Artificial Intelligence With Pythonbbbj

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Artificial Intelligence with Python

Modules Content

Module 1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

● What is Artificial Intelligence
● History of Artificial Intelligence
● Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence
● Role of Machine Learning Engineer
● Machine Learning Tools & Packages
Introduction to python programming
● Python Data Structures
● Python Programming Fundamentals
● Conditions and Branching
● Loops
● Functions
● Python Packages
Module 2 Python for Data Science
 Working with NUMPY
 Working with Pandas
 Introduction to Data Visualization
 Introduction to Matplotlib and Seaborn
 Basic Plotting with Matplotlib and Seaborn
Data Wrangling Techniques
 Introduction to Data preprocessing
Module 3  Importing the Dataset
 Handling Missing data
 Working with categorical Data
 Splitting the data in to Train and Test set
 Feature Scaling
Module 4 Introduction to Neural Networks
 The Neuron
 The Activation Function
 How do Neural Networks work?
 How do Neural Networks learn?
 Gradient Descent
 Stochastic Gradient Descent
 Backpropagation

Introduction to Keras Framework

 Introduction to the Sequential Mode
 Activation functions
 Layers
 Training
 Loss function
 Building ANN Using Tensor flow using sample dataset
 Evaluating Improving and Tuning ANN
Module 5 Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
 What are convolutional neural networks?
 Step 1 - Convolution Operation
 Step 1(b) - ReLU Layer
 Step 2 - Pooling
 Step 3 - Flattening
 Step 4 - Full Connection
Classification of images using CNN
 Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the CNN

Module 6 Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks

 The idea behind Recurrent Neural Networks
 The Vanishing Gradient Problem
 LSTM Variations
Predicting Google stock prices using RNN
 Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the RNN
Module 7 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
 Introduction to NTLK
 Bag of Words model
 Natural Language Processing in Python
 Sentiment analysis using Natural Language Processing

Module 8 Introduction to different modes of Deployments

 Working with the Flask framework
 Building an application with Flask Framework
 Integrating Deep learning model with Web Application
 Introduction to IBM Python Flask APP
 Deploying Python Flask application on IBM Python

Module 9 Introduction to IBM Cloud Services

 Introduction to IBM Cloud
 Introduction to AI in IBM cloud
 Introduction to Watson Studio
 Building Machine learning model in Watson
 Deploying Deep Learning Models as web
Module 10 Introduction to Auto AI
 Building a Machine
Learning Model Using
Auto AI
 Introduction to IBM
 Integrating Machine
Learning model to IBM
 Building Web Application

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