BEKG2443 Assignment 10%
BEKG2443 Assignment 10%
BEKG2443 Assignment 10%
By using any social media apps/platform, explains and describes ONE example from the
Engineering application that is related to the given Engineering Mathematics topics as follows:
Group Name
(Group of 4 Selection of EM2 Topics Engineering Application Topics
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Mechatronics: Control/ Signal/
G1 Coordinates Robotics/ Dynamics &
•Divergence Theorem - Gauss Theorem Mechanism/
Triple Integral in Spherical
G2 Coordinates Electrical: Vector Analysis from
• Stoke’s Theorem Electromagnetic Theory/
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Electrostatics/ Magnetostatics/
Coordinates Maxwell’s Equation
Divergence Theorem - Green's
Topic is based on any engineering core courses from
the Sem 3 onwards (Reference: Faculty Handbook)
Triple Integral in Spherical
• Vector Fields
• Line Integral
Student may choose your group members based on your preference. (via ULearn Platform)
To create an engineering application example, please refer to the given topic for each
group. The example can be developed based on several set of questions and must be
the original question and answer.
The question must be based on Taxonomy Bloom Level (Please refer to the low order thinking
skills taxonomy level i.e. REMEMBER (C1) UNDERSTAND (C2) APPLY (C3)
The example must provide a complete solution, which includes the derivation and step by step
solution to the final answer.
It must be tailored with the closed-book format, presented in the chosen social media apps,
with the allocated marks for both proposed questions should be up to 25 marks. (Combination
of both given topics)
Assessment will be based on the given rubric that encompasses the following elements:
Critical Thinking
Creativity - Presentation
How to Get Started?
1. Define a clear purpose and outcomes for the video.
2. Establish teams and assign project roles and responsibilities.
3. Research videos online that match the group goals and expectations.
4. Produce a video that is visually explaining the mathematical works and the analysis of
the results. Each mathematical step of the group solution must be shown clearly.
Problem Solving: (Total Marks X 0.35 Weightage) full marks if No errors in solving problems.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
No errors Few errors when solving Numerous errors when Little or no understanding of
in solving problems. solving problems. the problems is evidenced.
Mathematical Explanation and Communication: (Total Marks X 0.3 Weightage) full marks
if able to demonstrate knowledge and application of mathematic skills. Accurately
communicates solutions to problem and concepts.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrates Demonstrates limited Demonstrates limited Demonstrates
limited knowledge knowledge and application of knowledge and application of little or no
and application of mathematic skills. mathematic skills. Limited knowledge or
mathematic skills. Satisfactorily communicate communication of solutions application of
Accurately solutions to problems and to problem and concepts. mathematic skills.
communicates concepts. Inaccurately
solutions to communicates
problem and solutions to
concepts. problems and
Quality and Creativity: (Total Marks X 0.25 Weightage) full marks if the overall quality of the
video and the focus were excellent. The video presentation is creative and attractive.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The overall quality Most of the quality of the The quality of the video is The quality of the
of the video and video and the focus were not very good but the overall video and the
the focus were excellent. The video focus in excellent. The video focus are not very
excellent. The presentation is quite creative presentation is less creative good. The video
video presentation and attractive. and attractive. presentation is not
is creative and creative and
attractive. attractive.
Use of Mathematical software/tools: (Total Marks X 0.1 Weightage) full marks if use
correctly more than one mathematical software/tools.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Usage of more Usage of 1 mathematical Shown usage of 1 No mathematical
than 1 software / tool which is mathematical software / tool, software / tools
mathematical correctly used. but not correctly used. are used.
software / tools
which are
correctly used.