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BENV7500 – Programmable Cities, T1 2019

Assignment 1 – individual assignment (30% of the overall course mark)

Demonstrating understanding of principles of programming and basic coding in Python
Deadline Thursday 28 March 2019, 23:59 pm.

This assignment will assess the knowledge and skills you have developed during the first block of classes (8-9
March 2019), focused on fundamentals of programming and introduction to Python. This assignment will help
you to consolidate the contents of the first block of classes, and demonstrate understanding of relevant
concepts, and also preliminary coding abilities in Python.
In Assignment 1 you will be asked to perform four tasks:
• Part 1 (25%) – You will complete an online quiz in Moodle with 15 multiple choice questions by the
deadline. You can access the quiz any time between 9th March 5 pm to 28th March 23:59 pm; but once
you have started you will have 2 hours to complete the quiz in one attempt.
• Part 2 (10%) – You will be given a code in Python (in a Jupyter notebook format) and be asked to
explain what the code does by adding comments into the notebook and submitting your notebook in
Moodle by the deadline.
• Part 3 (25%) – You will be given 3 pieces of code with errors in a Jupyter notebook format and will be
asked to identify the errors in writing (with comment), fix the errors, and run the code to completion.
Your corrected notebook should be submitted in Moodle by the deadline.
• Part 4 (40%) – You will be given a dataset (selected Census 2016 data) and presented with several
question in a Jupyter notebook to be answered using Python coding. You will write code for data
analysis and plotting in this guided exercise and submit your completed notebook in Moodle by the
For your convenience, you can submit your Jupyter notebooks for parts 2, 3 and 4 as a single zip file in Moodle.
You will have 3 weeks to complete assignment 1. Support is provided to students along these three weeks in
two formats: remotely via Moodle using the “Questions & Answers – Block 1” discussion forum in the
“Learning Activities” Session in Moodle; and/or face-to face via organised group meeting at the University with
the course tutor.
The assignment was designed based on the following learning goals:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Focus Demonstrate:
25% 10% 25% 40%
Understanding of programming principles X X X X
(knowledge) Ability to design logical solutions in
Ability to program with proper syntax X X
Develop (skill)
Ability to develop/automate data analysis X
Apply (relation Ability to apply programming to posed problems X
to profession) Proper use of text, data and images X

As this assignment is composed of objective questions and tasks, the assessment criteria are based on the
student being able to answer the question correctly or producing a code in Python that perform the intended
task correctly providing the right result. The final mark is the proportion of the right answers, divided by all
questions, subject to the weight of each component of the assignment (as described above).
The assignment will be briefed by the course convenor in class on the 9th March 2019, and written feedback
will be provided for all students on their results via Moodle.

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