Arcfurnacetransformers-Specification: (Reaffirmed 2004)

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
(Reaffirmed 2015) 

( Reaffirmed 2004 )
15 12977 : ?990
(Reaffirmed 2014) 

(Reaffirmed 2013) 


(Reaffirmed 2011) 

UDC 621’314’212 : 621’365’2  

(Reaffirmed 2010) 

(Reaffirmed 2009) 

(Reaffirmed 2008) 

(Reaffirmed 2007) 

(Reaffirmed 2006) 

(Reaffirmed 2005) 

@ BIS 1991


NEW DELHI 110002

iFebruary 1991 Price Group 3

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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

Transformers Sectional Committee, ET 16


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 20 March 1990, after the
draft finalized by the Transformers Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical
Division Council.

This standard covers the service conditions and requirements of 3-phase or l-phase, 50 Hz,
mineral-oil-immersed indoor transformers for feeding electric power, from high voltage network,
to direct arc steel-melting furnaces at a range of low voltages suitable for arc furnace operation.

The general design features of electric direct arc melting furnaces are covered in IS 12188 : 1987
Electric direct-arc melting furnace. This standard may therefore be read in conjunction with the
above standard.

For the.purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the results of a test, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘.
._ ..__.._
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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 12977: 1998

Indian Standard
1 SCOPE It is also recognized that operation of a trans-
former at its rated kVA provides normal life
1.1 This standard lays down the requirements expectancy, if the hot spot temperature based on
for 3-phase or l-phase, 50 Hz, mineral-oil- maximum yearly weighted average ambient
immersed indoor transformers together with temperature is 98°C.
supplementary series reactor, if any, rated
250 kVA and above, primary voltage up to 4.1.2 For service conditions differing from the
33 kV, used for supplying electric power to normal conditions mentioned above, it is
direct arc melting furnaces. recommended that above parameters be agreed
upon after mutual agreement between the
1.1.1 The specification of series reactors, if built manufacturer and the purchaser.
in the same main unit, are also included.
4.2 Quantity of Cooling Water
The cooling water used for the arc furnace shall
2.1 A list of standards which have been referred be as follows:
in this specification is given in Annex A. a) Total dissolved solids 150 ppm
3 TERMINOLOGY b) Total hardness, Max (in 100 ppm
terms of equivalent CaCoa )
3.1 All characteristics and definitions, except as c) Carborate hardness, Max
specifically covered in this standard shall be in 50 ppm
accordance with IS 1885 ( Part 38 ) : 1977. d) pH value 7-8
e) Suspended particle less than
4.1 Reference Ambient Temperatures f) Particle size, Max 0’1 mm
The reference ambient temperatures assumed for
the purpose of this specification are as follows: 5 RATINGS
a) Maximum ambient air tempe- 50°C 5.0 General
The manufacturer shall assign ratings to the
b) Maximum daily average 40°C transformer, which shall be marked on the
ambient air temperature rating plate. These ratings shall be such that the
32°C tranformer can deliver its rated current under
4 Maximum yearly weighted
steady loading conditions without exceeding the
average ambient temperature
limits of temperature-rise specified in IS 2026
d) Minimum ambient air tempe- - 5°C ( Part 2 ) : 1977 assuming that the applied
rature voltage is equal to the rated voltage and that the
e) Water - When the cooling- supply is at rated frequency.
medium is water, it is assumed 5.1 Rated kVA
that a temperature of 35°C
will not be exceeded The rated kVA assigned shall take into account
f) Temperature rise limits based service conditions corresponding to those
on cooling water at 35°C at specified in 3 and shall be related to the product
inlet of rated voltage, rated current and the appro-
priate phase factor given in Table 1.
g) Oil temperature rise 50°C
h) Winding temperature rise by 55°C Table 1 Phase Factors
resistance method ( CZause 5.1 )
i) Cooling water temperature 10°C Number of Phases Phase Factor
rise at rated
(1) (2)
load 1
4.1.1 Transformers complying with this specifica- 3 1’73
tion are suitable for operation continuously, at 9
their ratings provided the temperature of the NOTES
cooling air or water does not exceed any of 1 The rated kVA assigned, corresponds to conti-
the reference ambient temperatures specified nuous duty; nevertheless oil-immersed transformers
under 4.1. complying with this standard may be overloaded

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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 12977 : 1990

and guidance on overloads is given in IS 6600 : 1972. rated kVA output of that connection at 100 per-
Within the conditions defined in IS 6600 : 1972, cent applied high voltage without any injury.
occasional overloads up to 1.5 times the rated value
may be allowed on transformers with rated powers For applied high voltage of between 95 and
up to 100 MVA. Under these conditions no limita- 100 percent of the rating, the transformer shall be
tions by bushings, tap-changers, or other auxiliary capable of delivering, for each connection, a
equipment shall apply. Regular daily overloads or maximum current equal to the rated current
emergency overloads in excess of this may be
restricted by consideration of auxiliary equipment output of that connection at 100 percent applied
and in these cases reference shall be made to the high voltage.
6.5 The tappings shall be controlled by a tap-
2 With rated voltage applied lo one of the windings,
the apparent power ( kVA ) that can really be changer, preferably motor operated from a
delivered by ( one of) the other winding(s) loaded remote point. The tapchanger may be suitable
with its rated current will deviate from its rated for either de-energized or on-load operation
kVA by an amount depending on the corresponding depending upon the drive mechanism of the
voltage drop ( or rise ). This apparent power is
equal to the product of the actual voltage on load tapchanger must incorporate multi-position
of the latter winding, the rated current related to auxiliary radial switches necessary for electrode
that winding and the appropriate phase factor (see control or any other purchase, in addition to the
Table 1). one required for remote indication of the tap-
changer. The number, the rating and sequence of
5.2 Load Cycle operation of the switches shall be stipulated by
Unless otherwise agreed between the manufac- the client.
turer and the user, the furnace transformer 6.6 In case of on-load tap-changer ( OLTC ),
should be suitable for the following duty cycle: all the diverter switches of OLTC shall be
120 percent of the continuous apparent power immersed in oil in a separate compartment so
for 2 hours that it will not be possible for oil from this
chamber to mix with the oil in the main trans-
60 percent of the continuous apparent power former tank. Also, the compartment shall permit
for 1 hour easy removal of the diverter switch for mainte-
No power for 3 hour nance.
Total period of the load cycle is 34 hours 7. SPECIFICATION OF TAPPING
5.3 RMS Value of the Loading Cycle QUANTITlES

The maximum admissible continuous rated 7.1 General

power is derived from the RMS value of the The tapping quantities are the numerical values
loading cycle, usually rounding up to a value which define the tapping duty. The tapping
slightly higher than the RMS value as preferred quantities include for each winding and each
by the user. tapping:
6 TRANSFORMER TAPPINGS a) a tapping voltagG,
6.1 A range of low voltages shall be provided to b) a tapping power; and
regulate power input to the furnace for optimiz- c) a tapping current.
ing furnace operation.
7.2 Rated Tapping Quantities
6.2 The various low voltages are obtained from
a furnace transformer by changing taps provided The purchaser is to determine, from the expected
on the high voltage windings. An additional on-load operating conditions of the furnace
range of low voltages may be obtained by transformer, the tapping quantities to be specified
changing connection of the tapped high voltage at no-load.
windings from delta to star in the case of 3-phase 7.3 Principal Tapping
transformer or bank of 3-single phase trans-
formers. The change-over in the connection The tapping at which the maximum rated voltage
must take place under de-energized condition. ( or top voltage ) is obtained on the secondary
side of a furnace transformer corresponding to
6.3 The range of low voltages may be obtained the rated voltage applied on the primary side,
by employing an auto-regulating transformer to and whose tapping power is equal to the rated
give variable supply voltages to the primary side kVA of the transformer. The principal tapping
of a fixed ratio furnace tranformer, or by is, therefore, also the maximum voltage tapping
employing a series booster furnace transformer. and corresponds to the maximum working
6.4 Unless otherwise asked for, it is assumed induction in the core of a furnace transformer.
that no tappings are provided on a furnace Unless otherwise desired by the purchaser, the
transformer to compensate for variation in tap selector or voltage position for the principal
supply voltage. For applied high voltage of tap shall be denoted by 1 in the voltage chart of
between 100 and 105 percent of the rating, the the diagram of connections.
transformer shall be capable of delivering, for Unless otherwise stated, the losses &d impedance
each connection, a maximum kVA equal to the shall be guaranteed at the principal tapping.

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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 12977 : 1990

7.4 Full-Power Tapping - Reduced-Power 7.6 Minimum Voltage Tapping

The minimum voltage tapping shall correspond
Depending upon the maximum line current to the minimum ( or bottom ) voltage in the
required to flow through the electrode of a range of secondary voltages of a furnace trans-
furnace, the current on the secondary side of a former. Unless otherwise desired by the purcha-
furnace transformer shall be kept constant, at tap ser, the tap selector or voltage position for this
voltages lower than the rated voltage at which tapping shall be denoted by the highest tap
the maximum secondary current occurs. The position number in the voltage chart of the
tapping whose tapping power is equal to the diagram of connections.
rated kVA of the transformer is ‘full-power
tapping’. The tapping whose tapping power is 7.7 Tolerance
lower than the rated kVA is ‘reduced power’
( or ‘constant current’ ) tapping. A tolerance of one percent or & 1 volt whichever
is smaller shall apply on the tapping quantities.
7.5 Maximum Current Tapping
The maximum current tapping shall correspond 7.8 Calculation Procedure for the Tapping
to a voltage on the secondary side of a furnace Quantities
tranformer at which the maximum current is The values of the six parameters as a function of
derived and delivered to the furnace, and whose the secondary voltages showing typical ratings
tapping power is equal to the rated kVA of the and tapping voltages is shown in Table 2.
furnace transformer. For this tapping, the
tapping current of both primary and secondary
winding is simultaneously a maximum. Therefore, 8 IMPEDANCE VOLTAGE
the maximum current tapping is also the
8.1 Transformer Impedance
maximum temperature rise tapping. While the
losses and impedance may be guaranteed at the The guaranteed transformer impedance shall be
principal tapping ( vide 5.5.3 ), the temperature tested under the following conditions:
rise guarantee shall apply at the maximum
current tapping. a) The rated kVA;

Table 2 Typical Ratings and Tapping Voltage

( Clause 7.8 )

-Switch Voltage H. V. Side L. V. Side Rated Power Tapping

Position Ratio, n ~----_--h-----_-y r--_---A_- --;r-e;t~ LVA or MVA Designation
Conn. Volts Current coon. Volts
( Line ) ( Phase ) ( Line ) ( Phase )

(0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

omax Delta UHV IHVf Delta ULV ILV ** Reduced power
Hk?est or Star ( rated ) (reduced) ( mlo ) ( max or Sreduccd constant current
constant ) tapping
* Full power
* Full power
* Full power
ni IHV ULV ILV S In&X Full power max
( rated ) ( full (max) ( or rated ) current tapping
p owcr )
* * ** Reduced power
IHV ULV ILV s reduced constant current
(reduced ) ( reduced ( max or tapping
power ) constant )
* **
* **
( reduced
power )
1 om1n Delta UHV IHV Delta ULV ILV Principal tapping
( or nU ) or Star ( rated ) ( rated ) ( max) ( rated) ( o2;Ted )

*Values of voltages and currents to be calculated.

**Tapping power to be calculated.

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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 12977 : 1990

b) The transformer connected at the principal addition of the standard accessories specified in
tapping giving maximum secondary volt- IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) : 1977:
a>On-load tap changer wherever provided
c>The supplementary series reactor not in shall have a separate oil surge relay or
circuit; overpressure protective device.
4 The measurement made at the transformer b) For OFWF type transformers, following
terminals; and need to be provided:
e>The secondary delta closed and short i) Stand, by pump and heat exchangers;
circuited outside when secondary delta is ii) Oil-flow indicator with alarm contacts;
not enclosed inside.
iii) For each heat exchanger pressure
8.2 Reactor Impedance indication for pressure and flow
indication for water; and
The ratings of reactors and tappings shall be iv) Temperature and flow indication with
specified by the furnace designer purchaser. alarm for the composite external
8.2.1 Where transformer and reactor is a cooling system.
combined unit mounted inside a common tank
and connected electrically inside, the impedance 14 TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS
shall be guaranteed and measured for the
combined unit with transformer connected to 14.1 Connection of HV Phase Winding
principal tap and reactor connected at a known The connections of HV phase winding shall be
tap position. in star or delta or alternatively in star delta with
a change over switch. The connection of low
9 TERMINAL MARKING voltage phase winding shall be open suitable for
closing outside in delta formation. The low
9.1 The terminal markings, tappings and
voltage connection may be brought-out by 1 kV/
connectors shall conform to IS 2026 ( Part 4 ) :
3 150 amps bushings single or 2 in parallel for
1977. currents up to 5 000 amps and thereafter by air
cooled bars on tap or side of the transformer,
10 TEMPERATURE RISE for closing delta outside by air or water cooled
10.1 The transformer shall pass the temperature bus system.
rise test specified in IS 2026 ( Part 2 ) : 1977.
11 INSULATION LEVEL 15.1 Mineral oil, if used, shall comply with
IS 335 : 1983.
11.1 The insulation levels shall be in accordance
with IS 2026 ( Part 3 ) : 1977.
12 SHORT CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS 16.1 All the tests specified in IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) :
1977, shall apply.
12.1 Short-Circuit Capability NOTE - The short-circuit test specified in 16.11 of
IS 2026 (Part 1 ) : 1977 is not applicable in the
The furnace transformer including its tap chang- case of furnace transformers.
ing equipment and supplementary series reactor
shall be designed and constructed to withstand 17 MARKING
without damage the thermal and dynamic effects
of external short-circuits in accordance with 8 17.1 Each Arc Furnace Transformer shall be
and 9 of IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) : 1977. provided with a rating plate of weather-proof
material, fitted in a visible position, showing the
12.2 Short-Time Current Surges appropriate items given below. The entries on
the rating plate shall be indelibly marked ( for
The furnace transformer including its tap chang- example, by etching, engraving or stamping ):
ing equipment and supplementary series reactor a) Number of this standard, Ref IS : 12977;
shall be capable of withstanding without injury
an indefinite number of current surges as b) Manufacturer’s name;
typically encountered in direct arc steel-melting c) Manufacturer’s serial number;
furnace operation. It shall be assumed that the
peak current in such surges will never exceed d) Year of manufacture;
3’0 times the crest value of the rated current. e) Number of phases;
The thermal effects of surge currents shall be
f) Rated kVA;
such as not to overload the transformer.
g) Rated frequency;
13 ACCESSORIES h) Rated voltages;
13.1 The following items are to be included in j) Rated currents;
y----..-._ __ _.~ ..-
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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 12977: 1990

k) Connection symbol; n) Type of cooling;

m) Percent impedance voltage at rated current p) Total mass; and
( measured value corrected to 75°C ) and
if necessary, the reference power; q) Mass and volume of insulating oil.

( Clause 2.1 )


IS No. Title IS No. Title

335 : 1983 New insulating oils ( third ( Part 3 ) : 1981 Insulation levels and dielectric
revision ) tests ( second revision )
1885 Electrotechnical vocabulary : ( Part 4 ) : 1977 Terminal markings, tappings
( Part 38 ) : 1977 Part 38 Transformers (jirst and connections (first revision)
revision )
6600 : 1972 Guide for loading of oil-
2026 ( in Parts ) Power transformers:
immersed transformers
( Part 1 ) : 1977 General (first revision )
12188 : 1987 Electric direct arc melting
(Part 2) : 1977 Temperature-rise (first furnaces
revision )
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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

Standard Mark

The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the pro-
ducer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to
that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from
the Bureau of Indian Standards.
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Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, I986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or
grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publication >, BIS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any,
are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in
possession of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent
to BIS giving the following reference :

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