A) Case Scenario

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A) Case Scenario

Technical Construction manager should have sufficient technical knowledge

Knowledge about the site and office work.
Casts a keen eye on data and situations to identify and understand
discrepancies, patterns, and trends of the project.
He should maintain and articulates a focus on results as a key driver
Focus on Result for activity. And make sure that all work is progressing in technically
sound manner
Entrepreneurial He should identify and aggressively pursues opportunities for
Initiative improvement and business development.
Market He should concentrate on maintaining and expanding the customer
orientation base.
Manager must have knowledge about black holes of works.so that he
Quality Services
can make sure the quality

Lab session 1 Key Management Skills

Acknowledging Know his strengths and less-developed areas, your abilities and
Your Strengths limitations
Present himself to others as self-assured and confident in your
Self-belief– Prepare to take an unpopular stand when a decision or strategy
believing compromises your principles
Make effective decisions in difficult or ambiguous situations, when
time is critical
strategic Sets the strategic agenda and repeatedly conveys it to all levels of
Personal Leadership the organization through word and action.
Environmental Regularly scans the business environment to keep up to date on
Scanning trends, problems and opportunities.
forward Think Consistently thinks and acts with a future orientation — an eye to
/critical thinker what the next demands and opportunities are likely to be.

Political Understands influence factors in organizational life and the extent

Awareness of one’s own power.
Concern for
Fostering enthusiasm and motivation for others.

Interpersonal Adjust easily to the client's agenda

Confirm understanding by observing and interpreting non-
Promoting Client verbal signals (e.g., body language, facial expressions, tone of
Understanding voice, etc.)
Use positive body language and non-verbal signals to
demonstrate openness and undivided attention
managing the
Manager should be in contact with client and with his team to
reduce the communication bearer
Manager should appreciate the team work values and promotes
collaboration as a major tool to accomplish business objectives.
Commitment to Sharing expertise or providing career help to employees.
Establishing priorities, setting expectations, defining
High Clarity
accountabilities and delineating time frames.
Positions oneself as an integration manager in order to overcome
Cross functioning
functional blinders and barriers.
He should able to think like the customer and how their needs can
Costumer focus
best be served.

Consistently organizes issues into component, logically connected

Systemic Thinking
and explainable parts.
Implementation/ orchestrates influence efforts to persuade others and gain buy-in.
Strategic Systematically considers issues of content, medium, audience,
Communication impact and timing when shaping communications.

Lab session 1 Key Management Skills

Competencies Efficient use of Manager must consistently alert and manage opportunities to
resource achieve efficiencies.
Building the
Analyzes structures and manages the organization and its people
to build its capabilities.
Orchestrating the flow of information in and out of the

B) Comparison between the conventional business manager’s competency and

construction organization’s manager’s competency

The competency profile of manager of construction organization can be differ in many ways due
to the importance of quality constructions and other complications that are associated with
construction industries. Some of the major traits are listed below.

 The construction manager should be more careful while monitoring the construction work
because he can’t afford any little mistake too because if there was some fault in
construction and he put blind eye on it then this may result in loss on life whereas in
conventional business organization manager’s ignorance can only result in loss of money
which can be recover
 Construction manager’s should have ability to take the right discussion on spot because
sometime he doesn’t have much time to think because whole process in dependent on his
discussion and being right also possess great importance because mistake and wrong
decision can only indicated when it’s too late and they already made their ugly impression
whereas in other business many times there is time to redo the mistakes.
 Since the construction project are much longer than other business project so taking right
initiative to start project is most important because once the project started you can’t
change the place of project nor you can move your building from some place to other.

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