
Games Examinations
4. Antimicrobial Agents relevant to health and healing, b.
research, c. clinical practice, d. Recitation Laboratory
client preferences, e. client and Take home Worksheet
staff safety, f.customer care worksheet
standards. Role Play
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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Classroom, Microbiology and Parasitology Laboratory
Books, Materials for Demonstration such as supplies & equipment
Case Study, Journal Articles, Quizzes, Group Activities, Laboratory Worksheets, Practical Examinations
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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A. Lecture:
Term Grade (Prelim, Midterm, Finals) Percentage *Class participation includes attendance, participation in class
Major Examination 30% discussions and activities and behavior inside the class room.
Class Participation 25%
Assignment / Project / Reflection Paper / Activity Output 25% *Final Grade = Prelim (30%) + Midterm (30%) + Finals (40%)
Quizzes / Seat Work 20%
Total 100% *Class participation includes attendance, participation in
B. Skills Laboratory (Related Learning Experience): class discussions and activities and behavior inside the
Final Grade Percentage laboratory.
Comprehensive Examination 30%
Performance Evaluation 40% COURSE POLICIES:
Participation 20%
Quizzes / Seat Work 10% 1. The students are expected to be in the classroom at the
Total 100% scheduled time of the class.
2. Students are allowed not more than 20% of the total hours
of absences inclusive of tardiness. Excessive absences shall merit the grade of 5.00. Absence due to hospitalization and other unavoidable circumstances
maybe exceptions but excuses under this situation need the consent and approval of the Program Chair and the Director for Academic Affairs.
3. Assignment shall be submitted on the date agreed upon by the class. No assignment shall be accepted after the due date. No special assignment shall be
given in view of the missed one.
4. Major examination shall be given on scheduled date. No examination shall be given after the schedule.
5. Students are expected to display the highest degree of honesty and professionalism in their class work, requirements and activities and in dealing with fellow
students and teacher.
6. Cellular phones should be turned off or in silent mode during the class.
7. The teacher is very open to suggestions. Any activity shall be agreed upon by the class. Requests and concerns related to the course shall be discussed in the
class or to the teacher during the consultation hour.
8. Student with perfect attendance shall be given extra credit in the final grade.
Call Number or
Reference Material
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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Bartolome, F.A. (2009), Microbiology & Parasitology A Laboratory Manual & Textbook for the Health Sciences 323 pages
Engelkirk, P.G. (2010) Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences 8th ed., Lippin Williams & Wilkins, 398 pages
Kreislur, Jzohn Enzo (2011), Microbiology for Nursing Students: A Text-Workbook
Talaro, K.P (2009) Foundation in Microbiology 6th ed., McGraw Hill Ed. (Asia)
Tortora, G. J. (2009) Micro An Introduction. 7th ed. Pearson Ed. South Asia Pte Ltd. 958 pages
Microbiology and Parasitology
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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2. Provide safe, appropriate, and Utilizes the nursing process in the A.2.2P Performs the assessment with the client, ones’ health status/competence.
holistic care to individuals, families, care of clients with problems A.2.2.1P Develops data gathering plan with the client specifying methods and tools.
population group and community through the nursing fundamental A.2.2.2P Obtains assessment data utilizing appropriate data gathering tools guided
utilizing nursing process through practices. by the type of client and work setting requisite.
excellent and responsive education A.2.2.3P Analyses data gathered.
A.2.2.4P Synthesizes data gathered.
A.2.2.5P Specifies client status/ condition/ problems to be addressed identifying
reasons for existence of the condition or problem.
A.2.4P Implements safe and quality interventions with the client to address the
health needs, problems, and issues.
A.2.5P Provides health education planning models appropriate to target clientele.
A.2.6P Evaluates clients’ responses / nursing care services rendered and process/
outcome of the nurse-client working relationship.
B.2.3P Institutes appropriate corrective actions to prevent or minimize harm arising
from adverse events.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of Utilizes guidelines and principles of A.2.4.2P Institutes appropriate evidence based nursing interventions using a
evidence-based practice in the delivery evidence-based practice in the care participatory approach based on the care of clients.
of care of clients through the nursing
fundamental practices.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with Applies existing laws, legal, ethical A.1.1P Adhere to ethico-legal considerations when providing safe, quality and
existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral and moral principles in the care of professional nursing care.
principles and with just and humane clients through the nursing A.1.2P Applies, ethical reasoning and decision-making process to address situations
regard to people. fundamental practices. of ethical distress and moral dilemma.
A.1.3P Adheres to established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing
Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe
nursing practice.
A.1.4P Protects clients rights based on “Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligations”
A.1.5P Implements strategies/ policies related to informed consent as it applies in
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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multiple contexts.
5. Communicate effectively in Demonstrates effective A.2.1P Establishes rapport with client and/or support system ensuring adequate
speaking, writing, and presenting using communication in relationship with information about each other as partners in a working relationship; communicate
culturally appropriate language the other healthcare team, family, through health education and nurse-patient interaction.
and with the patient in the care of C.1.3.1P Prepares a written research report related to clients’ condition and nursing
clients through the nursing management.
fundamental practices.
6. Report/document client accurately Performs accurate and A.2.7P Documents client’s responses / nursing care services rendered and
and comprehensively comprehensive documentation in processes / outcomes of the nurse client working relationship.
relation to the care of clients A.3.1P Ensures completeness, integrity, safety, accessibility and security of
through the nursing fundamental information.
practices. A.3.2P Adheres to protocol and principles of confidentiality and safekeeping and
releasing of records and other information.
A.3.3P Implements system of informatics to support the delivery of healthcare.
7. Collaborate effectively with inter- Collaborates effectively with other A.4.1I Follows an intra-agency, inter – agency, multidisciplinary and sectoral
intra-and multi-disciplinary and multi- healthcare team members, family, collaboration in the delivery of healthcare.
cultural teams and with the patient in relation to A.4.2I Selects strategies/approaches to enhance/support the capability of the client
the care of clients through the and care providers in decision making by inter-professional team.
nursing fundamental practices. B.1.3I Displays a harmonious and collegial relationship among members of the
health team for effective, efficient, and safe client care.
B.4.1I Coordinates the tasks/functions of other nursing personnel (Midwife, BHW,
and Utility Worker)
B.4.2I Organizes with other members of the health team in the implementation of
programs and services.
B.6.1I Applies principle, partnership, and collaboration to improve delivery of health
8. Practice beginning management and Utilizes management and B.1.1I Exercises appropriate and efficient methods/strategies/tools to manage
leadership skills care using systems leadership principles towards multiple nursing interventions for clients with co-morbidities, complex and rapidly
approach in the delivery of client care. effective care of clients through the changing health status with consultation as needed.
nursing fundamental practices. B.1.2I Coordinates care by organizing and prioritizing use of human, material,
financial, and other resources to achieve health outcomes.
B.1.4I Creates a safe environment of care with quality assurance, continuous quality
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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Prepared by:
Checked by:
Lecturer and Clinical Instructor, School of Nursing ROCHELLE D. ORTILLO, MAN, RN
Program Chair, School of Nursing
Recommended by:
Approved by:
Center for Quality Assurance Coordinator REYMART B. BOLAGAO, MAN, RN
Director for Academic Affairs
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism