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ANS Inspectors Handbook


28 NOVEMBER 2016

Published by

Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh


Date Date
No. Entered by
Applicable Entered

Page No















APPENDICES 1-27 27-91

Function and Responsibilities of ANS Inspectors 92-97

AFTN : Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AMHS : ATS Message Handling System
ANO : Air Navigation Order
ANP : Air Navigation Plan
ATN : Aeronautical Telecommunication Network
ATS : Air Traffic Service
CAAB : Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh
CARs : Civil Aviation Rules
CATC : Civil Aviation Training Centre
CNS : Communication Navigation and Surveillance
CVOR : Conventional Very High Frequency Omni Range
DME : Distance Measuring Equipment
DVOR : Doppler Very High Frequency Omni Range
HQCAAB : Headquarters Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh
ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization
ILS : Instrument Landing System
ISO : International Organization for Standardization
JDs : Job Description
NDB : Non Directional Beacon
NOTAM : Notice to Airmen
OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer
OJT : On Job Training
SARPS : Standard and Recommended Practices
SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
SSR : Secondary Surveillance Radar
UHF : Ultra High Frequency
VHF : Very High Frequency

ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

The following terms when used in this Handbook have the meanings assigned to them respectively. Any
terms used in this document but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as given in the Civil
Aviation Ordinance 1960, Civil Aviation Rules 1984, Civil Aviation Ordinance 1985 (CAA Act 2016)
and relevant Air Navigation Orders.

Air Navigation Service: Service provided to air traffic during all phases of operations including Air
Traffic Management (ATM), Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS), Meteorological
Services for air navigation (MET), Search and Rescue (SAR) and Aeronautical Information Services

Approval: The formal act of approving a change submitted by a requesting organization. This action is
required prior to the proposed change being implemented.

Assessment: An evaluation based on engineering, operational judgment and/or analysis methods or an

appraisal of procedures or operations based largely on experience and professional judgment

ATM Service: A service for the purpose of Air Traffic Management

Closing Meeting: A meeting of the inspection team and the representatives of the service provider at the
end of the inspection, the purpose of which is to provide the service provider authorities with preliminary
information on inspection findings and proposed recommendations to enable the service provider to start
working on its corrective action plan.

Conformance: The state of meeting the requirements of a Standard.

Corrective action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected non-conformity or noncompliance or

other undesirable situation.

Note: - Corrective action does not mean the action taken to restore a non-conforming situation to a
conforming situation. This is known as remedial action. If the root cause of non-conformity is
not addressed then it is very likely that similar non-conformities will recur)

Corrective Action Plan: An action plan submitted to CAA by an audited/inspected Service Provider,
detailing the proposed action the service provider to resolve identified deficiencies (safety concerns), on
the basis of recommendations made by an audit/inspection team. Implementation of the corrective action
plan should bring the service provider into full compliance with the provisions of the National
Rules/Regulations, conformance with or adherence to prescribed Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPs), procedures and good aviation safety practices.

Deficiency: Lacking of something essential, imperfect, defective and if such hazards allowed to exist
within a system, result in a system deficiency.

Event: Any incident that occurs or a situation arises at a particular place during a particular interval of
1 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Hazard: Conditions, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to
equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function.

Hazard Identification: The process of determining what can happen, why and how.

Human Factor: The factor pertaining to human’s capabilities, limitations, and behaviors and its
integration into the design of a system to enhance the safety performance.

Human Performance: Human capabilities and performance limitations which have an impact on the
safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.

Incident: An occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which
affects or could affect the safety of operation.

Inspection: The basic activity of an audit, which involves examination of the specific characteristics of
the safety oversight programme/function.

Inspection Activities: Those activities and procedures by which information is obtained in order to
verify that the inspected location/airport is in conformance with, or adherence to, applicable Standards
and Recommended Practices (SARPs), described in Civil Aviation Ordinance 1960, Civil Aviation
Rules 1984, Civil Aviation Ordinance 1985, relevant Air Navigation Orders and CNS Inspectors Hand
Book. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, interviews, observations, inspections, and the
review of files and documents.

Inspection Report: A standardized means of reporting the inspection findings to the designated

Inspector: A person trained and authorized to undertake oversight inspections/audits.

Monitoring: The processes to check, supervise, observe critically, or record the progress of an
activity/function or system on a regular basis in order to identify change

Non-adherence: A deficiency in characteristic, documentation or procedure with respect to a

Recommended Practice, procedure, guideline or good aviation safety practice.

Non-compliance: A deficiency in characteristic, documentation or procedure with respect to provisions

of the Chicago Convention or a national regulation.

Non-conformance: A deficiency in characteristic, documentation or procedure with respect to an ICAO


Opening meeting: A meeting of the inspection team and the representatives of the Service provider to
be audited/inspected before the commencement of the inspection the purpose of which is to provide the
Authorities with information on the audit/inspection process and the scope of the audit/inspection.

Operations Manual: A manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance, for use by the
operational personnel in the execution of their duties.

Recommendation: Those controls that have the potential to mitigate a hazard or risk but have not yet
been validated as a part of the system or its requirements.

Regulation: The giving of authoritative direction to bring about and maintain a desired degree of order

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Safety: Safety is the state in which the risk of harm to persons or of property damage is reduced to, and
maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuing process of hazard identification and
risk management. Safety may also be defined: as a condition in which the risk of harm or damage is
limited to an acceptable level.

Safety Directive (SD): A mandate from the Authority/DGCAA (Regulator) to Service

Provider(s)/Operator(s) to take immediate corrective action to address a noncompliance/ non-
conformance issue that creates a significant unsafe condition.

Safety Circular (SC): A guidance and/or information from the Director General /Regulator for Service
Provider(s) and Operator(s), necessary to take appropriate measures regarding safety-related issue(s).

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): A written procedure prescribed for repetitive use as a practice,
in accordance with agreed upon specifications aimed at obtaining a desired outcome.

Safety Oversight: A function by means of which the Authority ensures effective implementation of the
National Aviation Legislation, Rules, safety-related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)
and associated procedures prescribed in the Air Navigation Orders/Manuals/Directives including
amendments thereto; to meet the obligations as contained in the Annexes to the Convention on
international Civil Aviation and related ICAO documents. Safety oversight also ensures that the national
aviation industry provides a safety level equal to, or better than, that defined by the SARPs.

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ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


The Directorate of Flight Safety and Regulations of the Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh
(CAAB) is responsible for the safety oversight functions in the field of Air Navigation Services
(ANS). This ANS INSPECTORS’ HANDBOOK primarily deals with job and responsibilities of
ANS Inspectors. ANS inspectors have been appointed by the Chairman CAAB and will carry out
their duties as per the policies laid down in this handbook/manual. The Inspectors shall oversight
all aspects of ANS concerning services, procedures, methods and functions of ANS service
provider and their applicability in accordance with CARs, relevant ANOs, Advisory Circulars,
Manuals, directives and related documents.


ANS Inspectors are appointed and authorized by the Chairman of CAAB to carry out all
required Safety Oversight functions in the fields of ANS.


Director (FSR) shall make available a sufficient number of Inspectors and trade staff, as per
work load requirement, enabling them to carry out oversight inspection of all installations of
ANS Equipment & procedures, with qualification, experience & knowledge in related field as
elaborated in Job Description.

Based on the volume and activities relating to the safety oversight of the seven fields of ANS, it
is considered that two inspectors in each field are adequate to conduct the safety oversight


The following chart shows each position of the ANS inspectors in the organization of CAAB.


Director FSR


Inspector(s) Inspector(s) Inspector(s) Inspector(s) Inspector(s) Inspector(s) Inspector(s)

Current Organizational Set-up

4 28 November 2016
Chairman CAAB ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Approved Organization Structure of ANS Inspectorate

by the Ministry of Public Administration, the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh


The ANS Inspectorate in FSR Division has the mandate:

a. To provide regulatory and safety oversight of ANS service providers. Such oversight is
conducted through scheduled and non-scheduled audits and inspections of ANS
facilities and equipment.

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ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
b. To monitor of the national ANS services safety oversight; risk management processes;
and contributing to the development of national/international ANS regulations,
standards, policies and practices.

c. To provide assistance to the locations and respective branches regarding explanation of

ICAO standards/recommendation/guidance materials pertaining to ANS. This includes
preparation of necessary ANOs, evaluation of SOPs/Manuals/TOs etc developed by the
service providers before implementation.

d. To monitor the ANS Service Provider operations;

e. To monitor the training and Experience of technical staff deployed by service providers
to install, maintain and operate ANS Systems.

f. To evaluate & process the requests from ANS service providers such for exemptions
from prescribed standards and recommended practices;

g. To provide operational guidance and interpretations to concerned directorate regarding

the application of Standards and Recommended Practices of ANOs, CARs, Annexes and
documents of ICAO.

h. To establish and conduct the safety oversight audit and inspection program for ANS
systems and procedures to verify compliance with CARs, ANOs and related Annexes
and documents of ICAO.

i. To study aviation related occurrence data, analyzing trends, identifying risk indicators,
assessing risk and recommending control measures for the provision of safe ANS

j. To provide subject matter expertise to HQ and Service providers, in addition to outside

agencies, organizations in general; and

k. To ensure availability of protected aeronautical radio spectrum free from harmful

interference for the safe operation of civil aviation.

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ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


3.1 Position of ANS Inspectors

Name of the Office HQs Civil Aviation Authority,Bangladesh
Title/Position ANS Inspector
Service Technical
Group ANS
Directorate Flight Safety and Regulations
Reporting Officer Director, Flight Safety and Regulations

3.2 Job Description: Director (Flight Safety and Regulation/Calibration Pilot)

3.2.1 Job Summary: Director (Flight Safety and Regulations) is responsible for -

a) Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling all the activities and functions of Technical
Standards Branch pertaining to ANS.

b) Supervising the oversight functions being performed by ANS Inspectorate staffs

c) Keeping close coordination with the concerned Directorates & locations across
Bangladesh for the elimination of deficiencies being identified during inspections. Primary Responsibilities:

a) Administration of the Division.

b) To ensure proper manning and readily availability of resources for the man-power
(Officers and their staff) of the Inspectorates for their optimum performance.

c) To regulate work load of the deployed man power under control of Director FSR and to
advise Chairman, CAAB on issues such as revision/amendment of Organogram.

d) To ensure maximum safety for all Bangladesh registered Aircraft and their passengers and
crew through the examination, testing and licensing of aircrew and aircraft maintenance
personnel and the approval of aircraft operators operational procedures and maintenance
methods and by check and control, maximum safety for all users of Bangladesh airspace.

e) To provide for the economic regulation of Air Transport, the licensing and authorization
of Air Service, the implementation of the Air Law conventions and the facilitation of Air
Transport in accordance with Annex-9.

f) To examine documents submitted by other countries in regard to bilateral Air Services

Agreements, negotiations and prepare brief for the Government.
7 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
g) To provide liaison with Aviation International Organizations including the ICAO, IATA.
CATC, IFALP and such other organizations with whom liaison services may from time to
time be required.

h) To form the Standards for CAA Bangladesh in the field of ANS in the form of Operating
Regulations, ANOs or any other document.

i) To ensure updating and implementation of the devised Standards and to make sure that the
standards formed in the form of Operating Regulations, ANOs or any other document
must be in line with ICAO SARPs.

j) To update Chairman, CAAB on performance of ANS Inspectorates and to discuss and

resolve any issues relating to functioning of the Inspectorates.

k) To plan visits of Inspectors for the oversight function and ensure submission of reports to
concerned quarters giving a suitable time line for removal of deficiencies.

l) To perform random checks /surprise visits of locations as part of oversight function to

authenticate the steps being taken by location for removal of deficiencies.

m) To explore and make arrangement for training of inspectors working in ANS

Inspectorates and ensure implementation of training program.

n) To ensure implementation of relevant directives and policy decision of CAAB HQ..

o) To assume any other responsibility that may contribute in the performance enhancement
of ANS Inspectorate.

p) To suggest and prepare the Civil Aviation Rules of Bangladesh. Additional Duties

Any additional duties assigned by Authority from time to time. Knowledge and Skills: Personal Characteristics

a) Ambitious for high achievement and capable for performance various

management functions.

b) Motivator for Team Members and always eager to create win-win

situation for his team. Always respect and make others to respect team’s
c) Take the opportunity to teach and empower other team members.
d) Focused and task oriented.
e) A good listener and proactive in dealing with issues.
f) Be vigilant and give proper feedback as and when required.
g) The ability to establish connections with people.
h) High level of integrity, motivation, and drive to have better results.
i) Good analytical and interpersonal skills.

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ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
j) Strong administrative skills such as decision making, organizing, and
k) Shows Sympathetic behaviors towards team. Experience

As per Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, December 22, 1988. Schedule {Ref.

Organogram 2(Cha)}. Serial no.5. Educational Qualifications

As per Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, December 22, 1988. Schedule {Ref.

Organogram 2(Cha)}. Serial no.5.

3.2.2 Working Conditions

Normal office working conditions as prescribed by the authority. It is the responsibility

of the Management to provide with resources to expect optimum output. Work may
require frequent traveling for purpose of inspections of ANS facilities and equipment
across the country.

3.3 Duties and Responsibilities of ANS Inspectors

The ANS Inspectors shall-

a) Prepare inspection schedules and conduct periodic inspections of ANS facilities at

various airports and en-route stations to ensure the performance and maintenance
of the ANS facilities are satisfactory and meet the national requirements and
standards stipulated in CARs and other such documents as mentioned in chapter-

b) Conduct inspections and prepare reports fairly, truthfully and accurately with due
professional care applying diligence and judgment. They shall remain impartial
and objective with an evidence-based systematic process to reach reliable

c) Prepare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies, if any, and approve the
corrective action plan submitted by the ANSPs.

d) Report deficiencies, noted during audit, to service provider for remedial action.

e) Carry out the following oversight function in the respective field:

(i) To ensure ANS service providers adopted policies and procedures on human
factors principle experienced, qualified and having the capabilities to
accomplish the wide range of safety oversight activities.

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(ii) To ensure ANS service providers has developed policy and procedures for
determining the capacity of ANS system, including the number of staff required
to ensure the provision of an adequate ANS system.

(iii) To ensure ANS service providers has developed training program including
refresher training for ANS staff.

(iv)To ensure that training records or files for its ANS staff are maintained.

(v) To ensure procedure, developed by ANS service providers, for continued

competency of ANS staff in new ANS equipments, procedures and updated
relevant procedures is in place.

Also, the ANS inspectors will-

 Update the Inspector handbook and other CAAB guidance material from time to
time for compliance with ICAO Annexes & Documents (if required). The
update process will be according to relevant CAAB procedure.

 Examine and analyze the operational manuals, instructions, circulars and similar
documents prepared or issued by the ANSPs that affect the performance and
maintenance facilities and services of ANSP.

 Guide actively and assist the ANS stations in preparing and developing
documents, such as operational manuals and procedures.

 Follow-up the corrective action plan as agreed by the service providers to

mitigate/eliminate the deficiencies as long as the case is not closed.

 Participate in ANS related training, meetings, seminars, workshops and

symposiums at home and abroad.

 Develop, implement training programs and keep records of training for ANS

 Keep records and maintain files as follows:

(i) Inspector’s personal file. ANS inspectors will maintain individual personal
file for keeping his/her personal information, service records and training
records etc.

(ii) ANS station file. ANS inspectors will maintain separate files for each station
regarding its inspection, observation/ recommendations and follow ups and time
line for corrective actions.

 Carry out any other duties as assigned by the Authority from time to time.

The Function and Responsibilities of ANS Inspectors of each area are described in
Appendix 28.

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3.4 Qualifications of ANS Inspectors

3.4.1 Minimum Educational Qualification:

Minimum Bachelor of Science/Engineering.

3.4.2 Additional Qualifications and Experiences of ANS Inspectors. ANS Inspector (ATM)

An ANS Inspector (ATM) will be required to have the following qualifications and professional

a) Minimum 05 (five) years of experience in Air Traffic Control duties.

b) Successful completion of audit/ ATM Inspection course from an approved institution.

c) Possess adequate knowledge of aviation Law and experience in ATM

procedures/practices, personnel licensing/ training, procedure designing.

d) Possess training in SMS in ATM, USOAP, and CNS/ATM system.

e) Possess good analytical ability; good inter personnel skills, flexibility of approach and
some auditing experience.

f) Good verbal and writing skills in English, proficiency in preparing manuals and
documents, and skills in operating computers.

g) Knowledge of Human Factors involved in ATM.

h) Knowledge of State Safety Program & ICAO Safety Audit Program.

i) At least one Inspector in the team shall have or be having previous Radar rating. ANS Inspector (AIS):

An AIS inspector will be required to have the following qualifications and professional

a) Trained in AIS basic/advance course.

b) Experienced and competent in AIS field.
c) Wide knowledge in ATS, CNS Engineering and Com Ops field.
d) At least 05 (five) years of job experience in ATM/Com operations/Cartography.
e) Adequate knowledge of ICAO Annex-4, Annex-15 and Doc 8126, Doc 8697, Doc 9881
and Doc 9674.

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ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
f) Knowledge of Civil Aviation Ordinances, CAAB Rules and regulations.
g) Knowledge of State Safety Program and Safety Management System (SMS).
h) Knowledge of ICAO Safety Audit Program.
i) Knowledge of Human Factors involved in AIS.

j) Knowledge of Quality Management System.

k) Knowledge of Cartography, Geography, Geodesy and Surveying.

l) Knowledge of Geographic Information System and remote sensing. ANS Inspector (MET)

A MET inspector will be required to have the following qualifications and professional

a) Minimum 05 (five) years of experience in Air Traffic Control duties or Meteorological

operational duties having training on MET Basic/Advance Course.

b) Wide knowledge and experience/competent in Aviation Meteorology field.

c) Adequate knowledge in ICAO Annex-3 and relevant documents.

d) Knowledge of Civil Aviation Ordinance, Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Rules

and Regulations.

e) Knowledge of State Safety Program, Safety Management System and ICAO Safety
Audit Program.

f) Knowledge of Human Factors involved in Aviation Meteorology.

g) Knowledge of Quality Management System. ANS Inspector (CNS):

A CNS inspector will be required to have the following qualifications and professional

a) Certificate in Basic CNS Engineering Course from a recognized Training Institute.

b) Knowledge and expertise in the field of operations & maintenance of CNS facilities and
a minimum of 05 (five) years of professional working experience.

c) Good verbal and writing skills in English, proficiency in preparing manuals and
documents, and skills in operating computers and word processing.

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ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
d) Adequate knowledge in CNS related national rules and regulations, Air Navigation
Orders, ICAO SARPs and other relevant documents.

e) Knowledge in State Safety Program (SSP), Safety Management System (SMS) and
ICAO Safety Audit Program.

f) Personality to win the respect and confidence of the ANSP. This would require a
reasonable level of tact, understanding, firmness, impartiality, integrity and an
exemplary personal conduct both in the office and at the ANSP’s premises. ANS Inspector (SAR):

A SAR inspector will be required to have the following qualifications and professional

a) Minimum 05(five) years of experience in Air Traffic Control duties.

b) Successfully completed SAR inspection course from an approved institution.

c) Possess adequate knowledge of SAR procedure and experienced in SAR through

practical field/practices.

d) Knowledge of Civil Aviation Ordinance, Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Rules

and Regulations.

e) Possess good analytical ability; good inter personnel skills, flexibility of approach, some
auditing experience and dynamic personality.

f) Good verbal and writing skills in English, proficiency in preparing manuals and
documents, and skills in operating computers.

g) Knowledge of State Safety Program, Safety Management System and ICAO Safety
Audit Program. ANS Inspector (PANS-OPS)

A PANS-OPS Inspector will be required to have the following qualifications and professional

a) Have passed Basic Course in ATC.

b) Possess basic/advance training including refresher course in PANS-OPS.
c) Successful completion of PANS-OPS inspection course and refresher course.
d) Possess adequate knowledge of aviation Law and experience in PANS-OPS
procedures/practices, personnel licensing/ training, procedure designing.

e) Analytical ability, good inter personnel skill, flexibility of approach and some safety
oversight experience.

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f) Good verbal and writing skills in English, proficiency in preparing manuals and
documents, and skills in operating computers. ANS Inspector (Charts & Maps)

A Charts & Maps inspector will be required to have the following qualifications and
professional experience:
a) Passed Cartography basic/advance course or having Cartography as one of the principle
subject in B.Sc/M.Sc or minimum of 05 (five) years of experience as an Air Traffic
b) Experienced/Wide Knowledge and competent in Cartography field and designing.
c) Adequate knowledge of ICAO Annex-4 and relevant documents.
d) Knowledge of Civil Aviation Ordinances, CAAB Rules and regulations.
e) Adequate knowledge of State Safety Program and Safety Management System (SMS).
f) Knowledge of ICAO Safety Audit Program.
g) Knowledge of Human Factors involved in Cartography.
h) Knowledge of Quality Management System in Cartography.
i) Possess adequate knowledge of Cartography procedure and experienced in Cartography
through practical field/practices.

3.4.3 Inspector’s Pre-Requisites:

Inspectors should have:

a) Basic skills & knowledge required to participate as a team member in

an inspection.

b) Ability to write an inspection report and findings accurately.

c) Ability to establish sound inspection follow-up practices, including post

Inspection surveillance.

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Safety Regulatory Audit and Inspection

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 ANS Inspectorate, Flight Safety and Regulatory (FSR) Division shall oversee the compliance of
safety regulatory requirements and standards by the ANS providers through regular audits /

4.1.2 Audit and inspection are techniques employed by the Inspectorate to verify compliance with
applicable safety regulatory requirements and standards by the ANS providers. Both of them are
tools for evaluating the performance of the ANS providers with a view to ensuring ANS system

4.1.3 In addition to routine audits/inspections, such activities may also be conducted consequent upon
significant changes in the ANS provider’s system or as a follow-up on corrective actions which
have been imposed in previous audit/inspection.

4.2 Objectives of Regulatory Audits and Inspections

4.2.1 The objectives of safety regulatory audits/inspections are as follows:

a) The objectives of safety audit/inspections are:

(i) To observe and assess the Service Provider’s adherence to standards and recommended
practices related to Air Navigation Services (ANS) equipment, facilities and services
described in Air Navigation Orders, National Aviation Legislation, Civil Aviation Rules,
Manuals, and operating procedures, Directives and Advisory Circulars of CAAB, other
related documents and to facilitate ICAO USOAP (CMA & ICVM).

(ii) Actual operational practices against stipulated procedures;

b) To determine the effectiveness of the procedures in place in meeting specified


c) To identify areas for improvement in terms of ANS system safety and integrity.

15 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
4.3 Differences between Regulatory Audits and Inspections

4.3.1 Major differences between a safety regulatory audit and an inspection are illustrated as follows:

Regulatory Audits Regulatory Inspections

Apply to the overall arrangements, or Apply to particular ANS service or
elements thereof, of the ANS processes or specific parts of the ANS system.
Verify compliance of: Verify by testing and/or examination
- documented provisions and other whether prescriptive safety regulatory
established arrangements against safety requirements/standards have effectively
regulatory requirements/standards, ICAO been complied with.
SARPs, CAAB rules/regulations;
- actual operational practices against
documented procedures and other
established arrangements.
Focus special attention on processes with Focus normally on a particular element
wider scope. of ANS system with smaller scope.
Represent prime safety oversight May serve as an oversight technique
technique. supplementary to audits.
Usually conducted by a team of auditors in May be conducted by one inspector in
accordance with more comprehensive accordance with simpler procedures.

4.4 Audits/Inspections Conducted by ANS Regulator and ANS Providers

4.4.1 ANS regulator carries out various safety survey activities including audits/inspections on a
regular basis as part of its regulatory function and as a means of proactive safety management.

4.4.2 ANS regulator periodically conducts safety audits/inspections on ANS system and services of
the ANS providers, which may be referred to as “External” or “Third Party” audits/inspections,
whereas the ANS providers carry out periodic “Internal” or “First Party” audits/inspections on
its own system and services under the Safety Management System.

4.4.3 In respect of both “External” and “Internal” audits/inspections, the associated findings and
recommendations, if any, shall be documented in reports and made known to the audited party in
accordance with applicable audit/inspection protocols and procedures.

4.5 Safety Regulatory Audit and Inspection Programme

4.5.1 Annual Inspection/Audit Plan ANS regulator programmes annual safety regulatory audit/inspection plan to cover all possible
areas of safety concern, including arrangements to carry out safety audits, reviews or surveys by
the ANS providers. ANS regulator takes necessary steps, to programme safety regulatory audits/inspections as
shown in the following diagram. It illustrates the logical flow in programming such activities:

16 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

 SMS Internal Safety AUDIT/Inspection

 Monitoring of Safety Levels
 Safety Occurrences
 Follow up of previous Safety Regulatory Audits/Inspections

Measurement of Performance

Decisions on Areas to be verified

Programme of Safety Regulatory

Audits and Inspections Senior/Principle Inspector of ANS Inspectorate prepares an annual audit/inspection plan, by

June each year, which may be updated when required. This annual plan shall be submitted to
Director, FSR for endorsement. Director, FSR ensures that the annual audit/inspection activities are appropriately prioritized and
programmed in the annual plan. Finally the annual plan and programme shall be submitted to Chairman, CAAB for
administrative approval.

4.6 The role of Inspectors

The tasks to be undertaken by ANS inspection team member will be assigned by the team leader.
These tasks may include conducting interviews with staff of the unit, section or division being
inspected, reviewing documentation, observing operations, and writing material for the
inspection report.

4.7 Planning and Preparation of Inspection

A formal notification of intention to perform the inspection should be forwarded to the ANSPs
office to be inspected well in advance to provide adequate time for necessary preparations for
the ANSPs office to be inspected. This notification should specify:

(a) The unit, section or division to be inspected;

(b) The authority under which the inspection is conducted;

(c) The proposed schedule;

(d) The overall purpose of the inspection and the scope of the topics to be

(e) The number and type of staff who may be required for interview, and the
documentation which will need to be available to the inspection team: and

(f) The inspection team members.

17 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
4.8 Inspection steps

The inspection conducted by ANS Inspectors in the steps elaborated as per follows:

ANS Inspectors shall

a. Prepare inspection schedules and conduct periodic inspections of ANS procedures,

equipment and facilities at least once in a year for International Airports and once in two
years for other Airports.

b. Conduct inspections and prepare reports fairly, truthfully and accurately with due
professional care applying diligence and judgment. They shall remain impartial and
objective with an evidence-based systematic process to reach reliable conclusions.

c. Prepare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies (if any) along with suggested
corrective actions to remove deficiencies and submit the same to Director (FSR) for

d. Forward deficiencies noted to service provider(s) for submission of corrective action


4.9 Oversight Functions

The following oversight functions will be covered during inspection in the respective fields:

ANS Inspectors shall ensure that the ANSP has-

a. Adopted policies and procedures on human factors principle deployed experienced,

qualified and having the capabilities to accomplish the wide range of safety oversight

b. Developed policy and procedures for determining the capacity of ANS system,
including the number of staff required to ensure the provision of an adequate ANS

c. Developed the job description for its technical staff.

d. Developed training program including refresher training for ANS staff.

e. Maintained training records or files for its staff.

f. Developed required maintenance/operational SOPs’ where applicable.

g. Maintained the corrective/preventive maintenance data of ANS equipments, where


h. Developed by ANS Service provider for continued competency of in new ANS

equipment, procedures and updated communication procedure.

18 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

4.10 Stations to be inspected

ANS inspectors will carry out inspections and safety oversight functions at the following

(a) All the civil airports in Bangladesh,

(b) Central Engineering Maintenance and Store Unit (CEMSU) of CAAB (if

(c) Concerned Directorate at the Headquarter of CAAB, and

(d) Civil Aviation Training Centre, Dhaka (if applicable).

4.11 Governing documents

The activities of the ANS inspectors will be governed by the following rules, regulations and

(a) Civil Aviation Rules 1984.

(b) ICAO Guidance Material Doc 9734.

(c) ANS related Air Navigation Orders:

(d) Circulars/Instructions for ANS Inspectors.

(e) Other relevant directives and instructions that may be issued from time to
time by the Chairman or the Director (FSR).

(f) Guidance materials available in related ICAO Annexes

(g) ICAO Doc. 8071 Manual on Testing of Radio Navigation Aids (for CNS

(h) Other relevant ICAO documents as applicable.

4.12 Method of Inspection

4.12.1 The techniques for gathering the information on which the inspection team’s
assessment will be made include:

(a) Review of documentation,

(b) Interviews with staff, and

(c) Observations by the inspector.

19 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
4.12.2 Checklists & Notebook: Checklists provide a systematic approach for the
conduct of an inspection/audit and are designed to identify specific items for
review and make reference to the applicable regulatory requirement, be it to
a regulation, standard or control manual requirement. Checklists should not
limit the inspector/auditor’s ability to explore other areas where required.

Inspection checklists will be:

(a) used to guide the inspection/audit;
(b) completed or have areas that were not completed so annotated; and
(c) signed and dated by the team member using the checklist.

The inspection team should work systematically through the items on the
relevant checklists (as mentioned in Appendix).

Observation should be noted on Inspector Notebook.

4.13 Interviews

4.13.1 The principal way in which inspectors obtain information about the functioning
of the systems are by asking questions.

4.13.2 The persons to be interviewed should be drawn from a range of management/

supervisory operational positions.

4.13.3 The purpose of inspection interviews is to elicit information, not to enter into
discussions. All Inspectors should observe the following guidelines relating to
the conduct of inspection interviews:

(a) Listen attentively and let the speaker know you are listening.

(b) Remain neutral. Do not disagree, criticize or interrupt.

(c) Ask ‘W’ questions – what, why, where, when, who, and how- these are the
key words that will bring forward facts and information.

4.14 Inspector’s Work Schedule

4.14.1 The following types of audit shall be carried out by ANS inspectors: Periodic Inspection: ANS Inspectors shall prepare inspection schedules and
conduct periodic inspections of ANS procedures, equipment and facilities at
least once in a year for International Airports and at least once in every two
years for other Airports. Special Purpose Audit: ANS Inspectors shall conduct inspection due to special
circumstances such as an incident or any emergency needs when necessary. The work schedule for ANS inspection shall be published annually.
20 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

4.15 Submission of Report

4.15.1 Inspection report shall be submitted to the Director (FSR) within 15 (fifteen)
working days of conduct of inspection
4.15.2 The Inspection report will be forwarded to the Audit Review Committee for the
purpose of:
(a) to confirm the technical accuracy of the report
(b) to ensure that the report is an objective account of the audit and that no
subjective statements are included
(c) to ensure that statements made in the functional and specialty area
summaries are supported by findings
(d) to determine if any findings should be subject to investigation for punitive
enforcement purposes

4.15.3 The inspector shall submit the report with safety recommendations. Upon
receiving the report, the Director (FSR) shall forward it to the Chairman for
issuing the accepted corrective action plan for the service provider to resolve
identified findings and deficiencies or safety shortcomings within the agreed
time period.

4.16 Types of Corrective Actions by ANSP:

4.16.1 IMMEDIATE Corrective Actions

This action corrects immediately upon identification of the inspection finding to

remove an immediate threat to aviation safety.

4.16.2 SHORT TERM Corrective Actions

To correct a non-conformance that does not pose an immediate threat to aviation

safety within 30 days.

This action corrects the specific non-conformance specified in the

inspection/audit finding and is preliminary to the long-term action that prevents
recurrence of the problem. Short-term corrective action will be completed:
a) by the date/time specified in the corrective action section of the finding form;
b) per the accepted corrective action plan.

4.16.3 LONG TERM Corrective Actions

Identifying the root cause of the problem and indicating the measures, service
provider will take the corrective actions to prevent a recurrence within 12

Long-term corrective action has two components.

21 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
a) The first component will involve identifying the root cause of the
problem and indicating the measures the ANSP will take to prevent a
recurrence. These measures should focus on a system change.

b) The second component is a timetable for the implementation of the

long-term corrective action. Subject to the following paragraph,
long-term corrective action will take place within 90 days and will
include a proposed completion date.

Some long-term corrective actions may require time periods in excess of 90

days (e.g. major equipment purchases). In such case, ANS inspectors will
deal with some inspection findings both beyond 90 days and closure of
findings within 12 months.

Where applicable, the CAP will include milestones or progress review points
at 90 day intervals leading up to the proposed completion date for each
inspection finding.

22 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


5.1 Formal Class Room Training

Initial and specialized training shall be arranged for ANS Inspectors to perform safety oversight
audit function efficiently.

5.2 Since the responsibility of Inspectors is mainly implementing the civil aviation requirement and
various rules and orders, their knowledge on the subject must be current, as such a periodic
recurrent of the same is considered imperative. Such refresher course should be programmed at
least once in a year.

5.3 ANS Inspectors Training System (ITS), approved by Chairman, CAAB shall be followed.

5.4 On Job Training for ANS Inspectors

The objective of the On Job Training is to provide the ANS new Inspector - with the basic
knowledge which will enable newly hired inspectors to perform ANS regulatory functions.


New inspectors will be programmed for initial and ongoing training based on their assigned
duties. The inspector’s initial training is commonly referred to as, basic indoctrination training,
or initial training. Initial courses are mandatory and shall be completed satisfactorily.


Newly hired inspectors, and inspectors transitioning to a position that they have not previously
received OJT for, are assigned an experienced and qualified inspector (Principal Inspector) who
is jointly responsible with the inspector for completion of OJT requirements. The inspector will
go through the following levels of OJT.

Level-I OJT:
The first level of training is familiarization with Authority guidance relevant to a particular job

Level-II OJT:
During the second level the new inspector observes a qualified inspector performing the task.

Level-III OJT:
In level three, a qualified inspector observes the new inspector perform the task.

The OJT record is certified at each level and signed off when the inspector is competent at
performing the task.
23 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

5.5 Training for re-qualification: An Inspector who has been out of the programme for more than
one year shall conduct at least two inspections under supervision.

5.6 Training records shall be maintained in a systematic and organized way.

5.7 ASRTM database software shall be used for maintaining training records.

24 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


6.1 As Inspectors are always in the public eye, they are expected to exercise good judgment and
professional behavior at all times while on and off duty.
6.2 All Inspectors must observe the following rules of conduct:

a. Report for work on time and in a condition that will permit performance of assigned

b. Maintain a professional appearance, as appropriate, during duty hours

c. Respond promptly to directions and instructions received from Director (FSR).

d. Exercise courtesy and tact in dealing with co-workers, director and others.

25 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

7.1 ANS Inspector Identification that identifies the Inspector as an “Authorized Person” shall be
issued by Chairman, CAAB for the purpose to perform the duties and exercise the powers

7.2 An Inspector must display his/her credential on his/her outer garments to be permitted entry into
airport secured areas, and while working in these areas.

7.3 If the credential is lost, stolen, or damaged, the Inspector should report the occurrence
immediately to the nearest Police Station and Director (FSR).

26 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Station Inspected :
Inspection No. :
Date of Inspection :
Name of Inspectors (a)
Reference: Office Order :

Legends: S = Satisfactory; U = Unsatisfactory; N = Not Checked/Not applicable.

(Recommendations are to be raised with the appropriate Ref. No. according to the Area of
Ob observations
SN Area of Inspection Comments
Are adequate numbers of staff available in the ATC
1.2 Are all the Control positions manned?
Are the Control positions manned with properly rated
Are the Controllers trained on the equipments
relevant to the Control positions?
1.5 Are the Controllers’ Ratings/Licenses valid?
Are the Controllers working for more than 12/24
hours continuously?
1.7 Have the Bad practices been developed among the Controllers which may lead to safety hazards?
(a) Using mobile phones while controlling.
(b) Reading papers/books while controlling.
(c) Listening to radios, watching TVs while
Are the Controllers following standard procedures
without any deviation or shortcut?

2.1 Are the updated versions of the following Documents available in the ATS Centre?
(a) Doc. 4444
(b) Annex 2
(c) Annex 11
(d) CAR
(e) AIP
(f) MATS
(g) Relevant ATSI’s
(h) Aerodrome Emergency Plan and short listed
Information Flow Chart
(i) Relevant SATI’s/ATS local instructions
(j) Relevant/ Valid NOTAMs
(k) Updated Charts/ Approach Charts relevant to
the ATC centre

27 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
(l) Job descriptions of the ATCOs in each
position in the centre
(m) Training programme and plans for ATCOs
and staff.
(n) Training records of ATCOs and staff.
(o) Valid Staff instructions
Is there any Technical Library for keeping the
2.3 Where is the location of the Library?
Do the Technical/ Operational staffs have easy
access to the documents?
3.1 Are up-dated procedures available with regard to the following?
(a) Strip Marking
(b) Check-list for briefing during Handing over
/Taking over watches
(c) Coordination procedures (Local)
(d) Coordination procedures (International)
(e) Updating of relevant documents in a timely
3.2 Are the Monthly random checks conducted to evaluate Controllers’ performances with regard to
the following?
(a) Use of Standard Control Phraseologies;
(b) Use of Standard Strip Markings;
(c) Following of standard procedures correctly.
(d) Are the records of the above mentioned
checks available?
3.3 (a) Is there any official procedure for Inspection
of the Maneuvering areas?
(b) Are the Maneuvering areas inspected as per
the procedure?
(c) Are proper records/Log Entries made on the
(d) Are the observations disseminated properly
to the appropriate persons/units?
(e) Are follow-up actions taken promptly and
3.4 Are the following Runway Safety Data recorded properly and retained?
(a) Raising reports on Bird-hit to aircrafts and
taking necessary action
(b) Keeping records of Bird-hit to aircrafts
(c) Keeping records of Bird control (shooting)
(d) Raising reports on Rwy Incursions
/Excursions and taking necessary action
(e) Keeping records on Rwy Incursions
(f) Dispatching relevant reports to CAAB HQ
3.5 Are Serviceability/ Unserviceability reports of
equipments raised correctly and regularly?
(a) Are follow-up actions taken promptly and
3.6 Are the following records retained as mentioned?
(a) ATC Log entries for at least 30 days.
28 28 November 2016
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(b) Strip markings for at least 30 days.
(c) Audio recordings for at least 30 days.
(d) Video recordings for at least 30.
Are the MET information supplied to ATC centres
from MET office properly and promptly?
3.8 Are the following Safety Data Provided to RMA?
(a) Submission of LHD report for the last month
(b) Collection of TSD during the month of
December and sending the report
(c) Taking of necessary action with regard to the
comments given by MAAR in relation to
LHD/TSD (Traffic Sample Data) reports
Have the previous recommendations issued by the
ANS Inspectorate been implemented?
4.1 Serviceability status of the following equipments:
(a) Are the Communication equipments
(b) Are the Navigation equipments serviceable?
(c) Are Surveillance equipments/ Radar
(d) Are the ILS serviceable?
Are actions taken by operational staff to notify the
appropriate offices regarding unserviceabilities?
a) Are there records of such notifications and
corrective action taken?
5.1 Are the following environmental factors acceptable as per the judgment of the Inspectors ?
(a) Ambient Lighting
(b) Ambient Temperature
(c) Noise Level
(d) Exterior Glare
Are the ATC equipments user-friendly and properly
Are there adequate rest facilities available for
ATCOs & staff?

6. Recommendations:
Some significant recommendations are as follows:
SN Recommendations Action Office


7. Signature of Inspectors with date:

29 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
AIS Inspection Checklist/Report (for HQ)
Centre: Date: Time: Inspector(s)

Use following abbreviations whenever possible,

S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory N = Not Checked


1.1 Is minimum number of staff available in the AIS Division (Headquarters)?


1.2 Does the AIS Personnel have their job descriptions working in ATS Division (Headquarters)?

2.1 Has AIS Division (Headquarters) developed training program for their technical staff?

2.2 Are AIS Technical personnel trained?


2.3 Does the AIS Division (Headquarters) maintain training records for AIS technical staff?

2.4 Has AIS Division (Headquarters) developed the working procedures for their technical staff?


2.5 Has AIS Division (Headquarters) published Aeronautical Information as an integrated

aeronautical information package?
30 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

2.6 Has AIS Division (Headquarters) introduced an organized quality system in AIS?

2.7 Has AIP Bangladesh published according to new format?


2.8 Do the charts listed in chapter 4 Para 4.1.3 of ANO (AIS) A.1 distributed separately to recipients
of the AIP?


2.9 Does AIP Amendments published under AIRAC system?


2.10 Does NIL notification issued when AIP amendment not published on AIRAC date?


2.11 Has the checklist of valid AIP supplements issued at the interval of one month?

2.12 Do the aeronautical data meet the requirements of Appendix 7, ANO (AIS) A.1?


2.13 Has the terrain and obstacle data collected in accordance with ANO (AIS) A.1, Appendix-8?

3) Equipment
Does the equipment available in adequate and fulfilling the requirement of AIS Division (Headquarters)?

Inspector(s) name and signature with date:

31 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

AIS Inspection Checklist/Report (NOF)
Centre: Date: Time: Inspector(s)

Use following abbreviations whenever possible.

S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory N = Not Checked
1.1 Is minimum number of staff available in the AIS Division (NOF)?

1.2 Does the International NOTAM office (NOF) have developed job descriptions for their AIS
technical staff?

1.3 Does the job performed as per the descriptions?


1.4 Has NOF developed training program for their technical staff?

1.5 Are all AIS technical personnel properly trained?


1.6 Are all technical personnel competent to perform their duties?



2.1 Does the NOF maintain training records for AIS technical staff?

2.2 Has NOF developed the procedures to receive 'raw data' process it and disseminate as NOTAM?

32 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

2.3 Has NOF documented their working procedures?


2.4 Has NOF developed the procedures for the exchange of NOTAM Internationally?


2.5 Has the existing exchange of NOTAM with other NOF satisfying their needs?


2.6 Has NOF introduced a properly organized quality system to implement quality management?


2.7 Does NOF introduced automation in their system?


2.8 Does the NOTAM contain information according to the NOTAM format as mentioned in ANO
(AIS) A.1 Appendix 6?


2.9 Whether NOTAM code used by the service provider for the issuance of NOTAM is
complemented by ICAO abbreviation and codes or not?


2.10 When errors in a NOTAM, a NOTAM with a new number to replace the erroneous NOTAM or
with old number correction copy, which one is issued?

2.11 Does all issued NOTAM deal with only one subject and one condition of the subject?

33 28 November 2016
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2.12 Whether a checklist of valid NOTAM issued through AFTN per month is timely or not?


2.13 Is there any agreement recorded for international exchange of NOTAM on mutual basis?


2.14 Does the service provider issue the NOTAM in services which differentiate international and
domestic distribution?


2.15 Does the PIB prepared by NOF satisfy the need of operator, is to based on sector wise and
according to format?


2.17 What are methods to provide AIS briefing?


2.18 What are the procedures developed to encourage self briefing?


2.19 Is there adequate will display of currents maps and charts?


3) Equipment

Does the equipment available in NOF is sufficient, in good condition and fulfilling the requirement of


Inspector(s) name and signature with date:

34 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Unit Inspected

Dates of Inspection:
Time of Inspection:
Name of Inspector(s):
Following abbreviations indicate observations as shown:
S = Satisfactory; P = Poor and Improvements required; U = Unsatisfactory; N = Not Checked. (Extra
paper to be used if required for putting comments, with appropriate reference number according to the
Area of Inspection.)

Ref: Area of Inspection Observations Comments

1.1 Is the minimum number of staff
available in the unit?
1.2 Are all positions manned?
1.3 Are all staffs properly trained?
Are the Aerodrome Meteorological
1.4 Observation staff qualified and
trained according to the WMO
guideline for qualifications and
training of Meteorological
Does the training program include
1.5 re-current and refresher training?

Are meteorological procedures
2.1 available / up dated timely with
regard to :
iv. Aviation Warning
Are Meteorological information
2.2 promptly supplied to concerned
ATS units?
Are the routine MET observations
2.3 and reports being made at
prescribed intervals

35 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
Are the Meteorological reports
2.4 being issued in accordance with the
format prescribed in WMO?
Do the Aerodrome MET Office
2.5 displays the available
Meteorological information?
Has BMD made available
2.6 Technical Handbook of
Meteorological equipment /
systems to its Technical Officers?
Are incidents, malfunctions of
2.7 MET Equipment, Suggestions and
Log Book being maintained and
examined regularly?
Does the Technical Handbook
2.8 contain the followings items:
a. Daily check
b. Weekly check
c. Monthly check
d. Bi- annual check
e Annual check

Has BMD developed and planed

2.9 for schedule maintenance and
calibration of its MET equipment,
for forecasting systems and
associated facilities?
Has the scheduled maintenance
2.10 plan been implemented?

Have the previous

2.11 recommendations issued by the
ANS Inspectorate Division been
Are the following updated
2.12 Documents available in the centre?
ii. Documents
iii.WMO. Manuals
Iv.Job descriptions of Officers/
Staff in each position to the
v. Procedures and local
vi. All updated charts relevant to
the centre
vii. Technical publications ,
procedures and guide lines, etc.


36 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
Do the Inspectors ensure that the
3.1 following items are at an acceptable?
i. Ambient lighting
ii. Ambient temperature
iii. Noise level
iv. Exterior glare
Whether adequate rest facilities are
3.2 available for the staff?
Do the telecommunication facilities
3.3 exist between Meteorological Offices
and as necessary between
Aeronautical Meteorological Stations
i. Aerodrome Control Tower
ii. Approach Control Centre
iii. Approach Control Centre (Radar)
iv. Area Control Centre
v. Area Control Centre (Radar)
vi. Rescue Co Ordination Centre
vii. Airline Operators, etc.

4.1 Do the locations of the wind sensors

are in proper positions in relation to
the Runway?
4.2 Do MET Briefing; Consultation,
Flight Documentations to Flight Crew
members/other operators are made
available by MET Officials?
4.3 Whether any defects observed in
Meteorological Equipment.

4.4 Does operational staff take action to

notify appropriate officer regarding
4.5 Has BMD made available sufficient
spares and /or make arrangements for .
immediate delivery to its Technical
Staff for timely maintenance of its
4.6 Has BMD developed job description
for its Technical Officials engaged in
the maintenance, calibration, and
installations of its Equipments?
5. Recommendations:
SN Recommendations Action Office

6. Signature of the Inspectors:

37 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
CNS Inspection Checklist (Revised)


Form No. Title: CNS Inspection Checklist

1. General information

1.1 Station/Unit Inspected

1.2 Date of Inspection

1.3 Time of Inspection

1.4 Accountable Manager Designation:
Signature & Date
1.5 Name of the Inspector Designation:
Signature & Date:
1.6 Other Inspector(s) Designation:
Signature & Date:

1.7 CNS Services inspected

1.8 No. of Inspection

Assessment Code:
S = Satisfactory
U = Unsatisfactory
N/C = Not Checked
N/A= Not Applicable.

38 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

CNS Inspection Checklist

Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
2. Management Organization
2.1 Does the CNS provider have a documented
organizational structure?
2.2 Does the organizational structure clearly define lines of
accountability of personnel in respect to the provision of
2.3 Does the organizational structure show the relationship
between operational units within the organization?
2.4 Does the organizational structure show names of
individuals filling appropriate management positions?
2.5 Are the functions, duties and responsibilities of
management staff clearly defined and documented?
3. Personnel
3.1 Does the CNS Technical manpower available
as per the organization structure?
3.2 Has the station developed job descriptions for its
technical staff?
3.3 Is minimum required number of
staff available in the unit?
3.4 Are technical personnel properly
equipped, authorized and trained to perform the duty?
4. Training
4.1 Does the CNS provider have trained personnel
dedicated to OJT activities?
4.2 Does the technical manpower has got refresher training?
4.3 Is there an established training policy and programs
for technical staff?
4.4 Is the training programme adequate and implemented?
4.5 Does the CNS provider maintain training files/records
for its personnel?
4.6 Does the CNS provider have a procedure for
maintaining the competence of its personnel (recurrent,
OJT programme)?
5. Work environment
5.1 Is the working environment at the station satisfactory?
5.2 Does the station have enough space for the CNS
5.3 Does the station have sufficient/proper arrangement to
meet the human requirement?
5.4 Are the following factors existing at an acceptable level
as per the judgment of the inspector?
5.4.1 Ambient lighting

39 28 November 2016
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5.4.2 Ambient temperature
5.4.3 Noise level

Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
6.1 VHF air to ground Voice Communication Systems
6.1 .1 VHF radio
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Standby equipment
Antenna system:
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
Availability of distress radio 121.5MHz
6.1.2 VHF area cover
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)

Remote status monitors

Standby equipment
Antenna system:
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
- RF switches
6.1.3 HF Radio and SELCALL
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitors
Standby system
Standby power supplies

40 28 November 2016
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Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
6.1.4 Voice and Data
recording systems
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Standby system
Recording media
ATS playback system
6.2 Point to Point
Communication Systems
6.2.1 International: ATS-DS (VSAT)
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Standby equipment
6.2.2 Domestic: ATS-DS
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Standby equipment
6.2.3 Telephone
Intercom systems
Direct telephones
6.2.4 Automatic Terminal Information Systems (ATIS)
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Standby equipment

41 28 November 2016
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Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
6.3 Data Communication systems
Automatic Message Switching Systems (AMSS)
6.3.1 AFTN main switch
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote monitoring
Standby equipment
6.3.2 AFTN workstations
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote monitoring
Standby equipment
ATM Massage Handling System (AMHS)
6.3.3 ATN main switch/Router
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote monitoring
Standby equipment
6.3.4 ATN workstations
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote monitoring
6.3.5 Internet

42 28 November 2016
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Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations
S U N/C N/A Comments
7.1 Instrument Landing systems (ILS)
7.1.1 Localizer (LLZ)

Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby equipment
Flight inspection checks
Ground checks
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
7.1.2 Glide Path (GP)
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby equipment
Flight inspection checks
Ground checks
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
7.1.3 Landing DME
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby equipment
Flight inspection checks
Ground checks

43 28 November 2016
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Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
7.1.4 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby equipment
Preventive maintenance
Flight inspection checks
Ground checks
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
7.1.5 VHF Omni- directional radio Range (VOR)
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby equipment
Flight inspection checks
Ground checks
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
7.2 Non Directional Beacon (NDB)

Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby equipment
Automatic changeover

44 28 November 2016
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Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
7.3 Protection of NAVAIDS
Protect NAVAIDS from vandalism/theft:
Does the arrangement made for the safeguard of radio
installations or NAVAIDS (site)?

Prevent NAVAIDS signal interruptions:

Does the arrangement made for the protection of radio
facility for electrical and or other interference /

Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
8.1 Primary Radar
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitoring
Standby system
Is the physical installation of equipment and antenna
system proper?
Antenna system
- RF cables and control cables
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
8.2 Secondary Radar
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitors
Standby equipment
Site monitor
Radar display consoles
Is the physical installation of equipment and antenna
system proper?

45 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches

Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
8.3 ADS-B
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitors
Standby equipment
ADS-B display console
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches
6.3.4 MLAT/WAM
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitors
Standby equipment
ADS-B display console
Antenna system
- RF cable
- Obstruction such as
buildings, trees etc
-RF switches

46 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
Area of Inspection Assessment/ Observations
S U N/C N/A Comments
9. Automatic Weather Observing Systems (AWOS)
9.1 Sensors
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Visibility
- Cloud base
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Remote status monitors
Standby equipment
9.2 Aero view displays
Serviceability status
Availability (97%)
Standby equipment

Area of Inspection Assessment/Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
10. Auxiliary facilities
10.1 Test equipment for maintenance
- Availability
- whether the tools/
equipment which
requires calibration are
periodically calibrated
10.2 Availability of spares (on site and depot) in sufficient
numbers to meet any immediate requirement
10.3 Is there any policy developed for the retention of spare
parts for the safety critical equipment/ system?
10.4 Maintenance PC/ Laptop
10.5 Earthing systems
10.6 Lightening arrestor
10.7 Smoke Detector
10.8 Master and Slave Clock
10.9 Systems
Crash alarm
10.10 Signaling lamp

47 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
10.11 Emergency equipment
- Fire extinguisher
- First aid kits
- Oxygen cylinders
10.12 Technical Tool Kit
- Availability of
necessary tools/ special
tools to carry out
appropriate checks/schedules
11. Power supplies
Provision of mains power
Provision of standby power
- Battery back up
- Generator

Area of Inspection Assessment/Observations

S U N/C N/A Comments
12. Documentation and Records
12.1 Site Logbooks: History log book, Shift duty log book,
General duty log book and fault log book.
12.2 Serviceability monthly reports
12.3 NAVAIDS flight checks results
and reports
12.4 NAVAIDS ground checks results
12.5 Records of Installations, initial
testing and commissioning
12.6 Test equipment calibration
12.7 Records
Records of preventive/routine
12.8 Records of corrective measures
12.9 Availability of the following
updated documents for
reference and use:
12.9. SOPs for CNS O & M/ Operational and Technical
1 as supplied by the manufacturer.
12.9. The CAAB approved maintenance schedules as
2 and proposed by CNS on the
recommendations of the manufacturer.
12.9. Set of Civil Aviation Rules, ANOs, Circulars, CNS
3 SMM, ICAO documents Annex-10 and Doc
48 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
12.9. Technical manual, drawings, trouble shooting charts
12.9. Does the list of equipment and systems maintained?
12.9. Does the list of tools and test equipment maintained?
12.9. Does calibration record of Navigation and surveillance
7 is available at the site?
12.9. Does the station maintain its own CNS safety
8 system (SMS)?
13. Process and procedures
13.1 Availability and reliability procedure
13.2 Maintenance procedure (including preventive
13.3 Flight inspection procedure
13.4 Test equipment calibration
13.5 Contingency plan procedure for the smooth operation
of safety critical CNS facilities
13.6 Is there any supervision process established?
Who does the supervision of day to day operation
/maintenance work?
13.7 Is there any reporting procedure available at the time of
breakdown of facility?
13.8 Does the specialist support / made available to the
operational duty team for corrective maintenance
during breakdown of equipment/ system?
13.9 Is there any lay - down procedures of duty handover
and takeover?
13.10 Is there any procedure for logging equipment
13.11 Is there any procedure of coordination with ATS
operation about the logging of equipment abnormality?
Is there any documented procedure for taking out
1 equipment from the service and returning
3 into operation?
Is. there any lay - down procedure for declaring the
1 of equipment in operation?
14. Equipment room/shelter
14.1 Room
1 temperature
14.2 Operation of Air Conditioners
14.3 Ventilation
15. Signature of Inspector(s) with date:

49 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


CNS Inspection Checklist

Unit(s) Inspected :

Date of Inspection :

Time of Inspection (LT) :From...................................... To..........................................

Name of Inspector(s) : .....................................................................................................

Following abbreviations indicate observations as shown:

S = Satisfactory;

U = Unsatisfactory;

N = Not Checked.

(If extra space is required for putting comments, go to para 4paper to be used if required for putting comments. For
putting comments in para 4with appropriate Ref. No. according to the Area of Inspection.)

Ref: Observations
Area of Inspection Comments
1.1 Adequacy of staff in the CNS unit(s) to carry out the CNS
maintenance and operational works
1.2 Manning of all the maintenance / operational unit(s) with properly
trained staff.
1.3 Adequate training of the technical and operational personnel of the
station on the relevant equipments.
1.4 Work period for individual technical / operational
employee.(Whether it is more than 12 Hrs. continuous)
1.5 Bad practice among the technical / operational employees, if any, which may lead to safety hazards?
a. Using mobile phones while working.
b. Reading papers/books while working.
c. Listening to radios, watching TVs while working.
2.1 Whether the station has any technical library where the following documents like National Rules,
Regulations, and ICAO documents related to CNS maintenance and operations are available:
a. ICAO Doc;
b. ICAO Annex 10;
c. Relevant ICAO Manuals;
d. CAR 84, Part 10;
e. AIP;
f. Relevant ANOs & Manuals;
g. All maintenance manuals from the manufacturer of the CNS
h. Proper system maintenance schedule and forms conforming to
manufacturer’s manual.
i. maintenance record of CNS systems/ facilities/ equipment
j. Job descriptions of the technical staff(s) in each position in the

50 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
k. Training policy and plans for its technical staff.
l. Training records of its technical staff.
m. Properly developed Standard Operational Procedures for
maintenance of CNS systems / facilities for each unit engaged
in CNS. (Example: SOP for ECR, Navigation Aids, Radar,
Transmitting Station, AMSS, Communication Procedures etc.):
n. Properly developed Standard Operational Procedures for
communication operations activities.
o. Staff Instructions issued.
2.2 Whether the Technical/ Operational staffs have easy access to those
2.3 Availability of proper and updated procedures for the following:
a. Taking over/Handing over watches
b. Updating of documents in a timely manner
2.4 Retention of the following recordings:
a. ATS voice communications recordings for at least 30 days.
b. Video recordings (Radar data) for at least 30 days.
2.5 Whether the AFTN message priorities are maintained properly
without misusing it;
2.6 Whether the AFTN messages are delivered timely;
2.7 Whether the station maintains proper communication
records/logbooks as per ANO (COM) A.2 Para 3.5.
2.8 Whether previous recommendations issued by the CNS Inspectors
have been implemented;
2.9 Regular checks of CNS Equipments:
a. Whether each CNS maintenance unit performs system
maintenance checks as per schedule and forms conforming to
the manufacturer’s manual;
b. Whether every unmanned CNS system room/shelter is
inspected by technical staff according to standard procedure;
c. Whether the station has all cable lay-out diagrams of its CNS
d. Whether the station has suitable secondary power supply
e. Whether each CNS system has proper battery backup;
f. Whether the station has flight calibration procedures;
2.10 a. Whether the station has remote status information display of
navigation aids in equipment control room and respective
ATC centers;
b. If remote status information display is not available, what
procedure is followed to inform ATS units of the navigation
aids’ operating status?
Is the procedure satisfactory?
c. Whether correct Serviceability/ Unserviceability Reports are
timely issued to ATC centers;
d. Whether the station analyzes performance of CNS systems
and communication channels;
e. Whether the station reports information on system
performance to the Headquarter;
f. Whether the station has any mechanism for assessing,
monitoring and evaluating the time taken for responding to
system failures that occurred;
g. Whether the station properly maintains the monitor thresholds
in navigation equipments;
h. Whether the aerodrome markings for holding points meet the
required criteria to safeguard the sensitive and critical areas of
navigation aids;
i. Whether the station has redundant mast lighting system
(obstruction indicators) over CNS system antennas;
j Whether the station has its own CNS safety management
k. Whether the top level technical and operational officials
regularly inspect CNS facilities and sites to oversee the
51 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
l. Whether the Records of such internal inspections are kept in
the unit(s);
m. Whether proper corrective measures are taken on the basis of
the internal inspections;

3.1 Whether the working environment at CNS facilities of the station is

3.1 Level of the following factors existing in the CNS unit(s) as per the judgment of the inspector (How much
a. Ambient Lighting
b. Ambient Temperature
c. Noise Level
d. Exterior Glare
3.2 Availability of rest facilities for CNS Staffs;


5. Signature of Inspector(s) with date:

52 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


PANS-OPS Inspection Checklist

General information

Person(s) undertaking inspection

Organization being audited

Date of inspection

Information Sources

Documents Reviewed

Individuals Interviewed

Units Visited

Abbreviations used for inspection whenever possible,

S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory N = Not Applicable

53 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

1. Construction of visual and instrument flight procedures

1.1 Does the service provider ensure that construction of visual and instrument flight
procedures are in accordance with PANS-OPS vol-2 Doc. 8168? If not, what is the alternate
means of compliance to ensure at least the same standards as Doc. 8168?


1.2 Does the service provider has sufficient number of staff to carry out work
in the field of PANS-OPS?


1.3 Does the service provider maintain training records or files for PANS-OPS technical staff? If
not, which entity is responsible to maintaining such records? What is the status of such records,
complete, incomplete etc?


1.4 Is there any regular training program for the PANS-OPS technical staff? If not, what is the
means of ensuring that the technical remain updated with latest amendments or versions of the
aforesaid documents?


1.5 Does the service provider ensure that flight inspections of instrument flight procedures,
including obstacle checks, are carried out? If not, what is the alternate means of ensuring the
compliance of the relevant provisions of Doc 8168?


1.6 Has the service provider published obstacle clearance altitude/height (OCA/H)? If yes, have they
published the data in the appropriate format? If not, what is the alternate means of ensuring the
compliance of the relevant provisions of Doc 8168?


1.7 Has the service provider established and published operating minima for the concerned
aerodrome (e.g. visibility, MDA, DH, DA, MDA/H, DA/H) for instrument approaches at that
aerodrome? If yes, have they published the data in the appropriate format? If not, what is the
54 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
alternate means of ensuring the compliance of the relevant provisions of Doc 8168 and Doc


1.8 Does the service provider retain all procedure design documentation so as to allow any data
anomalies or errors found during the production, maintenance or Operational use of the
procedures to be corrected? If yes, have they published and maintained the data in the
appropriate format? If not, what is the alternate means of ensuring the compliance of the relevant
provisions of Doc 8168?


1.9 Whether following updated documents relevant to the unit are available?

1.9.1 Doc 8168 vol II

1.9.2 Relevant CARs
1.9.3 AIP
1.9.4 Job description of the procedure designers
1.9.5 Training records of procedure designers
1.9.6 Updated charts relevant to the aerodrome
1.9.7 Relevant NOTAMS


INSPECTORS (Name & Signature):

1) …………………………….....................


2) ………………………………..................

55 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
SAR Inspection Checklist

Station Inspected : Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC), HSIA

Inspection No :
Date(s) of Inspection :
Name of Inspector(S) (a)............................................
Reference: Office Order :

The following abbreviations indicate observations as shown:

S = Satisfactory; U = Unsatisfactory; N = Not Checked/Not applicable

References Descriptions Comments
No S U N

SAR STD A12 Has Arrangement been made for

001 2.1.1 providing SAR service on a 24 hours
basis to ensure that assistance is
rendered to persons in distress?
SAR STD A12 Does the staff detailed for RCC
002 4.4 possess requisite qualification?

SAR STD A12 Does the staff detailed for RCC is

003 4.4 Skilled in coordination and
operational functions?
SAR STD A12 Has the State delineated both
004 2.2.1 Aeronautical and Maritime Search
and Rescue Region within which
Search and Rescue Services are
SAR RP Does the Dhaka SRR coincide with
005 Dhaka FIR?
SAR GM Doc Do the provisions exists to keep
006 IAMSAR, maritime authorities informed of
Vol-1 aeronautical distress situations, and to
coordinate SAR responsibility to
them when an aircraft has an actual or
potential ditching at sea?
SAR GM Doc Do facilities that serve as alerting
007 IAMSAR, posts for receiving aeronautical and
Vol-1 maritime distress information operate
on a 24-hour basis?
SAR GM Doc Does each RCC or RSC have full
008 IAMSAR, information about the capabilities
Vol-1 (range, number of persons they could
rescue, alert status, launch authority
point of contact, etc) for all the
primary rescue units in their area of
56 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
SAR GM Doc Do SAR units in the State have
009 IAMSAR special equipment for medical
Vol-1 evacuation?
SAR GM Doc Does State send delegates to
010 IAMSAR participate directly in meetings of
Vol-1 ICAO and IMO that deal with SAR
SAR GM Doc How do the SAR Managers be
011 IAMSAR informed on decisions, and outcomes
Vol-1 of meetings conducted by ICAO and
SAR STD A12 Has the State established a RCC in
012 2.3.1. each Search and Rescue Region?
SAR ICAO SAAQ Does the State have an integral
013 working relationship with the Cospas-
Sarsat satellite alert and location
SAR GM Doc Have ICAO and IMO been provided
014 IAMSAR with up-to-date information on your
Vol-1 RCCs, RSCs, SAR resources and area
of responsibility?
SAR RP A12 2.1.6 Is there a joint RCC to coordinate
015 aeronautical and maritime SAR
operations available?
SAR GM Doc Do ships and aircraft that are used for
016 IAMSAR, SAR have communications and
Vol-1 electronic direction-finding
capabilities covering all frequencies
likely to be used?
SAR STD A12 Are the basic elements in SAR
017 services like, legal framework, a
responsible authority, organized
available resources; Com. facilities
and a workforce skilled in
coordination and operational
functions available?
SAR STD A12 Are SAR units, elements of public or
018 2.5.1 & private services suitably located and
2.6.1 equipped for SAR operations
SAR GM Doc Is there a formal SAR Committee to
019 IAMSAR, coordinate the actions of the
Vol-1 organizations?
SAR STD A12 Does the CAA permit, subject to such
020 3.1.3 conditions as may be prescribed by its
own authorities, entry into its territory
of SAR units of other States for the
purpose of searching the site of
aircraft accidents and rescuing
survivors of such accidents?
SAR RP A12 3.1.7 Has the CAA authorized its RCC to
021 provide, when requested, assistance to
other RCCs, including assistance in
57 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
the form of aircraft, vessels, persons
or equipment?
SAR STD A12 Has arrangements been made for all
022 3.2,1 aircraft, vessels and local services and
facilities which do not form part of
the SAR organization to cooperate
fully with the latter in SAR and to
extend any possible assistance to the
survivors of aircraft accidents?
SAR GM Doc Are there any written job descriptions
023 9734 Part A for each of technical staff of RCC
3.4 & 3.7 available?

SAR GM Doc Has the job descriptions been duly

024 9734 Part A approved by the authority?
SAR GM Doc Are there any training Policy and
025 9734,Part A programme for RCC technical staff
3.4 &3.7 available?
SAR GM Doc Does the RCC maintain training
026 9734 Part A records or files for RCC technical
3.4 &3.7 staff?
SAR RP A 12 Are the RCC personnel involved in
027 2.3.4 conduct of radiotelephony
communications proficient in English
SAR STD A12 Has arrangements or procedures been
028 2.1.3, made for the use of SAR units and
other available facilities to assist any
aircraft or its occupants who are or
appear to be in a state of emergency?
SAR RP A12 Has the CAA Ensured the availability
029 3.2.2 of closest practicable coordination
between the relevant Aeronautical and
Maritime Authorities to provide for
the most effective and efficient SAR
SAR STD A12 Has the CAA Ensured the SAR
030 4.4 CAR84, personnel regularly trained and that
Part XII, appropriate SAR exercises are
R232(13) arranged?

SAR STD A 12 Does the RCC Maintain records of

031 4.4 SAR exercises and attended identified
SAR STD A12 Are there any detailed plans of
032 4.2.1 operation in RCC for the conduct of
SAR operations within SRR
SAR GM Doc Does the State have a national SAR
033 IAMSAR plan, which describes the roles of all
Vol-1 government and non-government
organizations which have resources

58 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
that can support SAR?
SAR STD A12 Does the RCC having readily
034 4.1.1 available at all times up-to-date
information concerning the following,
in respect of its search and rescue
a) Search and Rescue units,
alerting post.
b) Air Traffic Services units.
c) Means of communication that
may be used in search and
rescue operations.
d) Addresses and telephone
numbers of all operators, or
their designated
representatives, engaged in
operations in the region.


SAR STD A12 Has RCC been provided with required

035 4.3.2 SAR facilities? like:

a)survival and rescue equipments;

b)signaling devices;

c)medical facilities/stores;

SAR GM Doc Are the following factors existing in

036 IAMSAR, RCC at an acceptable level as per the
Vol-1 judgment of the inspectors?
a)Ambient Lighting

b)Ambient Temperature

c)Noise Level

SAR ICAO Has the State implemented its own
037 SAAQ Cospas-Sarsat local user terminal?
SAR STD A12. Has the CAA designated SAR point
038 3.2.5, of contact for the receipt of COSPAS-
SARSAT distress data?
SAR GM Doc Does the records of distress alert of
039 IAMSAR, COSPAS-SARSAT are maintained by
Vol-1 RCC?
SAR STD A12 Has RCC been provided with rapid
040 2.4.1 and reliable means of
communication? with:
i. Associate Air Traffic Services
ii. Search and Rescue units;

59 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
iii. Maritime RCC;
iv. Designated Met office;
v. Alerting Posts.(BAF, Navy,
Police Coast Guard, etc).
SAR GM Doc Whether the status on available
041 IAMSAR, communication link with the ATS
Vol-1 units/SAR units checked and recorded
at regular interval?
SAR STD A12 Has arrangement been made for
042 3.1.1, Coordination of SAR organization
with those of neighboring states?
SAR GM Doc Does the status on available
043 IAMSAR, communication link with adjacent
Vol-1 RCC/SAR organization of
neighboring states checked and
recorded at regular interval?
SAR GM Doc Does the status on available
044 IAMSAR, communication link with
Vol-1 meteorological watch office is
checked and recorded at regular
SAR Has the RCC been provided with
045 following equipment?
i. Emergency Distress
Frequency 121.5 MHz, 123.1
MHz for communication on
ii. Official Cell No;
iii. Variable HF (Freq.2182KHz,
2187.5KHz etc) for long range
iv. Dedicated Telephone line;
v. Internal telephone line;
vi. Plotting Equipment;
vii. Computer Facilities so as to
retrieve the display of
information previously
viii. Internet Facilities with E-mail
ix. Drop facilities for AFTN

SAR Is there any technical library where the
046 following documents like National
Rules, Regulations, and ICAO
documents related to SAR and
operations are available? i.e.,
a. ICAO Annex 12,13,
b. Relevant ICAO IAMSAR Manuals;
c. CAR 84 Part XII
d. AIP Bangladesh
60 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
e. SAR ANO/Relevant ANOs & ATS
f.SAR Pamphlet
g. Search and Rescue Manual
h. Contact list/Action Flow Chart with
telephone numbers.
i. Sunrise/Sunset Tables
j. Maps & Charts( Aeronautical,
Topographical & Hydrographical) of
different scale.
k. Maintain statistical data base on SAR
l. Log Book pertaining to RCC
m. RCC and Rescue Units location map
n. Emergency procedure


7. Signature of the Inspectors with date:

61 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
SAR Inspection Checklist (Rescue Sub-Centre)

Station Inspected :
Inspection Reference No :
Date(s) of Inspection :
Time of Inspection (LT) :
Name of Inspector(S) :(1)


Reference: Office Order :

The following abbreviations indicate observations as shown:
S = Satisfactory; U = Unsatisfactory; N = Not Checked


Sl Observations Evidence/Notes
References Descriptions
No S U N /Comments
SAR STD 12 Para Has the CAA Established
001 2.5.1 Rescue Sub-Centre in search
and rescue region (SRR)?
SAR STD 12 Para Has arrangement been made
002 2.1.1 for manning Rescue Sub
Centre properly round the
clock (H24)?
SAR RP A 12 Has the Proficiency of Rescue
003 2.3.4 Sub centre officers & staff in
English language and radio
telephony communications
been checked?
SAR STD A12 Are the duty officers/Staff of
004 4.4CAR84, Rescue Sub Centre trained for
Part XII, conduct of SAR operations?
SAR STD A 12 Are detailed plans of
005 4.2.1 operation in Rescue Sub
Centre available for conduct of
SAR within its SRR?
SAR STD A12 Whether the Rescue Sub
006 4.2.1, Centre personnel Having
knowledge of all parts of the
plans of operation?
SAR GM Doc Does the CAA Established
007 9734 Part A training programme for their
3.7 Rescue Sub Centre
SAR STD A 12 Are the Rescue Sub Centre
008 4.4 personnel regularly
trained and
appropriate SAR
exercises (Desktop)
are arranged?
62 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

SAR Are the officials of the Rescue

009 Sub Centre familiar with the
area of the responsibility?
SAR GM Doc Are written job descriptions
010 9734Part available for each of the
A 3.4 & technical officials/staff in
3.7 Rescue Sub Centre?
SAR Has job descriptions been duly
011 approved by the Authority?
SAR GM Doc Are the Training records &
012 9734Part A files being maintained for
3.4 &3.7 Rescue Sub Centre


SAR STD Are means available to

013 A12. receive, COSOAS-SARSAT
3.2.5, distress data?
SAR STD A12 Has the Rescue Sub Centre
014 2.4.1 been provided with rapid and
reliable communication link?
with ,
1. Associate ATS units.
2. SAR/Rescue units
3. Maritime RCC.
4. Designated Met. Office.
5. Alerting posts.
SAR Has the status on available
015 communication link with the
ATS units/SRU/Rescue Sub
Centre been checked and
recorded at regular interval?

SAR Does the Rescue Sub Centre keep

016 its RCC informed of its
preparedness for SAR operation?
SAR Is the coordination procedure
017 between RCC and RSC available?
SAR Has the Search and Rescue Sub
018 Centre been provided with required
SAR facilities/equipment and
Check and list the equipment like?
1. Survival and rescue
2. Signaling devices;
3. Medical stores;

63 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

SAR Is there any technical library in

019 existence, where the following
documents like National Rules,
Regulations, and ICAO Documents
related to SAR operations are
available? i.e.,
a. ICAO Annex 12,13,

b. Relevant ICAO Manuals, IAMSAR

c. CAR 84 Part XII
d. AIP Bangladesh
e. SAR ANO/ Relevant ANOs &ATS
f. SAR Plan
g. Search and Rescue Manual
h. Sunrise/sunset Tables
i Maps & Charts( Aeronautical,
Topographical ,Hydrographical) of
different scale.
j. Computer facilities so as to retrieve
he display of information
previously stored.
k. Log Book pertaining to Rescue
l. RCC and Rescue Units location map
m. Distress frequencies
n. Plotting equipments

Signature of the Inspectors with date.

64 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
MAPS/CHART Inspection Checklist
Unit(s) Inspected
Date of Inspection
Time of Inspection(LT)
Name of Inspector(s)

Following abbreviations indicate observations as shown:

S= Satisfactory;
N=Not Checked.
(If extra space is required for putting comments, go to para 6. Put the relevant para No. for the comments. Extra
paper to be used, if required.)

Section - 1
Ref No Area of Inspection Observations Comments
1.1 How many Cartographic working personal in the

1.2 Are they all trained in Aviation Cartography?

1.3 Is there any method of keeping training record of

the Cartographic working personal?
2.1 Whether the station has any technical library to
keep the documents like National Rules,
Regulations, ICAO documents and ANO.
2.2 How the cartographic related work is doing in
this airport without any working cartographic
2.3 Whether there is proper system for retention of
cartographic data in this airport.

2.4 Whether the Cartographic Officials regularly

inspect the cartographic related work of this
airport to update the maps/charts and related
2.5 What is the source of supplied raw data?
2.6 Whether ATS section of the station maintain
proper records of Cartographic data as per ANO
(Aeronautical Chart) A.1.
2.7 Whether the supplied raw data preserved
properly in the station?
3.1 Is all type of required chart of this airport
3.2 How the available charts are update on regular
65 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
3.3 Is there any procedure of physical verification of
3.4 If applicable charts and maps are not available or
available charts are not updated then how the
service ensure related to safety concern?

I Check Item S U N/A Comments
A Requirements For Availability Aeronautical Charts
1 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart —
ICAO Type A;
2 Precision Approach Terrain
Mandatory Charts
Chart — ICAO
3 En-route Chart — ICAO

4 Instrument Approach Chart —


5 Aerodrome/Heliport Chart —

6 World Aeronautical Chart —

ICAO, 1:1 000 000

7 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart —

Non Mandatory
8 Charts Aerodrome Ground Movement
Chart — ICAO

9 Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart


Aeronautical Chart — ICAO

10 1:500 000/
Aeronautical Navigation Chart
— Small Scale
11 Plotting Chart — ICAO
12 Area Chart — ICAO

13 Required Charts Standard Departure Chart —
Instrument (SID)
14 Standard Arrival Chart —
Instrument (STAR) — ICAO
15 Visual Approach Chart — ICAO

16 Joint Civil/Military Charts

66 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
17 Airport Grid Map 8 KM

18 Airport Grid Map 2 KM

19 Airport Location Map for Aerodrome Certification

B Maintenance Of Charts
1 Methods

C Revision/ Frequency of Revisions

1 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart When
(Types A, B ) Accumulation Of
2 FPrecision Approach Terrain When any
rChart Significant
e Change In
q Terrain, Profile
u Occurs
3 eEn-route Chart 28 Days (AIRAC
n Cycle-
c Congested
y Areas), Multiples
Of 12 Weeks
O (AIRAC Cycle-
f Uncongested
4 RStandard Departure Chart When a
e—Instrument (SID) Significant
vStandard Arrival Chart — Change Occurs
iInstrument (STAR) But Not More
s Often Than 4
i Weeks
5 oInstrument Approach Chart When a
n Significant
s Change in
Procedure Occurs
6 Visual Approach Chart When
Accumulation Of

7 Aerodrome/Heliport Chart When

Aerodrome Ground Accumulation Of
Movement Chart Hand
Aerodrome Amendments
Parking/Docking Chart Justifies
8 World Aeronautical Chart Base — 4 Years
1:1 000 000 Aeronautical
Aeronautical Chart 1:500 Information —1

67 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
000 – 2 Years, In
Aeronautical Navigation Congested Areas
Small Scale The Aeronautical
Information May
Be Revised More
9 Plotting Chart Significant
Change In
D Preparation Of Specific Charts
1 Scale
2 Marginal Note Layout
3 North Alignment
4 Projection
5 Titles
6 Symbol
7 Dates of Aeronautical Information
8 Units of Measurement
9 Spelling of Geographical Names
10 Abbreviation
11 Political Boundary
12 Colors
13 Selection of Types
14 Culture
15 Topography
16 Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas
17 Air Traffic Service Airspaces
18 Magnetic Variation
19 Air Traffic Services Symbols
20 Radio Navigation Aids Symbols
21 Application of Radio Navigation Aids Symbols
22 Profile views
23 WGS-1984 Implementation
24 Coordinate System
25 Order of Accuracy (Horizontal/ Vertical) Annex 4,14,15
F Aerodrome Chart
1 Coverage
2 Scale
3 Format
4 Title
5 Identification
6 Marginal note layout
7 Symbols
8 Units of measurement
9 Date of aeronautical information
68 28 November 2016
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10 Spelling of geographical names
11 Abbreviations
12 Colours
13 Typography
14 Culture and topography
15 Magnetic variation
16 Aerodrome/heliport data
G Instrument Approach Chart (Doc 8697- 7.11 INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART — ICAO)
1 Coverage
2 Scale
3 Circle
4 Distance Scale
5 Format -210 × 148 Mm (8.27 × 5.82 In)
6 Projection-Conformal Projection On Which A Straight
Line Approximates A Great Circle Must Be Used. A
Lambert Conic Conformal Projection
7 Graduation Marks
8 Title
9 Identification
10 Marginal Note Layout
11 Symbols
12 Units Of Measurement
13 Date Of Validity Of Aeronautical Information
14 Spelling Of Geographical Names
15 Abbreviations
16 Political Boundaries
17 Colours
18 Typography
19 Cultural Information
20 Relief
21 Spot Elevations
22 Magnetic Variation
23 Bearings, Tracks And Radials
24 Bearings, Tracks And Radials Note
25 Aerodrome Elevation
26 Threshold Elevation Or, The Highest Elevation Of The
Touchdown Zone
27 Topographic Information
28 Obstacles
29 Vertical Datum
30 Prohibited, Restricted And Danger Areas
31 Radio Communication Facilities And Navigation Aids
32 IAF, IF, FAF, FAP, Map to Establish


5. Signature of Inspectors with date:

69 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
Appointment of Audit/Inspection Manager (Sample)



Convening Authority

NAME OF THE PERSON & DESIGNATION (Appointed as Audit/Inspection Manager)

SUBJECT: Appointment as Audit/Inspection Manager to Inspect/Audit ANS Field of


You have been appointed audit/Inspection manager for the routine conformance audit of ANS
Field of Airport.

It is your responsibility to select TEAM LEADER AND/OR TEAM MEMBERS who shall
report directly to you.

The scope of the audit/Inspection will include all activities that could affect the safe operation of

ANS field of Airport including, but not limited to:

a) Personnel;
b) Documentation;
c) Procedure;
d) Equipment and
e) Work Environment

The terms of reference for this audit/Inspection are as follows:

1. You will report directly to me until released from your audit/Inspection duties.
2. All audit/Inspection related matters will be conducted in accordance with policy and
procedures specified in the ANS Inspectors Handbook.
3. You will immediately contact me with a recommendation for action in the event the
team identifies an immediate threat to aviation safety.
4. Support from other Divisions of the Authority may be taken.

At the conclusion of the audit/Inspection, copies of all travel and (if applicable), overtime
claims (including travel advances) and other audit/Inspection related expenses shall be
forwarded to the appropriate Division (s).The audit/Inspection report shall be prepared for my
approval and signature and forwarded to Director/APM within 30 (thirty) days of the
completion of the audit.
Please contact me should you require further information or clarification.
SIGNATURE WITH DATE OF Convening Authority

70 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Appointment of TEAM LEADER (Sample)




NAME OF THE PERSON & DESIGNATION (Appointed as Audit/Inspection Team Leader)

SUBJECT: Appointment as Audit/Inspection Team Leader to Inspect/Audit ANS Field of

The scope of the audit/Inspection will include all activities that could affect the safe operation of

ANS field of Airport including, but not limited to:

a) Personnel;
b) Documentation;
c) Procedure;
d) Equipment and
e) Work Environment

The terms of reference for this audit/Inspection are as follows:

1. You will report directly to me until released from your audit/Inspection duties.
2. All audit/Inspection related matters will be conducted in accordance with policy and
procedures specified in the ANS Inspectors Handbook.
3. You will immediately contact me with a recommendation for action in the event the
team identifies an immediate threat to aviation safety.
4. Support from other Divisions of the Authority may be taken.

You are to develop an audit/Inspection plan proposal for your assigned area by date. This plan
should include team composition, proposed travel and overtime expense estimates and a
proposed schedule of your activities.

Please conduct a pre-audit/Inspection Team meeting with all members of the team.
Please contact me should you require further information or clarification.

At the conclusion of the audit/Inspection, copies of all travel and (if applicable), overtime
claims (including travel advances) and other audit/Inspection related expenses shall be
forwarded to the appropriate Division (s).The audit/Inspection report shall be prepared for my
approval and signature and forwarded to Director/APM within 30 (thirty) days of the
completion of the audit.
Please contact me should you require further information or clarification.

SIGNATURE WITH DATE OF Audit/Inspection Manager

71 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Appointment of Team Member(S) (Sample)




NAME OF THE PERSON(s) & DESIGNATION (Appointed as Audit/Inspection Team

SUBJECT: Appointment as Audit/Inspection Team Member to Inspect/Audit ANS Field of

This will confirm your appointment as Team Member for the upcoming audit/Inspection of
ANS Field of Airport. The audit/Inspection is scheduled for ANS field of Airport.

The scope of the audit/Inspection will include all activities that could affect the safe operation of
ANS field of Airport, including, but not limited to:

a) Personnel;
b) Documentation;
c) Procedure;
d) Equipment and
e) Work Environment

The terms of reference for this audit/Inspection are as follows:

1. You will report to me until released from your audit/Inspection duties.
2. All audit/Inspection related matters will be conducted in accordance with policy and
procedures specified in the ANS Inspectors Handbook.
3. You will immediately contact me, or the Team Leader, with a recommendation for
action in the event that an immediate threat to aviation safety is identified.
4. Support from other Divisions of the Authority may be taken.

Please contact me should you require further information or clarification.


Audit/Inspection Manager

72 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0





Convening Authority


SUBJECT: Audit/Inspection of ANS Field


A routine conformance audit/Inspection of ANS Field is scheduled for the period of DATE.

This audit/Inspection will focus on operations of ANS Field.

The objective of this regulatory audit/Inspection is to conduct an analysis of the operation of

ANS Field to ensure that regulatory requirements are met and an acceptable level of aviation
safety is maintained.

Standard audit/Inspection procedures will be followed including interviews with personnel,

observation of Document, Procedure, Equipment and Work Environment (s).

Prior to the audit/Inspection you will receive details of our audit/Inspection plan which will
include a list of team members and specific areas to be covered during the audit/Inspection.
I have selected NAME AND DESIGNATION as the team manager for this audit/Inspection.

Team Manager will be in contact with your management staff in the next few days to obtain
sufficient information to begin organizing and coordinating audit/Inspection activities. The co-
operation of your management staff in this respect would be appreciated.

Should you require clarification or further information please contact NAME AND
DESIGNATION, Audit/Inspection Manager at PHONE NUMBER.


Convening Authority

73 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Audit Plan Letter to Auditee (Sample)



Audit/Inspection Manager


SUBJECT: Audit/Inspection of ANS Field




of an upcoming regulatory audit/Inspection scheduled for the period of DATE(S). As the delegated
Audit/inspection Manager, I am now in a position to provide Director/APM with further details of
our audit/Inspection plan. The attached appendix outlines the units to be audited /inspected, the
specific specialty area, a detailed audit/inspection plan, team composition and a copy of the
checklists for their areas of responsibility.

An entry meeting is scheduled to be held at DD/SATO/SCO OFFICE at TIME on DATE. The

purpose of this meeting is to introduce the audit/inspection team to management personnel of
DD/SATO/SCO OFFICE review the audit/inspection process and ensure that your personnel are
familiar with audit/inspection process and regulatory responsibilities.

After completion of the audit/inspection an exit meeting will be held at DD/SATO/SCO OFFICE at
DATE on TIME. The exit meeting will summarize the audit/inspection results and identify specific
post-audit/inspection responsibilities where applicable.

Should you require clarification or further information, please contact me at PHONE NUMBER.


Audit Manager


74 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Audit Plan (Sample)

Objective and Scope
A routine conformance audit/inspection will be conducted on ANS field. This will be an
audit/inspection of the ANS specialty area.
The scope of the audit/inspection will include all activities that could affect the safe operation of
the ANS units, including, but not limited to:

(i) Standard of ANS at the station,

(ii) Availability of qualified personnel for providing the ANS at the station,
(iii) Availability of required procedures, documentations & equipments,
(iv) Working conditions at the ANS units, and
(v) ANS Provider’s level of compliance with the SARPS.

The audit/inspection will cover the period from the last audit/inspection date to the present date.

The audit/inspection will be conducted in accordance with standard audit procedures specified
in the ANS Inspectors Handbook. Specialty guidance materials, including checklists, forms and
other guidance documents will be used approved by CAAB.

Where ANS field is not performing in accordance with the CAAB Regulations and associated
Standards, or an approved manual, it is considered to be in non-conformance.
The following steps will then be taken:
(a) Define the area of non-conformance;
(b) Retain any clearly defined evidence;
(c) Prepare a Confirmation Request Form (CRF) if necessary and present it to the team
leader for vetting and discussion;
(d) Complete the finding form, including three examples where possible, and attach any
evidence or supporting documentation collected;
(e) Complete the specialty area summary for the applicable area; and
(f) Forward all documentation, including the finding form, CRF, evidence/supporting
documentation, and specialty area summary, to the appropriate team leader.

Discussions pertaining to the audit/inspection shall take place at a location that assures
confidentiality. Do not discuss the audit/inspection matters with persons other than
audit/inspection team members and refer any questions to the audit/inspection manager or team
leader through the appropriate representative.

Discussions with CAAB personnel outside of the audit team may occur with the knowledge and
approval of the team leader.

75 28 November 2016
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Parallel Findings/Observations
Detection of a CAAB non-conformance to a regulatory requirement, or a non-regulatory policy,
procedure or guideline shall be identified using a parallel finding form. Where a team member
identifies the possible need to revise a regulatory requirement or a non-regulatory policy,
procedure, or guideline, this shall be identified using the parallel observation form.

Completed forms are to be submitted to the audit/inspection manager for review. The
audit/inspection manager will forward all parallel findings and observations to the convening
authority upon completion of the audit/inspection.

76 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Pre-Audit Team Meeting Agenda (Sample)

Location: ANS Inspectorate


Item Subject
1 Introduction

2 Administrative Details:
 hotel room numbers and cell phone numbers (where applicable);
 Transports (including weekend use);
 start / finish times (pre-audit / audit/inspection);
 dress; and
 weekends

3 Tele-conference with Convening Authority where applicable

4 Audit Plan:
 specialty area assignments / specialty area summaries;
 work plan: schedule and scheduled points (satellite base and sub-base visits)

5 Budget:
 importance of accurate tracking;
 overtime/expenses; and
 claim procedures (electronic)

6 Conflict of Interest / Confidentiality:

 shred all working drafts of findings, summaries, etc.

7 Access to Information

8 Forms Administration:

electronic / written;
 audit findings;
 parallel audit findings; and
 confirmation requests

9 Checklists:
 use of and amendment to:

10 Communications:
 on-site / off-site;
77 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
 use of cell phones;
 within Airport; and
 outside Airport.

11 Pre-Audit/Inspection Reviews:

 previous audit/inspection / follow-up;

 compliance records;
 authorizations;
 manuals as applicable;
 respect those around you; and
 list any areas of concern:

12 Physical Audit/Inspection

 site familiarization;
 security passes;
 ANS in-charge role during the audit/inspection;
 daily team meetings, including members on the road;
 use of forms;
 immediate threat to aviation safety - action and communication;
 paperwork expected;
 drafting of audit/inspection/parallel findings;
 finding examples: three or more where possible;
 no draft findings left behind after exit meeting; and
 reminder of regulatory oversight responsibilities during the audit/inspection vs.
 consultation with ANS Unit.

13. Questions?

78 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

Safety Regulatory Audit/Inspection Observation (SAMPLE)

OBN No.:


Audited/Inspected Party:

Name/Post of Responsible Officer:

Observations and Recommendations:

Signature: __________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________

79 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Safety Regulatory Audit/Inspection Response to Observation


Response No:

Response to Observation No: Date:

Action(s) taken/planned:

Name/Post of the Responding Officer:

Signature: Date:

Verification (by Regulatory Authority):


Name and Signature

of Auditor/Inspector: Date:

80 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Safety Regulatory Audit/Inspection


RCA No.: _________________ Date: ____________________

Audited/Inspected Party: ________________________________________________
Name/Post of Responsible Officer: ________________________________________
Non-Compliance Item: _________________________________________________

Document Reference: __________________________________________________

Details of Non-Compliance:

Auditor/Inspector: Date:



81 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Safety Regulatory Audit/Inspection


Response No.: _________________

Responding to RCA No.: ________________________ Dated __________________

Remedial Action(s): (Short-term Fix)

Corrective Action(s): (Long-term Solution)

Action Due Date(s):

Name/Post of Responding Officer: ________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________

Verification (For use by Regulatory Authority)


Name and signature of Auditor/Inspector with date:

82 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


ANSP Safety Regulatory Audit/Inspection


SAN No.: _________________ Date: ____________________

Audited/Inspected Party: ________________________________________________

Name/Post of Responsible Officer: ________________________________________
Non-Compliance Item: __________________________________________________

Document Reference: ___________________________________________________

Detail of Non-Compliance:

Action Due Date: (Immediate action required):

Auditor/Inspector(s) name & signature: Date:

83 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Safety Regulatory Audit/Inspection


Response No.: _________________

Responding to SAN No.: __________________ Dated ________________________

Remedial Action(s): (Short-term fix)

Corrective Action(s): (Long-term Solution)

Name/Post of Responding Officer: ________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________Date: ________________

Verification (For use by Regulatory Office)


Signature & Name of Auditor/Inspector with date:

84 28 November 2016
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1. File No. CAAB/FSR/ANS/------------------------------ Date:

2. Airport/Station audited/inspected: 3.Date of audit/inspection:
4.Audit/Inspection No:
5. Field of audit/inspection: 6.Area of audit/inspection:
7. Sub-area: 8.Finding No:
9. Doc Reference and detail of non-compliance:

10. ANSP’s Corrective Action Plan: Immediate S Short term Long term
Target date:

Signature with official seal of ANSP & Date

11. ANS Inspector(s) response:

Corrective Action Plan Is approved as it is.

Corrective action Plan to be completed by Date


Signature of the Auditor/Inspector & Date------------------------------------------------------------

12. Completion/Progress Report by the ANSP:


Revised Target Date Signature with official seal of ANSP & Date

13. Audit Follow-up: Finding is closed. Finding is not closed


Actual date of completion Inspector’s Sign. & Date

If required, extra paper should be used.

85 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


CAP Unacceptable Letter (Sample)





A review of your proposed corrective action plan to the findings generated during the regulatory
Audit/inspection of NAME OF AUDITEE on DATE has been carried out by this office.
Attached is a copy of the corrective action forms with our response.

Each/some corrective action determined to be unacceptable and requires a new response. Please
submit your revised corrective action plan for these findings to the Audit/Inspection Manager
address noted below no later than DATE.

Responses that require changes or development of new/additional policy and procedures will
also require a completion date. This date can be discussed with the undersigned.
Should you require clarification or further information, please contact me on e-mail or

Yours truly,

Signature of Audit Manager with date

e-mail and telephone number.


86 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Audit Close with Acceptable CAP Letter (Sample)





Further to the CAAB regulatory audit/inspection of NAME OF AUDITEE on DATE, all

corrective action and follow-up in response to the findings is complete and the audit/inspection
is now closed.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for your co-operation during
this process.

Yours Sincerely,


Convening Authority

87 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


CAP Acceptable Letter (Sample)





Further to the CAAB regulatory audit/inspection of NAME OF AUDITEE on DATE, your

corrective action plan in response to the audit/inspection findings has been received and

CAAB regulatory authority will continue to monitor the progress of your corrective action plan
ON-SITE follow-up will ensure that your proposed corrective action plan has addressed all
audit/inspection findings. I will be in contact with you to discuss the follow-up in more detail.
Should you require clarification or further information, please contact me on e-mail or

Yours truly,

Signature of Audit Manager with date

e-mail and telephone number.


88 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Audit Close No Findings Letter (Sample)





Further to the CAAB regulatory audit/inspection of NAMEOF THE AUDITEE on DATE, all
areas observed met CAAB regulatory audit/inspection requirements and the audit/inspection is
now closed.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for your co-operation during
this process.

Yours truly,
Convening Authority

89 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0



Parallel Report

1. File No. CAAB/FSR/ANS/………….., Date: …………………

2. Airport/ Station audited/ inspected: 3. Date of Audit:

4. Audit/Inspection No.

5. Field of Audit/Inspection: 6. Area of Audit/Inspection:

7. Sub-area: 8. Finding No: Parallel 01

9. Doc Ref. and Details of Deficiencies/Misapplication/Non-conformance:

Signature & Name of the Auditor/Inspector & Date

10. Assignment of responsibility for response and follow-up (when applicable):

Person(s) detailed:
Task assigned:

Target date of completion:

Signature with official seal of D/FSR/D-ANS & Date

11. Completion/Progress Report by the responsible officer: Completed

Comments: Partially completed

Revised Target Date Signature with official seal of the responsible officer

90 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
12. Audit Follow-up: Finding is closed. Finding is not closed

Actual date of completion Signature of the Auditor/Inspector &Date

Use overleaf of the Form or extra paper, if required.

91 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0


Function and Responsibilities of ANS Inspectorate

The ANS Inspectors shall carryout duties and responsibilities assigned in this Handbook,
Chapter 3, Section 3.3. The function and responsibilities of ANS Inspectorate are
described below.

A. Function:

ATM Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of ATM.

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist necessary for inspection.

b. To formulate and implement ATM Safety Audit Surveillance Program
c. To prepare safety oversight inspection schedule to inspect ATM service provider.
d. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance of ATM service provider as per
the approved program to ensure the proper implementation of relevant ICAO Annexes,
CAR, ATC Manual, related documents, manuals and directives issued by CAAB.
e. To prepare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies, if any.
f. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the service provider if there are
any issues that need immediate attention.
g. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress
h. To coordinate with concerned units to amend CAR 84 Part II and ANO (ATS) A.1 and
ATM related documents to incorporate changes in ICAO SARPs and advise the Head of
the section.
i. To prepare documents, manuals related to ATM.
j. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to ATM
k. To develop training program for ATM inspectors.
l. To ensure that ATM service provider has developed policy and procedures for
determining the capacity of ATM system, including the number of staff required to
ensure the provision of an adequate ATM system.
m. To ensure service provider has developed training program including refresher training
for ATS staff.
n. To ensure that training records or files for its ATM staff are maintained.

92 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
o. To ensure procedure developed by ATS service provider for continued competency of
ATC in new equipment, procedures and updated communication.
p. To investigate/analyze ATM incidents and advise on aviation safety matters.
q. To assist in air safety accident investigation conducted by authorized personnel.
r. To perform any other duty assigned by the Authority from time to time.


A. Function:

AIS Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of AIS.

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist necessary for inspection.

b. To formulate and implement AIS Safety Audit Surveillance Program
c. To prepare safety oversight inspection schedule to inspect AIS unit at CAAB HQ and
AIS Units in all airports, International NOTAM Office and other Aerodromes
concerning AIS matters.
d. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance of AIS service provider to
ensure the proper implementation of relevant ICAO Annexes, CARs, AIS Manual,
related documents, manuals and directives issued by CAAB and report deficiencies
noted for remedial action.
e. To prepare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies, if any.
f. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the service provider if there are
any issues that need immediate attention.
g. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress
h. To coordinate with concerned units to amend ANO (AIS) A.1 and ANO (Aeronautical
Charts) A.1, AIS related documents to incorporate changes in ICAO SARPs and advise
the Head of the Section.

i. To prepare documents, manuals related to AIS.

j. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to AIS
k. To develop training program for inspectors.

93 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0

A. Function:

PANS-OPS Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist for use.

b. To formulate and implement PANS-OPS Safety Audit Surveillance Program
c. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance of PANSOPS service provider
as per the approved program of the department and report deficiencies noted for
remedial action.
d. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the service provider if there are
any issues that need immediate attention.
e. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress.
f. To prepare documents, manuals related to Instrument Flight Procedure design and
submit to the Head of Section for approval.
g. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to PANS-
OPS matters
h. To prepare inspection schedule to inspect PANS-OPS service provider.
i. To ensure if service provider has developed adequate training program including
refresher training for PANS-OPS technical staff.
j. To initiate to amend CAR 84 Part II and ANO (ATS) A.1 from time to time for
compliance with ICAO Annexes if required.


A. Function:

CNS Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of
Communication Navigation & Surveillance Aids

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist for use.

b. To formulate and implement CNS Safety Audit Surveillance Program.
c. To prepare inspection schedule to inspect CNS service provider.
d. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance of CNS service provider as per
the approved program to ensure the proper implementation of relevant ICAO Annexes,
CAR, CNS Manual, related documents, manuals and directives issued by CAAB.
94 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
e. To repare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies, if any for remedial action.
f. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the CNS service provider if there
are any issues that need immediate attention.
g. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress
h. To coordinate with concerned units to amend CAR 84 Part X and ANO (COM) A.1,
ANO (COM) A.2, ANO (COM) A.3, ANO (COM) A.4 and ANO (COM) A.5 and CNS
related documents to incorporate changes in ICAO SARPs and advise the Head of the

i. To ensure CNS service provider adopted policies and procedures on human factors
principle experienced, qualified and having the capabilities to accomplish the wide range
of safety oversight activities.
j. To ensure CNS service provider has developed policy and procedures for determining
the capacity of CNS system, including the number of staff required to ensure the
provision of an adequate CNS system.
k. To ensure if service provider has developed adequate training program including
refresher training for CNS technical staff.
l. To ensure procedure developed by CNS service provider for continued competency of in
new CNS equipment, procedures and updated communication.
m. To participate in the investigation of CNS related accident/incident and occurrences and
submit the report, as and when required.
n. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to CNS
o. To perform any other duty assigned by the Chairman to enhance performance of the


A. Function:

SAR Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of SAR.

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist necessary for inspection.

b. To formulate and implement SAR Safety Audit Surveillance Program
c. To prepare safety oversight inspection schedule to inspect SAR units & Rescue
Coordination Centers (RCCs) of all international/domestic airports of Bangladesh and
SAR section of ATM Division at CAAB Headquarters.
d. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance of SAR service provider to
ensure the proper implementation of relevant ICAO Annexes, CAR, SAR Manual,

95 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
related documents, manuals and directives issued by CAAB and report deficiencies
noted for remedial action.
e. To prepare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies, if any.
f. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the service provider if there are
any issues that need immediate attention.
g. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress
h. To coordinate with concerned units to amend CAR 84 Part XII and SAR related
documents to incorporate changes in ICAO SARPs and advise the Head of the Section.
i. To prepare documents, manuals related to SAR.
j. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to SAR
k. To develop training program for inspectors.
l. To review SAR manual and other documents including amendments received from
service provider and submit for approval.
m. To participate in the investigation of ANS related accident/incident and occurrences and
submit the report, as and when required.


A. Function:

Maps/Charts Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist for use.

b. To formulate and implement Maps and Charts Safety Audit Surveillance Program
c. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance at CARTOGRAPHY units in
all airports and CAAB HQ as per the approved program of the department and report
deficiencies noted for remedial action.
d. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the service provider if there are
any issues that need immediate attention.
e. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress.
f. To prepare documents, manuals related to Maps/Charts and submit to the Head for
g. To initiate to amends CAR 84 Part IV from time to time for compliance with ICAO
Annexes if required.
h. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to Maps and
Charts matters.
96 28 November 2016
ANS Inspectors Handbook, Version-2.0
i. To prepare inspection schedule to inspect Maps and charts service provider.
j. To ensure if service provider has developed adequate training program including
refresher training for Maps and Charts technical staff.
k. To perform any other duty assigned by the Head to enhance performance of the Section.


A. Function:

MET Inspector is responsible for carrying out regulatory functions in the areas of MET.

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

a. To develop and amend Inspector Handbook/Checklist necessary for inspection.

b. To formulate and implement MET Safety Audit Surveillance Program.
c. To prepare safety oversight inspection schedule to inspect MET units and MET facilities
in all airports of Bangladesh.
d. To carry out safety oversight inspection and surveillance of MET service provider to
ensure the proper implementation of relevant ICAO Annexes, CAR 84 Part III, MET
Manual, related documents, manuals and directives issued by CAAB and report
deficiencies noted for remedial action.
e. To prepare inspection report and highlight the deficiencies, if any.
f. To ensure flight safety, issue immediate directives to the service provider if there are
any issues that need immediate attention.
g. To assist service provider in preparing the remedial/corrective action plan and follow up
its progress.

h. To coordinate with concerned units to amend MET related CAR 84 Part III and
documents to incorporate changes in ICAO SARPs and advise the Head of the Section.
i. To prepare documents, manuals related to MET.
j. To participate in any in-house and abroad workshops and seminars related to MET
k. To develop training program for inspectors.
l. To review MET manual and other documents including amendments received from
service provider and submit for approval.
m. To participate in the investigation of MET related accident/incident and occurrences, as
and when required and submit the report.

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