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24 Hour Home Based Conversion of PA To OD

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PA to OD conversion examples.

\Zone # 1 2 3 Total
Production 650 850 380 1880
Attractions 630 750 500 1880

P - A Matrix After distribution

To Zone
1 2 3 Total of the productions
1 300 150 200 650
From zone 2 250 400 200 850
3 80 200 100 380
Total Attr. 630 750 500 1880

24 Hour Home Based conversion of PA to OD

For Home based trips over a 24 hour period, half of the
home based trips have origins from the zone and half had
destinations to the zone. If you always had more people coming in (destination),
than are leaving (trip origin), the area would become overwhelmed.

Consider interchange between zones 1 and 2, We assume one-half of the 1 to 2 trips

had their origin at Zone 1, and one- half of the 2 to 1 trips had origin at zone 1.
That means the other half in each case must have had the origin in Zone 2

If we apply this strategy to all P-A interchanges, the sum of the rows would be the
origins and the sum of the columns would be the expected destinations for the zones.

Transposed matrix application to solve the problem

A convenient computational strategy to compute the origin - destination flows is:
OD ij = 0.5* PAij + 0.5 * PAij'
Where PA = PA matrix
PA' = transposed PA matrix

PA' or PA transposed is shown below.

Zones 1 2 3
1 300 250 80
2 150 400 200
3 200 200 100

Calculated OD s are then found by multiplying corresponding cells by 0.5 and summing.

OD matrix
1 2 3 Origins
1 300 200 140 640
2 200 400 200 800
3 140 200 100 440
Destination 640 800 440

Notice that this becomes a symmetrical matrix

24 Hour Origin Destination Matrix for Non Hased trips

P and A for non-home based trips are already O's and D's

Origin - Destination - by hour of the day.

When hour of the day O-Ds are desired, the analyst must examine the percent
of trips that are expected to leave from home or return to home in each of the hours.
For the entire day 50% are leaving (origin) and 50% are arriving (destination), but dependent
on the trip purpose, the percentages vary by hour of the day. If we know the percent of trips leaving
home at 7:00am to go to work and the % arriving from work at 7:00 am, as well as the total P-A,
for the trip type you are well on the way to solving the problem.

To give you an idea, TransCad default values are shown here for the WORK trip.
NCHRP Report 365 has a different set of values.
0 0.40 0.00
1 0.20 0.00
2 0.00 0.00
3 0.20 0.00
4 0.40 0.00
5 2.70 0.00
6 7.90 0.00
7 19.20 0.00
8 9.20 0.00
9 3.00 0.00
10 0.70 0.00
11 0.60 0.00
12 0.70 1.40
13 0.60 1.40
14 0.60 3.20
15 0.60 5.70
16 0.60 13.10
17 0.60 11.80
18 0.60 3.10
19 0.60 1.70
20 0.60 1.00
21 0.00 2.90
22 0.00 2.80
23 0.00 1.90

HBWD = home based work trip departing time (origin end)

HBWR = home based work trip returning time (destination end)

Assume the trips from original matrix were work trips

P_A Work Trips
Zones 1 2 3 Totals
1 300 150 200 650
2 250 400 200 850
3 80 200 100 380
Totals 630 750 500

Work trips transposed

1 2 3 Totals
1 300 250 80 630
2 150 400 200 750
3 200 200 100 500
Totals 650 850 380

O-D for noon hour depart fac %= 0.7 Return Fac %= 1.4
(=.7/100*PA + 1.4/100 * PA transposed

1 2 3 Totals
1 6.3 4.55 2.52 13
2 3.85 8.4 4.2 16
3 3.36 4.2 2.1 10
Dest 13 17 9 39

As we include more trip types and hours of the day, it becomes apparent that
the TransCAD ability to simultaneously calculate several matrices
and combine several trip types for more hours of the day becomes a great advantage..
of trips leaving

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