Kuby5 13 Complement
Kuby5 13 Complement
Kuby5 13 Complement
The Complement
FIGURE 13-1 The multiple activities of the complement system. phagocytes; activation of inflammatory responses; and clearance of
Serum complement proteins and membrane-bound complement circulating immune complexes by cells in the liver and spleen.
receptors partake in a number of immune activities: lysis of foreign Soluble complement proteins are schematically indicated by a trian-
cells by antibody-dependent or antibody-independent pathways; gle and receptors by a semi-circle; no attempt is made to differenti-
opsonization or uptake of particulate antigens, including bacteria, by ate among individual components of the complement system here.
Classical lectin (MBL) Lectin
pathway binds foreign surface pathway
+ MBL-associated proteases
(MASP1 + 2) bind MBL,
C2 generate activated
C1-like complex
C1 binds
C5 convertase
amplification C3b C5 C5b
C3 step
C3 convertase C3bBb C3bBb3b
C5 convertase C8
Factor D
Alternative C3bB
Factor B
Spontaneous, slow,
small amounts
FIGURE 13-2 Overview of the complement activation pathways. brane-attack complex (MAC) by a common sequence of terminal
The classical pathway is initiated when C1 binds to antigen-antibody reactions. Hydrolysis of C3 is the major amplification step in all path-
complexes. The alternative pathway is initiated by binding of spon- ways, generating large amounts of C3b, which forms part of C5 con-
taneously generated C3b to activating surfaces such as microbial cell vertase. C3b also can diffuse away from the activating surface and
walls. The lectin pathway is initiated by binding of the serum protein bind to immune complexes or foreign cell surfaces, where it func-
MBL to the surface of a pathogen. All three pathways generate C3 tions as an opsonin.
and C5 convertases and bound C5b, which is converted into a mem-
occur. When pentameric IgM is bound to antigen on a target providing two attachment sites for C1q. This difference ac-
surface it assumes the so-called “staple” configuration, in counts for the observation that a single molecule of IgM
which at least three binding sites for C1q are exposed. Circu- bound to a red blood cell can activate the classical complement
lating IgM, however, exists as a planar configuration in which pathway and lyse the red blood cell while some 1000 mole-
the C1q-binding sites are not exposed (Figure 13-4, on page cules of IgG are required to assure that two IgG molecules are
302) and therefore cannot activate the complement cascade. close enough to each other on the cell surface to initiate C1q
An IgG molecule, on the other hand, contains only a single binding.
C1q-binding site in the CH2 domain of the Fc, so that firm C1q The intermediates in the classical activation pathway are
binding is achieved only when two IgG molecules are within depicted schematically in Figure 13-5 (page 303). Binding of
30–40 nm of each other on a target surface or in a complex, C1q to Fc binding sites induces a conformational change in
(text continues on page 304)
302 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
FIGURE 13-3 Structure of the C1 macromolecular complex. (a) Di- alytic domain with enzymatic activity and an interaction domain that
agram of C1qr2s2 complex. A C1q molecule consists of 18 polypep- facilitates binding with C1q or with each other. (b) Electron micro-
tide chains arranged into six triplets, each of which contains one A, graph of C1q molecule showing stalk and six globular heads. [Part (b)
one B, and one C chain. Each C1r and C1s monomer contains a cat- from H. R. Knobel et al., 1975, Eur. J. Immunol. 5:78.]
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIGURE 13-4 Models of pentameric IgM in planar form (a) and bound to flagella, showing the planar form (c) and staple form (d).
“staple” form (b). Several C1q-binding sites in the Fc region are [From A. Feinstein et al., 1981, Monogr. Allergy, 17:28, and 1981,
accessible in the staple form, whereas none are exposed in the pla- Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 190:1104.]
nar form. Electron micrographs of IgM antiflagellum antibody
The Complement System CHAPTER 13 303
1 4
C1q binds antigen-bound antibody. C1r activates auto- The C3b component of C5 convertase binds C5, permitting
catalytically and activates the second C1r; both activate C1s C4b2a to cleave C5
FC +
C5b C5a
2 C5 convertase
C1s cleaves C4 and C2. Cleaving C4 exposes the binding site
for C2. C4 binds the surface near C1 and C2 binds C4,
forming C3 convertase C5b binds C6, initiating the formation of the membrane-attack
C4 C2
C4a C2b
C6 C7
C3 convertase C5b C567 C5b678
C3 convertase hydrolyzes many C3 molecules. Some combine
with C3 convertase to form C5 convertase
C3b C3a
Membrane attack complex
C4b2a C4b2a3b
C5 convertase
FIGURE 13-5 Schematic diagram of intermediates in the classi- attack complex (MAC, bottom right) forms a large pore in the
cal pathway of complement activation. The completed membrane- membrane.
304 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
C1r that converts C1r to an active serine protease enzyme, The Alternative Pathway Is
C1r, which then cleaves C1s to a similar active enzyme, C1 1s . Antibody-Independent
C11s has two substrates, C4 and C2. The C4 component is a
glycoprotein containing three polypeptide chains , , and . The alternative pathway generates bound C5b, the same
C4 is activated when C11s hydrolyzes a small fragment (C4a) product that the classical pathway generates, but it does so
from the amino terminus of the chain, exposing a binding without the need for antigen-antibody complexes for initia-
site on the larger fragment (C4b). The C4b fragment attaches tion. Because no antibody is required, the alternative path-
to the target surface in the vicinity of C1, and the C2 proen- way is a component of the innate immune system. This
zyme then attaches to the exposed binding site on C4b, where major pathway of complement activation involves four
the C2 is then cleaved by the neighboring C11s ; the smaller serum proteins: C3, factor B, factor D, and properdin. The al-
fragment (C2b) diffuses away. The resulting C4b2a complex ternative pathway is initiated in most cases by cell-surface
is called C3 convertase, referring to its role in converting the constituents that are foreign to the host (Table 13-1). For ex-
C3 into an active form. The smaller fragment from C4 cleav- ample, both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria have
age, C4a, is an anaphylatoxin, or mediator of inflammation, cell-wall constituents that can activate the alternative path-
which does not participate directly in the complement cas- way. The intermediates in the alternative pathway for gener-
cade; the anaphylatoxins, which include the smaller frag- ating C5b are shown schematically in Figure 13-7 (page 306).
ments of C4, C3, and C5 are described below. In the classical pathway, C3 is rapidly cleaved to C3a and
The native C3 component consists of two polypeptide C3b by the enzymatic activity of the C3 convertase. In the al-
chains, and . Hydrolysis of a short fragment (C3a) from ternative pathway, serum C3, which contains an unstable
the amino terminus of the chain by the C3 convertase gen- thioester bond, is subject to slow spontaneous hydrolysis to
erates C3b (Figure 13-6). A single C3 convertase molecule can yield C3a and C3b. The C3b component can bind to foreign
generate over 200 molecules of C3b, resulting in tremendous surface antigens (such as those on bacterial cells or viral par-
amplification at this step of the sequence. Some of the C3b ticles) or even to the host’s own cells (see Figure 13-6c). The
to form a trimolecular complex C4b
binds to C4b2a 2a3b, membranes of most mammalian cells have high levels of
called C5 convertase. The C3b component of this complex sialic acid, which contributes to the rapid inactivation of
binds C5 and alters its conformation, so that the C4b2a bound C3b molecules on host cells; consequently this bind-
ponent can cleave C5 into C5a, which diffuses away, and C5b, ing rarely leads to further reactions on the host cell mem-
which attaches to C6 and initiates formation of the membrane- brane. Because many foreign antigenic surfaces (e.g., bac-
attack complex in a sequence described later. Some of the terial cell walls, yeast cell walls, and certain viral envelopes)
C3b generated by C3 convertase activity does not associate have only low levels of sialic acid, C3b bound to these sur-
; instead it diffuses away and then coats immune
with C4b2a faces remains active for a longer time. The C3b present on the
complexes and particulate antigens, functioning as an opsonin surface of the foreign cells can bind another serum protein
as described in the Clinical Focus. C3b may also bind directly called factor B to form a complex stabilized by Mg2. Bind-
to cell membranes. ing to C3b exposes a site on factor B that serves as the sub-
Activated C3b
Bound C3b
FIGURE 13-6 Hydrolysis of C3 by C3 convertase C4b2a (a) Native fragment to bind to free hydroxyl or amino groups (R) on a cell mem-
C3. (b) Activated C3 showing site of cleavage by C4b2a resulting in brane. Bound C3b exhibits various biological activities, including
production of the C3a and C3b fragments. (c) A labile internal binding of C5 and binding to C3b receptors on phagocytic cells.
thioester bond in C3 is activated as C3b is formed, allowing the C3b
The Complement System CHAPTER 13 305
C3 hydrolyzes spontaneously, C3b
fragment attaches to foreign surface
C3b C3a
Factor B binds C3a, exposes site acted Factor B
on by Factor D. Cleavage generates
C3bBb, which has C3 convertase
Factor D
Binding of properdin stabilizes C3bBb + Properdin
C3 convertase
Convertase generates C3b; some binds
to C3 convertase activating C5'
convertase. C5b binds to antigenic C3bBb3B
C3 convertase
C5 C5b attack
+ complex
FIGURE 13-7 Schematic diagram of intermediates in the for- erdin. Conversion of bound C5b to the membrane-attack complex
mation of bound C5b by the alternative pathway of complement occurs by the same sequence of reactions as in the classical path-
activation. The C3bBb complex is stabilized by binding of prop- way (see Figure 13-5).
complex or other noncellular activating surface, then the hy- complexes mediate tissue damage will be considered in
drophobic binding sites cannot anchor the complex and it is Chapter 20.
released. Released C5b67 complexes can insert into the mem- Binding of C8 to membrane-bound C5b67 induces a con-
brane of nearby cells and mediate “innocent-bystander” lysis. formational change in C8, so that it too undergoes a hy-
Regulator proteins normally prevent this from occurring, but drophilic-amphiphilic structural transition, exposing a
in certain diseases cell and tissue damage may result from in- hydrophobic region, which interacts with the plasma mem-
nocent-bystander lysis. A hemolytic disorder resulting from brane. The C5b678 complex creates a small pore, 10 Å in di-
deficiency in a regulatory protein is explained in the Clinical ameter; formation of this pore can lead to lysis of red blood
Focus section and an autoimmune process in which immune cells but not of nucleated cells. The final step in formation of
The Complement System CHAPTER 13 307
Type of Pathway
Protein protein affected Immunologic function
Complement-receptor Block formation of C3 convertase by
type 1 (CR1)* Membrane Classical, alternative, binding C4b or C3b; cofactor for
Membrane-cofactor bound and lectin factor I-catalyzed cleavage of C4b
protein (MCP)* or C3b C3bBb
Decay-accelerating Membrane Classical, alternative, Accelerates dissociation of C4b2a and
factor (DAE or CD55)* bound and lectin C3bBb (classical and alternative C3
Factor-I Soluble Classical, alternative, Serine protease: cleaves C4b or C3b
and lectin using C4bBP, CR1, factor H, DAE,
or MCP as cofactor
S protein Soluble Terminal Binds soluble C5b67 and prevents its
insertion into cell membrane
Homologous restriction
factor (HRF)
Membrane inhibitor of
reactive lysis (MIRL
or CD59)*
} Membrane
Terminal Bind to C5b678 on autologous cells,
blocking binding of C9
Several RCA proteins also act on the assembled C3 con- tein can bind to C5b67, inducing a hydrophilic transition
vertase, causing it to dissociate; these include the previously and thereby preventing insertion of C5b67 into the mem-
mentioned C4bBP, CR1, and factor H. In addition, decay- brane of nearby cells (Figure 13-9c(1)).
accelerating factor (DAF or CD55), which is a glycoprotein an- Complement-mediated lysis of cells is more effective if
chored covalently to a glycophospholipid membrane protein, the complement is from a species different from that of the
has the ability to dissociate C3 convertase. The consequences cells being lysed. This phenomenon depends on two mem-
of DAF deficiency are described in the Clinical Focus section. brane proteins that block MAC formation. These two pro-
Each of these RCA proteins accelerates decay (dissociation) of teins, present on the membrane of many cell types, are
C3 convertase by releasing the component with enzymatic ac- homologous restriction factor (HRF) and membrane inhibitor
tivity (C2a or Bb) from the cell-bound component (C4b or of reactive lysis (MIRL or CD59). Both HRF and MIRL pro-
C3b). Once dissociation of the C3 convertase occurs, factor I tect cells from nonspecific complement-mediated lysis by
cleaves the remaining membrane-bound C4b or C3b compo- binding to C8, preventing assembly of poly-C9 and its inser-
nent, irreversibly inactivating the convertase (Figure 13-9b). tion into the plasma membrane (Figure 13-9c(2)). However,
Regulatory proteins also operate at the level of the mem- this inhibition occurs only if the complement components
brane-attack complex. The potential release of the C5b67 are from the same species as the target cells. For this reason,
complex poses a threat of innocent-bystander lysis to healthy MIRL and HRF are said to display homologous restriction,
cells. A number of serum proteins counter this threat by for which the latter was named. As discussed in Chapter 21,
binding to released C5b67 and preventing its insertion into homologous restriction poses a barrier to the use of organs
the membrane of nearby cells. A serum protein called S pro- from other species for clinical transplantation.
The Complement System CHAPTER 13 309
C1qr2s2 C1Inh
Regulation of the Complement System
(a) Before assembly of convertase activity
C1 inhibitor (C1Iab) binds C1r2s2, causing dissociation
from C1q
Inhibitor-bound C4b is cleaved by Factor 1
C3 convertase
2 HRF, C5b678
Homologous restriction factor
(HRF) and membrane inhibitor
of reactive lysis (MIRL or
CD59) bind C81, preventing C8
assembly of poly-C9 and
blocking formation of MAC C5b67 C5b678 Poly-C9
Cell membrane
C4bBP or
CR1 or MCP C4d
Factor I
Cell membrane
O O C3f O
Factor H or
CR1 or MCP Factor I C3dg
Factor I
FIGURE 13-10 Inactivation of bound C4b and C3b by regulatory pathway, factor H, CR1, or MCP bind to Ccb and act as cofactors
proteins of the complement system. (a) In the classical pathway, for factor I–mediated cleavage of C4b. Free diffusible fragments
C4bBP (C4b-binding protein), CR1 (complement receptor type 1), are shown in dark shades; membrane bound components in light
or MCP (membrane cofactor protein) bind to C4b and act as cofac- shades.
tors for factor I–mediated cleavage of C4b. (b) In the alternative
all—enveloped viruses are susceptible to complement- damage (Table 13-5). For example, a few gram-negative bac-
mediated lysis. The viral envelope is largely derived from teria can develop resistance to complement-mediated lysis
the plasma membrane of infected host cells and is there- that correlates with the virulence of the organism. In Es-
fore susceptible to pore formation by the membrane- cherichia coli and Salmonella, resistance to complement is as-
attack complex. Among the pathogenic viruses susceptible sociated with the smooth bacterial phenotype, which is
to lysis by complement-mediated lysis are herpesviruses, characterized by the presence of long polysaccharide side
orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, and retroviruses. chains in the cell-wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component.
The complement system is generally quite effective in It has been proposed that the increased LPS in the wall of re-
lysing gram-negative bacteria (Figure 13-11). However, sistant strains may prevent insertion of the MAC into the
some gram-negative bacteria and most gram-positive bac- bacterial membrane, so that the complex is released from the
teria have mechanisms for evading complement-mediated bacterial cell rather than forming a pore. Strains of Neisseria
312 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
gonorrheae resistant to complement-mediated killing have Gram-positive bacteria are generally resistant to comple-
been associated with disseminated gonococcal infections in ment-mediated lysis because the thick peptidoglycan layer in
humans. Some evidence suggests that the membrane pro- their cell wall prevents insertion of the MAC into the inner
teins of resistant Neisseria strains undergo noncovalent in- membrane. Although complement activation can occur on
teractions with the MAC that prevent its insertion into the the cell membrane of encapsulated bacteria such as Strepto-
outer membrane of the bacterial cells. These examples of coccus pneumoniae, the capsule prevents interaction between
resistant gram-negative bacteria are the exception; most C3b deposited on the membrane and the CR1 on phagocytic
gram-negative bacteria are susceptible to complement- cells. Some bacteria possess an elastase that inactivates C3a
mediated lysis. and C5a, preventing these split products from inducing an
C3a/C4a receptor C3a, C4a Induces degranulation of mast Mast cells, basophils, granulocytes
cells and basophils
C5a receptor C5a Induces degranulation of mast Mast cells, basophils, granulocytes,
cells and basophils monocytes, macrophages,
platelets, endothelial cells
*Cleavage of C3dg by serum proteases generates C3d and C3g.
The Complement System CHAPTER 13 313
Alive Killed
FIGURE 13-11 Scanning electron micrographs of E. coli showing Note membrane blebbing on lysed cells. [From R. D. Schreiber et
(a) intact cells and (b, c) cells killed by complement-mediated lysis. al., 1979, J. Exp. Med. 149:870.]
inflammatory response. In addition to these mechanisms of Lysis of nucleated cells requires formation of multiple
evasion, various bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans con- membrane attack complexes, whereas a single MAC can lyse
tain proteins that can interrupt the complement cascade on a red blood cell. Many nucleated cells, including the majority
their surfaces, thus mimicking the effects of the normal com- of cancer cells, can endocytose the MAC. If the complex is
plement regulatory proteins C4bBP, CR1, and DAF. removed soon enough, the cell can repair any membrane
Long polysaccharide chains Side chains prevent insertion of Resistant strains of E. coli and
in cell-wall LPS MAC into bacterial membrane Salmonella
Outer membrane protein MAC interacts with membrane Resistant strains of Neisseria
protein and fails to insert into gonorrhoeae
bacterial membrane
Elastase Anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a are Pseudomonas aeruginosa
inactivated by microbial elastase
Proteins that mimic complement Protein present in various bacteria, Vaccinia virus, herpes simplex,
regulatory proteins viruses, fungi, and protozoans Epstein-Barr virus, Trypanosoma
inhibit the complement cascade cruzi, Candida albicans
KEY: CR1 type 1 complement receptor; LPS lipopolysaccharide; MAC membrane-attack complex (C5b–9).
314 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
damage and restore its osmotic stability. An unfortunate con- C3a, C5a, and C5b67 can each induce monocytes and
sequence of this effect is that complement-mediated lysis by neutrophils to adhere to vascular endothelial cells, ex-
antibodies specific for tumor-cell antigens, which offers a po- travasate through the endothelial lining of the capillary, and
tential weapon against cancer, may be rendered ineffective by migrate toward the site of complement activation in the tis-
endocytosis of the MAC (see Chapter 22). sues. C5a is most potent in mediating these processes, effec-
tive in picomolar quantities. The role of complement in
Cleavage Products of Complement leukocyte chemotaxis is discussed more fully in Chapter 15.
Components Mediate Inflammation
C3b and C4b Binding Facilitates
The complement cascade is often viewed in terms of the fi-
nal outcome of cell lysis, but various peptides generated
during formation of the MAC play a decisive role in the de- C3b is the major opsonin of the complement system, al-
velopment of an effective inflammatory response (see Table though C4b and iC3b also have opsonizing activity. The am-
13-3). The smaller fragments resulting from complement plification that occurs with C3 activation results in a coating
cleavage, C3a, C4a, and C5a, called anaphylatoxins, bind to of C3b on immune complexes and particulate antigens.
receptors on mast cells and blood basophils and induce de- Phagocytic cells, as well as some other cells, express comple-
granulation, with release of histamine and other pharmaco- ment receptors (CR1, CR3, and CR4) that bind C3b, C4b, or
logically active mediators. The anaphylatoxins also induce iC3b (see Table 13-4). Antigen coated with C3b binds to cells
smooth-muscle contraction and increased vascular perme- bearing CR1. If the cell is a phagocyte (e.g., a neutrophil,
ability. Activation of the complement system thus results in monocyte, or macrophage), phagocytosis will be enhanced
influxes of fluid that carries antibody and phagocytic cells (Figure 13-12). Activation of phagocytic cells by various
to the site of antigen entry. The activities of these highly re- agents, including C5a anaphylatoxin, has been shown to in-
active anaphylatoxins are regulated by a serum protease crease the number of CR1s from 5000 on resting phagocytes
called carboxypeptidase N, which cleaves an Arg residue to 50,000 on activated cells, greatly facilitating their phagocy-
from the C terminus of the molecules, yielding so-called tosis of C3b-coated antigen. Recent studies indicate that
des-Arg forms. The des-Arg forms of C3a and C4a are com- complement fragment C3b acts as an adjuvant when coupled
pletely inactive while that of C5a retains about 10% of its with protein antigens. C3b targets the antigen directly to the
chemotactic activity and 1% of its ability to cause smooth phagocyte, enhancing the initiation of antigen processing
muscle contraction. and accelerating specific antibody production.
(a) (b)
activation CR1
Fc receptor
IgG C3b
FIGURE 13-12 (a) Schematic representation of the roles of C3b C3b receptor (CR1) on a B lymphocyte. [Part (b) from N. R. Cooper
and antibody in opsonization. (b) Electron micrograph of Epstein- and G. R. Nemerow, 1986, in Immunobiology of the Complement
Barr virus coated with antibody and C3b and bound to the Fc and System, Academic Press.]
The Complement System CHAPTER 13 315
FIGURE 13-13 Electron micrographs of negatively stained prepara- [From N. R. Cooper and G. R. Nemerow, 1986, in Immunobiology of the
tions of Epstein-Barr virus. (a) Control without antibody. (b) Antibody- Complement System, Academic Press.]
coated particles. (c) Particles coated with antibody and complement.
316 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
been the major source of information concerning the role of Lokki, M. L., and H. R. Colten. 1995. Genetic deficiencies of
individual complement components in immunity. These complement. Ann. Med. 27:451.
findings have been greatly extended by studies using knock- Matsumoto, M., et al. 1997. Abrogation of the alternative com-
out mice genetically engineered to lack expression of specific plement pathway by targeted deletion of murine factor B. Proc.
complement components. Investigations of in vivo comple- Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94:8720.
ment activity in these animals has allowed dissection of the Molina, H., and V. M. Holers. 1996. Markedly impaired humoral
complex system of complement proteins and the assignment immune response in mice deficient in complement receptors 1
of precise biologic roles to each. and 2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93:3357.
Muller-Eberhard, H. J. 1988. Molecular organization and
function of the complement system. Annu. Rev. Biochem.
SUMMARY 57:321.
■ The complement system comprises a group of serum pro-
Nielsen, C. H., E. M. Fischer, and R. G. Q. Leslie. 2000.The role
of complement in the acquired immune response. Immunol-
teins, many of which exist in inactive forms.
ogy 100:4.
■ Complement activation occurs by the classical, alternative, Nonaka, M. 2000. Origin and evolution of the complement sys-
or lectin pathways, each of which is initiated differently. tem. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 248:37.
■ The three pathways converge in a common sequence of Pickering, M. C., and M. J. Walport. 2000. Links between com-
events that leads to generation of a molecular complex that plement abnormalities and system lupus erythematosus.
causes cell lysis. Rheumatology 39:133.
■ The classical pathway is initiated by antibody binding to a Rautemaa, R., and S. Meri. 1999. Complement-resistance mech-
cell target; reactions of IgM and certain IgG subclasses ac- anisms of bacteria. Microbes and Infection/Institut Pasteur
tivate this pathway. 1:785.
■ Activation of the alternative and lectin pathways is anti- Sloand, E. M., et al. 1998. Correction of the PNH Defect by GPI-
body-independent. These pathways are initiated by reac- anchored protein transfer. Blood 92:4439.
tion of complement proteins with surface molecules of Turner, M. W. 1998. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) in health
microorganisms. and disease. Immunobiol. 199:327.
■ In addition to its key role in cell lysis, the complement sys-
tem mediates opsonization of bacteria, activation of in- USEFUL WEB SITES
flammation, and clearance of immune complexes.
■ Interactions of complement proteins and protein frag- http://www.complement-genetics.uni-mainz.de/
ments with receptors on cells of the immune system con-
The Complement Genetics Homepage from the University of
trol both innate and acquired immune responses. Mainz gives chromosomal locations and information on ge-
■ Because of its ability to damage the host organism, the netic deficiencies of complement proteins.
complement system requires complex passive and active
regulatory mechanisms.
A clever graphic representation of the basic assay for comple-
■ Clinical consequences of inherited complement deficien- ment activity using red blood cell lysis, from D. Fix at Univer-
cies range from increases in susceptibility to infection to sity of Southern Illinois, Carbondale.
tissue damage caused by immune complexes.
Notes from D. F. Lappin at University of Glasgow, UK, on the
References complement system. The site includes a listing of all comple-
Ahearn, J. M., and D. T. Fearon. 1989. Structure and function of ment proteins and their molecular properties.
the complement receptors CR1 (CD35) and CR2 (CD21). Adv.
Immunol. 46:183.
Study Questions
Carroll, M. C. 2000. The role of complement in B-cell activation
and tolerance. Adv. Immunol. 74:61. CLINICAL FOCUS QUESTION Explain why complement disorders
involving regulatory components such as PNH may be more se-
Laurent, J., and M. T. Guinnepain. 1999. Angioedema associated rious than deficiencies in the active complement components.
with C1 inhibitor deficiency. Clin. Rev. Allergy. & Immunol.
17:513. 1. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or
false. If you think a statement is false, explain why.
Lindahl, G., U. Sjobring, and E. Johnsson. 2000. Human comple-
ment regulators: a major target for pathogenic microorgan- a. A single molecule of bound IgM can activate the C1q com-
isms. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 12:44. ponent of the classical complement pathway.
Go to www.whfreeman.com/immunology Self-Test
Review and quiz of key terms
318 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
b. C3a and C3b are fragments of C3. i. ______C3a, C5a, and C5b67
c. The C4 and C2 complement components are present in j. ______C3a, C4a, and C5a
the serum in a functionally inactive proenzyme form. k. ______C4b2a
d. Nucleated cells tend to be more resistant to complement- l. ______C3b B → C3bBb Ba
mediated lysis than red blood cells.
e. Enveloped viruses cannot be lysed by complement be-
cause their outer envelope is resistant to pore formation (1) Reaction that produces major amplification during
by the membrane-attack complex. activation
f. C4-deficient individuals have difficulty eliminating im- (2) Are early components of alternative pathway
mune complexes. (3) Compose the membrane-attack complex
(4) Mediates opsonization
2. Explain why serum IgM cannot activate complement by itself. (5) Are early components of classical pathway
(6) Has perforin-like activity
3. Would you expect a C1 or C3 complement deficiency to be (7) Binds to Fc region of antibodies
more serious clinically? Why? (8) Have chemotactic activity
(9) Has C3 convertase activity
4. Some microorganisms produce enzymes that can degrade the
(10) Induce degranulation of mast cells (are anaphylatoxins)
Fc portion of antibody molecules. Why would such enzymes
(11) Has C5 convertase activity
be advantageous for the survival of microorganisms that pos-
(12) Reaction catalyzed by factor D
sess them?
(13) Reaction catalyzed by C1qr2s2
5. Complement activation can occur via the classical, alterna-
9. You have prepared knockout mice with mutations in the
tive, or lectin pathway.
genes that encode various complement components. Each
a. How do the three pathways differ in the substances that knockout strain cannot express one of the complement
can initiate activation? components listed across the top of the table below. Predict
b. Which portion of the overall activation sequence differs the effect of each mutation on the steps in complement acti-
in the three pathways? Which portion is similar? vation and on the complement effector functions indicated
c. How do the biological consequences of complement acti- in the table below using the following symbols: NE no
vation via these pathways differ? effect; D process/function decreased but not abolished;
A process/function abolished.
6. Enucleated cells, such as red blood cells, are more susceptible
to complement-mediated lysis than nucleated cells.
a. Explain why the red blood cells of an individual are not Component knocked out
normally destroyed as the result of innocent-bystander ly-
sis by complement. C1q C4 C3 C5 C6 C9 Factor B
b. Under what conditions might complement cause lysis of COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION
an individual’s own red blood cells?
7. Briefly explain the mechanism of actionÏ of the following Formation of
complement regulatory proteins. Indicate which pathway(s) C3 convertase
each protein regulates. in classical
a. C1 inhibitor (C1Inh) Formation of
b. C4b-binding protein (C4bBP) C3 convertase
c. Homologous restriction factor (HRF) in alternative
d. Decay-accelerating factor (DAF) pathway
e. Factor H Formation of
f. Membrane cofactor protein (MCP) C5 convertase
in classical
8. For each complement component(s) or reaction (a–l), select pathway
the most appropriate description listed below (1–13). Each Formation of
description may be used once, more than once, or not at all. C5 convertase
in alternative
Complement Component(s)/Reactions pathway
a. ______C3b
b. ______C1, C4, C2, and C3
c. ______C9 C3b-mediated
d. ______C3, factor B, and factor D opsonization
e. ______C1q Neutrophil
f. ______C4b2a3b chemotaxis
g. ______C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9
Cell lysis
h. ______C3 → C3a C3b