DCF Guide Example2020

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When cash flows are the same in each period

Cash flows 1,000.0

t (periods) 5
r (discount rate) 25%
Present value 2,689.3

When cash flows are not the same in each period

Period (t) 1 2 3 4
Cash flows 1,000.0 1,245.0 1,258.0 1,568.0
Discount rate (r) 25% 25% 25% 25%
Present value 800.0 796.8 644.1 642.3

Sum of present values 3,504.1

Apple Unlevered Free Cash Flows

Period (t) 2017A 2018P 2019P

EBITDA 74,467 78,190 82,099

EBIT 67,343 70,710 74,245
Tax rate 26% 26% 26%

EBIT (1-t) 49,834 52,325 54,941

D&A 7,124 7,480 7,854
NWC (1,032) (929) (836)
Capital expenditures (9,836) (10,278) (10,741)
Unlevered free cash flows (UFCF) 46,089 48,598 51,219

Discount rate (r) 10% 10%

PV of UFCFs 44,180 42,329

Stage 1: Sum of present values 203,010

Terminal value - growth in perpetuity approach Terminal value - EBITDA multi

Long term growth rate 4% EBITDA multiple
2022 FCF x (1+g) 62,220 Terminal value in 2022
Terminal value in 2022 1,037,004 Stage 2: PV of TV
Stage 2: PV of TV 643,898

Enterprise value (stage 1 + 2) 846,908

Net debt

Data as of: 9/24/2016

Commercial paper 8,105
Current portion of long term debt 3,500
Long term debt 75,427
Gross debt 87,032

Cash and equivalents 20,484

Short term marketable securities 46,671 Equity value
Long term marketable securities 170,430
Nonoperating assets 237,585

Net debt (150,553.0)

Present value 0.0

When cash flows are not the same in each period

Period (t) 1 2 3
Cash flows 1,000.0 1,245.0 1,258.0
Discount rate ( 25% 25% 25%
Present value 800.0 796.8 644.1

Sum of present 3,504.1

Apple Unlevered Free Cash Flows

Period (t) 2017A 2018P
5 Present val
25% When cash flows are not
621.0 Period (t)
Cash flows
Discount rat
Present val

2020P 2021P 2022P Sum of pres

86,204 90,515 95,040 Apple Unlevered Free Ca

77,957 81,855 85,948 Period (t)
26% 26% 26%

57,689 60,573 63,602

8,247 8,659 9,092
(753) (677) (610)
(11,224) (11,729) (12,257)
53,959 56,826 59,827

10% 10% 10%

40,540 38,813 37,148

rminal value - EBITDA multiple approach

ITDA multiple 9.0x
rminal value in 2022 855,363
age 2: PV of TV 531,113
approach approach
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Present val 0.0

When cash flows are not the same in each period

Period (t) 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flows 1,000.0 1,245.0 1,258.0 1,568.0 1,895.0
Discount rat 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Present val 800.0 796.8 644.1 642.3 621.0

Sum of pres 3,504.1

2017A 2018P 2019P 2020P

4 5
1,568.0 1,895.0
25% 25%
642.3 621.0

2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P


When cash flows are not the same in each period

1 2 3 4 5
1,000.0 1,245.0 1,258.0 1,568.0 1,895.0
25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
800.0 796.8 644.1 642.3 621.0


Apple Unlevered Free Cash Flows

2017A 2018P 2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P

Present val 0.0

When cash flows are not the same in each period

Period (t) 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flows 1,000.0 1,245.0 1,258.0 1,568.0 1,895.0
Discount rat 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Present val 800.0 796.8 644.1 642.3 621.0

Sum of pres 3,504.1

Apple Unlevered Free Cash Flows

Period (t) 2017A 2018P 2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P
2021P 2022P

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