Cet306 Design of Hydraulic Structures, May 2023

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C 1200cET3060s2301

Reg No.:


Sixth Semester B.Tech Degree Supplementary ExaminationMay 2023

Course Code: CET306

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
a use of Khosra's chart' the Examination Harl
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Answer onefull questionfrom each module, each carries 15 marks. Marks

Module I

I a) Define a weir and barrage with the help of neat sketches. (6)
b) A barrage built on fine sand has the following details: Total length of the floor: 35 (9)
m, a gate at7 m from u/s end, effective head of water 5 m, sheet pile at u/s end 6 m
deep, sheet pile at d/s end 8 m deep, intermediate piles of 4 m.depth at 20 m from

u/s end. Determine: a) Average hydraulic gradient, b) Uplift pressures at points l0

m and 25 m from upstream end and corresponding thicknesses of floor using
Bligh's theory. Specific gravity of floor material is2.24.
2 a) What are the functions of under sluice, silt excluder and silt ejector in a diversion (6)

, headwork?
b) Explain Khosla's method of independent variable. How do you apply corrections (9)
for (i) thickness of floor, (ii) inclination of floor and (iii) interference of piles?
Module ll
3 * a) Why Lacey's silt theory is more reliable than $ennedy's theory for the design of . (5)
alluvial channels?
b) Explain various types of cross drainage works with neat sketches. (10)
4 a) What are the various types of irrigation canals? What are the circumstances, under (6)
which-each one is suitable.
b) Using Lacey's theory, design a regime channel for a discharge of 50 cumecs, side (9)
slopes : Vz: I and silt factor: l.

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. Answer ony onefull question
Module lll
5 a) Design a suitable uoss drainage work for the following hydraulic particulars: (ZS')
Full supply discharge = 40 cumecs
Bed width:30.0m
Bed level:200.00
Full supply depth: 1.75m
Side slope:1.5 H :l V
Left bank is 3.0 m wide. Right bank is 5m wide and the cross drainage work
carries a roadway of 5m over it.
Maximum flood discharge:400 cumecs
Bed level = 198.00
High flood level : 200.50m
General ground level :200.00m
Lacey's silt factor: I
Rugosity coefficient N: 0.016
b) Prepare the following drawings (not to scale) (25)
i. Half sectional plan at top and foundation level.
ii. Section along the centre line of the drain.
6 a) Design a 1.1.5 m Sarda fall for a canal having a discharge of 20 cumecs for the (25)
following data
Bed level upstream: 108.0 m ,;
Side slopes of channel : l:l
Bed level downstream :106.25 m
Full supply level upstream = 109.5 m

- Bed width'u/s and d/s : l0 m

Khosla's safe exit gradient: l/6
b) Prepare the following drawings (not to scale)

i) Half sectional plan at top and foundation level (15)

ii) Longitridinal sectional view through centre line of the channel (,10)




Answer one full questioil from each module, each question carries l0 marks
Module lV
7 a) Explain various modes of failure of a gravity dam. (5)
b) What is an elementary profile of a gravity dam? How the practical profile of dam (5)
can be obtained from elementary profile?

8 a) How do.you fix the suitable site for a dam? ()
b) Derive the equation for Principal and shear stresses in gravity dam. (6)
Module V
9 a) Draw the cross-sections of the diaphragm type embankment for earth dam resting (5)
on impervious soil.
b) Derive an expression for the thickness of an arch dam using thin cylinder theory. (5)

l0 a) Explain side channel spillways and syphon spillways with neat sketches. (5)
b) Explain the components provided in a stilling basin for energy dissipation. (5)

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