UO Assignment

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Practical Exam (Assignment)

Unique paper code : 31141202

Name of the Paper : Unit Operations
Name of the Course : B.Sc. (H) Polymer Science
Semester : II
Duration : 9:30 am (22.05.2020) to 9:30 am (23.05.2020)
Maximum Marks : 25


1. All the questions are compulsory.

2. Draw labelled diagram wherever is required.
3. All the students are advised to email the hand written scanned pdf file
immediately after completion of the assignment to the email id:
gdhraster@gmail.com; and also on google classroom.
4. All the students are required to sign on each paper you are submitting.
5. Students are required to attach file on or before 23.05.2020 by 9:30 am; failing
which the assignment would not be considered in any circumstances at all.

1. Define kinematic viscosity along with its SI unit.

2. What is the principle of vacuum distillation? Give labelled diagram.

3. Write the chemical structure and applications of an anionic surfactant.

4. Give in brief the chemical characteristics of emulsion and suspension.

5. What are the shape, size and formation of Eddies? Explain.

6. Write BET equation with all the terms explained.



7. Sketch the inclined manometer with its construction details.

8. Give the experimental setup of atmospheric distillation along with the diagram.

9. Draw the Langmuir’s isotherms with proper explanation of each isotherm.

10. Describe and explain Henry’s law of gases with its applications.

11. Give a brief account of double pipe heat exchanger along with the labelled diagram.



12. Explain in details the experimental procedure of Reynold’s experiment with labelled


13. Derive the expression of Fanning friction factor (f) and give its significance in detail.

14. Write in detail the experimental procedure of heat transfer in plastics and compare it

with the glass.


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