CE3301 Fluid Mechanics

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Ramanathichanputhoor, Kumarapuram Thoopur, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu – 629402

II Internal examination Date : 05-12-2022
Sub. Code : CE3301 Max. Marks : 50 Marks
Sub. Name : Fluid mechanics Duration : 1.5 Hours
Department : Civil Year : II Year
PART - A (5 X 2 = 10 marks)
1. Define Reynold's number.
2. What is meant by Froude number?
3. Classify the methods of dimensional analysis.
4. State the Buckingham‟s pi-theorem.
5. Distinguish between Geometric similarity and Kinematic similarity
PART - B (40 marks)
6. What is a distorted model? How it differs from an undistorted model.
7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distorted models.
8. A spillway model built upto a scale of 1/10 is discharging water with a
velocity of 1m/s, under a head of 100 mm. Estimate the velocity of water of
the prototype, if the head of water over the prototype is 5.5m.
9. By dimensional analysis, Show that the power P developed by a hydraulic turbine is
given by P = ρN3D5f [N2 D2/ gH] where ρ - mass density of liquid, N - rotational speed,
D – diameter of runner, H working head and g acceleration due to gravity

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