Belardi Et Al. 2016-SAA 81 Annual Meeting
Belardi Et Al. 2016-SAA 81 Annual Meeting
Belardi Et Al. 2016-SAA 81 Annual Meeting
A Phase I survey was conducted in Perry Pines, Taylor County, Florida for an expansion of limestone mining of the area. The research aimed at locating
and assessing potential archaeological and historical resources within the project area. Six archaeological resources were identified: a habitational site, a
camp site, a bridge site and three quarry sites for stone tool making. Located in the North Peninsula Gulf Coast archaeological region, the Perry Pines
sites appear to have been intermittently used and their resources extracted for over 2,000 years, spanning from the Archaic to the present. Cultural
artifacts and features ranging from ancient lithic tools, to early twentieth century timber operations, provided insight on past human activity, site function,
and use of the project area’s natural resources over time.
Belardi, Juan (Univ Nac de la Patagonia Austral), Flavia Carballo Marina (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral ), Gustavo Barrientos
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET) and Patricia Campan (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral )
[207] Hunters in the Viedma Lake Basin (Southern Patagonia, Argentina): Differences and Continuities in Landscape use during the Late
The Viedma lake basin—connected to the Patagonian Southern Ice Field—has been recently incorporated to the discussion about the human occupation
of southern Patagonia. The distribution of artifacts in different sectors of steppe: 1) plateaus (950–1000 masl), 2) plateaus basis (750 masl), 3) intermediate
pampas (300–700 masl), large open spaces formed by glacial deposits, and 4) the north coast of the lake (255–300 masl) has been surveyed. The study
was complemented with technological artifact analysis, surveys of rock art sites, hunting blinds, and excavations. Chronologies (mainly in relation to the
last 3,500 years B.P.) and archaeofaunal samples of guanaco (Lama guanicoe) were obtained. The archaeological landscape shows variability in logistic
and residential components related to the different landscape sectors. A remarkable reduction of the residential mobility is registered in the archaeological
record of the Cerro Índice Tehuelche-Aonikenk reserve (structures and rubbish areas with high frequency of glass scrapers) during historical times.
Bellomia, Valeria (Sapienza, Università di Roma), Ricardo Higelin Ponce de León (Indiana University Bloomington) and Alex El vis Badillo
(Indiana University Bloomington)
[236] Omichicahuaztli: Production, Use, and Transformation Over Space and Time in Mesoamerica
How can changes in production and use of a single class of ancient artifact allow us to understand changes in their meaning through time and space? We
address the reasons behind the cultural practice of making the Omichicahuaztli, or notched human bones, in Mesoamerica, studying the unique histories of