School of Business Department of Marketing & International Business
School of Business Department of Marketing & International Business
School of Business Department of Marketing & International Business
Course Code
MKT 382, Sec 3
& Section No.
Semester Spring 2020
7: Origination
Text Book(s)
Edition &
Author Publisher ISBN
Title Year
Required Text: International Marketing 10th, 2012 South West
Czinkota/Ronkainen College
Warren J. Keegan , Global Marketing
Mark C. Green
Czinkota/Graham International Marketing
The classes will be conducted through various activities including presentation of international
marketing concepts and issues, discussion and exchanges of ideas related to international marketing
environment, student initiative and active involvement, cases abstracting actual business practices,
and written assignment. Students are expected to actively involve and take initiative for their own
learning experience.
Grading tool
First Exam 20%
Second Exam 20%
Project & Presentation 25%
Class Participation & 5%
Final Exam 25%
Individual Presentation/ Quiz 5%
NSU’s grading and performance evaluation policies will be followed in assigning your grade.
Please note that all final grades are subject to departmental review and approval.
1. The ground rule for our class is respectful, open communication. We have many things to
learn from one another. Every single question is appreciated!
2. When you come to the class, you become part of a learning community. Please be conscious
of your community role, and work toward creating a healthy learning atmosphere in the
3. Don’t chat during the class. If you have to, then feel free not to attend the class at the
expense of your attendance for the day. Inability to refrain from unnecessary, disruptive
chatting may result in a request to leave the classroom.
4. If you have to leave the class when it is in progress, sit near the door and leave silently.
5. While in class, please switch off your cell phone. Inability to do so may result in some
6. You must seek permission before using any sort of electronic gadget in the class such as a
laptop. Use of such gadgets for purposes other than note-taking during lectures is strictly
7. Limit your eating while the class is in progress. Eat during the breaks.
8. Academic Integrity Policy: The School of Business and Economics does not tolerate
academic dishonesty by its students. At a minimum, you must not be involved in cheating,
copyright infringement, submitting the same work in multiple courses, significant
collaboration with other individuals outside of sanctioned group activities, and fabrications.
You are advised that violations of the Student Integrity Code will be treated seriously, with
special attention given to repeated offences. Please refer to NSU Code of Conduct at
Please note:
You must come prepared for all your exams.
You must come on time.
Being late does not necessarily guarantee that you are going to get extra time for writing your
tests and exam.
You must bring your own pencil, pen, eraser, calculator and any other permitted items that you
may need and you are allowed during the tests and exam.
All cell phones must be switched off.
Any deviation from the standard procedures will not be taken lightly.
Any unfair means adopted in the tests and exam will be seriously dealt with.
Academic misconduct or failure to comply with NSU Examination Code of Conduct may
result in F.
Students are required and expected to attend all classes and participate in class discussions. North
South University mandates to fail students who are absent 25% or more from their classes, even if
such absences are excusable. The one who will attend all the classes will earn full credit for the
All communications should take place using the instructor’s email. In addition, students can
communicate during class or during the instructor’s office hours.
3 5 The Cultural Environment Czinkota Chapter 3
8 Midterm 1
5 9 Segmentation, Targeting and Keegan Chapter 7
Segmentation, Targeting and
Positioning Continues
6 11 Analyzing People and Market Czinkota Chapter 8
( Marketing Research)
12 Analyzing People and Market
( Marketing Research)Continues
7 13 Market entry & expansion Czinkota Chapter 9
14 Product adaptation Czinkota Chapter
8 15
Product adaptation continues
Midterm 2
9 17 Czinkota Chapter
International pricing 14
18 Czinkota Chapter
Global promotional strategy & 13
marketing mix
10 19
Global promotional strategy &
marketing mix continues
20 Czinkota chapter
Global distribution and logistics 15
11 21 Global distribution and logistics
22 Group Presentation
12 23 Group Presentation
24 Group Presentation
***The faculty reserves the right to make changes to the course outline.