Hercor College: College of Hotel and Restaurant Management

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College of Hotel and Restaurant Management

Course Code and Title : HRM 313 – Asian Cuisine (Culinary Arts 1&2)

Course Credit : 6 Units

Course Description : This course is designed to provide the students thru lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on application of the principles and techniques of Asian
Cookery. This includes development of organizational skills, knife and cleaver dexterity and cooking skills that are particular to Filipino, Chinese,
Japanese, Thai, Korean and Vietnamese cuisine.

Course Objectives : At the end of the term, the students should be able to:
1. Describe the various kitchen equipments used in Asian cookery
2. Perform various Asian menus
3. Describe and identify various Asian herbs and spices used in Asian cookery
4. Perform simple to complex Asian cuisine preparation
5. Explain the history of various Asian culinary

Hercor College Vision : To be a world class Christian academic institution in the heart of Capiz.

Hercor College Mission : To continue to develop as an agile and progressive institution of learning committed to providing
excellent and affordable education designed to produce quality and globally competitive
graduates who will fear the Lord their God. Walk in His ways, love Him, serve Him and observe His commands.

Course Content
Learning Objectives
Topics for Prelim Period Teaching Methods/ Skills/Values to be Evaluation
At the end of the lessons, students are expected Instructional Media
(including the time frame per week) Learning Strategies developed Techniques
Week 1
A. Getting to know each other. A. Knowing each other/identify each other’s A. Lecture/ Discussion A. Syllabi A. Commitment A. Sharing
strengths and weaknesses.
B. Presentation of the Course Syllabi, Course
Requirements and Grading Systems, school’s B. Have an overview of the course expectation B. Sharing and open Forum B. Student Handbook B. Dedication
vision and mission. and requirements. and Implementing
Rules Guidelines
C. Schedule Arrangements

D. General Orientation Day

Week 2
Chapter I: Introduction to the Asian A. Explain the history of Asian Culinary. A. Lecture and Discussion. A. Reference Books A. Retention A. Oral Questioning
Culinary B. Discuss the origin of existence of Asian
cookery. B. Interactive discussion. B. Visual Aids B. Value of others. B. Quizzes
A. History of Asian Culinary C. Enumerate types of Asian herbs and spices.
B. Origin of Existence of Asian Cookery D. Differentiate types of Asian Cuisine C. Game-based learning. C. Photos and Images C. Cooperation
C. Types of Asian Herbs and Spices E. Determine Asian authentic cooking
D. Types of Asian Cuisine equipments.
E. Asian Authentic Cooking Equipments
Week 3
Chapter II: Asian Culinary (Filipino Cuisine) A. Explain the history of Filipino cuisine. A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Queries
B. Discuss the famous dishes across
A. History of Filipino Cuisine Philippines. B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Conviction B. Written Exam
B. Famous Dishes across Philippines C. Enumerate types of authentic Filipino
C. Philippine Authentic Spices, Cooking spices, cooking methods, and specialties. C. Brainstorming C. Photos and Images C. Responsibility C. Group
Method, and Specialties D. Differentiate Filipino eating habits. Performance
D. Filipino Eating Habits - E. Determine Philippines’ famous Filipino D. Patriotism
E. Philippines’ Famous Filipino Restaurants restaurants. D. Cooking
Week 4-5
Chapter III: Asian Culinary (Chinese and A. Explain the history of Chinese and Japanese A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning
Japanese Cuisine) cuisine.
B. Discuss the famous dishes across China and B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam

A. History of Chinese and Japanese Cuisine Japan.
B. Famous Dishes across China and Japan C. Enumerate types of authentic Chinese and C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
C. Chinese and Japanese Authentic Spices, Japanese’s spices, cooking methods, and Performance
Cooking Method, and Specialties specialties. D. Video Presentation
D. Chinese and Japanese Eating Habits D. Differentiate Chinese and Japanese eating D. Cooking
E. Chinese and Japanese’s Famous habits. Laboratory
Restaurants - E. Determine Chinese and Japanese’s famous
Learning Objectives
Topics for Midterm Period Teaching Methods/ Skills/Values to be Evaluation
At the end of the lessons, students are expected Instructional Media
(including the time frame per week) Learning Strategies developed Techniques
Week 6-7
Chapter IV: Asian Culinary (Korean and A. Explain the history of Korean and Thai A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning
Thai Cuisine) cuisine.
B. Discuss the famous dishes across Korean B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam
A. History of Korean and Thai Cuisine and Thai.
B. Famous Dishes across Korea and Thailand C. Enumerate types of authentic Korean and C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
C. Korean and Thai Authentic Spices, Cooking Thai spices, cooking methods, and specialties. Performance
Method, and Specialties D. Differentiate Korean ang Thai eating habits. D. Video Presentation
D. Korean and Thai Eating Habits - E. Determine Korean and Thai famous D. Cooking
E. Korean and Thai Famous Restaurants restaurants. Laboratory
Week 8
Chapter V: Asian Culinary (Vietnamese A. Explain the history of Vietnamese cuisine. A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning
Cuisine) B. Discuss the famous dishes across Vietnam.
C. Enumerate types of authentic Vietnamese B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam
A. History of Vietnamese Cuisine spices, cooking methods, and specialties.
B. Famous Dishes across Vietnam D. Differentiate Vietnamese eating habits. C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
C. Vietnamese Authentic Spices, Cooking - E. Determine Vietnamese famous restaurants. Performance
Method, and Specialties D. Video Presentation
D. Vietnamese Eating Habits D. Cooking
E. Vietnamese Famous Restaurants Laboratory
Week 9-10
Chapter VI: Asian Culinary (Indian and A. Explain the history of Indian and Mongolian A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning
Mongolian) cuisine.
B. Discuss the famous dishes across India and B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam
A. History of Indian and Mongolian Cuisine Mongolia.

B. Famous Dishes across India and Mongolia C. Enumerate types of authentic Indian and C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
C. Indian and Mongolian Authentic Spices, Mongolian spices, cooking methods, and Performance
Cooking Method, and Specialties specialties. D. Video Presentation
D. Indian and Mongolian Eating Habits D. Differentiate Indian and Mongolian eating D. Cooking
E. Indian and Mongolian Famous habits. Laboratory
Restaurants - E. Determine Indian and Mongolian famous
Learning Objectives
Topics for Final Period Teaching Methods/ Skills/Values to be Evaluation
At the end of the lessons, students are expected Instructional Media
(including the time frame per week) Learning Strategies developed Techniques
Week 11-12
Chapter VII: Asian Culinary (Malaysian A. Explain the history of Malaysian and A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning
and Indonesian Cuisine) Indonesian cuisine.
B. Discuss the famous dishes across Malaysia B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam
A. History of Malaysian and Indonesian and Indonesia.
Cuisine C. Enumerate types of authentic Malaysian C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
B. Famous Dishes across Malaysia and and Indonesian spices, cooking methods, and Performance
Indonesia specialties. D. Video Presentation
C. Malaysian and Indonesian Authentic D. Differentiate Malaysian and Indonesian D. Cooking
Spices, Cooking Method, and Specialties eating habits. Laboratory
D. Malaysian and Indonesian Eating Habits - E. Determine Malaysian and Indonesian
E. Malaysian and Indonesian Famous famous restaurants.
Week 13-14
Chapter VIII: Asian Culinary (Arab and A. Explain the history of Arab and Islam A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning
Islam Cuisine) cuisine.
B. Discuss the famous dishes across Saudi B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam
A. History of Arab and Islam Cuisine Arabia and Middle East.
B. Famous Dishes across Saudi Arabia and C. Enumerate types of authentic Arab and C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
Middle East Islam spices, cooking methods, and specialties. Performance
C. Arab and Islam Authentic Spices, Cooking D. Differentiate Arab and Islam eating habits. D. Video Presentation
Method, and Specialties - E. Determine Arab and Islam famous D. Cooking
D. Arab and Islam Eating Habits restaurants. Laboratory
E. Arab and Islam Famous Restaurants
Week 15-16
Chapter IX: Asian Culinary (Singaporean A. Explain the history of Singaporean and A. Lecture A. Reference Books A. Inspiration A. Oral Questioning

and Cambodian Cuisine) Cambodian cuisine.
B. Discuss the famous dishes across Singapore B. Role playing B. Visual Aids B. Responsibility B. Written Exam
A. History of Singaporean and Cambodian and Cambodia.
Cuisine C. Enumerate types of authentic Singaporean C. Group Discussion C. Photos and Images D. Patriotism C. Group
B. Famous Dishes across Singapore and and Cambodian spices, cooking methods, and Performance
Cambodia specialties. D. Video Presentation
C. Singaporean and Cambodian Authentic D. Differentiate Singaporean and Cambodian D. Cooking
Spices, Cooking Method, and Specialties eating habits. Laboratory
D. Singaporean and Cambodian Eating Habits- E. Determine Singaporean and Cambodian
E. Singaporean and Cambodian Famous famous restaurants.

Course Requirements : 1.Attendance

2. Group Cooking Laboratories
Hard copy of the recipes performed for the whole semester

3. Quizzes
4. Major Examinations

Grading System : Attendance 10 %

Recitation 10%
Laboratory 30%
Quizzes 10%
Major Examinations 40%
Total 100 %

References : A. Text Books

1. International Cuisine (Virginia Serraon-Claudio & Adela Jamorabo-Ruiz, 2007)

1. http://asianculinary.com
2. http://internationalcookery.com

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