Literature Review Lindley Kathryn

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Blended learning and PBL in a Science Class Literature Review

Kathryn Lindley
Lamar University


Review of the Literature

In the early 20th century, school was a one-house school room which hosted students of

multiple ages and academic backgrounds. However, as technology improved, more and more

devices started popping up in schools and classrooms. These changes led to radios in the 1920s,

and the first television in 1939. A couple of decades later, the whiteboard arrived to replace a

chalkboard, and eventually the Apple Microsoft computer was introduced in 1984[CITATION

unk14 \l 1033 ]. Once computers became more common in society, they found their way into

classrooms and eventually into the hands of students. Schools have always used technology in

some form since its creation, but the way we utilize the technology is most important.

In this literature review, we will explore how blended learning and project-based learning

will deliver effective instruction in the 21st century. According to research by Schoology, in the

2018-2019 school year, the most frequently used instructional approaches were “differentiated

instruction (73.5%), blended learning (54.8%), and individualized learning (47.8%)” with

blended learning receiving very high marks for student engagement[ CITATION Tra \l 1033 ].

Blended learning and project-based learning will be the focus of this review, using sources no

older than 15 years and emphasizing schools in the United States with a priority on science

classrooms. The conclusion of this review will show that a properly implemented, blended

learning and project-based learning program will yield a student with 21st century skills.

What is blended learning?

“Blended learning systems combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated

instruction”[ CITATION Kee15 \l 1033 ]. In other words, students receive some type of online

instruction, such as a self-paced Canvas course, and a face-to-face component. Within the


umbrella of blended learning, there are four main groups; according to Blended: using disruptive

innovation to Improve Schools, they are the rotation model, flex model, a la carte, and enriched

virtual[ CITATION Cha06 \l 1033 ].

Examples of blended learning can be seen all over the United States most notably KIPP

Academy in Los Angles that implemented a station rotation model to better utilize their small

group instruction. When they started this switch, there were roughly 100 students and 5 teachers

per grade level with very few class computers. As they shifted into a blended model, around 15

laptops were implemented into each classroom, and 2-3 small groups were created for each of

the core subjects. Rotations could include workstations led by a teacher, interventions with

another teacher, or an automated laptop lesson. As a result, students labeled as “proficient or

advanced level jumped from 36 percent to 96 percent during the course of its inaugural 2010-11

school year” [ CITATION Bet17 \l 1033 ]. Student learning styles have become a hot topic argued

both for and against changing the way we educate students. The International Journal of

Evaluation and Research in Education conducted research to see whether or not blended learning

was beneficial for certain learning styles. The results showed that all learning styles and blended

learning yielded the same results in the more than one hundred students observed [ CITATION

Sha20 \l 1033 ].

What is Project-based learning?

“Project based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively

explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge” [ CITATION Wha \l

1033 ]. Many different websites and books offer project-based learning ideas for students to use

their knowledge to solve real world problems. Though solving a real world problem is the most

common form of project based learning, others include: teaching others a new skill, making

predictions about an alternative future, taking on a fictional role with a mission to accomplish,

and researching an issue and then justifying an opinion [ CITATION SUS18 \l 1033 ]. Many students

experience a lack of motivation in school and or classwork, and this issue leads educators to look

for more relevant instruction. According to Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning

“students who previously did not do their assignments or turned in shoddy work, become more

responsible and step up their work quality when they care about a project” [ CITATION Joh \l

1033 ]. Project based learning is best used when students can obtain a deeper understanding of

the content they are studying which is explained in Higher Education Vol 51. Both "pedagogical

and psychological motives” of project-based learning are explored in a secondary setting

[ CITATION Lau06 \l 1033 ]. Multiple cases in this study mention the importance of motivation and

engagement in the classroom which leads to better understanding and success in the future.

How do you implement these systems?

When disrupting a classroom or school learning style, many people will be opposed.

Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns outlines

what an educational disruption is and how to implement one effectively [ CITATION Cla08 \l 1033 ].

Even though research can show how effective these models can be, change will usually not be

received with open arms. When looking at populations involved in the changes, administration,

faculty, parents, and students will need to be considered. Harapnuik has curated 4 steps to

implement a disruptive system in an already established school system; these steps include: “1.

Start with the Why 2. Identify and enlist key influencers 3. Install an effective institution strategy

and 4. Enlist and empower self- differentiated leaders” [ CITATION Dwa14 \l 1033 ].

What are the benefits of using blended learning and project based learning?


Why should a teacher or school consider switching to a blended learning model and or a

project based learning model? Both can be adapted to any classroom or school if the participants

are willing to change. It may be difficult in the beginning, but results show us that these

customizable systems not only increase engagement but also lead to more students being

successful. According to research conducted by The International Journal of Research in

Education and Science students in low socioeconomic backgrounds showed marked

improvements in blended models versus a standard brick and mortar classroom [ CITATION

Sea20 \l 1033 ]. Research done by the PNAS found similar results in their comparison of

learning through a blended model and a non-blended model many schools still utilize [CITATION

Lou19 \l 1033 ].


As technology changes, we as a society need to change the way that we educate our

children to meet their needs most effectively. The research shows us that students who are

engaged and feel a connection to their learning are more likely to continue in school. Whether

school or teachers choose a blended model or project-based learning in their environment, they

can count on their students being more successful in the future. By implementing one or even

both of these models, teachers and administrators can be sure the students in their classes will be

better prepared for the future.



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Clayton M. Christensen, M. B. (2008). Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way
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Graham, C. R. (2006). The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs. San
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