Overview of Lesson: Grade: 2 Subject: Art Unit: Measuring For The Art Show Lesson Duration: 30 Min
Overview of Lesson: Grade: 2 Subject: Art Unit: Measuring For The Art Show Lesson Duration: 30 Min
Overview of Lesson: Grade: 2 Subject: Art Unit: Measuring For The Art Show Lesson Duration: 30 Min
Pastel Landscapes
Grade: 2 Subject: Art Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 30 min
Overview of lesson
To transition from recess to math, students will create an art project, based off of art work by Ted
Harrison. This art work will be used for the math lesson to follow. During this time, students will be
expected to work quietly. When students are completed, they will be dismissed to finish previous art
work. When the lesson is completed, students will be directed to gather at the carpet for the math
OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies
Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
e. innovates: create, generate and apply new ideas or concepts;
f. creates opportunities through play, imagination, reflection, negotiation, and competition, with
an entrepreneurial spirit;
Learning Objectives
I can …
- Create art work with emphasis on different aspects of the piece.
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (2 min.)
Hook / Attention Grabber – To hook students, the following questions will be asked;
- Have you ever created a picture before?
- Have you ever coloured beyond the lines?
- Have you ever used pastels before?
- What do can you use if you want the lines in your picture to be perfect?
These questions will be asked to formatively assess student’s prior knowledge and prompt students to
begin thinking about working with pastels and art.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for
this lesson are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body - The educator will start by leading a brain break. For this brain break, students
will perform the ‘shakes out’ activity. This will be done to ensure student engagement for the remainder
of the instructional period.
Body (20 min.)
Steps and Procedures
Instructional Period (3 min)
- The educator will remind students to take their time and put forth their best effort as these
projects will be for viewing at a later date.
- Educator will go over the proper use of pastel and acknowledge tracers available for use if
Pastel Landscapes November 18, 2019 Johnston
- Educator will acknowledge the black lines between colors and discuss with students the
importance behind the color separation.
- Then students will be dismissed to gather their resources and work on the work sheet at their
o The star of the week will hand out the art paper.
For students who may struggle with making lines, stencils will be provided to aid them in the creation
For students who may excel in the task at hand, the option to complete prior work has been
implemented to ensure continuance of learning within the period.
Pastel Landscapes November 18, 2019 Johnston
Reflective Notes