Ifatsea Atsep Brochure 2019 PDF

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Cockpit Crews trust on signals calibrated and released for operational use by
Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel

IFATSEA is the authoritative voice on the competence of Air Traffic

Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP). Using our strong global
network, we actively contribute to the improvement of air traffic
safety performance.

Air Traffic Controller trust on systems calibrated and released for operational use
by Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel

The Objects of IFATSEA

• To operate as a non-political Federation of Air Traffic Safety

Electronics Associations.
• To promote safety, efficiency and regularity in International Air
• To assist and advise in the development of electronics systems
in order to maintain the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of
air traffic.
• To uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional
efficiency among Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel.
• To protect and safeguard the collective professional interests of
Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel and other professions in
civil aviation.
• To make mutual benefit affiliations with other professional

“We Certify Air Traffic Safety”

According to the ICAO definition, ATSEP (Air Traffic
Safety Electronic Personnel) are responsible for
operational air traffic control systems and functions.

Definition ICAO:

ATSEP are the authorized personnel who are proven

competent to install, operate, maintain, release and
return into operations CNS/ATM systems.

“We Certify Air Traffic Safety”

• ICAO recognizes IFATSEA as an observer. Working Together with
Subject Matter Experts, IFATSEA supported ICAO to develop the
Manual on Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Competency-
based Training and Assessment adopted as ICAO Doc 10057.
IFATSEA contributes to the work of the SESAR Joint Undertaking,
defining the future technology platform for the Single European
Sky. IFATSEA is participating to the EASA rulemaking activities
related to ATSEP and their competency.

• IFATSEA maintains working relationships with the ATM staff

trade union organizations European Transport Workers’
Federation (ETF) and International Transport Workers’
Federation (ITF). IFATSEA also collaborates with the global
federations for other Aviation Professional Staff – IFAIMA,
Contact us at info@ifatsea.org

Founded in 1972, IFATSEA now represents 30,000 Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel
(ATSEP) in over 70 Member Associations world-wide.

IFATSEA works with other partners to promote the safe and orderly flow of air traffic, has
been a key contributor to materials on the Basic Training and Competency of ATSEP,
IFATSEA is engaged in the development of the Single European Sky through its
participation in the activity of the SESAR Joint Undertaking.

“We Certify Air Traffic Safety”

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