Aerodynamic Study of The Ahmed Body in Road-Situations Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Aerodynamic Study of The Ahmed Body in Road-Situations Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Aerodynamic Study of The Ahmed Body in Road-Situations Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Abstract:- The vehicle aerodynamics is of day to day interest in upcoming new concept vehicles
owing to the fuel savings. The present work aims to discover the flow pattern of Ahmed body on the road
during the acceleration and overtaking the vehicle to the right. The aerodynamic characteristics such as lift
and drag ceofficients are compared. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations predict the on-road
condition after validation with the experimental results in the wind tunnel. OpenFOAM software is used for
CFD analyses. Further drag reduction is achieved by constructing the platoon of two vehicles separated by
0.2 and 0.3 vehicle lengths and the associated interference drag with the isolated case are compared.
Key-words:- Ahmed body, Flow field, Drag coefficient, Overtaking, Platooning, Computational fluid
2. Methodology
CFD tool is presently used nowadays to explore
the flow phenomena as depicted in real life
situations.The modeling of the Ahmed body (Fig.
1) is performed in Salome software. The model is
meshed using the SnappyHexMesh tool under
The Ahmed model is simulated at wind speeds of Figure 5. Pressure contours during acceleration,
20, 30 and 40 m/s and the lift and drag values are top to bottom : 20 m/s, 30 m/s and 40 m/s
monitored and tabulated in Table 1. It is found
that the drag and lift coefficients increase with
wind speed. The converged results are obtained Table 1. CD and CL for the acceleration of the
after 419 iterations. The pressure contours are Ahmed body
shown in Fig. 5 for the speed 20 m/s, 30 m/s and
40 m/s. It can be easily verified that the pressure Speed Coefficient of Coefficient of
increases in the fore front of the Ahmed body (m/s) Drag, CD Lift, CL
while the pressure decreases to a much wider re-
gion around the Ahmed body in the upper and rear 20 0.284 0.514
parts of the Ahmed body. The pressure arises due
to the presence of bluff body feature while facing 30 0.286 0.528
the flow (compression) and decreases due to sharp
40 0.287 0.536
turning of the flow causing the expansion at the
rear end of the body.
The flow field is better visualized with the help of
streamlines and shown in Figure 6. The vortex
structure behind the wake of Ahmed body is no-
ticed from the Fig. 6. Vortices are formed behind
the end of Ahmed body. The stream lines show an
increase in the vortex motion as the wind speed
progresses with the greatest unsteadiness occur-
ring around the periphery of the trailing vortices.
This is expected from the difference in the pres-
sures near the rear-pillar, results in the rear-pillar
trailing vortices. The comparisons encourage the
investigation of the flow details by utilizing the
CFD simulation results. the two strong counter-
rotating vortices emanating from the slant are
present and the flow separates in the middle re-
gion of the top edge and reattaches on the slant.
The attached flow on the diffuser generate an un-
der-pressure that forms longitudinal vortices on
each side of the body. They counter-rotate to the
Figure 4. Validation of present model with longitudinal vortices coming from the rear end i.e.
experimental data [9] the upper part of the vehicle. They are created
from the low pressure generated by the diffuser at Table 2. Aerodynamic coefficients during the
the rear underhood of the Ahmed body. Further overtaking case
downstream the upper vortices will dominate and Overtaking vehicle Vehicle to be overtaken
their core of rotation was located close to ground.
This would eventually decay and transfer into CD CL CD CL
longitudinal components leading to turbulence. 0.282 0.521 0.283 0.521
0.294 (side) 0.531 0.276 0.507
0.299 (front) 0.542 0.279 0.494
3.4 Platooning lift of the rear vehicle is significantly less than the
front due to the low velocity region at the rear
In the isolated model case, drag and lift vehicle.
coefficients were equal to 0.287 and 0.536,
respectively. The concept of vehicle behind
another travelling at same speed seems to be of
practical interest. The cross-sectional mesh view
(Fig. 11) for two cases i.e. inter-vehicle spacing of
0.2 and 0.3 times the vehicle length. However,
this case is too complicated in the actual condition
on the road. But presently intelligent vehicle for
transport can accommodate the inter-vehicular
distance of 0.3 times the vehicle distance as the
control is purely computerised leading to precise
and accurate prediction for braking condition. It
has also been observed that vehicle platooning
significantly reduces the drag that each vehicle
experiences. This reduction of drag translates into
Figure 12. Velocity vectors for platoon separated
less fuel consumption, greater fuel efficiency and
by (a) 0.2 times vehicle length (b) 0.3 times the
less pollution. Drag reduction is found out to be
vehicle length
most effective when the distance between vehicles
in the platoon is significantly reduced [10].
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