IEEE/EIA 12207 was adopted for use by the Department of Defense on May 27, 1998, replacing
MIL-STD-498. It is packaged in three parts:
• IEEE/EIA 12207.0, Standard for Information Technology-software life cycle
processes. This contains ISO/IEC 12207 in its original form and six additional
• IEEE/EIA 12207.1, Standard for Information Technology-software life cycle
processes-Life cycle data. Provides additional guidance on recording life cycle data.
• IEEE/EIA 12207.2, Standard for Information Technology-software life cycle
processes-Implementation considerations. Provides additions, alternatives, and
clarifications to the ISO-IEC 12207's life cycle processes as derived for U.S. practices.
IEE/EIA 12207.0
Clause 1-Scope.
Purpose: This International Standard establishes a common framework for software life
cycle processes, with well-defined terminology, that can be referenced by the software
industry. It contains processes, activities, and tasks that are to be applied during the
acquisition of a system that contains software, a stand-alone software product, and software
service and during the supple, development, operation, and maintenance of software
products. Software includes the software portion of firmware.
Clause 2-Normative references
Clause 3-Definitions
Clause 4- Application of this International Standard
4.1.1 Life cycle processes - This Standard groups the activities that may be performed
during the life cycle of a software into five primary processes, eight supporting processes,
and four organizational processes. Each process is divided intro a set a activities; each
activity is divided into a set of tasks.
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(12207.0 clause 4, continued)
The eight Supporting Life Cycle Processes (see Clause 6 for details)
Documentation Defines the activities for recording the information produced by a life cycle process.
Configuration Defines the configuration management activities.
Quality Defines the activities for objectively assuring that the software products and
Assurance processes are in conformance with their specified requirements and adhere to their
established plans. Joint reviews, Audits, Verification and Validation may be used as
techniques of Quality Assurance.
Verification Defines the activities( for the acquirer, the supplier, or an independent party) for
verifying the software products and services in varying depth depending on the
software project.
Validation Defines the activities (for the acquirer, the supplier, or an independent party) for
validating the software products of the software project.
Joint Review Defines the activities for evaluating the status and products of an activity. This
process may be employed by any two parties, where one party (reviewing party)
reviews another party (reviewed party) in a joint forum.
Audit Defines the activities for determining compliance with the requirements, plans, and
contract. This process may be employed by any two parties, when one party
(auditing party) audits the software products or activities of another party (audited
Problem Defines a process for analyzing and removing the problems (including
resolution nonconformances), whatever their nature or source, that are discovered during the
execution of development, operation, maintenance, or other processes.
The four Organizational Life Cycle Processes (see Clause 7 for details)
Management Defines the basic activities of the management, including project management,
related to the execution of a life cycle process.
Infrastructure Defines the basic activities for establishing the underlying structure of a life cycle
Improvement Defines the basic activities that an organization (that is, acquirer, supplier, developer,
operator, maintainer, or the manager of another process) performs for establishing,
measuring, controlling, and improving its life cycle process.
Training Defines the activities for providing adequately trained personnel.
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Overview of IEEE/EIA 12207: Standard for Information Technology
12207.0 Clause 5 - Primary life cycle processes
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(12207.0 Clause 5, continued)
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Overview of IEEE/EIA 12207: Standard for Information Technology
(12207.0 clause 5, continued)
5.4 The Operation Process
Activity Tasks (paraphrased) 12207.1 Information Item guidelines
5.4.1 Process .1 Document operational activities Plan 6.9 Op. Process Plan
implementation .2 Document problem tracking procedures Procedure --
.3 Document product testing procedures Procedure --
5.4.2 Operational .1 Conduct operational testing -- --
testing .2 Test software code and databases -- --
5.4.3 System .1 Operate per user documentation -- --
operation -- --
5.4.4 User .1 Assist users as requested Record --
support .2 Track user requests (Maint. Process) Description 6.2 Change Request
.3 Provide problem work-around solutions -- --
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(12207.0 clause 6, continued)
Process Activity Tasks (paraphrased)
6.3 Quality 6.3.1 Process implementation .1 Establish QA process
Assurance .2 Coordinate QA with Verification (6.4),
Validation (6.5), Joint reviews (6.6), and
Audits (6.7)
.3 Develop a QA Plan
.4 Schedule and execute QA tasks
.5 Make QA records available to acquirer
.6 Give QA team organizational freedom
6.3.2 Product assurance .1 Assure that plans are being executed
.2 Assure products comply with contract
.3 Assure delivered products satisfy req'ts
6.3.3 Process assurance .1 Assure processes comply with contract
.2 Assure practices, tests, libraries comply
.3 Assure prime requirements passed to subs
.4 Assure support provided iaw contract
.5 Assure measures iaw standards, procedures
.6 Assure staff is trained
6.3.4 Assurance of quality systems .1 Assure additional quality management
activities iaw ISO 9001 as specified in contract
6.4 Verification 6.4.1 Process implementation .1 Determine if verification effort needed
.2 If needed, establish a process
.3 Select independent verification organization
.4 Identify activities and products to verify
.5 Develop verification plan and procedures
.6 Implement verification plan
6.4.2 Verification .1 Verify contract against criteria
.2 Verify process against criteria
.3 Verify requirements against criteria
.4 Verify design against criteria
.5 Verify code against criteria
.6 Verify integration against criteria
.7 Verify documentation against criteria
6.5 Validation 6.5.1 Process implementation .1 Determine if validation effort needed
.2 If needed, establish a process
.3 Select an validation organization
.4 Develop validation plan
.5 Implement validation plan
6.5.2 Validation .1 Prepare test requirements, cases, specs
.2 Ensure requirements met
.3 Conduct tests
.4 Validate that product satisfies intended use
.5 Test product in target environment
6.6 Joint review 6.6.1 Process implementation .1 Hold periodic and ad hoc reviews
.2 Agree to resources needed
.3 Set agenda, products, scope, procedures
.4 Record problems detected
.5 Document and distribute results
.6 Agree on outcome and action items
6.6.2 Project management reviews .1 Evaluate status against plans, schedules
6.6.3 Technical reviews .1 Evaluate products or services
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(12207.0 clause 6, continued)
Process Activity Tasks (paraphrased)
6.7 Audit 6.7.1 Process implementation .1 Audit at predetermined milestones iaw plan
.2 Auditors shall be independent
.3 Agree to audit resources
.4 Agree on agenda, products, scope
.5 Record problems detected
.6 Document and distribute results
.7 Agree on outcome and action items
6.7.2 Audit .1 Conduct audits per criteria
6.8 Problem 6.8.1 process implementation .1 Establish problem resolution process for
resolution handling problems in products and activities.
6.8.2 Problem resolution .1 Track problems through detection, analysis,
and resolution
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IEE/EIA 12207.1
Clause 1-Scope.
This guide provides guidance for recording life cycle data resulting from the life cycle processes of
IEEE/EIA 12207.0.
Table 1 identifies 84 requirements in 12207.0 for outputs or artifacts. Specified are the
information item, the 12207.0 clause, the kind of documentation (record, plan, procedure, description,
etc.). , the 12207.1 clause (6.x) with specific guidelines, and other available standards/guides/tech
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Overview of IEEE/EIA 12207: Standard for Information Technology
12207.1 Clause 6 - Specific information item content guidelines
Gives purpose, 12207.0 references, specific contents, and characteristics guidelines for:
Information Item in 12207.1 Process/Activity Reference in 12207.0
6.1 Acquisition plan Acquisition process - initiation
6.2 Change request or modification request 5.4.4 Operation process-user support
6.3 Concept of operations description Acquisition process - initiation
6.4 Database design description Development-Software Arch design
6.5 Development process plan Development process- implementation
6.6 Evaluation records Development-System reqts analysis
6.7 Executable object code record Development-Software code & test
6.8 Maintenance process plan 5.5. Maintenance process
6.9 Operation process plan 5.4 Operation process- implementation
6.10 Problem report and problem resolution report 6.8 Problem resolution process
6.11 Project management plan Supply process-planning
6.12 Software architecture description Development-Software Arch design
6.13 Software configuration index record 6.2 CM process
6.14 Software configuration management plan CM process
6.15 Software configuration management records 6.2 CM process
6.16 Software design description Development-Software detailed design
6.17 Software development standards description Development process- implementation
6.18 Software integration plan Development-Software integration
6.19 Software interface design description Development-Software Arch design
6.20 Software quality assurance plan QA process
6.21 Software quality assurance records 6.3 QA process
6.22 Software requirements description Acquisition process - initiation
6.23 Software verification results report 6.4. Verification process
6.24 Source code record Development-Software code & test
6.25 System architecture and reqts alloc. descr Development-Sys Arch design
6.26 System requirements specification Acquisition process - initiation
6.27 Test or validation plan Development-Software Arch design
6.28 Test or validation procedures Acquisition process - acceptance
6.29 Test or validation results report Development-Software code & test
6.30 User documentation description Development-Software reqts analysis
Sequence of documents across process/activities (same data as above with different sort)
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Clause 5 - 12207.0 Clause 5 (Primary life cycle processes) and associated GUIDANCE
Clause 6 - 12207.0 Clause 6 (Supporting processes) and associated GUIDANCE
Clause 7 - 12207.0 Clause 7 (Organizational life cycle processes) and associated GUIDANCE
Annex A - 12207.0 Annex A (tailoring process) and associated GUIDANCE
Annex B - 12207.0 Annex F (Compliance) and associated GUIDANCE
Annex C - 12207.0 Annex G (Life cycle processes objectives) and associated GUIDANCE
Annex D - 12207.0 Annex H (Life cycle data objectives) and associated GUIDANCE
Annex E - 12207.0 Annex J (Errata) and associated GUIDANCE
Annex F - Use of reusable software products (informative)
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(12207.2, continued)
Annex K - Software product evaluations (informative) - defines 11 criteria
• Accurately describes (an item)
• Adequate test cases, procedures, data, results
• Consistent with indicated product(s)
• Covers (a given set of items)
• Feasible
• Follows software plan
• Internally consistent
• Meets delivery requirements, if applicable
• Presents a sound approach
• Shows evidence that (an item under test) meets its requirements
• Testable
• Understandable
Annex L - Risk Management (informative)
Addresses risk planning, identification, analysis, mitigation, tracking and control
Software tion SCR, T/VRR
Software Item 1: Code Software
Software & Test SIP,T/VPr Installation
Software Detailed
Arch. Design EOCR, SCR,T/VPr, T/VRR
Reqts. SRD, UDD System
Analysis T/VRR
SAD, SIDD, DBDD, T/VP Software System Qual
Qual Test SCR
SRD, UDD Software Integra-
Test tion
SARAD Integra-
Software tion
Sys Arch Software Item 2: Code T/VPr
Design Software & Test
Software Detailed
System Arch. Design
Software Software
Reqts Design Acceptance
Analysis Support
Hardware items SCR
Supporting Processes: Documentation, CM, QA, Verification, Validation, Joint Review, Audit, Problem resolution
Organizational Processes: Management, Infrastructure, Improvement, Training
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Overview of IEEE/EIA 12207: Standard for Information Technology
Comparison of Reviews
DoD-STD-2167A/MIL-STD-1521B MIL-STD-498: 12207.0 Joint Review Process
Formal Reviews Joint Reviews
Joint Technical Reviews Technical reviews
Joint Management Reviews: Project management reviews
Software plan reviews Software plan reviews
System Requirements Review (SRR) Operational concept reviews Operational concept reviews
System/subsys reqts review System/subsys reqts review
System Design Review (SDR) System/subsys design review System/subsys design review
Software Specification Review (SSR) Software requirements review Software requirements review
Preliminary design Review (PDR) Software design review Software design review
Critical Design Review (CDR)
Test Readiness Review (TRR) Test readiness review Test readiness review
Test results review Test results review
Software usability review Software usability review
Software supportability review Software supportability review
Critical requirements review Critical requirements review
Functional Configuration Audit (FCA)
Physical Configuration Audit (PCA)
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Overview of IEEE/EIA 12207: Standard for Information Technology
Comparison of documents among software standards
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