Lesson Plan About Argentina
Lesson Plan About Argentina
Lesson Plan About Argentina
Brief Summary:
Students will learn about:
Argentina’s location
The different regions of the Argentina and their geography
Animals in Argentina
The story of the gaucho Martín Fierro
Typical foods from Argentina
Students will create a graphic organizer comparing themselves and/or their city/state to
Argentines and Argentina.
Established Goals:
Washington State Social Studies Essential Academic Learning Requirements:
Component 3.1: Understands the physical characteristics, cultural characteristics, and
location of places, regions, and spatial patterns on the Earth’s surface.
3.1.1 Understands and uses maps and globes to identify major bodies of water and
continental land masses.
Component 3.2: Understands human interaction with the environment.
3.2.1 Understands that the way families live is shaped by the environment.
Component 4.4: Uses history to understand the present and plan for the future.
Component 5.4: Creates a product that uses social studies content to support a thesis
and presents the product in an appropriate manner to a meaningful audience.
5.4.1 Describes how different people live using a graphic organizer.
The location of Argentina on a map
The different regions of Argentina: Las Pampas, Patagonia, Gran Chaco and the
Andes Mountains
Animals found in different regions of Argentina
The story of Martín Fierro
Milanesa, ñoquis, empanadas, mate and submarinos are typical foods and drinks
from Argentina
Essential Questions:
Where is Argentina located on the world map?
What are the four regions of Argentina and their geography?
What are some animals that can be found in Argentina?
Who is Martín Fierro?
What happened to Martín Fierro?
What are five typical foods/drinks from Argentina?
What is milanesa?
What are ñoquis?
What is an empanada?
What is mate?
What are submarinos?
Performance Tasks:
Observation Charts—Students will sketch or write a prediction, question or
comment about the photos placed around the room
Inquiry Chart of Argentina—What do you know about Argentina? What do you
want to learn about Argentina?
Graphic Organizers (Pictorial Input Charts)—Locate and label country, regions,
geography of regions, and animals
Chant—Highlight and sketch vocabulary
Write a sentence and sketch describing Martín Fierro
Sentence Patterning Charts—Create sentence patterns about Martín Fierro
Name and label pictures of typical foods/drinks of Argentina
Students will:
Make predictions, list questions or write comments about Argentina.
Begin to use vocabulary related to geography, food and animals in Argentina.
Materials Needed:
Photos of Argentina’s geography, animals, food—large and small (attached)
Plain white paper
Blank (unlined) white chart paper or butcher paper
Lined chart paper
A set of colored markers
Pencils (enough for every other student)
Argentina Sound-Off Chant (attached)
Access to color printer
1. Introduce Super Scientist Awards to the students. Explain that students are able
to earn Super Scientist Awards by making good decisions, solving problems and
showing respect (the 3 personal standards) during lessons. During a lesson
whenever a student shows respect (uses respectful language, is attentive), solves a
problem (ignores someone who is distracting, asking a classmate who is
interrupting to be quiet) or makes a good decision (listens, sits criss-cross), give
them a Super Scientist Award stating what they did and explaining why they
earned the award. After a couple days of modeling this, choose two students to be
“scouts” during your lesson. These students will sit behind the class in chairs (the
rest of the class is on the carpet) with the awards and look for students who are
animal found in
country in
A i
Warm milk
served with a
piece of
Mate is a chocolate to
traditional drop into the
Argentine tea milk is called
that people a submarino
drink using a in Argentina.
metal straw.
Jaguars can be
found in
Jaguars can be
found in
South America-South America
Argentina is in South America!
Grasslands, Mountains have animals!
South America-South America
Argentina is in South America!
Students will:
Learn vocabulary related to geography.
Identify new, interesting and high level words within the Argentina Sound-Off
Materials Needed:
Argentina Sound-Off Chant
Tape, pins or magnets (to hang chant, chart)
Blank (unlined) white chart paper or butcher paper
A set of colored markers
Transparency of a world map (attached) or SMART Board and Internet access
Overhead projector, SMART Board or document camera
1. Remind students of the 3 personal standards and that they will earn Super
Scientist Awards when they show the 3 personal standards throughout the lesson.
2. Lead Students over to the Argentina Sound-Off Chant. Read through it together
with the entire class. Call on a student to tell you a word in the chant that is new,
interesting or high level. Highlight the word that they chose and sketch a picture
of the word next to it. As you are sketching, talk to the kids about the meaning of
the word. Repeat this process with at least two mores students.
3. Have the students return to the front of the classroom where you have the traced
map. Using a black marker trace the World Map title, while tracing explain to
students that today they will be learning about the world and the landforms and
bodies of waters in the world. As you are tracing and talking, have students
repeat everything you say/write, “Say it with me.” Begin to trace with a brown
marker the continent of North America and its label. As you trace explain that
Students will:
Learn vocabulary related to geography and animals in Argentina.
Locate Argentina on the world map.
Identify new, interesting, and high level words within the Argentina Sound-Off
Materials Needed:
Argentina Sound-Off Chant
Tape, pins or magnets (to hang chant, chart)
Blank (unlined) white chart paper or butcher paper
A set of colored markers
Transparency of a map of Argentina (attached) or SMART Board and Internet
Overhead projector, SMART Board or document camera
Las Pampas
Andes Mountains
Students will:
Learn vocabulary related to geography and animals in Argentina.
Identify new, interesting and high level words within the Argentina Sound-Off
Identify the characters, setting and main events in the story of Martín Fierro.
Materials Needed:
Argentina Sound-Off Chant
Tape, pins or magnets (to hang chant, chart)
A set of colored markers
Construction paper
Color printer
1. Remind students of the 3 personal standards and that they will earn Super
Scientist Awards when they show the 3 personal standards throughout the lesson.
2. Lead students over to the Argentina Sound-Off Chant. Read through it together
with the entire class. Call on a student to tell you a word in the chant that is new,
interesting or high level. Highlight the word that they chose and sketch a picture
of the word next to it. As you are sketching, talk to the kids about the meaning of
the word.
3. Have the students return to the front of the classroom where you have the world
map and the map of Argentina. Pass out the vocabulary cards to students. Have
students discuss their vocabulary card with a partner. Then ask for the person with
the word gaucho to come forward and tape it on top of the word gaucho on the
map. To differentiate you can say the definition of a word and ask that person to
bring the word up and paste it to the map, you can give a synonym and ask for the
person with that word to paste it to the map, etc.
Students will:
Create sentence patterns about Martín Fierro.
Materials Needed:
The story of Martín Fierro displayed in pictures on the board
A blank piece of chart paper or butcher paper
Colored markers
Blank printer paper or white construction paper (enough for each student)
Colored markers or crayons for each student
Extra printer paper or construction paper (enough for several pieces for every
group of 4 students)
1. Remind students of the 3 personal standards and that they will earn Super
Scientist Awards when they show the 3 personal standards throughout the lesson.
2. Begin by asking students to turn to a partner and summarize orally the story of
Martín Fierro that they heard yesterday.
3. Then explain that today they are going to use a sentence patterning chart to make
patterns describing Martín Fierro. Proceed to explain what each part of speech
means and draw some simple sketches next to the words to help illustrate their
meaning. Then ask students to think of adjectives to describe Martín Fierro. As
students give suggestions write them down under the adjectives column along
with a sketch to illustrate the meaning of the word. Next ask students to suggest
verbs for Martín Fierro. Last, have students suggest prepositional phrases
beginning with words such as: on, in, around, under.
4. Finally choose 3 adjectives from the list and mark them using post-its, choose one
verb and mark it with a post-it, and choose one prepositional phrase and mark it
with one post-it. Then teach students how to sing the pattern (to the turn of The
Farmer in the Dell). It is sung:
Students will:
Know the main ingredients necessary to make milanesa.
Materials Needed:
Ingredients and utensils (enough for each student or for a small group of students
to share) to make milanesa: large plates or a platter, a rectangular pan, large
bowl, whisk, thinly cut beef (one for each student), bread crumbs (1/2 cup per
student), flour (4 oz per student) , eggs (1 per student), chopped garlic (3 cloves
per 4 students), chopped parsley (4 per student), milk (a quart of milk, added as
necessary), olive oil (7 oz per student), mustard (2 spoons per student), salt (1
spoon per student) and pepper (1 spoon per student)
Refrigerator (for milanesa; take home to cook and students sample the following
day or have samples prepared in advance for students to sample the day of)
White printer paper or white construction paper (enough so each group is able to
make 2 maps, a sentence patterning chart, a story of Martín Fierro, and a chant)
Colored markers or crayons for each student
Map of the world, map of Argentina, Argentina Sound-Off Chant, story of Martín
Fierro, sentence patterning chart
Student Key (attached)
Books from the library about Argentina
Aprons or extra large undershirts to be used as aprons (enough for each student)
1. Begin by explaining that today they will be working in groups to complete several
tasks. Show the students the key and explain that their team must work together to
complete the tasks listed on the key. Read through each task and explain that they
may use all the charts, photos and books in the room to assist them. Explain that
they will have four days to complete these tasks. Also discuss that while groups
are working to complete these tasks one group will be working with the teacher to
Students will:
Know the main ingredients necessary to make ñoquis.
Materials Needed:
Ingredients and utensils (enough for each student or for a small group of students
to share) to make ñoquis: spatula, strainer, bowl, potato masher, measuring
spoons, serving spoon, colander, pot with lid, ñoquis board, cleaned, peeled, and
boiled potatoes (1 per student), flour (8 oz per student), eggs (1 per student), salt
(1 spoon per student), pepper (1 spoon per student), nutmeg (a pinch per student),
baking powder (1/2 spoon per student)
Refrigerator (for ñoquis; take home to cook and students sample the following
day or have samples prepared in advance for students to sample the day of)
White printer paper or white construction paper (enough so each group is able to
make 2 maps, a sentence patterning chart, a story of Martín Fierro, and a chant)
Colored markers or crayons for each student
Map of the world, map of Argentina, Argentina Sound-Off Chant, story of Martín
Fierro, sentence patterning chart
Student Key
Books from the library about Argentina
Aprons or extra large undershirts to be used as aprons (enough for each student)
1. Begin by explaining that today they will be working in groups to continue to
complete the tasks on the key. Show the students the key and explain that their
team must work together to complete the tasks listed on the key. Read through
each task and explain that they may use all the charts, photos and books in the
room to assist them. Explain that they will have three more days to complete these
tasks. Also discuss that while groups are working to complete these tasks one
group will be working with the teacher to learn how to make a typical food from
Argentina. (Depending on the size of your class and if you have teacher’s aides
Students will:
Know the main ingredients necessary to make empanadas.
Materials Needed:
Ingredients and utensils (enough for each student or for students to share) to make
empanadas: wooden spoon, cutting board, frying pan, knife, baking pan, brush,
beef cut into small pieces (1 handful per student), chopped onion (small handful
per student), spoonful of oil (per student), chopped, pitted green olives (1 spoon
per student), 1 chopped hard boiled egg per student, 1 beaten egg (per student), a
pinch of salt and pepper (per student), empanada shells (1 per student), water in a
Refrigerator (for empanadas; take home to cook and students sample the
following day or have samples prepared in advance for students to sample the day
White printer paper or white construction paper (enough so each group is able to
make 2 maps, a sentence patterning chart, a story of Martín Fierro, and a chant)
Colored markers or crayons for each student
Map of the world, map of Argentina, Argentina Sound-Off Chant, story of Martín
Fierro, sentence patterning chart
Student Key
Books from the library about Argentina
Aprons or extra large undershirts to be used as aprons (enough for each student)
1. Begin by explaining that today they will be working in groups to continue to
complete the tasks on the key. Show the students the key and explain that their
team must work together to complete the tasks listed on the key. Read through
each task and explain that they may use all the charts, photos and books in the
room to assist them. Explain that they will have two more days to complete these
tasks. Also discuss that while groups are working to complete these tasks one
Students will:
Know the main ingredients necessary to make submarinos and mate.
Materials Needed:
Ingredients and utensils (enough for each student or for students to share) to make
mate and submarinos: 1 Hershey’s chocolate bar per 4 students, 10 oz milk per
student, heated milk in thermos’ or a stove or hotplate, large pot to boil milk if
using a hot plate or stove, spoons (plastic is fine, one per student), 2 paper cups
for each student, cooking thermometer, mate herbs, hot water, hot water heater,
Refrigerator (for milk)
White printer paper or white construction paper (enough so each group is able to
make 2 maps, a sentence patterning chart, a story of Martín Fierro, and a chant)
Colored markers or crayons for each student
Map of the world, map of Argentina, Argentina Sound-Off Chart, story of Martín
Fierro, sentence pattering chart
Student Key
Books from the library about Argentina
Aprons or extra large undershirts to be used as aprons (enough for each student)
Food Assessment (attached)
1. Begin by explaining that today they will be working in groups to continue to
complete the tasks on the key. Show the students the key and explain that their
team must work together to complete the tasks listed on the key. Read through
each task and explain that they may use all the charts, photos and books in the
room to assist them. Explain that this is their last day to complete these tasks.
Also discuss that while groups are working to complete these tasks one group will
be working with the teacher to learn how to make a typical food from Argentina.
(Depending on the size of your class and if you have teacher’s aidse and how well
Students will:
Create a graphic organizer comparing themselves and/or their city/state to
Argentines and Argentina.
Materials Needed:
White printer paper or white construction paper (enough for one piece for each
Colored markers or crayons for each student
Pictures of Argentinian food, map of the World, map of Argentina, Argentina
Sound-Off Chant, story of Martín Fierro, sentence patterning chart—all displayed
around the room
Books from the library about Argentina
1. Tell students that today they will be creating a graphic organizer using all the
materials that we have used and created in this unit on Argentina.
2. Explain that students should divide their blank paper into 2 sections. On one side
they will draw and label or write about Argentina—geography, animals, food.
They may choose one region of Argentina to focus on or draw/label or write about
each region of Argentina. On the second section of paper students should
draw/label or write about themselves—animals that are common in their state, the
geography of their state, and foods that they enjoy eating.
3. After students have completed their graphic organizer they should present them to
the class.
4. Teachers should use their graphic organizers as an assessment of what students
have learned throughout the unit.