Basic Economic Problem - Econ G 12 - Term 1

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Grade: 12 Weeks: 5-6 Biblically Integrated Objective (BIO): The students discuss how to use God
Subject: Economics Term: 1 AY: 2020-2021 wants us to care not only for our own interests but for all of HIS creations as a whole
Unit: 2. The price system and the Number of periods: 10 through efficient resource allocation.
micro economy (A Level)

Reflection and Evaluation:

Instruction and Activities - Including Biblical Worldview Demonstration of Material Notes

Learning (DOL)
Lesson 1  Objective(s) 1. Students could Textbook,
 Topic: Law of The students will be able to: answer, at Cambridge
diminishing ■ understand the law of diminishing marginal utility and its relationship least, International AS
marginal to the derivation of an individual demand schedule satisfactorily and A Level
utility, ■ the limitations of marginal utility theory and why the questions Economics
Indifference consumers are not always rational related to the Coursebook,
curves, ■ how indiff erence curves can be used to represent what objectives of the Third edition
Budget lines consumers want
Video clips
■ what a budget line is and how it can be used to show the
No. of Periods: 5 related to the
income and substitution eff ects of a price change lesson
Aug 10-14, 2020  ■ the short-run production function: fixed and variableInstructional Methods
 Teacher (T) greets the students (Ss) and check the attendance.
Note: Aug 14: Econ  T reviews the previous lesson with the students
test  T states the objectives of the lesson (see above)
 T asks the students to watch a series video clips about the topic
 T explains and discusses the lesson and video content by using PPt and
by asking some questions
 T gives some inputs and relates them to the BIO
 T asks the students to do some assignments related to the lesson
 T ends the lesson by summing it up.


Lesson 2  Objective(s) Students Textbook,

 Topic: Types The students will be able to understand: apply the Cambridge
of cost, concepts of International AS
revenue and  the short-run production function: fixed and variable “Market and A Level
profit, short-  factors of production; total product, average product and structure” in an Economics
run and long-  marginal product investigation of Coursebook,
run  the law of diminishing returns; average cost, marginal cost a specific Third edition
production,  the long-run production function and returns to scale competition in a
Different  how to explain the shape of the long-run average cost curve real market Videos related to
market  economies of scale, internal and external; diseconomies of scale situation. the lesson
structures.  how to define total, average and marginal revenue
 what is meant by normal and abnormal profit
No. of Periods: 5  what is meant by market structure and how it can be explained
 the difference between perfect and imperfect competition
August 17-21, 2020  the market structures of monopoly, monopolistic competition,
oligopoly and natural monopoly
Note: Aug 17, 20, 21  what is meant by contestable markets and the implications of
are holidays contestability in a market

 Instructional Methods

 Teacher (T) greets the Students (Ss) and checks the attendance.
 T states the objective of the lesson (see above)
 T asks the students to watch videos about the topic
 T explains and discusses the lesson and video content by using PPt and
by asking some questions
 T gives some inputs and relates them to the BIO
 T asks Ss to do “Self-assessment Tasks”in the text book
 T gives some assignments related to the lesson
 T ends the lesson by summing it up.

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