Instituto Corferrini Actividad de Apoyo Inglés Clei 3 1° Período Nombre Estudiante

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Actividad de Apoyo Inglés Clei 3 1° Período

Nombre estudiante:

OBSERVACIÓN: El taller debe presentarse a mano completamente diligenciado con las normas del
ICONTEC y ser sustentado en las fechas programadas por la institución, espacios en los cuales el
estudiante dará cuenta de sus conocimientos y competencias.


A). Cambie estas oraciones a preguntas y 8. My father buys .......... newspaper every day.
respóndalas utilizando las YES/NO QUESTIONS 9. Sarah is .......... friendly woman.
Example: 10. .......... film was awful.
Mike is her brother. Is mike her brother? YES, she is 11. .......... ships arrived to Sydney.
= NO, she is not 12. My sister was wearing .......... ugly hat.
13. It is raining and I will buy .......... umbrella.
1. They are friends. 14. I drank .......... excellent wine at the
2. He is a doctor. restaurant.
3. She is his sister. 15. Yesterday, I had .......... problem.
4. They work in the hospital. 16. .......... farmhouse is very old.
5. She walks in the morning. 17. My brother saw .......... elephant in Africa.
6. He lives in Texas. 18. John wants .......... apple pie for his birthday.
7. The students study English. 19. .......... piano was bought by my grandfather.
8. Laura is a teacher. 20. My father has .......... important job.
9. The nurse helps the patients.
10. The waiters serve the food. D). Escribir el nombre de los siguientes animales
Donkey = Rabbit =
B). Read the sentence and write the correct answer: Dragonfly = Seal =
IS /ARE and translate the sentences. Fly = Shark =
1. There ______ many animals in the zoo. Fox = Sheep =
2. There ______ a snake in the window.
Frog = Viper =
3. There ______ a zebra in the grass.
4. There ______ lions in the zoo, too. Hen = Pig =
5. There ______ many baby lions near their Monkey = Centipede =
parents. Bison = Ant =
6. There ______ a bird next to the tree.
7. There ______ many monkeys in the trees. E). Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés.
8. There ______ an elephant in the zoo.
9. There ______ some water in the lake near 1. ¿Dónde está Jarol a las 4:00?
the elephants. 2. Esta en la escuela hasta las 8:00
10. There ______ birds in the zoo. 3. ¿Están ellos en casa de Luis?
4. Yefry está en Cali hoy
C). Utiliza los artículos definidos e indefinidos (A, 5. Mis padres no son italianos.
AN o THE) en las siguientes oraciones. 6. Él no está en casa ahora
7. Nosotros no estamos en el colegio
1. C. .......... plane arrived early. 8. Carmen no está en México
2. Peter is.......... boring student. 9. Luis, Camila y Claudia están en el cinema
3. ........... book is very interesting. 10. Yo estoy en la fábrica de mi familia
4. .......... apple is not sweet
5. It is .......... expensive car.
6. She bought .......... new dress.
7. ......... meal was perfect.

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