Advertising Course Outline - 2020 - SIBA
Advertising Course Outline - 2020 - SIBA
Advertising Course Outline - 2020 - SIBA
Principles of Advertising
Publisher Name & Edition
S.No Book Name Author/s Name
This course looks at the advertising from a critical perspective, and combines theoretical discussions
of advertising with the hands-on design of ad campaigns. This course asks students to consider the
ethical and existential implications of brand-based marketing and the corporate culture that is
responsible for it. Students in this course will have the privilege of working on a “real-world” viral
marketing campaign for different brands.
Students’ work in this class will be taken very seriously. Their projects will be critiqued in class, and
will be expected to participate in an active, productive critique of your classmates’ work. This is not
a class for students who are not prepared to pull their weight in group projects or class discussions.
Slackers beware: Students will be graded on the effort they put into in-class exercises as well as
“official assignments,” and their peers will evaluate their contribution to group work.
Number Objectives Focus Coverage
1 1.1 Students should demonstrate the ability to orally present Advertising plan A,PP
well organized advertising plan/ Advertising agency brief and Agency brief
with oral proficiency in English language in various business
2 1.2 Students should demonstrate the ability to present well Term report and P,A
organized and relevant information with written proficiency Agency brief
in English language in various business settings. writing
3 2.1 Given real or simulated business situation; students Creative message T,A,P
should be able to identify relevant issues , rigorously analyze and media
those issues, design creative advertising campaigns
4 3.2 Students should be able to critically evaluate advertising Campaign T,A,P
concepts and execution reviews and
o Students are highly advised to read related materials including main and supporting
texts before class. Even though only one main text is suggested in this syllabus,
students are encouraged to refer to other development texts as well as supplement
reading materials such as journals, magazines and newspaper.
o A detailed guideline for assignments will be given and discussed accordingly in class.
Students are advised to follow this guideline properly so as to benefit most from
doing the assigned tasks as well as to avoid from losing crucial marks.
o This aspect consists of three main components; attitude, attendance and participation.
o Attitude – It includes effort, respect and punctuality. Failure to show these
commitments may affect future professional attitudes.
o Attendance – Regular class attendance is expected and it’s very important as you
miss any of the lecture that may cause discontinuity in flow of learning.
o Participation – Participation in class is essential in the learning process. Students are
expected to contribute actively to class discussion in one way or another through
careful listening to others’ ideas as well as expressing own ideas.
Consultation hours
o Students are indeed welcome to see and discuss with the lecturer and tutor regarding
any queries. If it is not possible to conform to the time due to the urgency, students
can communicate with the lecturer via email.
Lecture Plan
32 Final Presentations