Advertising Course Outline - 2020 - SIBA

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Faculty of Business Administration

Principles of Advertising

Programs & Class: BBA & MBA (Elective) Semester: 2020

Credit Hours: 4 Instructor: asra shan
Pre-requisite Courses: Principles of Marketing Post-requisite Courses: N/A
Co-requisite Courses: N/A e-mail:
Office Hours: n/a Consulting Hours: n/a
Office Location: n/a


1. Project 15
2. Assignments 5
3. Class Participation 5
4 Google AdWords Certification 5
4. First Term 15
5. Second Term 15
6. Final Examination 40

Publisher Name & Edition
S.No Book Name Author/s Name

Advertising & IMC: Principles Sandra Moriarty, Nancy D. Pearson

And Practice  Mitchell, William D. Wells (9th Edition)


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This course aims to introduce students to the history and the basic principles of advertising. The cour
se discusses targeting, positioning and consumer purchasing motivations as necessary tools to
designing effective advertising. This course will touch the practical aspects of the advertising
industry that how advertising agencies work specially in Pakistan. Apart from this, course will focus
on the current trends of advertising and how advertising is evolving with the advent of new
technological advancements. Students will learn how to select and use various advertising media to
meet specific marketing problems and opportunities.

This course looks at the advertising from a critical perspective, and combines theoretical discussions
of advertising with the hands-on design of ad campaigns. This course asks students to consider the
ethical and existential implications of brand-based marketing and the corporate culture that is
responsible for it. Students in this course will have the privilege of working on a “real-world” viral
marketing campaign for different brands.

Students’ work in this class will be taken very seriously. Their projects will be critiqued in class, and
will be expected to participate in an active, productive critique of your classmates’ work. This is not
a class for students who are not prepared to pull their weight in group projects or class discussions.
Slackers beware: Students will be graded on the effort they put into in-class exercises as well as
“official assignments,” and their peers will evaluate their contribution to group work.

Number Objectives Focus Coverage

1 1.1 Students should demonstrate the ability to orally present Advertising plan A,PP
well organized advertising plan/ Advertising agency brief and Agency brief
with oral proficiency in English language in various business

2 1.2 Students should demonstrate the ability to present well Term report and P,A
organized and relevant information with written proficiency Agency brief
in English language in various business settings. writing

3 2.1 Given real or simulated business situation; students Creative message T,A,P
should be able to identify relevant issues , rigorously analyze and media
those issues, design creative advertising campaigns
4 3.2 Students should be able to critically evaluate advertising Campaign T,A,P
concepts and execution reviews and

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5 4.1 Given responsibilities in teams , students should be able Team project AA,P
to perform their respective responsibilities with team spirit
and good professional relationship with other members and
the supervisors of the teams.

6 7.2 Students should demonstrate basic understanding of Advertsing TT,A

concepts, theories, researches and practices of Advertising concepts,
of products, services and entities of the organizations across theories,models
the globe and should be able to properly apply them in and research
business situations

7 9.1 Students should demonstrate basic understanding of Advertising T,A,P

concepts of Advertising research and the ability to identify Research
need for research in given situation and take research-based
decisions for advertising campaigns.

8 8.4 Students should demonstrate understanding of major Advertising T,A,P

national and world-wide advertising practices and consider campaign
those while decision making across globe and at global level. reviews


ILO Covering Level of

BBA learning
1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the 7.2, 9.1 Understanding

advertising industry and the basic principles

that guides its practitioners

2 Define, discuss, apply basic communication 1.1,1.2, 4.1 Applying

theories and concepts for creation of

advertising campaign and present in front of

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3 Examine the importance of the creative 2.1 Synthesis

process in advertising and demonstrate an

understanding of how to respond to a
creative brief

4 Identify and discuss briefly the basic 7.2, 7.9 Synthesis

structure of an advertising agency, and how

each functional department contributes to the
final communication piece(e.g. research
strategy, media creative, production and
account management)

5 Critically analyze and discuss the strengths 3.2 ,7.5 Analysis

and limitations of an advertisement/

advertising campaign

6 Analyzing national and global perspective of 8.4 Analyzing

advertising while making decisions regarding

advertising practices.

IMPORTANT POLICIES (subject to the course instructor)

 Readings
o Students are highly advised to read related materials including main and supporting
texts before class. Even though only one main text is suggested in this syllabus,
students are encouraged to refer to other development texts as well as supplement
reading materials such as journals, magazines and newspaper.

 Lecture & discussion

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o Class lectures and discussion will include materials from the main text along with
supplementary information from other sources. Discussion can serve to clarify
lectures and readings as well as introduce interesting examples from real life
situations. Students are encouraged to ask questions and highlight related concerns
either before, during, or after class. In addition to both methods, students will be
exposed to different related concepts and principles through role play, practical
activities and video viewing.

 Assignments
o A detailed guideline for assignments will be given and discussed accordingly in class.
Students are advised to follow this guideline properly so as to benefit most from
doing the assigned tasks as well as to avoid from losing crucial marks.

 Tests and final exam

o Tests and exam will mainly cover various concepts; perspectives, contexts and issues
discussed throughout the semester and will be based on understanding. Critical
analyses as well as applied aspects are the main strength of these assessments.

 Professionalism
o This aspect consists of three main components; attitude, attendance and participation.
o Attitude – It includes effort, respect and punctuality. Failure to show these
commitments may affect future professional attitudes.
o Attendance – Regular class attendance is expected and it’s very important as you
miss any of the lecture that may cause discontinuity in flow of learning.
o Participation – Participation in class is essential in the learning process. Students are
expected to contribute actively to class discussion in one way or another through
careful listening to others’ ideas as well as expressing own ideas.

 Consultation hours
o Students are indeed welcome to see and discuss with the lecturer and tutor regarding
any queries. If it is not possible to conform to the time due to the urgency, students
can communicate with the lecturer via email.
Lecture Plan

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 Steps of the marketing
process. Chapter 2
5&6  Marketing mix and how Lecture with
advertising fits in. multimedia and
 Give an account of types of article discussion
agencies, how they organize
Lecture/Session** Topics themselves and aspects of Assignments/ Suggested
the client–agency Quizzes/ Readings/ Article,
relationship. Digital Library Case discussion/
work Class activity
The foundations of advertising: Chapter 1
1  Define advertising and Lecture with
Advertising and Society Chapter 3
identify its key components. multimedia and
7  The way the advertising Lecture with
 Describe the roles,itself.
functions class discussion
industry regulates multimedia and
and types of advertising. class discussion
 Analysis of legal topics that
guide advertising practice. Video and print ads
Chapter 1
reviews by students
Chapter 3
Lecture with
8&9  Identify the key players and Lecture with
multimedia and
their roles in creating multimedia and
 Regulatory agencies and class discussion
class discussion
advertising. Video and print ads
their responsibilities.
 Understand the importance reviews
 key ethical issues that affect
of effective advertising and
the practice of advertising.
methods of evaluation.
 Outline the ways in which
 Analysis of the changes
professionals determine
affecting the advertising
whether advertising practice
is ethical

Advertising role in Marketing : Assignment Chapter 2

How advertising works: Chapter 4
 Four functions of marketing Video and print ads
 Explain the two main
4 give direction to advertising. reviews
10 communication models and Harvard Business
 Different
how they markets
relate to in which Review article
advertising.may compete. Lecture and debate
 Give three reasons why
advertising can fail to
achieve its objectives.
Chapter 4
11 & 12 Lecture with
multimedia and
class discussion

 Outline the ways in which

advertising works and
describe its effects.
 List the factors governing
the consumer’s response to
 Describe advertising’s
contribution to brand

1st Mid Term Examination

Strategic research Chapter 6

 Describe the types of
strategic research. Lecture with
13  Identify five uses of multimedia and
research in advertising. case study

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14 & 15 Chapter 6
Research article
 Explain the stages and Presentation by
forms of research used in student
advertising and creative
2nd Midterm Examinations

The Creative side and Message Chapter 12

25 strategy
 Define creative advertising Lecture with
and explain how it leads to a multimedia and
big idea. class discussion
 Describe the characteristics of
creative people and the
**Each Session/Lecture = 2hrs.
creative process.
 Discuss creative strategies
and execution approaches.
 Outline the main components
of a creative brief.

Digital Marketing Trends


Google AdWords Case Studies

28, 29&30

Google AdWords Certification


32 Final Presentations

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