Scan May 11, 2020 PDF
Scan May 11, 2020 PDF
Scan May 11, 2020 PDF
________ Date· - - - - - - -
Pre-Calculus/ Serrania 4.1 Radian/Degree Measure Applications #3
Find the r:mfum measure of the central angle of a circle of radius r that
intercepts an arc of length s.
3. r = 80 kilometers, s = 150 kilometers 4. r =14 feet, s =8 feet
I 50 c. 80• (S) '&= 14 '(11 ,
(II= 1- = , 51
(y " _'5~ = I . 1 ';) 11-\
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Unear and Angular Speeds/Area of Sector of a Circle
r-: ln 3 l l?k m
le " 11 0 m
10. A Ferris wheel with a 50-foot diameter makes 4 revolutions per minute.
y- = z.s \:-I-
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-c l l'Yl ll'\
a. Find the angular speed of the Ferris wheel in radians per minute.
=- l; 11
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= 4ri ra ct / m 111
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11 _ The circular blade on a saw rotates at 4200 revolutions
per minute.
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b. The blade has a radius of 6 inches. Find the linear speed of a blade
in inches per second.
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