Frank O'Hara: Jackson Pollock (London, 1989) )

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Frank O'Hara, The Collected Poems, ed. Donald Allen, with an Introduction by
John Ashbery (rev. ed., Berkeley, 1995).
Frank O'Hara, Selected Poems, ed. Donald Allen (New York, 1974; Manches-
ter, c.1991); reviewed by Geoffrey Ward, Cambridge Quarterly, 21
(1992), 273-82.
Frank O'Hara, Selected Plays (New York, 1978).
Frank O'Hara, Early Writings, ed. Donald Allen (Bolinas, Cal., 1977).
Frank O'Hara, Poems Retrieved, ed. Donald Allen (Bolinas, Cal., 1977).
Frank O'Hara, Standing Still and Walking in New York, ed. Donald Allen
(Bolinas, Cal., 1975).
Frank O'Hara, Art Chronicles, 1954-1966 (New York, 1975).
Frank O'Hara, Jackson Pollock (New York, 1959) [see also Ellen G. Landau,
Jackson Pollock (London, 1989)].
Frank O'Hara, Robert Motherwell (New York, 1965) [see also Robert
Motherwell, The Collected Writings, ed. Stephanie Terenzio (New York,
Frank O'Hara, 'New Directions in Music--About the Early Work [of Morton
Feldman]', liner note to New Directions in Music 2: Morton Feldman
(Columbia Masterworks, 1962?), reprinted in Morton Feldman, Essays
(Beginner Press, Kerpen [/Darmstadt], 1985), pp. 24-29 [with parallel
German translation]; see also Feldman's The O'Hara Songs (New York,
c.1963) [score: voice plus instrumental ensemble], and For Frank O'Hara
(London, c.1986) [score (composed 1973): flute, percussion, piano, violin
and cello; current recording, For Frank O'Hara (with three other pieces),
New Millennium Ensemble plus guests, CD (rec. 2000), Koch
International Classics 3-7466-2H1 DDD.

Smith (Alexander, Jr), Frank O'Hara; A Comprehensive Bibliography (New

York, 1980).

Berkson (Bill) and Joe LeSueur (eds), Homage to Frank O'Hara (3rd. ed.,
Berkeley, 1988), esp. Irving Sandler, 'Sweeping Up After Frank' (pp. 70-
80) and Waldo Rasmussen, 'Frank O'Hara in the Museum'.
Elledge (Jim) (ed.), Frank O'Hara; To Be True to a City (Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Feldman (Alan), Frank O'Hara (Boston, Mass., 1979).
Gooch (Brad), City Poet; The Life and Times of Frank O'Hara (New York, 1993).
Holliday (Billie), with Dufty (William), Lady Sings the Blues (1956, reprinted,
Harmondsworth, 1984).
Lurie (Alison), 'V.R. Lang: A Memoir', in V.R. Lang, Poems & Plays (London,

Barr (Alfred Hamilton), Cubism and Abstract Art; Painting, Sculpture, Con-
structions, Photography, Architecture, Industrial Art, Theatre, Films,
Posters, Typography (Cambridge, Mass., 1936; reprinted 1986).
Motherwell (Robert) (ed.), The Dada Painters and Poets; An Anthology (New
York, 1951).
Altieri (Charles), Painterly Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry; The
Contemporaneity of Modernism (Cambridge, 1989).

Arensberg (Mary), 'Introduction: The American Sublime', in The American

Sublime, ed. M. Arensberg (Albany, N.Y., 1986).
Ashton (Dore), American Art since 1945 (London, 1982) [well-selected colour
reproductions, with expert brief commentary].
Blasing (Mutlu Konuk), Politics and Form in Postmodern Poetry; O'Hara,
Bishop, Ashbery and Merrill (Cambridge, 1995).
Greenberg (Clement), The Collected Essays and Criticism (4 vols, Chicago and
London, 1986).
Greenberg (Clement), Art and Culture (Boston, 1961).
Porter (Fairfield), Art in its Own Terms; Selected Criticism, 1935-1975, ed.
Rackstraw Downes (New York, 1979).
Rosenberg (Harold), Act and the Actor; Making the Self (c.1970; reprinted,
Chicago, 1982).
Rosenberg (Harold), The Tradition of the New (c.1960; reprinted, Chicago,
Elkins (James), On Pictures and the Words that Fail Them (Cambridge, 1998).
Ferguson (Russell), In Memory of My Feelings; Frank O'Hara and American Art
(Berkeley, Cal., 1999) [exhibition catalogue].

Ashton (Dore), The Life and Times of the New York School (Bath, 1972).
Herbert (James D.), The Political Origins of Abstract-Expressionist Art Criticism:
the Early Theoretical and Critical Writings of Clement Greenberg and
Harold Rosenberg (Stanford, Cal., 1985).
Ross (Clifford) (ed.), Abstract Expressionism: Creators and Critics (New York,
Sandler (Irving), The New York School; The Painters and Sculptors of the Fifties
(New York & London, 1978).
Shapiro (David) and Shapiro (Cecile) (eds), Abstract Expressionism; A Critical
Record (Cambridge, 1990).

Blasing (Mutlu Konuk), The Art of Life; Studies in American Autobiographical

Literature (Austin, Texas, 1977).
Breslin (James E.B.), 'Frank O'Hara', in his From Modern to Contemporary;
American Poetry, 1945-1965 (Chicago, 1984).
Cole (Merrill), The Other Orpheus; A Poetics of Modern Homosexuality (New
York, 2003).
Crain (Caleb), 'Frank O'Hara's "Fired Self"', American Literary History, 9
(1997), 287-308.
Davidson (Michael), Guys Like Us; Citing Masculinity in Cold War Poetics
(Chicago, c.2004).
Eberly (David), 'A Serpent in the Grass; Reading Walt Whitman and Frank
O'Hara', in The Continuing Presence of Walt Whitman; The Life After the
Life, ed. Robert Martin (Iowa City, 1992), pp. 69-81.
Gooder (R.D.), 'After the Deluge; Some Reflections on the Poems of Frank
O'Hara', Cambridge Quarterly, 14 (1985), 93-122.
Herd (David), 'Making Readers--the Frank O'Hara Way', Critical Quarterly, 45
(2003), 84-97.
Lawler (Justus George), Celestial Pantomime; Poetic Structures of Tran-
scendence (New Haven and London, 1979).
LeSuer (Joe), Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O'Hara (New York, 2003).
Martin (Robert K.), The Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry (2nd ed.,
Iowa City, 1998).
Molesworth (Charles), '"The Clear Architecture of the Nerves": The Poetry of
Frank O'Hara', The Iowa Review, 6 (1975), 61-74.
Parker (Alice C.), The Exploration of the Secret Smile; The Language of Art and
of Homosexuality in Frank O'Hara's Poetry (New York, c. 1989).
Perloff (Marjorie), Frank O'Hara: Poet Among Painters (Chicago, 2nd rev. ed.,
Perloff (Marjorie), Poetic License; Essays on Modernist and Postmodernist Lyric
(Evanston, Ill., c.1990).

Reed (Brian M.), Hart Crane; After His Lights (Tuscaloosa, Ala., 2006), Chap. 7:
'Frank O'Hara's Crane' (pp. 195-224).
Smith (Hazel), Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O'Hara; Difference /
Homosexuality / Topography (Liverpool, 2000).
Ward (Geoffrey), Statutes of Liberty: The New York School of Poets (London,
Ward (Geoffrey), '"Dedicated to America, whatever that is"; Contemporary
Literature and the Egress', in his The Writing of America; Literature and
Cultural Identity from the Puritans to the Present (Cambridge, 2002),
Chap. 7.

J.H. Prynne, July 2006

PDF file created on 8 September 2008

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