Annexure B Self Reflection Diary (SRD)
Annexure B Self Reflection Diary (SRD)
Annexure B Self Reflection Diary (SRD)
LEAD 2019-21
(To be submitted to the program by each student in soft copy and to be carried in hard copy for their
interaction and VIVAs with the LEAD Faculty)
Description: The SRD will consist of three sections covering Curricular, Co-Curricular and Extra-
Curricular plans and their realisations/achievements in each trimester starting from second to fourth. It
will capture the continuous improvement that a student has undergone, based on his/her plan as per
the IDP. This will also cover the steps taken by every student on his/her strength and areas of
improvements leading to their overall improvement/s. Hence, the SRD will have to be updated every
trimester starting from trimester two till trimester four.
Trimester – I & II
Not Met)
More participative To participate Started Got appreciated Fully met Got positive
more in attending in fields I was reviews from
outdoor seminars not good at. peers.
activities and
n many