Angel International School - Manipay: English Language
Angel International School - Manipay: English Language
Angel International School - Manipay: English Language
2. Ate/eat/rat/pen
Eat/ate/pen/rat Ate/eat/pen/rat Ate/eat/rat/pen
3. Was/you/is/of
You/is/was/of Of/is/you/was Is/of/was/you
uice ice juic
crow goat gate
marshy hard mushy
18. fox
foxe foxes foxs
Read the text and answer the following questions. The answer must be the same
spelling as it is given in the paragraph.
Hi! My name is Thomas. I am seven years old. I have a sister, her name is Mary.
I like climbing trees and roller skating. In the morning, I have breakfast at seven
o’ clock. In the afternoon, I watch TV at five o’ clock. I like cake but I don’t like
meat. My favourite animal is a dog and favourite bird is a parrot. My hobby is