Phonetics and Phonology Homo Sapiens Homo Loquens
Phonetics and Phonology Homo Sapiens Homo Loquens
Phonetics and Phonology Homo Sapiens Homo Loquens
Although our species has the scientific name Homo sapiens, ‘thinking human’, it
has often been suggested that an even more appropriate name would be Homo loquens, or
‘speaking human’. Many species have sound-based signalling systems, and can communicate
with other members of the same species on various topics of mutual interest, like approaching
danger or where the next meal is coming from.
Most humans (leaving aside for now native users of sign languages) also use sounds for
linguistic signalling; but the structure of the human vocal organs allows a particularly wide range
of sounds to be used, and they are also put together in an extraordinarily sophisticated way.
There are two subdisciplines in linguistics which deal with sound, namely
phonetics and phonology, and to fulfil the aim of this book, which is to provide an outline
of the sounds of various English accents and how those sounds combine and pattern
together, we will need aspects of both. Phonetics provides objective ways of describing
and analysing the range of sounds humans use in their languages. More specifically,
articulatory phonetics identifies precisely which speech organs and muscles are involved in
producing the different sounds of the world’s languages. Those sounds are then transmitted from
the speaker to the hearer, and acoustic and have on a hearer’s ears and brain. It follows
that phonetics has strong associations with anatomy, physiology, physics and neurology.
However, although knowing what sounds we can in principle make and use is part
of understanding what makes us human, each person grows up learning and speaking
only a particular human language or languages, and each language only makes use of a subset
of the full range of possible, producible and distinguishable sounds.
When we turn to the characteristics of the English sound system that make it
specifically English, and different from French or Welsh or Quechua, we move into the domain
of phonology, which is the language-specific selection and organisation of sounds to signal
Phonologists are interested in the sound patterns of particular languages, and in
what speakers and hearers need to know, and children need to learn, to be speakers of those
languages: in that sense, it is close to psychology.
Our phonological knowledge is not something we can necessarily access and talk
about in detail: we often have intuitions about language without knowing where they come from,
or exactly how to express them. But the knowledge is certainly there. For instance, speakers of
English will tend to agree that the word snilis a possible but non-existent word,whereas *fnilis
not possible (as the asterisk conventionally shows). In the usual linguistic terms, snil is an
accidental gap in the vocabulary, while*fnil