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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014

ISSN 2229-5518 63

Urban streets and nodes : A case of Bangalore

Ar. Bhaghyalaxmi M Ar. Sindhu Srikanth Ar. Arjun K S

Department of Architecture Department of Architecture Sekos Architects
BMS College of Engineering BMS College of Engineering Bangalore, India
Bangalore, India Bangalore, India arjunks91@gmail.com
bhagyalaxmi.arch@bmsce.ac.in sindhusrikanth.arch@bmsce.ac.in

Abstract - Urban design has the greatest impact on the city’s functions: they serve as spaces for people as well as arteries for
physical environment and quality of life. It is the three-dimensional motorized and non-motorized traffic. Streets encompass more
combination of forms and spaces as seen in time and over time that than 70% of public space in our cities and are very much part of
defines the character of any urban area. Public realm consists of the people constituting their surroundings. They are recognized
those places to which everybody has access, although this access
as important axes of economic activities, social interface and
may be controlled at times. This includes outdoor spaces such as
streets, squares, nodes, parks. Etc. The city is indeed and will cohesion as they balance diverse users. Therefore, the design of
continue to be a collage of parts, some distinctive and others a an urban street must reflect and accommodate these assorted
mélange. What is imperative is that, cities provide a rich set of functions so that they act as public spaces positively impacting
behavioral opportunities and aesthetic displays that augment the the quality of urban life.
lives of all people who constitute it.
Urban streets and nodes being the main links and junctions for The traditions and habits of residential user group provides a

movement of motorized traffic, multifold as public spaces by basis for unique design opportunities that can enliven the setting
structuring numerous aspects such as mobility of the inhabitants, as a whole, while serving specific needs. Nodes in residential
their interactions as well as conduction of diverse array of
areas can accentuate the vitality of the area while supporting
activities. Under the impact of rampant urbanization, our streets
and nodes are failing to function as public spaces due to several functional needs of the community. The qualitative aspect of
reasons, one of the primary reason being lack of much required such public spaces in precincts is ensured when it is designed to
attention to micro details with respect to various amenities in the suite the need and comfort of the user group.
design of street scape navigated by the urban dweller. In this
context, this paper attempts to study, analyze and propose certain In India, at present the street design approach primarily
design interventions that can be adopted with respect to two public focuses on motorized mobility often ignoring the vibrant and
realm spaces( Streets and Nodes) addressing different set of user vital socio-economic activities witnessed by the streets. The
groups, in a commercial and a residential area respectively. main scheme followed in the design of our streets and nodes is
centerline outwards which includes marking of the median first
Keywords-urban streets; node; public space; mobility; livability;
followed by the construction of carriageway. This approach
streetscape; amenities; urban modules
leaves an undefined outer area. This left over, undefined and
often insufficient space is shared by pedestrians, utilities, trees,
I. INTRODUCTION hawkers and for other urban activities leading to conflicts for
space.These unresolved conflicts of mobility and livability is
Urban design draws together the many strands of public-
degenerating the quality of urban life and the character of pubic
making, environmental responsibility, social equity and
economic viability to sustain urban life. In summary, urban
design is about creating a vision for an area and the deploying of
Further, the lack of much required attention to micro details
the skills and resources to realize that vision [1].Most urban
in our streets and nodes with respect to various amenities in the
designs deal with Precincts - smaller areas of cities such as
design of street scape navigated by the urban dweller is
Business-Commercial Districts, and new, predominantly
aggrevating the situation. This is leading to the non-functioning
residential areas, fringe areas of cities.
of our streets and nodes as public spaces.
The multi-fold increase in the economic growth, urban
It is in this context, this research paper attempts to study,
population and related urbanization are placing high demands on
analyze and propose certain ready-to-build design interventions
our cities and its infrastructure. . “The quality of our
that can be adopted as urban inserts. The proposed interventions
communities and lifestyles they support, is an outcome of many
have been demonstrated through two case studies. Both case
factors, including the provision of streets, spacing of dwellings,
studies in this paper- street in a commercial zone and nodes in a
availability of accessible green spaces, distribution of public
residential zone fall under the precinct typology of urban design
open space, essentially the relationship between these [2].”
Urban streets, being the basic physical infrastructure fulfill two

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 64


A. Design Objectives x Streets in a commercial area: Analysis

x Appropriateness: The major objective in the design would a) Make-shift bus stop on 11thmain road between 28th
be to place the street furniture appropriately so as to provide and 29th cross roads:
a visual and physical accessibility to the users.
x Contextual: To respond to the character and the context Presently a part of this stretch of the street is being
physically as well as visually. identified as a bus stop, although it does not have any
physical structure as a shelter. The shade casted by dense
x Adaptability: Flexible to continually cater to the changing
canopy of existing trees is the primary reason for this part of
needs of the users, while providing safe urban environment.
the selected stretch to be used as a bus stop. It also has two
electric transformers installed. This particular stretch needs
B. Selection and analysis of case studies
a designated bus shelter to create a safe and user friendly
Streets abut and criss-cross different land uses and contexts.
street scenario. (Refer Fig.2).
It is very nature of the streets result in different problems
that are contextual to the areas. Therefore the case selected
for the study, problem identification, analysis and design
interventions have been broadly classified under two
contexts: streets in a commercial zone and nodes in a
residential zone.

x Streets in a commercial area: Selection

Fig.2. Make-shift bus stop on 11th main road between 28 th& 29th
b) Area in front of Jayanagar Shopping complex on
10th main road:

This stretch of the street is also used as a resting point

and accommodates pre-paid auto stand. This stretch has a
Fig.1. Selected two streets in Jayanagar 4th Block, Bangalore line of dense trees and is shaded throughout the day. But it
South cannot be used during rainy days due to the lack of shelter.
Also the area is devoid of many street amenities such as tree
Jayanagar, hub of south Bangalore is one of the first planned guards, comfortable seating / resting area, trash receptacles,
neighborhoods in the year 1948 in Bangalore and is activity space for different age groups, traffic calming
considered as the largest in Asia. It is surrounded by measures, a well-defined entry to the existing Jayanagar
prominent neighborhoods. shopping complex and running urban shade to multi- fold
The area of Jayanagar is sub-divided into ten parts usage of the area (Refer Fig.3).
comprising of residential and commercial areas known as
Blocks. The third and fourth blocks are largely commercial
blocks. Being a planned neighborhood, it is dotted with
wide tree lined boulevards, wider footpaths, larger plots, etc.
The 4th Block has a prominent shopping complex that
houses wide variety of shops, restaurants, many public
sector units, private offices etc.
The selected two streets in Jayanagar 4th Block are under the
jurisdiction of Byrasandra ward (Number 169), Bangalore
south, Bangalore, Karnataka (Refer Fig.1). They are:
a) Make-shift bus stop on 11th main road between
28thand 29th cross roads
b) Area in front of Jayanagar Shopping complex on
10th main road
Fig.3. Area in front of Jayanagar Shopping complex on 10th main road

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 65

x Nodes in a residential zone: Selection

Ramanjaneya Nagar, Comparatively a new residential
extension in south Bangalore is rapidly developing with
many apartments coming up in and around the area. A bus
stand was also built in 2011 to cater to the need of the
growing population of this area. This residential
neighborhood is identified for study, analysis and
intervention as its vivid topography and elevations,
inadequate amenities sparse and haphazard placement of
street furniture clearly exhibits the need for urban design
interventions. The distinctive qualities about the landscape
Fig.4. RamanjaneyaNagar-Vasanthapura Ward, Bangalore South
of this precinct, particularly landforms, vegetation, natural
drain, slopes, elevation variations, surrounding land uses
which attribute to its local character has been studied and
design interventions responds to these in a congruent
manner.(Refer Fig.4).

As nodal extensions of streets, two significant nodes that fall

under the jurisdiction of RamanjaneyaNagar-Vasanthapura
Ward (197), Bangalore South have been selected in this a) Node B: Junction of 3rd main road and 4th cross
neighborhood. They are:
a) Node A: Junction of 2nd main road and 7th cross Fig.5.Node A: Junction of 2nd main road and 7th cross road

b) Node B: Junction of 3rd main road and 4th cross
This junction is wide and is important as it connects the
x Nodes in a residential zone: Analysis
main activity spine (3rd main road) of the neighborhood to
a) Node A: Junction of 2nd main road and 7th cross
the residential surrounding. The street furniture such as
seating, trees, signage, electrical poles, hoardings are located
The area opposite to the new bus stand by virtue of its
inappropriately both in terms of visual and physical
location, accessibility and visibility has a potential to
accessibility. The junction has a potential to thrive as a node
become a vital node for the neighborhood.
for, neighborhood people particularly the senior people use
The area has a strong pedestrian link from 12th cross road
it for various activities (Refer Fig.6).
which is at a higher elevation which on the other end
connects to the main road of Uttarahalli. The area is
surrounded by neighborhood’s commercial shops. The 3rd
main road parallel to the 2nd main road is the activity spine
of the neighborhood and is the main route for local bus. The
precinct lack in terms of basic facilities like Auto stand,
street lights and public seating. The bus stand situated along
the 12th main road is hidden and lacks the visibility from the
main spine. Thus this area can become a strong node where
it could visually act as a pointer to the existing bus stand
while serving as a hub for various other neighborhood
activities. (Refer Fig.5). Fig.6. Node B: Junction of 3rd main road and 4th cross

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 66


A. Commercial area:
x Area in front of Jayanagar Shopping complex on
x Make-shift bus stop on 11th main road between 28th 10th Main road:
and 29th cross roads
The proposed design intervention is to develop a public
The proposed design intervention is to develop a bus resting point as an urban insert- a prototype. The street
shelter as an urban insert module which can be repeated. amenities provided in the design are as follows:
The bus shelter accommodates the following amenities:
a) Running urban shade to enhance the resting and
a) Better equipped bus shelter with facilities such as- walking experience.
x Comfortable seating area
x Activity zone for various users b) Three types of comfortable seating verities:
x Trash receptacles color coded for dry and wet
waste x Tree guard with seating all around.
x Kiosk x Seating abutting the raised platform of Jayanagar
Shopping complex.
x Water dispenser
x Staggered/ grouped seating.
x Planter box with hand rail all around
x Curb ramps c) A well-defined entry to the existing Jayanagar
b) Transformer enclosure wall providing safety as Shopping complex with steps and ramp.
well as vertical surface for thematic public art

which can be changed periodically. d) Trash receptacles color coded for dry and wet
c) Tree guard with seating all around. waste.
d) Space for multiple activities- street performance, e) Activity space for different age groups.
hawkers, etc
e) Rickshaw stand(Refer Fig.7 & 8). f) Traffic calming measures.
(Refer Fig. 9 & 10).

Fig.9.Proposed street
Fig.7. Proposed design

Fig 8. Proposed design seating Fig.10.Proposed street amenities

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 67

B. Residential area:

x Node A: Junction of 2nd main road and 7th cross road

The objective of this intervention is to provide a scheme to

organize the community spaces for interaction and provide
certain basic facility which is a requirement of the
neighborhood, corresponding enhancement of the visual Fig.12.Proposed design intervention-section
quality of the area. Design details for the street furniture as
modules, address dramatic seasonal changes and consequent
comfort of the users.
The proposed design intervention is to develop the Node B: Junction of 3rd main road and 4th cross
node as public place while the designed street furniture as The design intervention in this node essentially is to
modules which can be used as ready urban insert module. reorganize the street furniture while providing alternative
Apart from site organization as a whole the design of the designs to address the user friendly aspects to ensure the
following elements are explored: spatial quality .The proposal can be adopted as an urban
a) Comfortable seating area insert module for such similar junctions in residential areas.
b) Retaining wall design The street furniture (prototype) provided in the design are as
c) Guide lighting follows:
d) Auto Rickshaw stand a) Sheltered Seating prototype

This intervention becomes crucial in this precinct as b) Signage
the vivacity of this node acts as a neighborhood landmark c) Pedestrian pavement
while aiding to locate the hidden bus stand. It also augments d) Curb details
to the benefit of commercial stretch by bringing in people all e) Tree enclosure
through the day (early morning to late evening) thus (Refer Fig.13 & 14)
ensuring the psychological safety around the precinct.
(Refer Fig.11 & 12).

Fig.13.Proposed street amenities

Fig.14.Proposed street section

Fig.11.Proposed design intervention-plan

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 68

IV. PROTOTYPES –AS URBAN INSERTS c) Prototype module-Seating prototype (Refer

A. Key features of proposed urban inserts:

x All the designed modules are prototypes for urban inserts.
x The design concept emphasize safety and user comfort.
x Proposed prototypes are cost effective and easy to build.
x Addresses the long term issues of maintenance, public safety,
vandalism and enhances visual quality.
The various designed urban inserts that can be used as urban
inserts are as follows:

a) Prototype module- Bus shelter (Refer Fig.15)


Fig.17. Prototype module-Seating prototype

Fig.11.Proposed design intervention

d) Prototype module-Signage with Guide light
prototype (Refer Fig.18)

Fig.15. Prototype module-Bus Shelter
Fig.18. Prototype module-Signage with Guide light prototype

e) Prototype module- Trash receptacles color coded for

dry and wet waste for commercial area. (Refer Fig.19)

b) Prototype module-Public resting point (Refer Fig.


Fig.19. Prototype module- Trash receptacles for commercial area

Fig.16. Prototype module-Public resting point

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 69

f) Prototype module- Trash receptacles color coded for dry

and wet waste for residential area. (Refer i) Prototype module- Tree enclosure . (Refer Fig.23)

Fig.20) Fig.23. Prototype module-Tree enclosure

Fig.20. Prototype module- Trash receptacles for residential area

g) Prototype module- Green retaining wall.

The retaining wall is of rigid construction since j) Prototype module- Urban Shade (Refer Fig.24)
aesthetic is the primary concern.

The proposed retaining wall in precast concrete

combines vegetation and structural elements in retain sloped

embankments and accommodates changes in elevational
material. (Refer Fig.21)

Fig.24. Prototype module-Urban shade

Fig.21. Prototype module-Green retaining wall

k) Prototype module- Seating (Refer Fig.25)
h) Prototype module- Rigid pavement in concrete and terracotta

Two kinds of Pavements are proposed Rigid Pavement

and Flexible Pavement. Concrete is used for rigid pavement
where it requires high compressive strength; distribute the load
over a relatively wide area. The Proposed Auto stand area has
concrete paving with pattern embarked. It is also used in the
outer part of the Pedestrian path along the roads (Refer Fig.22) Fig.25. Prototype module-Seating


Fig.22. Prototype module- Rigid pavement in concrete and terracotta

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
ISSN 2229-5518 70


The study and analysis outlines that the urban streets in The paper identifies a typical case to demonstrate how
many Indian cities anomaly fall under conventional use- such ignored spaces can boost up neighborhood’s vitality.
zoning theory which works strongly with the kind of Such designed spaces in neighborhood positively can
functionality and nature of evolution that the streets have promote social integration.
gone through over the years also pointing at the possible
future trends. The urban design interventions discussed in The prototypes aid to create coherent and vibrant
this paper, though case specific deliberates the scheme. Each streets and nodes by providing visual and physical access.
module design is based on user comfort, size and nature to The organization of street furniture not only gives the visual
suit Indian streets. Hence can be used as ready- to- use accessibility but also contribute to the free pedestrian
urban inserts in such similar street and node scenarios. The movement which is a lacuna and crucial to the Indian city
study of the neighborhood refers to the spaces which are streets and nodes. These interventions essentially augment
seen as residual spaces formed either by the geometry of the the legibility of public realm in Indian cities.
infrastructure and buildings or the pattern of land use.
The pedestian movement is stunted mainly as it lacks [1] Lyewlyn –Davis (2000).Urban design compendium. London: English
meticulosly worked street ammenities . In this regard, the Partnership and Housing Corporation.
[2] Lang Jon (2005). Urban design: A typology of Procedures and Products
urban design interventions discussed in this paper that are
pedestrian friendly and ready- to- use urban inserts shall be

employed to enhance the city experience on foot. This
enriched pleasant experience acts as an incentive for urban
dwellers to use public transport.

IJSER © 2015

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