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Unit8. Wastewater Engineering

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• Wastewater

• Composition &
Microbiology of
• BOD Kinetics
Necessities of life

Air Food

Waste produced by community:

➢Liquid waste
➢Solid waste
➢Air emission

● Industrial wastewater
● Domestic wastewater
● Municipal wastewater
● Treated in ‘ETP’

● Treated in ‘STP’
● Characteristic and
composition may vary
● Characteristic and
Industry to industry.
composition is almost
● Domestic or sanitary wastewater refers to liquid
discharged from residential, business buildings and
institutions. Industrial wastewater is discharged
from manufacturing plants.

● Municipal wastewater is the general term applied to

the liquid collected in sanitary sewers and treated in
municipal plants

● The used water that has been discharged from

the residential, commercial and institutional
zones of a city/town/community and collected
through sewerage system.
Composition of sewage
● Sewage consist of about 99.9% water and 0.1 %
solids, the solids are either organic or inorganic.

● The organic solids consist of about 65% protein,

25% carbohydrate and 10% fats.
Collection of

● Sewage is conveyed in pipes

known as sewers from its
place of production to its place
of treatment and disposal.

● The sewers are usually in

network of underground
conduits. They are either of the
separate or combined system
● Process of collection, transportation, treatment and
disposal of treated sewage.
● Sewers may carry both sewage and storm water drainage
● Partial or complete removal of contaminants present in
sewage to meet the statutory (legal) requirements of
Treatment disposal and/or ultimate use.

● Regulations govern the level of treatment required.

Need for treatment

● Direct addition to surface/sub-surface

sources/ground application will cause contamination
○ Contamination by pathogens: Health concern
○ Foul smell and bad odour
○ Decay of organic waste depletes DO levels
• Anaerobic conditions
• Loss of aquatic life
Wastewater Characteristics
● Physical
○ Turbidity, Solids, Color, Odour, Temperature

● Chemical
○ pH, chloride, nitrogen, fats/grease/oil,
sulphide/sulphate/H2S, DO, COD, BOD
● Biological/Microbiological
○ Pathogens (disease-causing)

○ Non-pathogens (reqd. for secondary treatment)

Physical Characteristics: Turbidity
○ Sewage is generally turbid
○ Wastewater + other floating matter (fecal matter, organic
debris, etc)

○ Turbidity measurement
• turbidimeter

● Naked eye detection

● Indicates sewage freshness
○ Fresh sewage: Yellowish, grey or
light brown
○ Stale/septic sewage: Black or dark

● Specific industrial contaminants

may cause other colors.
Physical Characteristics: Odour
● Fresh sewage: odourless

● With time (~3-4 hrs or more) decomposition of

organic matter leads to anaerobic conditions

● Stale sewage: offensive odour

○ Hydrogen Sulphide

○ Measurement: Threshold odour number


● Affects biological/chemical
reaction rates
○ Biological activity~ organic
● Solubility of gases
○ DO, decomposition by-
● Sewage viscosity

● Temp. slightly higher than that

of water
● ~ 20 °C
Physical Characteristics: Solids
● Total: ~ 0.1% of total sewage (~ 1000 mg/l)
● Suspended
● Dissolved
● Settleable: fraction that settles out, when sewage
is undisturbed for 2 hrs

● Solids: Organic + Inorganic

○ ~45% organic and 55% inorganic
Solids (contd)
● Total: determined by oven-drying
● Suspended: Retained on a filter & dried
○ Volatile: burnt in blast furnace at 550 °C

○ Rest: non-volatile

● Dissolved: Total-Suspended

● Suspended: Imhoff cone (1 lt capacity cone)

○ Sewage left for 2 hrs and settled portion read out

● Bacterial count ~ 109-1010 cells/ml

● Other microbes: algae, fungi, protozoa, virus,
rotifers, worms etc.
● Prokaryotes: Bacteria
○ Single cell organism, no chlorophyll, no nucleus, ~ µm in size
● Eukaryotes: Algae, fungi, protozoa
○ Multi-celled organisms, contains both chlorophyll and nucleus
● Disease-causing organisms
○ Bacillus anthracis: Anthrax
○ Entamoeba histolytica: Dysentry
○ Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
○ Salmonella typhi: Typhoid
○ Vibrio cholerae: Cholera
○ Virus: Polio, hepatitis
Bacterial Testing
● MPN (most probable number) test can
not be performed due to high bacterial

● Bacterial count can be done (if


● Generally, bacterial tests are not


• Aerobic Bacteria
• Require oxygen for survival

• Anaerobic Bacteria
• Requires oxygen-absence

• Facultative Bacteria
• Can grow both aerobically
as well as anaerobically
More basics of Microbiology
● Microbial growth cycle:
○ Lag phase
○ Log or exponential growth phase
○ Stationary phase
○ Endogenous phase : bacteria grows “lean” and may
consume each other.

○ Bacteria can also be eaten by eukaryotes, e.g., protozoa.

• Helps in reducing amount of waste sludge.
Chemical Characteristics: pH
● Measure of hydrogen ion concentration
● Measurement with electrodes
● Required pH range for certain treatment

● Fresh sewage~ alkaline

● Stale sewage~ acidic
○ Anaerobic or nitrification bacterial processes generate
Chemical Characteristics:
● From kitchen and toilet wastes
● ~120 ppm in sewage
● Industrial waste also contains chlorides

● Chemical measurement
○ Silver nitrate titration, potassium chromate as indicator
Chemical Characteristics: Fats/oil/grease

● Source: animal discharges, vegetable matter,

garbage, kitchens of hotels/restaurants, etc.

● Forms scum on top of sedimentation tank and

clog filter media----- adversely affecting the

● Detection of fats/grease: evaporate sewage, mix

residue with ether, dry---residue is fats/grease.

● Indicates presence of organic


● Forms: free ammonia, organic N,

nitrite, nitrate

● Free ammonia → indicates first

stage of decomposition of organic
matter → recently stale sewage

● Organic N → Initial N content

before decomposition started

● Nitrites→ presence of partially

decomposed sewage
○ Intermediate stage of treatment

● Nitrates → presence of completely

oxidized organic matter
○ Complete treatment

● Diseases→ Blue baby syndrome

Chemical Characteristics:

● Sulphides/sulphates are formed by

decomposition of sulphur-containing

● Leads to H2S release and bad odour.

● Aerobic decomposition: sulphurous

compounds → Sulphide → Sulphates
● Sulphates are unobjectionable & stable end

● Anaerobic decomposition: Sulphurous

compounds → Sulphide
○ H2S, CH4 and CO2 are released→
obnoxious smells

● River disposal requires ≥ 4

ppm DO to protect aquatic life.
● Fresh sewage: some DO
● Aerobic Decomposition
consumes DO

● Determined by Winkler
Method or electrode-based

● Chemical Oxygen Demand

● Amount of oxygen consumed for
complete chemical oxidation of
sewage contents
○ Products: CO2, H2O, etc.

● Measure of chemically oxidisable

content of sewage

○ Theoretical Measure
• Given chemical formula of
constituents and their
Chemical Characteristics: COD
● Actual concentration and constitution is
○ Expensive to determine

● Chemical measurement
○ Sample + K2Cr2O7 (acidic pH) + Heat → oxidation of
organic matter (CO2+H2O)
○ Leftover K2Cr2O7 titrated against Fe(NH4)2 (SO4)2

○ Used K2Cr2O7 → COD

● COD: Can’t distinguish between biologically
oxidizable and non-oxidizable materials

● COD is a faster measure

○ 3-4 hrs vs 5 days for BOD

BOD and
Oxygen (DO)
Sag Curve
Major Pollutants and their Sources
Point source Non-point source

Pollutants Domestic Industrial Agricultural Urban

sewage wastewater runoff runoff
Organic matter x x x x
N&P x x x x

Sediment x x x x
Pathogens x x? x x?

Salts - x x x

Heavy metals - x - x

Toxic compounds - x x -

Thermal - x - -
Point and Non-point Source Pollutions
Organic Pollution and Oxygen Demand

Organic matter in waste + O2 in stream CO2 + H2O

DO level ≤ 2.0 mg/L, some fish and other aquatic animal

Species may be distressed and some species may even die
due to suffocation.
As a rule of thumb DO level of 4 mg/L should be maintained
Organic Pollution and Fish Kill

Slocum Creek, a tributary of the Neuse below Carolina Pines Sep. 4, 2003: North Carolina
Nitrogen Pollution and Oxygen Demand

NH4+ + 2O2
NO3 + H2O + 2H+
14 g (N) 64 g
1g NH4+-N = 64/14g O2
1g NH4+-N consumes 4.57 g O2
BOD Types

● Carbonaceous BOD:
○ First stage BOD

○ Exerted in first 10 days (or so)

○ BOD5 is carbonaceous BOD

○ Asymptotic increase towards ultimate demand

● Nitrogenous BOD:
○ Second stage BOD

○ Exerted after 10 days (or so)

BOD depends on temperature and nature of sewage

Oxygen consumption or BOD curve

Oxygen consumed, BOD,




0 5 10 15
Time, day
Oxygen Consumption and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

k=reaction rate
constant, day-1

Rate of organic removal Organic matter remaining any time

dLt dLt dLt

k k
dt L
t Lt
dt L dt
L dLt t ln   kt
L0 L 0
dt L0
t k
Lt kt
L0 e
Organic matter consumed, BOD (Yt) = Lo-Lt

yt L0 L 0 kte Lo = Ultimate BOD

Usually BOD test is
yt L 0 (1 e kt
) conducted in 5 days.

Temperature correction: kT = k20 T-


= 1.047
The BOD5 of a wastewater is determined to be 150 mg/L
at 20oC. The k value is 0.23 day-1. What would be the
BOD8 If the test were run at 15oC.
1.Determine ultimate BOD (Lo):

y L (1 e kt y5
L 0
) 1 e kt
5 0
L0 = 220 mg/L
1 e 0.23 x
2. Temperature correction for k value for 15oC:
kT = k20 T-20 k15 = 0.23 (1.047)15-20 = 0.18 day-1

3. Determine BOD at 8 days, y8:

y L (1 e y8 220(1 e 0.18x8
= 168 mg/L
Combined BOD and DO determination for a stream

• Combined waste flow

Qr, BODr, DO r
QC = Q r + Qw

Qw, BODw, DOw

• Combined BOD
Q1 + Q2

• Combined DO
Qr*DOr + Qw*DOw
DOc =
Q1 + Q2
DO Sag Curve
Residents Industry

Q2, BOD2
Q1, BOD1 SS2
Dissolved oxygen, mg/L

Saturation DO (Cs)
deficit D0
deficit (Dc) Oxygen addition

Oxygen depletion

tc Travel time, days

DO Sag Curve
Oxygen deficit is a function of oxygen consumption
dDoxygen supply by reaeration
 k (L )  k (D)
d t r
dD/dt = Rate of change of oxygen deficit
kd = Deoxygenation rate constant
Lt = BOD at any time t
kr = Reaeration rate constant
D = Oxygen deficit (combined w/w and river)

Integrate and solve above equation for D:

kd Lo
D (e kd t
 et kr
) D0 t

kr d e
Critical Deficit, Dc

kd kdt
D c L 0 ce

Critical Time, tc

1 k kr k
tc ln r
1 0 d
kr d D d k d Lo
k k

Find DO concentration 50 km downstream from a discharge

with the following characteristics:

wastewater River
Flow, m3/s 0.05 0.5
Ultimate BOD (Lo), mg/L 50 10
DO, mg/L 1 6
kd, day-1 0.16
kr, day-1 0.18
Velocity, m/s 0.1
Temperature, oC 25 25

DOsat @ 25oC = 8.38 mg/L

1. Find time (t) to travel 50 km:
t = distance/velocity = (50,000 m)/(0.1m/sec) = 5.78 day

2.Calculate combined ultimate BOD of w/w and river

Lo = [0.05 (50) + 0.5 (10)]/(0.05 +0.5) = 13.64 mg/L

3. Calculate DO after mixing of w/w and river

DOcombined = [0.05(1) +0.5 (6)]/(0.5+0.05) = 5.55 mg/L
Initial deficit (Do) = 8.38-5.55 = 2.83 mg/L

4. Calculate deficit at t=5.78 day,

k d Lo
D (e kdt
 e krt
) D 0e krt

kr kd
Deficit at t = 5.78 days = 5.725 mg/L

Therefore, DO conc. At 5.78 day will be:

DO = Dsat – Dt = 8.38-5.725 = 2.66 mg/L

Your assignment: calculate tc and Dc

1 k kr k
tc 0 d
kr d ln r
d 1 D k d Lo
k k
kd kdt
D c L 0 ec
Chemical Characteristics: BOD
● Biochemical/Biological Oxygen Demand

● Measure of biologically oxidisable constituents of


● Primary measure of sewage strength.

● change in DO levels over a 5 day period.

Chemical Characteristics: BOD
● Ultimate BOD: Total DO consumed
○ Can take months
○ Practically infeasible

● BOD5: 5-day Oxygen demand

○ ~68% of total (or ultimate) oxygen demand
○ BOD10~ 90% of total (or ultimate) oxygen demand
○ Dilution Factor: ratio in which BOD sample is diluted.
(e.g., 1:5, 1:10, 1:100, etc.)
• Fresh water volume: sample volume
Sewage Treatment
○Eliminatepotential pathogens and toxins
○Decrease nutrient content (reduce microbial growth)
○Reduce B.O.D.

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): ⇧BOD

Amount of oxygen required for microbial ⇧ Organic
decomposition of organic matter in sample Matter (waste)

1. Determine O2 levels
2. Incubation with microbes (5 days/20°C)
3. Determine O2 levels
4. Calculate difference between 1 & 3
B.O.D. Effects

Raw sewage BOD: 300 to 400 mg/liter

Natural water BOD: 5-10mg/L

If you dump raw sewage into “receiving water”, the

dissolved O2 can be quickly depleted by microbes

“200 million liters of sewage

and industrial waste, much of
it untreated, ooze into the
Ganges from Varanasi”

-Richard Stone, Science 2011

● Procedure:
○ Take a sample in 300 ml
BOD sample, say “x” ml.
○ Add “300-x” ml of aerated
pure water to BOD bottle
and measure DO. (DO0)
○ Incubate bottle for 5 days
at 20°C. measure DO.
○ BOD5 = dilution factor x
(DO0- DO5)
○ Dilution factor = 300/x
Sample B also has an initial DO of 8 mg/L, but the oxygen
is used so fast that it drops to zero by the second day.
Since there is no measurable DO left after 5 days,

• >>>the BOD of sample B must be more than 8 – 0 = 8


• but we do not know how much more since the organisms

in the sample might have used more DO if it had been
available. Samples like this require repeating the 5-day
BOD test after diluting the sample.

@P.Pakchotanon Mar2022
When the sample contains a large population of microorganisms (untreated wastewter, for
example), seeding is not necessary. If required, the dilution water is “seeded” with a
bacterial culture that has been acclimated to the organic matter or other materials that may
be present in the wastewater. The seed culture that is used to prepare the dilution water
for the BOD test is a mixed culture. Such cultures contain large numbers of saprophytic
bacteria and other organisms that oxidize the organic matter. In addition, they contain
certain autotrophic bacteria that oxidize noncarbonaceous matter. A variety of commercial
seed preparations are also available.

Problem 2 : BOD calculation...

Suppose that wastewater sample C had an initial DO of 8 mg/L

and after 5 days this drops to 2 mg/L, is diluted by 30 : 300.
The BOD of sample is therefore :

@P.Pakchotanon Mar2022
If we look more closely at the microbial process during the BOD test, we will find that the
consumption of the organic matter, which we have measured as a change in dissolved oxygen level,
occurs as a function several parameters, including the number and types of microorganisms
present, the temperature, the amount of dissolved oxygen available, and others. The rate of
removal of BOD (the rate of oxidation of organic matter) can be approximated as a function of BOD
(organic matter) remaining, or :

However we are more interested in the amount of oxygen consumed in

some time period t, rather than the BOD remaining. The oxygen
consumed is the difference between the ultimate or total BOD ( L0 ),
and the remaining BOD ( Lt )

Problem 3 : BOD Calculation...

A typical wastewater has a BOD5 of approximately
220 mg/L. If the k for it is 0.23 day-1 (base e),
what is the ultimate BOD ? What is the 3 day BOD

@P.Pakchotanon Mar2022
BOD Numerical II
Q: For a wastewater sample of 5 ml volume in a 300 ml
BOD bottle, initial and 5-day DO were found to be 7.8
mg/L and 4.3 mg/L. Find the BOD and ultimate BOD,
assuming, k=0.1/day.

(a) BOD = (7.8-4.3) x 300/5 mg/L = 210 mg/L
(b) Ultimate BOD = BOD/(1-e-kt)
= 210/(1-e-0.1x5) = 534 mg/L
BOD Kinetics

La: Initial amount of Organic

K: Rate of oxidation of organic
matter (base e) (unit: per day)
Lt: oxygen equivalent of carbonaceous
organic matter at any time t (mg/l)

BOD Kinetics K: Rate of oxidation of organic matter

(base e) (unit: per day)

KD: Deoxygenation constant at given

temp 0.434K. (K = 2.3 KD)

(*** Minus sign indicates that with passage of time the value of Lt decreases.)
BOD Kinetics
● L: Initial Organic matter
● Lt: Organic matter at time “t”
● Amount of organic matter oxidised
in t days = BODt or Yt= L-Lt
● Yt= oxygen absorbed in t days
● Yu=ultimate BOD (t=∞ days)

■ The 1st stage BOD is the initial

oxygen equivalent of the organic
matter present in the sewage.
■ Yu is fixed and independent of temp.
■ KD determines the speed of BOD
reaction without influencing the
ultimate BOD.
● KD=Deoxygenation constant at
● KD= 0.05 to 0.2 per day depending
upon the organic matter
● KD value is high for simple
compounds like sugars and starches,
easily utilised by the
● KD value is low for complex
molecules like phenols
More concepts: Population
● Population equivalent:
○ Population equivalent indicates the strength of industrial
wastes for estimating the treatment required at the
municipal sewage treatment plant.
○ Helps in assessing realistic charges for this treatment than
by the volume of sewage.
○ E.g., given BOD from industrial waste will be generated by
“Y” people.

Average BOD5 of domestic sewage = 0.08

More concepts: Relative Stability
● Relative stability:

○ Ratio of oxygen available in effluent

to total oxygen required to satisfy
first-stage BOD demand.
○ Expressed as % of total oxygen
• Measured by decoloration of methylene
blue solution.
○ Only done for treated sewage
• Raw sewage- Color ppt by colloidal
More Concepts: Determination of
● Measure BODt of sample at various times, t.
● Plot graph between t (x-axis) & (t/BODt)1/3
○ Straight line-plot

○ KD= 2.61 (m/C)

○ Yu = ultimate BOD = 1/(2.3KDC3)

○ Where, m: slope of line, C: intercept of line on Y-axis

More Concepts: Flow variations
● Wastewater discharge varies
○ Hourly, daily, seasonly…
○ Follows the pattern of water demand variation,
staggered by some time (time taken for water to be
used and discharged into sewers)
• Staggered and less pronounced (due to storage and
travel time in sewers)
• Storm water runoff coupling may change the
• Future flow forecasting done by same methods as
water supply.
BOD Kinetics: Numerical I
Q: The BOD5 of a wastewater is determined to be
150 mg/l at 20°C. The k value is known to be 0.23
per day. What would the BOD8 be if the test were
conducted at 15°C?

Yt= L-Lt = L (1-e-kt)
Ultimate BOD, L = Yt/ (1-e-kt)
= Y5/ (1-e-k5)
= 150/(1-e-0.23X5) = 220 mg/l
Numerical (contd..)
k value at 15 °C = k (1.047)T-20
= 0.23 (1.047)-5
= 0.18/day
Y8 = L (1-e-kt) = 220 (1-e-0.18x8)
= 168 mg/l
BOD Numerical II
Q: For a wastewater sample of 5 ml volume in a 300 ml
BOD bottle, initial and 5-day DO were found to be 7.8
mg/L and 4.3 mg/L. Find the BOD and ultimate BOD,
assuming, k=0.1/day.

(a) BOD = (7.8-4.3) x 300/5 mg/L = 210 mg/L
(b) Ultimate BOD = BOD/(1-e-kt)
= 210/(1-e-0.1x5) = 534 mg/L
Numerical III
Q: If it takes 15 days for decoloration of a sewage sample at
20°C, find its relative stability.


Here, t20 = 15 days

S= 100 [1-(0.794)15] = 96.86% ~ ~ ~ Stable Sample

Numerical IV
Q: Determine the population equivalent of a city given
(i) average sewage from city is 108 l/day, and (ii)
average 5-day BOD is 200 mg/l.
Total BOD in sewage = 200 mg/l X 108 l/day
= 20000 kg/day

Population equivalent = (20000 kg/day) / (0.08

= 2,50,000 person
Numerical V
Q: The 5-day BOD at 30°C of a sewage sample is 110 mg/l.
calculate its 5 day BOD at 20°C assuming deoxygenation
constant at 20°C as 0.1/day.

KD(20°C) = 0.1/day
KD(30°C) = KD(20°C) [1.047](T-20°) = 0.1 x (1.047)10
= 0.158/day

Y5 (30C) = L[1-10-KD(30C)t] ➔ L = 110/[1-10-0.158x5] = 131.3 mg/l

Y5 (20C) = L[1-10-KD(20C)t] = 131.3 x[1-10-0.1x5] = 89.8mg/l

Numerical VI
Q: A dairy processing 1,13,000 kg of milk daily produces an
average of 246m3/day of wastewater with BOD of 1400
mg/l. Determine:

(a) wastewater flow per 1000 kg of milk received

(b) BOD per 1000 kg milk received
(c) BOD equivalent population and hydraulic equivalent
population, assuming 80 gm BOD/person/day and
wastewater at 400lt/person/day.
Numerical VI solution
(a) Waste per 1000 kg milk received = 246 x 1000 /113000 =
2.177 m3
(b) BOD per 1000 kg milk received = 1400 mg/l x 2177 lt =
30.478 kg
(c) BOD equivalent population = 1400 mg/lt x 246 x 1000 lt/80
gm = 4305
Hydraulic equivalent population = 246 x 1000 lt/400
= 615.
Numerical VII
Q: A treated wastewater is discharged at the rate of 1.5 m3/sec
in a river of minimum flow 5 m3/sec. The temperature of the
river flow and wastewater may be assumed to be 25°C. The
BOD removal rate constant is 0.12/day (base 10). The BOD5 at
25°C of wastewater is 200 mg/l and that of the river water
upstream of wastewater outfall is 1 mg/l. The efficiency of
wastewater treatment is 80%. Evaluate the following:

(a) BOD5 at 25°C if the river water receives untreated

(b) BOD5 at 25°C if the river water receives treated
(c) Ultimate BOD of rive water after it receives treated
Numerical VII solution
(a) BOD5 at 25°C if the river water receives untreated
wastewater =
(DischargeWW x BOD5,WW+ Dischargeriverx BOD5,
river)/(DischargeWW + Dischargeriver)
= (1.5x200 + 5x 1)/(1.5+5) = 46.92 mg/lt.

BOD5 at 25°C of treated wastewater = 20% of WW BOD5

= 40 mg/lt
(b) BOD5 at 25°C if the river water receives treated
wastewater = (1.5x40+5x1)/(1.5+5)
= 10 mg/lt
Numerical VII solution (contd)
(c) BOD5 = L (1-10-kt)
10 = L (1-10-0.12x5)
L = 13.35 mg/l
Numerical VIII
Q: The 5day-BOD of a waste has been measured as 600
mg/l. If k=0.23/day, find the ultimate BOD of waste.
What proportion of ultimate BOD will remain unoxidized
after 5,10 and 20 days?
Numerical IX
Q: The 7day, 20C BOD of a
sample is 300 ppm and its 3
day 37C BOD is 500 ppm.
Find out the value of
deoxygenation constant and
estimate 5-day 30C BOD.


Guess KD
Wastewater Composition (mg/l) (Sec-B)
Parameter Weak Medium Strong
strength strength Strength
Total SS 100 200 350
Volatile SS 75 135 210
BOD 100 200 400
COD 175 300 600
Ammonia-N 5 10 20
Organic-N 8 20 40
Phosphate-P 7 10 20
Sewage disposal standards (surface water
source) (Environmental Protection Rules,
Parameter Inland water Public Sewer Sea/Ocean
Colour & Odour Make efforts to Make efforts to Make efforts to
remove colour or remove colour or remove colour or
unpleasant Odour unpleasant Odour unpleasant Odour
TSS 100 mg/l 600 mg/l 100 ppm (process
BOD5 (20°C) 30 mg/l 350 mg/l 100 mg/l
COD 250 mg/l - 250 mg/l
pH 5.5-9 5.5-9 5.5-9
Temperature <5°C above receiving - <5°C above receiving
water water
Oil & Grease 10 mg/l 20 mg/l 20 mg/l
Total Kjeldahl N 100 mg/l - 100 mg/l
Bio-assay Test 90% fish survival 90% fish survival 90% fish survival
after 96 hrs in 100% after 96 hrs in 100% after 96 hrs in 100%
effluent effluent effluent
Sewage disposal standards (land for
irrigation) (Environmental Protection Rules,
Parameter Value

Colour & Odour Remove colour and

unpleasant odour
BOD5 (20°C) 100 mg/l

SS 200 mg/l

pH 5.5-9

Oil and Grease 10 mg/l

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