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05 - Impervious To Pain

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Mountain Dog Training – Impervious to Pain – Program 5

Week 1 of 3 - Phase 1

Weeks 1-6 – Phase 2 not started – Banded phase

Get bands from http://www.flexcart.com/members/elitefts/default.asp?m=PD&cid=114&pid=3928

Week s 1-3 – Phase 3 – not started

Week 1 – Low Volume

Legs – 11 sets:

Seated leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. I want 2 sets of 10 perfect reps. On your 3rd and last set, I want you to
do 10 again with the same weight, but then drop/lessen the weight and do another 7 reps, then make
another small drop, and finish with 6 perfect reps. 3 total work sets.

Leg press – Do as many warm up sets as you need. I want you to use a weight that is pretty tough for 30
reps and do nonstop continuous tension reps. Do not lockout. Feet should be medium width, and height
on platform. Next add weight and do 20 reps. Finally add weight again, and do 10 reps. 3 total work sets.

Squat – Now that your legs are warmed up, let’s do 2 sets of squats. I want the first set to be 15 reps, and
on every rep go down with a 3 second decent. Go to about parallel and blast back up. On your next set, go
up in weight some, and do the same thing for 10 reps, again using a 3 second decent. Your legs should feel
JACKED. 2 total work sets.

Barbell stiff legged deads - 3 sets of 10 – Get a slight bend in your knees, and lower the bar down by
pushing your hips back with an arched chest, not so much bending at the waist. This should be a great
stretch after doing the other movements. 3 total work sets.

Chest - 9 sets & Shoulders – 7 sets:

Machine press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Use a machine that allows for a neutral grip if you have one. I
want you to do a simple pyramid. Every rep should be flexed at the top for 1 second. Do 12 reps, 10, reps,
and then use a weight where you can barely get 6-8 reps. 3 total work sets.

Incline barbell press – 2 sets of 6 to pyramid up to a heavy weight. Pyramid up doing sets of 8. When you
get to a weight that you can’t do 8 reps. Stop there and do 3 sets of 6 with it ok. 3 total work sets.

Flat dumbell twist press – These are going to be harder than they look. Your pecs are going to have to
work hard to flex on these. Doing the twist, almost forces them too. Do 3 sets of 8. If you need a refresher
on form, visit my YouTube channel for these. 3 total work sets.

Dumbell side laterals – After 1 warm up set, pyramid up. Do a set of 12, then 10, then 8 reps. Bring the
dumbells up to about ear level. 3 total work sets.
Bent over dumbell rear laterals – Find a weight that makes for a hard 15 reps, and do 3 sets of 15 reps
using a full range of motion (not my swings). 3 total work sets.

6 ways – Do 3 sets of 10 reps. If you need a refresher on form, visit my YouTube channel. 3 total work

Back – 11 sets:

One arm barbell rows – 2-3 warm up sets of 10, then hammer 3 hard sets of 8. Use 25 lb plates so you can
get more range of motion. Reach down and stretch on these too. Refer to my YouTube video if you need a
form refresher. 3 total work sets.

Low cable rows – Use single handles on these. You can pull back just a tad more and get more of a flex.
Reach forward and stretch at the bottom this week on these. I want 3 sets of 10. Hold the contracted
position for just a split second and flex. 3 total work sets.

Stretchers – With all the blood that is in your back, this will loosen everything up, and help with lat width.
Watch the video on YouTube or on my website. Notice how I drop my head, straighten my arms and
stretch on these. It will feel uncomfortable at first, but as you go it will better and better. This movement
is great for width and detail. I want 3 sets of 10 reps. 3 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 2 sets to failure. Refer to my YouTube video if you need a form refresher. 2
total work sets.

Arms - Biceps - 10 sets & Triceps 10 sets:

Rope pushdown - 3 sets of 12 to warm up and dumbell curls 2-3 sets of 15 to warm up.

Superset 1
Tricep pushdowns for 12 reps then do standing dumbell curls for 8 (palms facing up through entire range
of motion and do each arm separate – so 8 reps with one arm then 8 with the other). Do 4 rounds. 8 total
work sets.

Superset 2
Barbell curls for 6 reps with a 3 second negative on all reps, then do lying triceps extension for 12 reps.
Do 4 rounds. 8 total work sets.

Superset 3
EZ bar reverse curls for 20 reps, then do the dips between benches to failure. Do 2 rounds. 4 total work
Calves - 3 sets:

Banded toe presses on the leg press- I want you to do 8 sets of 8. The bands will make your calves
contract very hard. You’ll enjoy these. 8 total work sets.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 2 – Low to moderate volume

Legs – 13 sets:

Lying leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. I want 3 sets done in pyramid fashion. Do 12, 10, and 8 reps. I want
perfect reps. Squeeze hard at contraction point. Rest about 90 seconds between sets. 3 total work sets.

Squat – After a few warm up sets, let’s do sets of 6 pyramiding up. I want you to keep doing sets of 6 until
you get to a weight that is a pretty hard 6 (but you could still probably do 2-3 more reps). Stay with that
weight and do 4 sets of 6 with it. For example, when I did this I did 2 warm ups then 315 x 6, 365 x 6, 405 x
6, and then the 455 x 6 was pretty hard. I stayed there and did 3 more sets with it, even though I probably
could have done 500+ for a set of 6. 4 total work sets.

Leg press – You should be warmed up, so just do a few sets of 5 reps and get to a weight that is a ball-
busting 10 reps. I want 2 sets of 10 with that weight. 2 total work sets.

Dumbell lunges – Go down on one leg. It should take around 10 steps. Rest 60 seconds then come back on
the other. Use straps, as I want you to use heavy dumbells. Do 2 rounds. 2 total work sets.

Barbell stiff legged deads - 2 sets of 10 – Get a slight bend in your knees, and lower the bar down by
pushing your hips back with an arched chest, not so much bending at the waist. 2 total work sets.
Chest - 9 sets & Shoulders – 9 sets:

Decline dumbell press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Pyramid up doing sets of 8. Once you get to a weight
that you fail with or just barely get 8 with, stop there. We will count the last 3 sets as working sets. 3 total
work sets.

Incline barbell press – 2 sets of 6 to pyramid up to a heavy weight. Pyramid up doing sets of 6. When you
get to a weight that you can’t do 6 reps. Stop there and do 3 sets of 6 with it ok. 3 total work sets.

Neutral grip incline dumbell press – These are incline dumbell presses, but you keep your palms facing
each other the whole time. You also lock out at the 10 and 2 o’clock position and flex your pecs. Make
sure you get a great stretch at the bottom. These are on my YouTube channel. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work

Dumbell side laterals – After 1 warm up set, pyramid up. Do a set of 12, then 10, then 8 reps. Bring the
dumbells up to about ear level. This is the same as last week. 3 total work sets.

Machine rear laterals (reverse peck deck)– I want 30 reps, then 20 reps, then 10 reps. Add weight as you
go. 3 total work sets.

Plate raises – This is where you sit at the end of a flat bench and hold a plate out in front of you. Raise the
plate to overhead, flexing your front delts, and then lower the plate all the way down. I will have video of
this on YouTube channel soon if you aren’t sure about this oldie but goodie. Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work

Back – 14 sets:

One arm barbell rows – 2-3 warm up sets of 10, then hammer 3 hard sets of 8. Use 25 lb plates so you can
get more range of motion. Reach down and stretch on these too. Refer to my YouTube video if you need a
form refresher. This is the same as last week. See if you can go a bit heavier this week. 3 total work sets.

Rack pulls – Do sets of 3 working your way up. When you get to a hard set of 3, stay there for 5 hard sets
of 3. Pull from mid-shin. 5 total work sets.

Scapulae stretches – These are pulldowns in which I go really heavy, and let the weight stretch me at the
top, then only bring down to the top of my forehead. I have video of this on YouTube if you need a form
refresher. Do 3 sets of 8 reps. 3 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 3 sets to failure. Refer to my YouTube video if you need a form refresher. One
more set than last week, but whole lot more pain. 3 total work sets.
Arms - Biceps - 10 sets & Triceps 10 sets:

Rope pushdown - 3 sets of 12 to warm up and EZ bar curls 2-3 sets of 15 to warm up.

Superset 1
Tricep pushdowns for 12 reps then do EZ bar curls for 8. Do 4 rounds. 8 total work sets.

Note: If you happen to have chains, I actually did chain curls on these. If not, no biggie.

Superset 2
Hammer curls for 8 reps, then do dips between benches to failure. Do 4 rounds. 8 total work sets.

Superset 3
Heavy alternating dumbell curls for 6 reps flexing hard on each rep at top (do supinate on these), then do
the decline lying extensions for 15 reps. Do 2 rounds. 4 total work sets.

Calves - 8 sets:

Banded toe presses on the leg press- I want you to do 8 sets of 10 using the same weight you did 8 for
last week. 8 total work sets.

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.
Week 3 – Low to moderate volume

Legs – 13 sets:

Lying leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. I want 2 sets of 15 reps, then a hard drop set. Add weight and start
with 10 reps, drop weight and do 8 more, then drop weight again and do 8 more. Finally, just do partials
out of the bottom for another 20 reps with this weight. 3 total work sets.

Squat – After a few warm up sets, let’s bump the reps up on squats today. I want sets of 10 this week. Do
sets of 10 all the way up to a weight that you can barely get 10 with. Do not hit failure though ok. For
example, maybe you can do 315 for 10, so a 225 for 10, 275 x 10, and 315 for 10 would be 3 good sets
after warm up. Use a slightly wider than shoulder width stance, and go down to parallel, but not deeper.
3 total work sets.

Leg press – I want you do to do a few sets of 6 going up to a weight that will be a hard 10. When you get
there, I want a vicious drop set. I want 10 reps, drop weight and do 8, drop weight and do 8, then drop
weight again and bust ass to failure. 1 total work set.

One leg press – I want you to do 15 nice and deep reps on one leg, then 15 on the other, then
immediately go back to the other leg. So one set is 30 reps total on each leg. I want 2 sets like this. 2 total
work sets.

Barbell stiff legged deads - 4 sets of 10 – Get a slight bend in your knees, and lower the bar down by
pushing your hips back with an arched chest, not so much bending at the waist. Do not lock out, use
continuous tension. 4 total work sets.

Chest - 11 sets & Shoulders – 11 sets:

Machine press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Pyramid up doing sets of 8. Once you get to a weight that you
fail with or just barely get 8 with, stop there. We will count the last 3 sets as working sets. 3 total work

Incline barbell press – 2 sets of 6 to pyramid up to a heavy weight. Pyramid up doing sets of 6. When you
get to a weight that you can’t do 6 reps. Stop there and do 3 sets of 6 with it ok. This is just like last week,
see if you can beat what you did last week. DO not lock out, use continuous tension. 3 total work sets.

Flat dumbell press – I want an awesome stretch at the bottom on these, and then a hard flex at the top.
Give me perfect form. Your chest will blow up. Pick a weight that will be hard for 10 reps, and do 3 sets
with it. 3 total work sets.

Pec minor dips – Give me 2 sets to failure. I am hoping you can attach a little weight for your first set.
Remember, keep your arms straight, and lift your body by flexing your pecs. 2 total work sets.

Dumbell side laterals – After 1 warm up set, I want you to hit 5 sets of 10 reps taking only 30 second rest
breaks. If you need to cheat a little on the last few sets, that’s ok. 5 total work sets.
Machine rear laterals (reverse peck deck)– I want 3 sets of 15 reps, flexing hard at contracted part of
movement. 3 total work sets.

Superset this with

Rear delt band pulls – This is where you take the orange micro mini and do a rear delt pull. Hold the
contraction for 2 seconds on each rep – do 10 reps on each set. 3 total work sets.

Back – 14 sets:

Meadows rows – 2-3 warm up sets of 10, then do 3 hard sets of 10 reps. Make sure you get a good stretch
at the bottom! 3 total work sets.

Supported rows – This is where you do a row with your chest against a pad on a machine. Keep your
elbows up and squeeze your rhomboids hard! Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets.

Chins – Wide grip – and do 3 sets to failure. Do not use a thumbless grip fyi. 3 total work sets.

Dumbell shrugs – 2 sets of 12 reps with a 3 second flex at the top of the movement! 2 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets.

Arms - Biceps - 11 sets & Triceps 11 sets:

Rope pushdown - 3 sets of 12 to warm up and EZ bar curls 2-3 sets of 15 to warm up.

I hope you are enjoying all the arm supersets – I love to do arms this way.

Superset 1
Tricep pushdowns for 12 reps then do standing dumbell curls (palms up the whole time) for 8. Do 4
rounds. 8 total work sets.

Superset 2
Reverse curls for 15 reps, then do dips between benches to failure. Do 4 rounds. 8 total work sets.

Superset 3
EZ bar preacher curls for 8 reps flexing hard on each rep at top, then do decline lying extensions for 15
reps. Do 3 rounds. 6 total work sets.

Calves - 8 sets:
Banded toe presses on the leg press- I want you to do 6 sets of 8. 6 total work sets.

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 4 – Moderate to high volume

Legs – 15 sets:

Lying leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. Next I want you to do 3 sets of 8 perfect reps. Squeeze every rep, and
keep your back flat on pad. Have someone gently push down on your lower back if possible. On your 4th
set, I want 8 reps again, but drop the weight and do another 8, followed by 25 partial reps out of the
bottom of the movement. 4 total work sets.

Banded Leg press – I want you do to do several warm up sets with the bands. Work your way up doing
sets of 8, until you hit a weight that is very hard for 8. Stay there for your 4 sets. Keep your feet in
(shoulder width), and place them in the middle of the platform. I want 4 hard sets of 8 with the bands. 4
total work sets.

Use the black monster mini bands for these

Squats – Do a couple of easy sets of 6, then I want you to do 3 sets of 10, doing your best to get below
parallel. Your legs should be very pumped, so stretch your quads hard in between all 3 sets. 3 total work

Barbell stiff legged deads - 4 sets of 10 – Get a slight bend in your knees, and lower the bar down by
pushing your hips back with an arched chest, not so much bending at the waist. Do not lock out, use
continuous tension. On these, you have done more work this week up to this point than last week, but I
still want you to try and better the weight you used last week on these! 4 total work sets.
Chest - 13 sets & Shoulders – 12 sets:

Machine press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Pyramid up doing sets of 8. Once you get to a weight that you
fail with or just barely get 8 with, stop there. We will count the last 3 sets as working sets. 3 total work

Banded bench barbell press – I want you to do 5 reps on all sets. You should do a total of 5 hard sets.
These reps should be explosive, and rest paused. Let the weight sit on your chest for a second, then ram it
up and flex for a split second. Do 5 sets of 5, once the sets are challenging. 5 total work sets.

I want you to use the black monster mini bands on these.

If you have chains – do those and use 2 sets of chains per side!

Decline dumbell press – I want an awesome stretch at the bottom on these, and then a hard flex at the
top. Give me perfect form. Work up to a set where you hit failure at around 8 reps. For example, let’s say
you can do 80s for 7 reps. So your 3 sets might be 70 for 8, 75 for 8, then 80 for 7. 3 total work sets.

Stretch pushups – Give me 2 sets to failure. Check my YouTube channel for form on these under the chest
playlist. 2 total work sets.

If you have chains – throw one chain on your back and do these ok.

Wide grip rows – These are for rear delts. Keep your elbows up, and flex your delts. Do 15 reps.

These are to be Supersetted with

Rear delt band pulls – This is where you take the orange micro mini and do a rear delt pull. Hold the
contraction for 2 seconds on each rep – do 15 reps on each set.

Do 4 rounds for a total of 8 total work sets.

Dumbell press - This is just your good old seated dumbell press (with your back supported). Pyramid up.
Rep scheme is 15, 12, 9, and then a heavy 6 reps. 4 total work sets.

Back – 17 sets:

Dumbell rows – 2-3 warm up sets of 10, then pyramid up. These are just standard dumbell rows. I want
you to get a little crazy on these ok. Do your sets of 10 up to something that is pretty tough, but not killer,
then I want you to unleash on a final set and do as many reps as you can. For example, you might do 90 x
10, 100 x 10 (and it’s pretty hard), then do 110 x 25. Find another gear. I did 35 reps with 130’s. 3 total
work sets.
Cable rows – Use single handles on these. Pull them in nice and low to hit lower lats. Also really stretch at
the bottom. I want 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets.

Wide grip pulldowns – On these, I want you to use a very wide grip and really let the weight stretch you at
the top. Drive down hard and squeeze. I want 5 sets of 6 on these, so you will be able to use a pretty
heavy weight, just make sure you can squeeze at the bottom ok. 5 total work sets.

Dumbell shrugs – 2 sets of 25 reps with a 1 second flex at the top of the movement. 2 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 12 sets / Triceps - 16 sets

We are taking a little different approach this week. Not as many exercises, but more sets on each

V bar Pushdowns - 2-3 warm up sets

V bar pushdowns – Just standard pyramid here again this week. Do 20 reps for 2 sets, 15 reps for 2 sets,
12 reps for 2 sets, and 9 reps for 2 sets Rest as long as you need between sets on these, no rush. 8 total
working sets.

Dips between benches – Do 4 sets to failure. If you have someone who can put a 45 or 2 on your lap, that
would be even better! 4 total working sets

Seated dumbell curls – After a few warm ups, do 8 sets of 6 with 3 second descents ok. Rest 60 seconds
between sets. 8 total working sets.

Medium grip chin ups with underhand grip - 8 sets to failure. Do your best to pull with your bis and not
your lats. 8 total working sets.

Calves - 8 sets:

Banded toe presses on the leg press- I want you to do 6 sets of 8. 6 total work sets.

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 5 – Moderate to high volume

Legs – 17 sets:

Lying leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. Very simple this week, I want you to do 4 sets of 10 with perfect form.
That’s it. Get your hams pumped and ready for stiff legs. 4 total work sets.

Barbell stiff legged deads – Ok, let’s work these hard. I want a pyramid. Use 25 lb plates (10’s for the
ladies) so you get a better stretch ok. Do sets of 8 as you go up. Do not come up all the way, only come up
¾ of the way, and make sure you have a slight bend in your knees. When you get to a fairly hard 8 reps,
count that as first set. Add 5-10 lbs per set and do 3 more after for a total of 4 sets. 4 total work sets.

Banded Leg press – Ok, this is what you did last week. “I want you do to do several warm up sets with the
bands. Work your way up doing sets of 8, until you hit a weight that is very hard for 8. Stay there for your 4
sets. Keep your feet in (shoulder width), and place them in the middle of the platform. I want 4 hard sets of
8 with the bands.” I want you to change something on the 4th set this week. I want you to do 6, then drop
the weight and do 6 going a little deeper, and then one more drop for 6 going really deep. 4 total work

Use the black monster mini bands for these

Squats – I want you to do the same form you did last week on squats (trying to get parallel), and the same
weight, but GIVE IT YOUR ALL to get 3 sets of 12. You did 10’s last week. 3 total work sets.

Bodyweight lunges – I want you to clasp your hands behind your head, and do walking lunges, alternating
legs as you go, for 20 steps on each leg. I want 2 rounds of this. 2 total work sets.

Chest - 13 sets & Shoulders – 12 sets:

Flat dumbell press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Pyramid up doing sets of 8. Once you get to a weight that
you fail with or just barely get 8 with, stop there. We will count the last 3 sets as working sets. Get a nice
deep stretch on each rep, and drive up ¾ of the way. I want continuous tension. 3 total work sets.

Banded bench barbell press – I want you to add 10 lbs on these this week, compared to what you did last
week. Last week you did this “I want you to do 5 reps on all sets. You should do a total of 5 hard sets.
These reps should be explosive, and rest paused. Let the weight sit on your chest for a second, then ram it
up and flex for a split second. Do 5 sets of 5, once the sets are challenging.” 5 total work sets.

I want you to use the black monster mini bands on these.

If you have chains – do those and use 2 sets of chains per side!

Banded Hammer decline – These are unbelievable for feeling your chest contract, and drilling your lower
pecs. Review my form and comments on the YouTube video called “banded hammer declines”. It is in the
“band” playlist. Note you only go back to where you arms are at 90 degrees, DO NOT try and get a good
stretch at the bottom on these. If you do these are just too hard on your rotator cuff. Lower the weight to
90 degrees, and ram it back up flexing your pecs hard. Do 3 sets of 8 reps. 3 total work sets.

If you do not have a hammer decline – see if you can rig up the bands to any machine press. It might
take some playing, but what I am after is the extra pec tension at lockout. You will know once you get it
right. It feels almost like a cramp, the contraction is so good.

Pec minor dips – Give me 2 sets to failure. Check my YouTube channel for form on these under the chest
playlist. 2 total work sets.

If you have chains – throw one or two on your back and do these ok.

Reverse pec deck/rear delt flyes on machine – I want you to do 1 warm up set, then do 4 hard and heavy
sets of 15 reps with a 2 second flex at the contracted part of each rep.

These are to be Supersetted with

Spidercrawls – This is where you put your hands in a short band, space them out, and walk your hands up
and down a wall 2 times. Make sure you watch my YouTube video on this. It is really hard, and will burn
like fire (plus keep your rotators healthy).

Do 4 rounds for a total of 8 total work sets.

Ultra wide grip overhead press - These are on my YouTube channel if you need to review the form. Make
sure you go REALLY wide and lower the bar all the way down to your chest. Only drive up to your
forehead. It won’t take much weight, as you will find out. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. 4 total work sets.

Back – 19 sets:

One arm barbell rows – 2-3 warm up sets of 10. Usually we use 25’s on these for a greater range of
motion. This time use a 45 as the first plate, and pull the weight into you and hold it there and flex your
lower lats for a second. You will like the lower lat blast with this technique. Do 4 sets of 8 hard reps. 4
total work sets.

Stretchers – Use a close grip handle for these. If you need a form refresher, check out my YouTube
channel. I want 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets.
Wide grip pulldowns –I want 5 sets of 6 on these again this week. Use a heavy weight and let it stretch
you, and then only bring down to top of forehead. 5 total work sets.

Supported rows – Let’s kill your rhomboids and get some rear delt and trap work mixed I too. Keep your
elbows high on these and squeeze hard for a sec at contracted position. I want 4 sets of 12 reps. 4 total
work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 8 sets / Triceps - 15 sets

I want to put a little more focus on tris this week.

Standing dumbell curls – After a few warm ups, do 4 sets of 8 with a 3 second descent. Keep your palms
up the whole time. Really flex your bis and feel them lowering the dumbell. 4 total working sets.

Preacher curls – You can use an ez bar or straight bar on these. I want to go for little more of a range of
motion this week on these, so you don’t want to go to heavy. Don’t straighten your arms all the way out,
but come close. Flex at the top. Squeeze as hard as you can. Do 4 sets of 8. 4 total working sets.

V bar pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. With the blood already in your arms from bis, it
won’t take as long as usual. Start with a weight that you pretty much hit failure with around 20 reps. You
are going to do 4 more sets. On each set, add some weight and go to failure ok. 5 total working sets.

Dips machine – Do 5 sets of 8-10 with a shortened range of motion. Don’t come all the way down and flex,
but don’t let it come up too high either. Work the middle range of motion and focus on doing all the
driving with the inner head of your tri. 5 total working sets

Incline skullcrushers – Now that we have some juice in your elbows, these should feel awesome. You can
use an EZ bar or straight bar on these. I have video of these on my YouTube channel. I want you to take
the bar behind your head and get an awesome stretch ok. Do not lock it out. Only come up ¾ of the way.
Shoot for 5 sets of 10-12 reps. 5 total working sets

Calves - 8 sets:

Standing calve/toe raises- I want you to do 6 sets of 10 reps, with 5 partials added on to the end of each
set. 6 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 2 sets of 25 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 2 total work sets.

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 6– High volume

Legs – 18 sets:

Lying leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. Pick a weight that is a hard 8. I want you to do 8, then on the next set
find a way to get 10 with it. Then on your 3rd set, find a way to get 12. Finally on your 4th set, do 10, then
do 20 partials out of the stretched position. 4 total work sets.

Barbell stiff legged deads – Let’s crank on these again this week. Do 4 sets of 8. Only come up ¾ of the
way. Keep constant tension. 4 total work sets.

Banded Leg press – This time you are going to rig up the thick orange bands from Elite FTS. They are
HARD. You have to fight hard to control the descent on these, you’ll see. Once you do a few warm ups
(just the carriage will be hard), work your way up in weight doing sets of 8 ok. Find a hard 8 reps, and do 3
sets with it. 3 total work sets.

Use the thick orange (light) bands for these. They are much harder than the mini or monster mini.

Squats – Ok, let’s keep busting it on these. I want a set of 20 reps. Don’t wuss out and use fly weight, push
yourself. Next I want you to add weight and do 15. Finally add more weight and do 10 reps. Take these to
parallel, and use a stance where you are slightly wider than shoulder width, with your toes pointed out
some. 3 total work sets.

Step ups on a low box – I want you to put a barbell on your back, and step up onto a box. The box SHOULD
NOT be real high. I don’t want you to sort of loose control and just drop down when you come back down
ok. I want you to be able to actually step down with just dropping. Do 10 reps on one leg, and then do 10
on the other. Do 4 sets on each leg. Add as much weight as you can use, and still get reps. 4 total work
Chest - 13 sets & Shoulders – 12 sets:

Incline dumbell press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Try to not use a steep angle, just a slight angle. Use a
weight that is a hard 10 reps. Do not lock out on these. We are going to pyramid. After you do 10, go up in
weight and try to get 8, then go up again and try to get 6. 3 total work sets.

Incline barbell press – After a few sets to get into your groove, pyramid on these too. Use the same rep
scheme as above. 10, 8, and 6 are the targets. Every set should be hard. 3 total work sets.

Smith decline – Slight angle on these ok! I use a sit up bench and just lower it down as low as it will go.
Rep time. Let’s do the following pyramid style, 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, and then 10 reps. Go up in
weight each time. Do not lock these out. I do want you to touch your chest with the bar on every rep
though. Ram the weight up to ¾ lockout. The constant tension and reps should be a shocker, we haven’t
nailed chest pressing with this high or reps for a while. For the love of God, do not use a false grip either. 4
total work sets.

Pec minor dips – let’s do these again this week. After the declines, these should feel awesome deep into
your lower peca and pec minor. Give me 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets.

If you have chains – throw one or two on your back again this week.

Dumbell bent over rear delts – I want 15 full range reps. We are going to superset these.

These are to be Supersetted with

Machine shoulder press – I want you to do these alternating arms. So in other words, you do a military
press with one arm, then the other, etc. back and forth until you do 10 reps with each arm. If you don’t
have a machine of some sort to do these, you can use dumbells too. Wear a belt on these!

Do 4 rounds for a total of 8 total work sets.

Heavy cheat side laterals - I am ok if you use a little momentum on these this week. I want you to do 4
sets of 8, with a little swinging! 4 total work sets.

Spider crawls – I want you to go up and down as long as you possibly can. Go until your shoulders just go
numb and give out! 1 total work set.

Back – 18 sets:

TBar rows – 2-3 warm up sets of 10. These are meant to be done heavy. Use the 45’s again. It’s a shorter
range of motion, but I want you to flex for a sec at the top with the heavy weight (holding it against your
body). I want to heavy sets of 8, then 2 heavy sets of 6. Wear a belt! 4 total work sets.

Dumbell rows – How about a little shock today. I want you to do a weight you usually can do for around
15, and go balls out. Shoot for 25 reps. I did 130’s for 25,22, then 18. Do something crazy like that ok.
PUSH yourself. 3 total work sets.
Dumbell pullovers –I want 3 sets of 12. Work the stretch more and more each set. 3 total work sets.

Single arm lat pulldowns – This is the version where you keep your wrists supinated, tilt back a hair, and
drive your elbow down flexing your lower lats. I have video of this on my YouTube channel if you need a
form refresher. 4 sets of 8 with each arm. 4 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 12 sets / Triceps - 12 sets

Standing dumbell curls – After a few warm ups, do 4 sets of 8 with a 3 second descent. Keep your palms
up the whole time. Really flex your bis and feel them lowering the dumbell. This is the same thing we
started with last week. 4 total working sets.

V bar pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. Pyramid up on these. Rep scheme is 15, 12, 9 and 6.
Flex hard at the bottom. 4 total working sets.

Hammer rope curls – So hook up a rope to the bottom part of a pulley and stand up and do hammer curls
with it. Flex your arms hard one each rep. Do 4 sets of 10 reps, and at the end of each set of 10, give me 4
little pump reps out of the bottom for some extra burn and bloodflow. 4 total working sets.

Dips between benches – Do 4 sets to failure. 4 total working sets

Preacher curls – You can use an ez bar or straight bar on these. I want to go for little more of a range of
motion this week on these, so you don’t want to go too heavy. Don’t straighten your arms all the way out,
but come close. Flex at the top. Squeeze as hard as you can. Do 4 sets of 8. 4 total working sets.

Decline skullcrushers – I like doing these on a sit up bench that is declined all the way down. Take the bar
behind your head to get a great stretch. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. 4 total working sets

Calves – 6 sets:

Standing calve/toe raises- I want you to do 4 sets of 10 reps, with 10 partials added on to the end of each
set. 6 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 2 sets of 25 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 2 total work sets.

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:
- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 7 – High volume

Legs – 19 sets:

Seated leg curls – 2-3 warm up sets. I want you to pyramid your first 3 sets. Do 15, 12, and then 9 reps.
For your last set, stick with the same weight you did 9 with, but do a dropset. Drop some weight and do 8
more reps, then one additional drop for 8 more reps. I also want to say that on your last set of 8 on the
drop, go for it. Don’t stop at 8 if you can keep going. Dig down deep and annihilate your hams. 4 total
work sets.

Squats – Do a few sets to get warmed up. I want you to do get to a weight that you think will be a hard 10,
and do 8 with it, but use a 3 second descent on EVERY REP ok. Add some weight, and do another set of 8
with a 3 second descent. Then finally, add a little more weight and try to gut out one more set of 8 with a
3 second descent. Do not lock out on these. Keep continuous tension ok. 3 total work sets.

Banded Leg press – Once you do a few low rep warm ups, work your way up in weight doing sets of 8 ok.
Find a hard 8 reps, and do 5 sets with it. If you are working as hard as you should be on these, they will
knock you into next week. Work HARD to get your 8 on each set. 5 total work sets.

Use the red mini and black monster mini on these. The thick orange band was just for 1 week.

Barbell stiff legged deads – Let’s crank on these again this week. Do 4 sets of 8. Only come up ¾ of the
way. Keep constant tension. 4 total work sets.

Heavy lunges – Use my form where you do one leg down, and the other leg back. Hold a dumbell in each
hand. You should be doing about 8-10 steps with each leg. Go slow, take your time, and feel the pain on
these. 3 total work sets.

Chest - 15 sets & Shoulders – 14 sets:

Flat dumbell press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Once you hit your working weight, do 8 reps with it ok.
Then go up in weight and do 8 again, and then go up a little and just go balls out. Get as many as you can,
including half reps ok. 3 total work sets.

Incline barbell press – After a few sets to get into your groove, do sets of 6 all the way up. I want you to
use a weight that is hard for 6, but still do 5 sets of 6 with it ok. Do not lock out, keep continuous tension
on these. 5 total work sets.

Banded bench – Do 5 sets of 5 here. Set the weight down on your chest, then blast it off and flex at the
top. Use the set of black monster minis on these. 5 total work sets.

If you have chains, you can use 2 sets of chains on each side on these.

Pushups – These are the pushups on my YouTube channel where I put my hands on the aerobic step
benches so I can sink deep down into a stretch, and I put my feet up on a low box to add difficulty. Do 2
sets to failure. Keep your chin up during the whole range of motion. 2 total work sets.

If you have chains – throw one or two on your back again this week.

Machine rear delts – Rep scheme is 30, 25, 20, and 15. Flex for one second at the contracted part of rep.
Add a little weight each set. When you feel that burn kick in, get angry and work through it. 4 total work

Side laterals - Do these ultra strict this week. Lower the weight slowly on each set too. Do 4 sets of 10
perfect reps. Your shoulders should feel like cannonballs. 4 total work sets.

Over and back press – Do 3 sets of 10 on these. Check my YouTube video out on these if you need a form
refresher. 3 total work sets.

SUPERSET these with Spider crawls.

Spider crawls – I want you to go up and down as long as you possibly can. Go until your shoulders just go
numb and give out! 3 total work sets.

Back – 19 sets:

TBar rows – This is how we started off last week, beat the weight you did last week this time! 2-3 warm up
sets of 10. These are meant to be done heavy. Use the 45’s again. It’s a shorter range of motion, but I
want you to flex for a sec at the top with the heavy weight (holding it against your body). I want to heavy
sets of 8, then 2 heavy sets of 6. Wear a belt! 4 total work sets.

Cable rows - use two separate handles attached beside each other. It's the same as a regular low row
attachment, except you can pull back an inch or two further creating a much better contraction
3 x 12. 3 total work sets.

Dumbell pullovers –I want 3 sets of 12. Work the stretch more and more each set. 3 total work sets.
Rack deadlifts - I want you to find a weight that is fairly heavy, that you could probably do 4-6 reps with. I
want you to simply do 10 rest pause reps - the pause in between is 10 seconds. So do a rep, count to 10,
then do a rep, then count to 10 etc. The last 3-4 reps should be grueling. Make sure you choose a hard
weight to use, but use perfect form. If you realize at the end of 10 reps it was to light, go ahead and do 5
more. I am going to count this as 2 working sets.

Dumbell shrugs - hold the dumbells for 3 seconds at the top of EVERY rep. Do 3 x 12. 3 total work set.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 12 sets / Triceps - 12 sets

Seated incline dumbell curls – After a few warm ups, do 4 sets of 8 with a 3 second descent. Keep your
palms up the whole time. Really flex your bis and feel them lowering the dumbell. This is the same thing
we started with last week except this week lean back a bit on an incline bench for a little more of a
stretch. 4 total working sets.

Hammer curls – Just good ole hammer curls. After doing the seated incline curls, and then these, your
lower bis should be full of blood. Do 4 sets of 10 ok. 4 total working sets.

Preacher curls – So now that your lower bis are full of blood, let’s really decimate them. On these, do not
lower all the way, and flex real hard at the top. Just take 45 seconds between sets. Do 12, 10, 8, and 6
(you will probably be able to use the same weight.) 4 total working sets.

V bar pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. Do higher reps on these today for a shock. 4 sets of
25. 4 total working sets.

Dip machine – Do 4 sets to failure – should be around 8-12 reps. I want you take a full 4-5 seconds on the
negative part before ramming the weight down and flexing. This will burn like fire. 4 total working sets

Incline skullcrushers – Let’s do these on an incline this week, and let your arms get behind your head for a
massive stretch. This should feel perfect after all the flexing from the previous two exercises. Do 4 sets of
12. 4 total working sets

Calves – 8 sets:

Banded toe raises on the leg press - I want you to do 6 sets of 12 reps with bands attached to a leg press.
6 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 4 sets of 25 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 4 total work sets.
Do this 1x this week.

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 8 – High volume

Legs – 20 sets:

Barbell stiff legged deads – Take plenty of sets to get your hams nice and harm. Do 4 sets of 8 pyramiding
up. Only come up ¾ of the way. Keep constant tension. Use 25 lb plates so you can stretch a little more
each set as you go. Do not keep your legs totally straight; put a little bend in them at the bottom. 4 total
work sets.

Squats – Do a few sets to get warmed up. I want to go a little higher on reps today. Let’s bust our butts on
these. Use a good weight you can do 20 with. Then add weight and do 15 reps, then add weight and do 10
reps, then add weight and do 6 reps. Do not lock out. Just come up ¾ of the way, and try to get just below
parallel. 4 total work sets.

Lying leg curls – I want 4 sets of 10 reps with only a 45 second rest break ok. 4 total work sets.

Banded Leg press – All right, now let’s see how these feel after all the other stuff you have done. Let’s give
these our all, and finish like a monster. I want 6 sets of 8 reps on these. Stance should be shoulder width
(not wide), and feet on the middle of the platform. Try to get these fairly deep, then blast out of the
bottom to 3/4 lockout. 6 total work sets.

Use the red mini and black monster mini on these.

Heavy leg extension – Just 2 sets of 8 reps heavy, and with a 2 second flex at the top. Stretch each quad
for 30 seconds 3 times after your last set. 2 total work sets.
Chest - 16 sets & Shoulders – 12 sets:

Machine press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. I would prefer you use a machine that allows for a neutral grip
(palms facing each other). If not that is ok. Drive out of the bottom hard on these and flex for 1 second.
Pyramid up doing sets of 8 until you can’t get 8 reps. We’ll count the last 4 sets as working sets. 4 total
work sets.

Incline dumbell press – So hit these hard and heavy with perfect form. Use a good weight you can stretch
at the bottom with, and then drive up and flex. I want 4 sets of 6. Again, go heavy, but use a perfect full
range of motion. 4 total work sets.

Banded bench – Do 5 sets of 5 here. Set the weight down on your chest, then blast it off and flex at the
top. Use the set of black monster minis on these. Try to use a little more then you used last week on
these. 5 total work sets.

If you have chains, you can use 2 sets of chains on each side on these.

Pec minor dips– 3 sets to failure! Push yourself up by flexing pecs, don’t bend your arms! If you can add a
little weight and still get 8 reps, go for it ok. 3 total work sets.

If you have chains – throw one or two on your back again this week as another alternative to add

Machine rear delts – I want 4 sets of 25 reps with a 1 second flex, and only take 60 seconds between sets
– this is going ti BURN. 4 total work sets.

Horizontal dumbell press - You cannot go heavy on these ( I use 7’s). They are also excellent for your
rotator cuff stability and health. Watch the YouTube video I put up on these and read the notes on how to
do them It is under the shoulder playlist. Do sets of 12 reps.

Super set these with:

Spidercrawls – Up and down the wall 3 times for each set!

Do 4 rounds for 8 total work sets.

Back – 18 sets:

Single arm barbell rows – More gut busting rowing to get you started off. Do a few warm ups then hit 3
sets of 8 with a hard weight. On your 4th set drop the weight down just a tad, and go balls out and just do
as many as you can to shock your back! Wear a belt! 4 total work sets.
Supported rows – I want 3 sets of 10. On these, get a great stretch ok. Relax your scapulae and really let
your arms reach out. 3 total work sets.

Dumbell pullovers –I want 3 sets of 12. Work the stretch more and more each set. 3 total work sets.

Stretchers – Let’s continue to stretch your lats hard this week. Remember to reach forward and duck your
head on each rep. If you need a form refresher, it is on my YouTube channel. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work

Dumbell shrugs – Use the dumbells you did last week for your sets of 12 with pauses, and just try and
pump out 35 straight reps ok. 1 total work set.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 12 sets / Triceps - 14 sets

This is the same set of exercises and reps as last week for bis. Watch how different it feels just by
changing the order and priority around.

Hammer curls – Just good ole hammer curls. Do 4 sets of 10 ok. 4 total working sets.

Preacher curls – So now that your lower bis are full of blood, let’s really decimate them. On these, do not
lower all the way, and flex real hard at the top. Just take 45 seconds between sets. Do 12, 10, 8, and 6
(you will probably be able to use the same weight.) 4 total working sets.

Seated incline dumbell curls – Do 4 sets of 8 with a 3 second descent. Keep your palms up the whole time.
Really flex your bis and feel them lowering the dumbell. Your arms are fully pumped headed into these
this week, feel how intense the stretch is now. 4 total working sets.

Rope pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. I want 6 sets of 10, but only 30 seconds between
sets. Let’s blow ‘em up quick. 6 total working sets.

Close grip EZ curl bench – You don’t want to take these down to your chest. Let the bar travel down
toward your nose, and let your elbows go out to the side. Drive up to ¾ lockout. Pyramid up. Do 12, 10, 8,
and 6 reps. 4 total working sets

Decline skullcrushers – Let’s do these on a slight decline this week, and let your arms get behind your
head for a massive stretch. Do 4 sets of 10. 4 total working sets

Calves – 7 sets:
Banded toe raises on the leg press - I want you to do 5 sets of 20 reps with bands attached to a leg press.
5 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 2 heavy sets of 10 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 2 total work

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 9 – High volume

Legs – 18 sets:

Barbell stiff legged deads – Same starter as last week. Take plenty of sets to get your hams nice and harm.
Do 4 sets of 8 pyramiding up again this week. Only come up ¾ of the way. Keep constant tension. Use 25
lb plates so you can stretch a little more each set as you go. Do not keep your legs totally straight; put a
little bend in them at the bottom. Try to beat what you did last week! 4 total work sets.

Banded Leg press – Work your way up slowly. Get nice and warmed up. Once the weight is hard for 8
reps, I want you stay there, and knock out 4 sets of 8. 4 total work sets.

Use the red mini and black monster mini on these.

Squats – These should be tough after the leg presses! I want you to do 3 sets of 8 with something that is
pretty tough. For your 4th set, I want you to drop the weight down and do 1.5s. I want a set of 10 of these.
This means you go down all the way, only come up half way, go back down, and then stand up and
lockout. That is 1 rep. I want 10 of these. 4 total work sets.

Seated leg curls – I want 3 sets of 12 reps with only a 60 second rest break ok. 3 total work sets.
Ham killers – If you need a refresher on form on these, they are on my YouTube channel. You should be
getting around 6 reps or so a set. These are tough. Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets.

Chest - 16 sets & Shoulders – 14 sets:

Machine or hammer incline press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Pyramid up doing sets of 8. Once you get to
a tough 8, hit 3 sets of 8 hard. Do not lockout on these this week. I want continuous tension. I also want a
4th set. This will be a drop set. I want you to add a little weight and do around 6 reps, then drop to a
weight you can get for another 6, then drop again, and do 15 partials out of the bottom. These are just
pulses, or half reps out of the bottom. 4 total work sets.

Banded bench – Do 4 sets of 5 here. Set the weight down on your chest, then blast it off and flex at the
top. Use the set of black monster minis on these. Try to use a little more then you used last week on
these. We have moved this up in the exercise order this week, so you should be able too. On the other
hand, the drop set might make the first set or two challenging. 4 total work sets.

If you have chains, you can use 2 sets of chains on each side on these.

Pec minor dips– Push yourself up by flexing pecs, don’t bend your arms! If you can add a little weight and
still get 8 reps, go for it ok.

Superset these with

Decline dumbell press – Get a nice deep stretch and flex 6 reps really hard. Doing these after the pec
minor dips will destroy your lower pecs.

Do 4 rounds for 8 total work sets here.

Machine rear delts – I want 6 sets of 15 reps with a 1 second flex, and only take 45 seconds between sets
– FIRE!!! 6 total work sets.

Dumbell side laterals - Regular sets of 10 reps.

Superset these with

Spider crawls – Go up and down the wall 3 times per set.

Do 4 rounds for 8 total work sets.

Back – 18 sets:

T-bar rows – Just good ole T-bar rows. Work your way up doing sets of 8. Once it starts to get heavy, stay
there and do 4 sets of 8 with it. 4 total work sets.

Partial pulldowns – These are the pulldowns where you only pull down to top of your head. I want 4 sets
of 8. On these, get a great stretch at the top ok. Relax your scapulae and really let your arms reach out. 4
total work sets.

Supported rows – I want to do these a little different this week. The focus is on the stretch ok. Let the
weight pull our lats out…reach out as far as you can. I t should feel like your rhomboids are going to pull
out of socket. Only pull the weight back about halfway. Use the grip where your thumbs are pointing to
each other like you would use on rear delts, not a palms facing in. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets.

Rack pulls – Do triples all the way to a weight you can barely get for three. We’ll count the last 3 sets as
working sets. Pull from mid-shin. 3 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 14 sets / Triceps - 14 sets

Reverse EZ bar curls – After 2 to 3 warm up sets, do 4 sets of 15 ok. We are going to blow up your
brachialis and brachioradialis. 4 total working sets.

Hammer curls – Do 3 sets of 15. Only take 45 seconds between sets. 4 total working sets.

Barbell curls – I want 3 sets of 8 with 3 second descents/negatives. 3 total working sets.

Machine curls – Your arms will be so pumped it will be hard to get the weight all the way back to flexed
position. Have your partner give you a little boost at the end of every rep so you can get the weight all the
way in. This is a very painful technique, but works extremely well. Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total working sets.

V-bar pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. Pyramid up. Do a hard flex at the bottom. Reps are
15, 12, 10, 8, and 6. 5 total working sets.

Dip machine – On these, we are doing 5 second negatives again. Do 3 sets of 8. Your tris should be on fire.
3 total working sets

Incline skullcrushers – Use an ez bar, and like usual we will keep reps up on these. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. Try
to lower bar behind your head for a great stretch. 3 total working sets

Reverse grip pushdowns – Pick a weight you can do for probably 12, and just go to failure. Once you get to
failure, do partials. The way you do partials on these is out of the top, so NOT the flex position. I step back
from machine, tilt forward, pick my elbows up higher, and just pump the top part of the range of motion.
Do 3 sets like this. 3 total working sets
Calves – 7 sets:

Standing calve raise - I want you to go heavy. So pyramid up doing sets of 10, then hit a really hard 4 sets
of 8 with a full stretch at the bottom. 4 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 2 heavy sets of 10 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 2 total work

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 10 – Moderate volume

Legs – 17 sets:

Barbell stiff legged deads – Same starter as last week. This week use 45 lb plates though and really focus
on the top part of the movement. When you come up, flex your glutes and hams. Try to go heavy on
these, but not at the expense of good form. Pyramid up. Rep scheme is 12, 10, 8, and 6. 4 total work sets.

Squats – Pyramid on these too. Do a few light sets of 10 or so, then begin doing sets of 8. Once you get to
what is a hard set of 8, stay and do 3 sets total with it. 3 total work sets.

Leg press – No bands this week. We are going to work some high reps today. I want the following rep
scheme. 40, 30, 20, and 10 reps. 4 total work sets.
Lying leg curls – I want 3 sets of 15. Take your time in between sets today. 3 total work sets.

Smith machine lunges – I want 3 sets of 10 done on each leg. These should set your legs on fire..well I am
sure they already will be, but this will throw some more gas on them. 3 total work sets.

Chest - 14 sets & Shoulders – 12 sets:

Machine or hammer incline press – 2-3 sets of 10 to warm up. Reps on these are higher this week. I still
want a flex on each rep though at the top. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. 4 total work sets.

Incline smith bench – Set an incline utility bench at about 20-25 degrees (slight incline), and pyramid up.
Do a few warm up sets then do a weight that will be a hard 15. Add some weight and do around 12. Add
some weight and do around 9-10. Then add weight again and do around 6-8. Take your time in between
these 4 sets. Do not lock these out, and do not come all the way down and touch your chest. Work that
middle range of motion and keep continuous tension on your pecs. 4 total work sets.

Dumbell press– These are just standard flat presses. I want you to flex these at the top too. I want 3 sets
of 8 here. You won’t be able to go real heavy if you use perfect form. Make sure you get a good stretch at
the bottom too on these. 3 total work sets.

Pec minor dips – 3 sets to failure! 3 total work sets.

Bent over rear laterals – I want 4 sets of 15 reps on these, and only take 60 second breaks!!! 4 total work

Dumbell side laterals – Pyramid on these. Add a little weight each time. Do 15, 12, 10 and 8 reps. 4 total
work sets.

Cage press – Find a weight that is a hard 8 and do 4 sets of 8 with it. 4 total work sets.

Back – 18 sets:

One arm barbell rows – Higher reps on these this week! After a few warm up, pyramid up using 25 lb
plates. Find a weight that is a tough 12 and do 3 sets with it. 3 total work sets.

Pulldowns – Oh my gosh – just regular pulldowns…well with a little twist. Have your partner force the
weight down the last few inches so it touches your chest, and let the weight come up slowly, keeping your
entire back flexed as you do this. Do 4 sets of 8 with this form. 4 total work sets.
Dumbell pullovers –Do 4 sets of 8 lying on the bench, not across it. 4 total work sets.

Rack pulls with a shrug – Do 10 heavy singles with a 5 second break in between sets, BUT after each pull
do 3 shrugs. This will destroy your traps. We’ll count this as 3 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

Biceps - 12 sets / Triceps - 12 sets = 24 total sets

Seated dumbell curls – Do a few warm up sets then do a pyramid. Reps should be 12, 10, 8, and 6. Do all
your reps on one arm before doing the other. Keep your palms up the whole time. Use a 3 second
negative. 4 total working sets.

EZ bar reverse curl – Do a pyramid on these too with higher reps. Shoot for 20, 15, 12, and 8 reps. Throw
in as many half reps out of the bottom that you can on the last set. Burn them up! 4 total working sets.

EZ bar preacher curls – Pick a weight you can do about 12 with, and do 4 sets with it. Only rest 30 seconds
between sets. Your reps will obviously drop as you go, but your pump should be insane. 4 total working

Rope pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. Take your time and pyramid up. Rep scheme is 15,
12, 9, and 6. All reps are with a hard flex at the bottom. 4 total working sets.

Close grip bench – I like to use an EZ curl bar on these, and I don’t lower them to chest. Lower these to
around your chin and let your elbows flare out. You can’t go as heavy, but you will get an awesome
stretch and drill your tris. Do 4 sets of 8. Don’t lock these out completely. 4 total working sets

Single arm pushdowns – Just a regular pushdown with one arm at a time. Do all 10 reps on one side, then
do the other. Your tris should be really pumped, so this flex will feel good at the bottom. When you let the
weight come up, try to sort of pick your elbow up a tad to, to provide extra stretch. Do 4 sets of 10. 4 total
working sets

Calves – 7 sets:

Standing calve raise – After a few warm up sets, find a weight that is a hard 10 reps. Do 10 full range of
motion reps, and then do 10 partials out of the bottom Do 4 sets like this. 4 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 2 heavy sets of 10 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 2 total work
Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 11 – Moderate volume

Legs – 15 sets:

Lying leg curls – After a few warm ups, let’s do 4 sets like this. Do 8 hard reps, then pump out 15 partials
out of the bottom, on EVERY set! This will get that fire burning! 4 total work sets.

Barbell stiff legged deads – More ham work here. Go back to using 25 lb plates, and doing continuous
tension reps with no lockout. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. 4 total work sets.

Squats – Warm up well, then we are going to do 3 second descents. After the ham work, this will feel
great. I want you to find a weight that is a tough 8 reps, and do 3 sets with it, all with a 3 second descent.
Do not lockout. Go down to about parallel. 3 total work sets.

Leg press – I want you to do a few sets of 6 to work up to a weight that will be a tough 10. Once you get
there, we are going to do a massive drop set. Do 10 reps, drop the weight and do 8 more reps, drop the
weight and do 8 more reps, then drop the weight and bring your feet together and a touch lower on
platform and pump out 20 reps. The first part of the drop set just put your feet where you are strongest. 1
total work set.

Leg extensions – I want 3 heavy sets of 8 reps. Flex every rep for 2 seconds ok. 8 reps should burn like 20
reps done with the flex and all the blood you will have in there. 3 total work sets.
Chest - 14 sets & Shoulders – 11 sets:

Slight incline dumbell press – Do these on about a 20-25 degree angle. Do a few warm up sets working up
to weight that is a hard 8, and do 4 sets with it. Don’t lock out. Get a deep stretch. Use constant tension. 4
total working sets.

Incline barbell bench – Pyramid up on these. Let’s do a hard 12, 10, 8, and 6 rep set adding weight as you
go. Do not lock these out, and do not touch chest. Keep continuous tension! 4 total work sets.

Banded hammer decline press – Remember, just let your elbows come back to 45 degrees, and then
drive hard and flex pecs. Do sets of 6 reps. You can check my YouTube channel if you need a form
refresher on these. If you don’t have Hammer equipment, do standard decline dumbell presses on a slight
angle. 4 total work sets.

Pec minor dips – 2 sets to failure! 2 total work sets.

Bent over rear laterals – I want 3 sets of 25 reps on these. Take your time between sets, your rear delts
will be on fire. 3 total work sets.

Dumbell side laterals – This is like last week. Pyramid on these. Add a little weight each time. Do 15, 12, 10
and 8 reps. 4 total work sets.

Over and back press – Do 4 sets of 10. Refer to YouTube channel if you need a form refresher ok. 4 total
work sets.

Back – 18 sets:

Pulldowns – Been a while since we did these first I think. You will enjoy how much better you can feel the
flex now. Flex hard at the bottom. Just do a few warm ups then 4 sets of 10 with a moderate weight ok. 4
total work sets.

One arm barbell rows – Another week of these, let’s hit a hard 4 sets of 8. 4 total work sets.

Dumbell pullovers –Do 4 sets of 12 lying on the bench, not across it. 4 total work sets.

Dumbell shrugs – Do 3 sets of 10 with a 3 second flex at the top! 3 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets.

Biceps - 11 sets / Triceps - 12 sets = 23 total sets

EZ bar curls – Do a few warm up sets then lets nail some high reps again. I want 4 sets of 15 reps with a
weight you can flex at the top with ok. 4 total working sets.

Rope hammer curl – This is just where you hook a rope up to a low pulley and do hammer curls with it.
Flex hard every rep! Do 4 sets of 10. 4 total working sets.

Close grip chins – Keep palms up! Just do sets to failure! These will be TOUGH after the other stuff. 3
total working sets.

Rope pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. High reps on these too. Let’s go with 4 sets of 15
reps. Flex as many as you can hard, then just pump them to get to 15. 4 total working sets.

Reverse grip pushdowns – Lean forward on these, let the bar come up to your forehead, and just pump
these down. Again, high reps to fill your tris full of blood. 4 sets of 15. 4 total working sets

Incline skullcrushers/extensions – Try and let the bar come back behind your head for a really good
stretch. 4 sets of 15 again. 4 total working sets

Calves – 12 sets:

Standing calve raise – After a few warm up sets, find a weight that is a hard 10 reps. Do 10 full range of
motion reps. Do 8 sets like this. 8 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 4 heavy sets of 10 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 4 total work

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

Week 12 – Moderate volume

Legs – 15 sets:

Barbell stiff legged deads – Pyramid these up heavy. After 2 or 3 warm ups, do a set of 10, then 8, then
two sets of 6. On these, don’t go down all the way, but do come up and flex glutes. 4 total work sets.

Squats – Warm up good, then we are going to do 3 sets of 15 reps. Find a weight where this is hard. These
should be tough. Don’t lockout, keep continuous tension. Use a slightly wider than shoulder width stance
with toes turned out. 3 total work sets.

Hack squat – I want 1 set of 25 reps, then 20 reps, then 15 reps. Go down all the way. You do not have to
pause, but I want these deep! Do not lockout either. These are gonna BURN. 3 total work set.

Seated leg curls – Do 4 hard sets of 10 reps, and really focus on flexing hard at the contracted part of te
movement! 4 total work sets.

Ham killers – Do 1 set to failure. 1 total work set.

Chest - 13 sets & Shoulders – 11 sets:

Decline dumbell press – Pyramid up on these. After a few warm up sets, do sets of 8 until you get to a
weight that you fail with before 8. We’ll count the last 3 sets oas working sets. 3 total working sets.

Incline barbell bench – After 1 or 2 lighter sets, let’s again do sets of 8 until you get to a weight that you
can barely get 8 with. I want 3 of these sets to be pretty tough ok. 3 total work sets.

Bench press – Hey, it’s the good ole bench press. Lower these with control down to chest, rest for 1
second then ram the weight up! I want 5 sets of 5 with a good weight. 5 total work sets.

Pec minor dips – 2 sets to failure! 2 total work sets.

Bent over rear laterals/swings – I want 3 sets of 25 reps on these. Use a heavier weight than last week,
and just swing these. 3 total work sets.
Cable side laterals – Do these one arm at a time. Do 10 reps with each arm. Rest for 60 seconds between
sets. When you get to the top, try to flex your side delt for a split second ok. 4 total work sets.

Cage press – Do 4 sets of 6. Refer to YouTube channel if you need a form refresher ok. 4 total work sets.

Back – 19 sets:

Chins– I want 2 sets done with a medium grip, 2 sets with a close grip (palms facing in), and 2 sets done
with a wide grip. Go to failure on all sets! 6 total work sets.

Dumbell pullovers – Do 4 sets of 12 lying on the bench, not across it. 4 total work sets.

Dumbell rows – Let’s do a hard 3 sets of 10. 4 total work sets.

Dumbell shrugs – Do 2 sets of 15 with a 3 second flex at the top! 2 total work sets.

Banded hyperextension – 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets.

Biceps - 13 sets / Triceps - 12 sets = 25 total sets

Seated dumbell curls – Do a few warm up sets then let’s do 3 sets of 10 with a 3 second descent. 3 total
working sets.

Barbell curl – Do 6 sets of 6 with a 45 second break in between sets. Use a 3 second descent on these too.
Your arms should be on fire. 6 total working sets.

EZ bar preacher curls – Find a weight that you can do for 15 reps. Do 15, then rest 45 seconds and go
again. Rest 45 seconds then go again, and then one final time for 4 sets. Obviously you won’t be getting
15 reps near the end! 4 total working sets.

Rope pushdowns – Do a few sets to get warmed up. Same thing as last week here. Let’s go with 4 sets of
15 reps. Flex as many as you can hard, then just pump them to get to 15. 4 total working sets.

Seated dip machine – Let your arms ride up pretty high but don’t lock out on these this time. Work the
top part more! Do 4 sets of 8 reps done with a second descent too! 4 total working sets

Declineskullcrushers/extensions – Try and let the bar come back behind your head for a really good
stretch. 4 sets of 10 again. 4 total working sets
Calves – 12 sets:

Standing calve raise – After a few warm up sets, find a weight that is a hard 10 reps. Do 10 full range of
motion reps. Do 8 sets like this. 8 total work sets.

Seated calve/toe raises- 4 heavy sets of 10 with a nice stretch at the bottom of each rep. 4 total work

Do this 2x this week.

Abdominals– 8 sets

Do this 2x this week.

Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:

- Hanging Leg Raises
- Leg raises with your elbows supported on pad
- Leg raises on a decline board/bench
- V ups

Pick one exercise from the following to hit upper abs:

- Incline sit ups
- Rope pulldowns/crunches
- Band crunches

For abs – these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.

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