Methods of Reducing Interference: Isolation
Methods of Reducing Interference: Isolation
Methods of Reducing Interference: Isolation
1. Isolation:
This is the easiest and most practical method of radio noise suppression.
This involves separating the source of radio noise from the i/p circuit of the
affected equipment.
2. Bonding:
During flight the electric charge develops on the surface of the aircraft in
two ways:
This is developed, as the a/c moves through the air & due to
friction with other particles such as snow, rain, ice, dust etc. As
the flow moves over the surface the negative charges are left
behind and positive charges are discharged into the atmosphere.
This occurs when the a/c moves through the electric field,
generally created due to the cloud formation. Thus develops
high voltage on the certain parts of a/c.
The static or electrostatic discharge may cause hazardous effect due to difference
in potential between the parts of a/c. thus the communication link consisting of low
resistance link between the parts of a/c must be established which will,
• Removes the exceptionally high voltage and current from the body of a/c
into the atmosphere from the extremities of a/c.
Primary Bonding:
Secondary Bonding:
3. Screening:
The suppressor and the metal screens are connected to the main earth or ground
system of an aircraft.
4. Shielding:
In practical applications, the noise energy is kept flowing along the inner
surface of the shield to ground instead of radiating into space.
5. Proper Grounding:
There should be separate ground wire runs for signal returns, signal shield
returns, power system returns and case or chassis ground.
These ground wire runs must be tied together at a single reference point to
point ground loops.
6. Circuit Design:
• Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together
by melting & flowing a filler metal into the joint, the filler metal has
relatively low melting point.
• After the metal cools, the resulting joints are not as strong as the base metal,
but have adequately strength, electrical conductivity, & water tightness for
many uses.
2. Hand Soldered:
For hand soldering of electronic components, the heat source tool should
be selected to provide adequate heat for the size of joint to be completed.
• Microwave devices are those devices which deal with the transmission of
signal of frequency higher than GHz.
• Thus these devices helps to limit the noise level and power handled while
dealing with the higher frequencies.
• There are different types of Microwave devices, they are listed and
explained in short, below:
1. Waveguides:
2. Directional Couplers:
3. Isolators:
4. Circulators:
5. Point-contact Diode:
6. Balanced Duplexer:
7. Balanced Mixer:
9. Magnetrons:
10.Reflex Klystron:
11.Klystron Amplifier:
4. Weather Forecasting.
6. Telephone.
• For aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of less than 5700 kg the
recording time may be limited to 30 minutes.
• The cockpit voice recorder must automatically begin recording before the
aircraft first moves under its own power and continue until it is no longer
capable of moving under its own power. In practical terms, this is usually
from first engine start to last engine shut-down.
• The recorder must be installed in a location where its recordings are least
likely to suffer damage.
• The site chosen is usually as far aft as practicable, typically close to the rear
pressure bulkhead.
• It must receive its electrical power from a bus bar that can be relied upon to
continue providing power under all circumstances and that is separate from
the aircraft's essential and emergency services.
• There must be a means of preflight checking the cockpit voice recorder for
serviceability. An aircraft may only be dispatched with an unserviceable
recorder provided that the means of repairing it are not available and that the
aircraft does not complete more than eight subsequent consecutive flights
with the device unserviceable.
Transmitter Combiner & Receiver Multi-couplers