1.ce302-Qp DHS PDF
1.ce302-Qp DHS PDF
1.ce302-Qp DHS PDF
Use of Khosla’s chart, Blench curve and Montague curve are permitted in the exam hall
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
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Bed width = 5.5m
Top width of banks = 1.5m
At the proposed site a fall of 1.5m is available. Good foundation is available 1m
below natural surface level. The canal section and flow conditions are same
below the fall. Assume any other data if required.
b) Prepare the following drawings (not to scale) (25)
i. Half plan at top and half at the foundation level.
ii. Section across the channel through the notch fall.
5 a) Design a suitable cross drainage work for the following hydraulic particulars: (25)
Full supply discharge = 25 cumecs
Bed level = 112.00
Full supply level = 113.50
Bed width = 18.0m
Side slope =1.5 H :1 V
Left bank is 3.0m wide. Right bank is 4.5m wide and the cross drainage work
carries a roadway of 4.5m over it.
Catchment area = 175 sq.km
Ryve’s coefficient =10
Bed level = 106.80
High flood depth = 3.2m
General ground level = 113.20
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b) Distinguish between a main spillway and an emergency spillway (4)
c) Find the limiting height of a low concrete gravity dam, constructed in concrete (2)
having strength equal to 3000KN/m2
8 a) How will you estimate the uplift pressure under gravity dams? How the uplift (5)
pressure diagram will get modified under
i. The presence of a drainage gallery
ii. Tension crack near the heel of the dam?
b) Explain the term effective length of spillway. Give an expression for ogee (3)
c) Why are keys provided in a dam? (2)
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