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Sample MCQ Paper for BA/BS Part II

General Instructions: Read following statements very carefully; there are four
options following these statements, mark only one option that you find accurate
or that represents correct answer by encircling clearly the response option that
you judge to be correct or that reflects most closer to correct response. Do not
indulge in overwriting and cutting as this will invalidate the item scoring.
Attempt all the items carefully. There is no negative marking in this paper.

1 Forensic Psychology involves

a. Criminal and civil matters

b. The psychology of police and policing

c. Victim serious

d. All of the above

2. The role of a ‘Forensic Psychologist may include

a. Advising police about the type of person likely to have committed a crime

b. Counseling victims after they have been involved in an attack

c. Reviewing physical conditions of jail

d. Passing a recommendation to a jury on a length of sentence for dangerous criminals

3. A ‘calling card’ is an example of

a. A pattern of distinctive behaviours that are characteristic of, and satisfy the offenders

b. emotional and psychological needs

c. An offenders ‘signature’

d. None of the above

4. A criminal profile may be best described as

a. An overall ‘portrait or picture’ of a likely offender

b. The overall IQ score of a criminal when assessed on an MMPI test

c. Personality assessment of criminal

d. None of the above

5. One of the following statements is most likely to be ‘true’ about serious offenders

a. They tend to take mercy on children but show no remorse for adults

b. They tend to repeat intense patterns of behaviour

c. They tend to be easily rehabilitated if their behaviour is addressed early

d. They have mostly past lives’ traumatic experiences

6. A Psychopathic personality type tends to be evident when

a. A person shows little or no remorse for their actions

b. A person has empathy but cannot control his/her urges to offend

c. A person suffers from depression and Anxiety

d. A person has not been adequately supported in their views about life

7. When assessing ‘dangerousness’ a key demographic factor may be

a. The gender of the person

b. A person’s current threat to be violent

c. Abuse as a child

d. Presence of paranoid delusions

8. The term ‘victimology’ means

a. The psychological effects of being a victim

b. Feeling that a person is ‘owed’ something for being a victim

c. The interactions between victims and the criminal justice system

d. Science of promoting victimhood

9. One of the following is a ‘mental state’ risk for dangerousness

a. Poor background

b. Current threats

c. Alcohol Abuse

d. Abuse in childhood

10. A genetic disorder in which the production of mucous affects the respiratory system is

a. Huntington’s disease

b. Down Syndrome

c. cystic fibrosis

d. Sickle Cell Anemia

11. One of the following is not one of the aspects of development studied by Psychologists

a. Universal aspects of development

b. Individual differences in development

c. Cultural differences in development

d. Immutable laws of development

12. The assessment tools upon which clinicians depend in order to gather information about
their clients may relate from category/ ies
a. Interviews

b. Psychological Tests

c. Mental Status examination

d. Observations

13. The best definition of psychotherapy includes

a. A sufferer, a healer and a systematic interaction between the two

b. A healer that uncovers unconscious conflicts and heals the personality

c. The removal of symptoms about which the patient complains

d. The use of talking and drugs about which the patient complains
14. Therapists who focus on altering faulty thought process are labeled as

a. Cognitive therapists

b. Humanistic therapists

c. Biological therapists

d. Psychodynamic therapist

15. When psychological tests are used in personnel selection, an important concern regarding the tests is

a. Cost

b. Ease of administration

c. Validity

d. Objectivity

16. One of the following is NOT a primary role of a sports psychologist?

a. Teacher

b. Consultant

c. Researcher

d. Strength & Conditioning Coach

17. A psychologist at the University of Illinois, this professor is regarded as the

'Father of American Sports Psychology
a. Norman Triplett

b. Bruce Ogilvie

c. Franklin Henry

d. Coleman Griffith
18. The American Psychological Association has a special division especially for
Sports Psychology. The specialized division that provides support and professional credibility to
this field is categorized under
a. Division 36

b. Division 14

c. Division 25

d. Division 47

19. Sports Psychologists commonly are found in following settings

a. National and Olympic Teams

b. Universities sports clubs and Colleges teams

c. Professional Sports Teams

d. Local Sports club

20. Sports psychology uses the scientific method in order to bridge science and practice
and build a knowledge base that can foster improved athletic performance in athletes
one of the following is NOT a component of the scientific method
a. Experimental controls and objective evidence gathering

b. Systematic approach and empirical observation

c. Guesswork and quasi-experimental designs (

d. Critical analysis and rigorous evaluation

21. One of the following alternatives describes infant’s behaviour

a. Differentiated

b. Undifferentiated or generalized

c. Innate

d. Specialized
22. Changes in behaviour emerge from

a. Learning alone

b. genetics

c. Maturation alone

d. Learning and maturation, both in important amounts

23. One of the following aspects of individuals development is most clearly defined
by heredity
a. The direction

b. The level

c. The rate

d. The limits

24. An organizational Psychologist deals with

a. Employees’ training

b. Employees’ relations

c. Recruitment

d. Stress Management of employees

25. Clinical Psychologists deal with psychiatrically ill population that are

a. Suffering from thought disorders

b. Experience hallucinations

c. Carry convincing delusions

d. Going through emotionally devastating/ damaging situations

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