• Infeed table size: 8" x 433fa"
• 4 row spiral cu1terhead •
• Cu1terhead speed: 5350 RPM G049()X
• Max. rabbeting depth: W
• Deluxe cast iron fence size:
35"L x 1W'W x 5"H
Foot Operated Built-in
• Approx. shipping weight: 597 Ibs. INCLUDES
M~k Btue Provides
Extra Long Infeed Table PUSH BLOCKS
G0453Z Versatik Positioning G0490X & Extra Tall Fence
See it on Page 57 ~ S~eitonPage41
INTRODUCTORY PRICE $129500 _ ofthe 2008 Catalog. INTRODUCTORY PRICE $1 075°0 ~ ofthe 2008 Catalog.
• Feed rate: 16 FPM
• Cu1terhead speed:
& 20 FPM speed: 4800 RPM 5200 RPM
• Cu1terhead dia,: 3'Ia" ., Feed rate: • Knives: 4 HSS
• Knives: 4 HSS 16 & 20 FPM • Approx. shipping
• Cu1terhead speed:
5000 RPM
• Apprax. shipping
• Approx. shipping
weight: 909 Ibs.
weight: 1130 Ibs.
- ~4
weight: 920 Ibs. ISO 9001
ONLY $1595°0 G0480"ONLY $2095°° _ G9860ZX ONLY $415000 ~
16 Ingenious plug trimmer
20 Quickjig: Portable drum sander
30 Cover: Display or gun cabinet TOOLS & MATERIALS
Build it to suit either your curios or rifles. 26 Wise Buys: Bandsaw fences
49 Shop project: Portable bench 42 Best hardware for making jigs
60 Easy-to-build solid-wood bookcase S4 Tool test: Value-priced 14" bandsaws
68 Child's hardworking crane 6S 11 Awesome dust-collection add-ons
78 Shop-Proven Products
23-gauge pinners; fast-boring drill bits; more
22 Make bracket feet from molding
24 How to build no-warp doors DEPARTMENTS
28 The world's fastest, simplest finish 6 Sounding Board
40 No-math shop geometry! 8 Shop Tips
73 Ask WOOD.
92 What's Ahead
September 2008 Issue 185
on the web
September 2008 Vol. 25, No.4 Issue No. 185
President and Chief Executive Officer STEPHEN M. LACY
Chairman of the Board WILLIAM T. KERR
In Memoriam - E.T. Meredith III (1933-2003)
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Retail Sales
Retailers can order (opies ofWOOD for resale
~ I@
....... I '\
1V4" plug
Another great way
-Dave Rector, Denham Springs, La.
• For woodworking advice: • Subsaiption assistance: • To order past issues and articles:
Post your woodworking questions (joinery, finishing, To notify us of an address change, or to get help with Order past issues of WOOD magazine, our special issues,
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Des Moines, IA 50309. go to woodmagazine,com/edltorlal.
6 WOOD magazine September 2008
Free videos help you learn valuable techniques
I want to compliment the staff of available at woodmagazine.com/videos.
WOOD® magazine for the free videos I've been impressed by the quality and
content of these videos,
especially for subjects that
are hard to find on for-sale
videos. As a beginning
woodturner, I've learned an
incredible number of
techniques and tips from
Brian Simmons, shown left.
A video paired with a
magazine article really helps
me see and understand
what you're teaching.
-Pieter DeHaan, Somerset, N.].
Article updates
Issue 182 (March 2008) 0/16" hole 7/3 2" deep, centered
• In the article "A Perfect Puzzler," the ¥B" from back edge
locations of the two magnet holes in
the Caged Dove puzzle box are
transposed. Here are the correct
instructions for Step 4 in the middle
column on page 35, along with an
updated Drawing 2b:
woodmagazlne.com 7
S pTi~
Helping you work faster, smarter, and safer
0/32" hole,
on top
Mark the edge at point A
and through the
center martt.
woodmagazlne.com 11
One miter mistake you
can make disappear
I built three picture frames for
retirement gifts, but just as I was
about ready to present them, I
noticed that one joint had
apparently slipped in the clamp
and was partially open. Feeling
Blade kerf
a bit desperate, I performed a centered
quick fix that saved me consid- over miter joint.
erable embarrassment.
To repair the joint, I centered
it on the kerf of my mitersaw
blade, clamped a stopblock
square to the fence, and cut
through the faulty joint. Next, I
rotated the frame 180 and re-
cut the opposite joint. With a
quick and tidy clamp-up, the
frame went back together
perfectly. Although the frame
was a shade smaller, the glass
and matting still fit, and I made
the deadline with work I was
proud to call my own.
-Jim Culler, Bellville, Ohio
continued on page 15
woodmagazine.com 13
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Complex spindles
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I'm not a master at the lathe, so when
a project required multiple spindles
with adjacent beads, I needed a
solution for turning them out quickly
and accurately. That's when I remem-
bered the three-bead cutter bit
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for my Craftsman tablesaw molding The Wood Tool Sharpener
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woodmagazine.com 15
Circle No. 1665
blOCk of wood or scrap of 2x4 stock, a short length of
Hacksaw blade
cut to 4 W' long
Find dozens of FREE shop-helper project plans at epoxied into grooves
'Adjust this dimension for crosscutting plugs to different lengths.
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quick & EasJJig
! ,
Drum-sand curved edges
quickly and accurately with
this super-simple jig.
A of smoothing an edge profile
rough-cut with a jigsaw. You
might think you need a drill press or
against the workpiece.
Lock the drill trigger
into the on position,
II spindle sander to keep the sanded edges and gUide the sanding
square to the surface, but a corded drum along the edge.
electric'drill, shop scraps, a few dollars' To reduce chatter, use
worth of hardware, and a set of inex- a large sanding drum
pensive sanding drums will do the on broad curves.
trick. Even if you own a drill press or Switch to a smaller-
I spindle sander, you'll find this jig diameter drum for
II handy for sanding a part too large to
handle on one of those machines. A
tight inside curves. •
clamp the parts together, drill screw
holes, and drive the screws. To help
keep the drill from shifting, adhere
sandpaper to the upright. Strap your 9"
drill to the upright with a large-
diameter hose clamp. Chuck a piece of
%" steel rod into the drill, and check for
square, as shown at center. Make ~6"____ •
adjustments by inserting shims Base '- ~:Y4"
between the drill and the upright.
Using the jig 6":;>-
i• Chuck a sanding drum into the drill so ~
the top edge of the drum is about W' 3/16",rabbet 3/16" deep
I above the bottom surface of the base.
20 WOOD magazine September 2008
Quality Blades for
America's Craftsmen
Serious woodworkers demand perfection.
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Forrest quality is legendary. Our proprietary
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molding into
bracket feet
Use a tablesaw and jigsaw to transform
store-bought trim into a customized
foundation for your next cabinet.
wo quick cuts on your tablesaw reset the fence and cut away the short front piece. To make the wood
. . ~
the first inside bevel [Drawing 1]. Then at the green lines leave a thicker top edge.
22 WOOD magazine September 2008
possible to the previously mitered
end so you leave a triangular piece
of waste [Photo B]. Repeat for the
other side and front pieces. Then
reset the blade to 90 and cut the
Add mounting blocks [Photo E]. From %" solid wood or assembly to your cabinet. For the
You could now simply glue and clamp plywood, cut a block smaller than the bookcase, shown on page 60, we left lis"
the assembled bracket feet to your inside bracket dimensions. Then glue of the top edges of the brackets exposed
project. But to add strength and a place and clamp the block flush with the top as decorative touches. •
to sink mounting screws, attach a edges of the foot. After the glue dries,
mounting block to the inside corner drill shank holes, glue, and screw the Illustrations: Roxanne LeMoine; Lorna Johnson
You can modify a single serpentine pattern to work on different crown-molding widths.
Avoiding Workshop Goofs
Ward off warped doors
Come on, baby, let's NOT do the twist!
You'll never completely prevent
doors from warping. But, you
can greatly reduce the chances of that
happening. Here's how.
This dresser door, made from quartersawn Arrange your boards on strips of scrapwood
white oak, looks as square and true as the so the faces and edges get maximum
day it came out of our shop 4'12 years ago. e'xposure to your shop's air. .
woodmagazlne.com 25
Wise Bu~
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By penetrating deeper into porous areas of
curly maple, an oil/varnish finish. brings out
the beauty of the grain figure•
• '7/
Both the oil and varnish in this finish add
amber color you can see on this pale maple.
Also, both ingredients will darken with age.
out wood's natural glow while building which evaporates faster than mineral Apply a flawless finish
a shield against humidity and wear. spirits. The oil penetrates the wood, To prepare the wood, sand up to 180
And you can repair most minor damage deepening the grain of such species as grit. Then vacuum off or blow dust
in minutes with a light sanding and walnut and adding grain contrast in from the pores with compressed air
touch-up coat of this finish. curly maple, as shown top. The varnish before you wipe down the surface with
Although commercial oil-varnish leaves a thin film finish, while the a soft cloth.
:1 mixes are available, you can save naphtha makes the mixture easy to Wipe on the finish with a clean cloth
I money by mixing ingredients in your spread with a soft cloth. Together, the until you saturate the wood surface.
shop. To create the finish we applied to oil and varnish give light woods, such Then remove all excess finish with a
clean cloth, especially in recesses and
corners where it may pool. Excess finish
will turn soft, gummy, and tricky to
remove. After an hour, check for signs
of oil bleeding out of the pores, and
wipe it away before it cures. Allow one
full day for the finish to cure.
Then lightly sand the finish with a
320-grit sanding sponge. Clean the
surface and apply a second coat, again
wiping away the surplus. Wipe on as
,I Increasing the percentage of varnish builds protection faster without sacrificing grain- many coats as you want-with 24 hours
Ii enhancing benefits from the boiled linseed oil (BLO). The mix on the left produced the same imd a light scuff-sanding between
i color and depth as the one on the right, but added 50 percent more varnish with each coat. each-but four is sufficient. •
tanding a little more than 6 feet extra strength. For efficiency, the top, shelf, end, and make another pass. Then, mov-
tall, this grand walnut cabinet and bottom are constructed in the same ing the fence closer to the blade in small
lends distinction to any room. As manner. To ensure accuracy and eliminate increments, cut, rotate, cut, move the
a gun cabinet, it's perfeCt for a den or repeat setups, machine all the parts that fence, and repeat until the 1;4" plywood
recreation room. The display cabinet, utilize stub-tenon-and-groove joinery at the fits snugly in the groove. Now, cut the
with its glass shelves and mirrored back, same time. grooves in all the parts. Raise the blade
will add sparkle to the living room or
dining room. Either way, it's a beautiful
piece of furniture you'll be proud to say
1 Cut the side stiles (A), rails (B), and
middle rails (C); bottom, shelf, and
top stiles (F) and rails (G); and door stiles
to 2", and make two additional passes
over the blade with the door top rail (T).
For uniform-width grooves, especially
you built. (Q), bottom rail (R), middle rail (5), and in the long parts, use a feather board to
top rail (T) to size [Materials List, page keep the parts tightly against the fence.
Form grooves and tenons 38]. Mark the part letter on each part
Note: Most stub-tenon-and-groove joints with chalk. Also, for cutting the grooves,
have #i"-long tenons and #i"-deep grooves. mark the inside edges of parts A, B, F, G,
Because the side frames and door in this Q, R, and T, and both edges of parts C I!IBISCUIT GUIDE
project hold large glass panels, we increased
the tenon length and groove depth to W' for
and 5 [Drawings 1, 1b, 2, 2a, 6, and 6a].
Reserve some scrap pieces of the same
thickness to test your machine setups.
7 W'-;j-221;1/"
' ~4
Cut centered grooves to match the
aSIDE FOR GUN CABINET thickness of 1;4" plywood in the
(Left inside face shown) Biscuit 11 W'
marked part edges. To do this, adjust
your tablesaw blade to cut W' deep. Posi- )
#20 biscuit slot tion the fence to center the thickness of '¥4" plywood
1 111/4'--1 a scrap piece on the blade. (You can just i I I
2"~ center the part by eye.) Make one pass
I. 14V2" .1
3" .~ over the blade, rotate the piece end for
3/a" rabbet
1/4' deep
Va X 11 Va X 52%" glass DISPLAY
#20 biscuit CABINET
slots (Left inside
A face shown)
A W'rabbet
V2" deep
routed after
17" V4" holes
assembly #17 x 1" ¥a" deep
(Viewed from back)
*V4" grooves j,it:{4"
V2' deep, V2 11
centered rabbet
E routed
#20 biscuit
3" V
:,J 21/4' *Thickness of 1/4' plywoOd
woodmagazlne.com 31
With a partially housed Sfs" dado blade, the
Using 2"-wide spacers to position the rails (B)
• • ••
After making one pass over the inner lip with
fence as a stop, and a miter-gauge extension at the top and bottom (bottom shown), glue a 114" rabbet bit, switch to a W' rabbet bit and
as a backer, cut the rail (B, C, G, R, 5, T) tenons. and clamp the sides (AlBIC/D). climb-cut to remove the remaining portion.
1/4" groove '12' deep, centered
• •
Clamp the guide to the side assembly,
side assembly on your workbench with
its inside face up. Make sure the bit pilot
position the biscuit joiner against the guide, bearing runs on the edge of the outer lip
align the centerlines, and plunge the slots. and the bearing screw clears the bench
Using the guide as a spacer and a squaring Transfer the guide to the top end of the side With the guide clamped between the bottom
brace, glue, biscuit, and clamp the bottom assembly, and glue, biscuit, and clamp the and shelf to keep everything square, glue,
and shelf assemblies to one side assembly. top assembly in place. biscuit, and clamp the second side assembly.
surface, and the cutter will remove the II!JCROWN SIDE SECTION DETAIL
entire thickness of the inner lip. If nec- t--15/a'~
essary for bearing-screw clearance, place 'l
scrap blocks under the side assembly.
Clamp the assembly to the workbench, 1"
firmly grip the router, and climb-cut, Designer Jeff Mertz shows Va" grooves V,S" deep
removing 1;4" of the W'-deep lip. Switch the features of the cabinet
to a YZ" rabbet bit (or switch pilot bear- in a FREE video at:
ings of a rabbet set with interchangeable woodmagazine.com/videos
bearings), and complete the job [Photo 2"
C]. Square the corners with a chisel.
4 If you are building the display
cabinet, layout shelf-support hole
centers [Drawing 1c]. Chuck a W' brad-
o/a" round-
over with a
V's" shoulder
point bit into your drill press, position
the fence to align the bit with the hole
centers, and drill the holes. (Support the
#8 X 0/4" F.H. wood screw
side with a work stand where it hangs ____ r-- 291J, " )
over the table edge.) ___ -------------.--------------------------- __--
o/a" inset
~ self-closing
hinge -- ------,)
#8 X 0/4" F.H.
#20 biscuit A
wood screw
woodmagazlne.com 33
• •• •
Clamp one stile (I) in place, position the over- Glue and biscuit the rails (J) to the second
• ••
Starting and ending with the 3fs" cove bit
length rail (J) against it, hold the second stile stile (I). Then glue and biscuit these parts to pilot bearing against a stopblock, rout
(I) in place, and mark the length of the rail. the first stile (I) and the side stile (A). stopped coves along the edge of each stile (I).
i' 2"
WOOD magazine September 2008
with the base parts, miter, mark, and cut
the parts to length. Glue and clamp the
crown to the case [Drawing 4].
woodmagazine.com 35
(Viewed from back)
•• ••
Using a thin splint or small brush, spread
• 1Il'!Ali1iI~1:;
Sand a radius on the top end of each door
glue in the spline area in the stile (Q) and top- side stop (E) to match the radius at the top
rail (T) grooves. Then, insert the spline (V). ends of the door rabbet.
and drill a hole for the cam lock. (You outs smooth. Chuck a W' round-over bit Assemble the cabinet
can omit the cam lock if you are build-
ing the display case.) With the case lying
faceup, position the hinges on the face-
into a handheld router and rout the top
edge of each cutout. Switch to a %" cove
bit, and rout the front edge of the part.
1 For the gun cabinet, clamp the base
(AA) in place. From the bottom, drill
screw holes through the shelf rails (G)
frame stile (I) [Drawing 4], drill pilot Now, install a dado blade in your table- into the base, and drive the screws
holes, and screw them in place. Position saw, adjust the cut depth to match the [Drawing 4]. (For the #8 screws in this
the door on the case, and clamp it in shelf panel (H) recess, and cut rabbets project, drill %z" shank holes and ~4"
place. Reaching inside the case, drill along the ends and back edge. Finish- pilot holes.)
pilot holes into the door stile (Q).
Remove the door and hinges from the
case. Finish-sand the door.
sand the base.
to the case. Drill
screw holes and, for
the gun cabinet,
drive the screws.
For the display
cabinet, drill the
holes, then mark
the top edge of the shelf rear stile (F) on
the inside surface of the upper back.
Screw the lower back in place. Remove
each spacer on the base (AA). Apply
double-faced tape to the back edge of 7
TO complete the display cabinet,
install cushioned shelf supports in
the barrel support, position it on the the holes in the sides [Drawing4c]. Then,
the upper back and lay it on a flat surface tops of the spacers, and adhere it to the install the shelves. •
with the inside surface up. Adhere the upper back (L). Drill screw holes continued on page 38
mirror to the upper back with mirror through the back and into the
adhesive. Center the mirror side-to-side support [Drawing 4]. Drive the IiJDRAWER SLIDE INSTALLATION
and align its bottom edge with the screws.
marked line. After the adhesive cures,
screw the upper back to the case. 5 TO add interior lights, drill %"
. holes through the top panel
Cover the glass with cardboard and drive
door rabbet opposite each hinge
[Drawing 6]. Install the knob and
a brad into the glass stop (E) pilot hole b~ cam lock. (The lock is optional
sliding the hammer on the cardboard. for the display cabinet.)
woodmagazine.com 37
Cutting Diagram Materials List
Sides T W l MatI. Qty.
A stiles %" 2V4" 74" W 4
B rails %" 3" l1W' W 4
C middle rails 3/4 " 3" 11'14" w 2
D panels V4" 11'/4" 10" WP 2
F F ~Fiiii:]
x 71/4' x 96" Walnut (5.3 bd. ft.) *Plane or resaw to
E glass stop blanks 3/atr V2" 60" W 8
o x 7%" x 96" Walnut (5.3 bd. ft.)
BB ~~~~~~~~,.,...,.,==-..., K lower back W' 29W' 123fs" WP
M ---- '/4 x 48 x 48" l upper back W' 29W' 563fs" WP
3f4 x 71/4" x 96" Walnut (5.3 bd. ft.) '----- Baltic birch plywood Base and crown
M base blank 3/4" 3'12" 72" W
% x 5W' x 60" Walnut (2.5 bd. ft.)
f--::--- -. --' N crown base blank lf2" 2" 72" W
§VX I @J:
% x 5W' x 96" Poplar (4 bd. ft.)
l{xH~k FE ~._. 0 cap blank 3/4" 1%" 72" W
Hardware: '/a" inset self-closing burnished brass
mLiGHTS hinges with self-adhesive bumpers no. A07565
BB, $1.61 pro (2 pr.); lv." weathered brass knob no.
A27030 R2, $3.51; 14" full-extension drawer slide
no. KV8400 B14, $11.45 pro (2 pr.); antique brass
cam lock no. N8055 04G 346, $6.79 (optional for
display cabinet); cushioned shelf supports, bag
of 20, no. G611WPB, $4.60 (display cabinet only);
black three-light kit no. WKSW60lCS, $29.56; touch
di.mmer no. WKA6553CS, $14.61. Woodworker's
~ardware, 800-383-0130, wwhardware.com.
on the centerlines and on the
1" wire brads
waste side of the are, then spray-
adhere this template to the hard- --.J - ~- .
1,:7~""':' .-.
board with the pattern corner in
the 90° corner of the hardboard.
dimension (width) dimension I
(length) ----J
3 Radius any square corner ElCORNER RADIUS
• What you'll need: A compass large compass to one of the marks (B), and B
enough to span the corner radius. draw an arc, as shown in red. Repeat for
• How to do it: Determine the corner the other mark. Then place the compass
radius you want, and set the legs of a point at this intersection (C), and draw
compass that distance apart. With the a quarter-circle from one edge mark to
compass point at the corner of the work- the other.
piece (A) on Drawing 3, mark arcs (B) on To cut out the corner, bandsaw or jig-
the adjacent edges of the workpiece, as saw to within Va" of the arc. Then sand
shown in blue. Move the point of the down to the line.
o 0(1) 1
woodmagazlne.com 41
hen you build a jig, you
The Magswitch, a permanent magnet
you can turn on and off, quickly and
tenaciously fastens a fence, guide, hold-
down, or other jig to a steel or iron tool
table. The device contains two powerful
rare-earth magnets. Twisting a knob
rotates one of them so the poles align to
turn the magnetic' attraction on. Twist
The MagJig fits through a hole in a jig base. The
Epoxy round rare-earth magnets into
the knob the other way, and the poles knob turns the magnet on or off. Available in blind holes in a jig. Putting them into steel
cancel each other, effectively turning two sizes, about $30 each, Lee Valley, Woodcraft. mounting cups increases magnetic pull.
Toggle clamps
Toggle clamps provide qUick, positive
clamping. Though more complex and
more expensive, they often work in situ-
ations where T-track hold-downs prove
impractical. Install vertical clamps Avertical toggle clamp holds the workpiece firmly The horizontal toggle clamp on this jig
[Photo G] to hold a workpiece against the in place on this sled. The foot adjusts up or down safely and securely holds a small workpiece
surface where the clamp is mounted, to change tension or clamp thinner material. against a notched fence for drilling.
whether vertical, horizontal, or any
angle between. Horizontal clamps
[Photo H] press a workpiece sideways Measuring tapes steel, heavy paper, or plastic, these tapes
against a fence, such as on a drill-press To simplify positioning a workpiece pre- have a PSA (pressure-sensitive adhesive)
jig, or a stop. Some toggle clamps slide cisely on a jig or setting an adjustable backing, and are available in either left-
into T-tracks. The clamps come in sev-4
stop, apply a self-adhesive measuring or right-reading versions with English or
eral sizes and cost $10-$20 each. tape directly to the jig [Photo I]. Made of metric scales. To allow easy centering, as
woodmagazine.com 43
well as accurate measurements in both
directions from a point, such as a drill-
press chuck or mortising bit, apply left-
and right-reading tapes so they meet at
the reference point.
Slippery stuff
Parts slide more freely on a low-friction
surface of ultra-high-molecular-weight
(UHMW) polyethylene. You can buy it
as solid stock or self-adhesive tape, often
called slick strips or slippery tape [Photo
J].When a jig guide slides in a miter-
gauge slot or T-track, make the guide
from UHMW for smooth movement.
For a fence, such as a resawing jig, put a A self-adhesive measuring tape attached to a Slippery UHMW polyethylene comes as solid stock
larger piece or several strips on the face. jig simplifies adjustment and work positioning. in many shapes and sizes or as self-adhesive tape.
Thin UHMW tape is a qUick and less- Tapes read left-to-right or right-to-Ieft. It's ideal for sliding jig bases or fence faces.
expensive way to make a slick-sliding
surface. The tape is ideal for disposable
or limited-use jigs, too. Solid stock gen-
erally costs $5-$25, depending on size;
rolls oftape sell for $8-$20 each.
Sticky stuff
When you need a jig surface that resists
slipping and sliding, high-friction tape
[Photo K] fits the bill. It's similar to the
pads that keep cell phones from sliding
off car dashboards. The tape's adhesive
backing makes it easy to attach to jig
faces. Apply it to the fence of a sliding
cutoff table, for instance, so the work-
piece won't creep. Or, use it to make a
nonskid back on a straightedge guide for
a router or circular saw. High-friction tape adds grip to a surface to Self-adhesive sandpaper on this miter jig
prevent slipping without bonding or clamping. prevents slippage. About $13 for 2W'x30'
Another quick way to slip-proof a jig $3.40 for 1x12", item 99K34.01, Lee Valley. roll, various grits, item 68Z72.01, Lee Valley.
surface is to apply strips of self-adhesive
sandpaper [Photo L]. Sold in rolls, the
sandpaper has a PSA (pressure-sensitive
: • • . :
adhesive) backing that sticks to any
smooth, clean surface.
September 2008 Issue 785
Solid-Oak Bookcase
Page 60
(2 needed) <iii.' !!IiG3 MJ
Safari Puzzle
Page 44 Issue 184
Dear Reader: As a service
to you, we've included full-
Join patterns size patterns on this insert
here. for irregular shaped and
intricate project parts. You
can machine all other proj-
ect parts using the Materials
List and the drawings
accompanying the project
you're building.
© Copyright Meredith Corporation, 2008. All
rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Meredith Corp., the publisher of WOOD
Patterns®, allows the purchaser of this pat-
tern insert to photocopy these patterns solely
for personal use. Any other reproduction of
these patterns is strictly prohibited.
I ~------------------------- ----------------------
,,, -cc:JV)
,,, Q) 0 0
i Location of part @ (1)~c..
y, O\Qo
,, O"'Q)
i L Location of part ©
------------~------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------1,
,, 5"
---I 1
,,, ''
,, ''
I 1 1 1
I 1 1 1
I 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 c:_) (t=---+'): : _:
: -J-----t..-:: I
.. ..
Note: Grain direction
t------+----+-----~ - - - - - - - - - - - - <..
Page 60
(2 needed)
• Overall dimensions: 26W' wide x 21" deep x 35W' high (on casters).
• Raising the fold-away top creates a 58W' wide x 21" deep worksurface.
• Build it from two sheets of %" Baltic birch plywood
and a quarter-sheet of ~6" perforated hardboard.
• Two-way locking swivel casters hold the cart in
position when used as a tool or assembly stand.
Skill Builders
• Learn how a guide called a story stick
helps you repeat layout marks. See a Slide Show of this
• Make sturdy utility drawers using project coming together at:
drawer sides with built-in slides.
woodmagazlne.com 49
Mark drawer-slide centerlines on both case
• • •
Center the slide mounting holes on the line,
Joining the sides (A), top, and bottom (8) on
sides (A). The story stick lets you duplicate with the front end of the slide flush with the a flat surface helps prevent racking. Measure
those lines on the other case side. edge of the side (A). between diagonal corners to ensure square.
f you've put off making drawer-based
shop storage because you doubt your
case side, and transfer the story stick
lines to the other side part. 6 0n the underside of the top (B), drill
countersunk mounting holes [Draw-
drawer-making skills, then relax. The
combination slides/drawer sides used for
this cart eliminate that obstacle.
4 sort the case-mounted parts of the
drawer side slides into left and right
sides. (Wheels on the case-mounted
ing 2] to later attach the fixed top (E).
(For all #8 screws, drill countersunk %2"
shank holes and 1'64" pilot holes.)
) f
tops (D, E). Rout a Va" round-over
along the top and bottom edges of both
tops [Drawing 2].
•• •
Glue and screw a stile (F) and rail (G) to the
folding top (D). Then attach the leg rail (I),
followed by the other stile and rail.
• ••
Clamp the tops together while attaching the
• •
Allow a 114" gap between the stiles and rails of
Mount the locking swivel casters beneath the
hinge to ensure a gap-free surface when the the fixed top and the case top before driving drawer opening end of the case to make the
folding top is raised. the mounting screws. locking lever easy to reach.
12" continuous
hinges 2 Mark the locations
of the slots in the
leg top m and counter-
2" eye screw .
bores/holes in the leg
bottom (K) [Drawing 3].
Brace the leg bottom
against a 14"-long fence
0/.' counterbore
0/8" deep with a on your drill press, and
17/64" hole use a %" Forstner bit to
centered inside drill a ¥a"-deep counter-
bore. Rotate the leg and
drill a second counter-
1/4"-20 bore [Photo H]. Without
knob moving the drill press
fence or table, replace
the Forstner bit with a
17/64" brad-point bit and
( .
1/4"-20 hexhead bolt
drill a hole centered in
each counterbore.
2" eye screw
woodmagazlne.com 51
The fence remains in the same position for
• • • •• •
Drill 17/64" holes %" apart, then drill away the First attach one leafto the leg rail (I).-Attach
drilling counterbores and holes in the leg waste between the holes to form slots in the the other leaf to the leg top (J) second to
bottom (K) and slots in the leg top (J). leg top (J). allow clearance for a drill/driver chuck.
314" counterbore
3/s" deep with a
17/64" hole
centered inside
Ii ... #8 x V2"
111\ (
1r panhead
---16" ·1
Build drawers the fast way Finish up and get rolling bottom (K) [Drawing 2]. One latch holds
3 Cut the drawer fronts (N) to size. the drawers using the drawer-front
Drill holes for the handle screws. brackets [Photo L]. Use nickel spacers to
Materials List
4 use the story board Shop Tip on provide a Y16" gap between drawers. Case T L MatI. Qty.
page 52 to layout the drawer-front (There's a Yz" gap between the top drawer A sides %" 22V4" 28%" BP 2
bracket mounting locations. Align a and the case.) Then number the outside B top/bottom %" 23" 17W' BP 2
bracket on the drawer front (N) with the drawer backs 1-5 from top to bottom to C back 3/16" 16%"* 28%" PH 1
slots over the mounting location lines. preserve these spacings after removing Tops
Mark the centers of the mounting slots the drawers. 0 folding top %" 21" 32" BP
[Photo K]. Drill pilot holes, and mount
the brackets. Repeat for the remaining
four drawers.
Attach 2" hook-and-eye latches to
the folding top, leg top 0), and leg
E fixed top
F stiles
BP 4
G folding top rails %" 1V2" 29" BP 2
------- ..
~ @L)
L drawer backs
N drawer fronts
0/16 x 24 x 48"
Perforated t,Q).r.~',_-
__:':__=.~-::.. =F~_:::::'_:"'~~~-::==--_".....-/ Hardware: Metal side slides no. 12K38.4s, $8.70 pair
(5); 4" metal handles in oil-rubbed bronze finish, no.
02W26.26, $3.95 each (5); W'-20four-arm knobs no.
~~-~ ,..c-:=.. .-_ 00M55.40, $1.90 each (2); 4" caster set no. 00K20.10
includes two locking-swivel and two fixed casters, $45;
= -' 0/'4 X 48 x 96" Birch plywood from Lee Valley, 800-871-8158 or leevalley.com.
woodmagazlne.com 53
f you're looking to bUy
BS1400 vibrated significantly. Installing resawed JA"-thick panels from 6"-wide Next, we installed riser blocks, shown
a Power Twist link belt reduced that oak-hand-feeding the wood as fast as above, on the Shop Fox and both Grizzly
shaking somewhat, but it still vibrated each saw could cut it. Here we saw saws-performers at three levels in our
more than the others. And vibration important differences. (See the chart resawing-power test-adding 6" to their
makes precision cutting difficult. above.) The Shop Fox W1706 blazed resaw capacities. We found all three
Because bandsaws excel at resawing- through the oak, averaging 60" per min- could power through 12"-wide oak
standing a board on edge and cutting ute, thanks to its muscular 1-hp-rated boards at slower feed rates. You can also
off thin slabs-many of you employ motor and cast-iron wheels that transfer add optional riser blocks to the Jet,
them to get more use from prized fig- torque to the cut. Ridgid, and Steelex saws, but not to the
ured or exotic stock. Most of these saws After that you can pretty much ignore steel-frame Craftsman and Rikon.
can fit boards up to 6" wide between the horsepower ratings as a measure of abso-
upper blade gUides and table (except the lute cutting power. The %-hp-rated All impressed us,
Craftsman 22401, which maxes out at Grizzly G0580, Ridgid, and Steelex The Verdict: but one strike
just over 8"), a real challenge in hard, ST1000 outpowered several saws with against the Ridgid BS1400 for excessive
dense wood. So for our next test we 1-hp-rated motors. vibration.
woodmagazlne.com 55
There's no cutting corners with curve-cutting
To test each saw's ability to cut inside
and outside curves, we installed new
lfl"-wide, 6-tpi Carter blades, and cut out
a block "S" with each saw. TheJetJWBS-
140S and Shop Fox followed the lines so
well, it felt as if they were on autopilot.
Ridgid's vibration made it difficult to
follow the lines, leaving ragged edges.
Next, we cut out 1lfl"-diameter holes,
and each bandsaw performed well. But
when we pushed the machines to cut a
tighter radius, the Grizzly GOSSS, Jet, .
Bandsaws excel at cutting curved workpieces, such as circles and the block letter "5" at left in
and Shop Fox excelled; Craftsman and
the photo. Equipped with a 114" blade, most of the machines easily sawed radii smaller than W'.
Ridgid struggled.
We switched to a Yz" blade for larger
circles. All saws handled a S"-diameter Ridgid strikes out model in late 2008, but we could not get
cut, but a 4" one proved too tight for the
The Verdict: because its vibra- one in time for this test.) We also elimi-
Ridgid and Steelex without backing up tion makes it difficult to use accurately. nated Steelex from contention. The
and starting again. (Ridgid will replace this saw with a new Craftsman saw gets a warning.
Ball-bearing guides, like those on the Grizzly G0555 (left), spin freely while holding the blade in line side-to-side and vertically. Square steel
guide blocks, like the ones on the Jet JWBS-140S (right), sit within a few thousandths of an inch from the blade.
/ lbo~.
With front and back trunnions, like those on the Grizzly G0555, the Rikon's single trunnion made it difficult to tilt the table, but its
table can only tilt within the trunnion slots. adjustment screws made it easy to square the table front to back.
woodmagazine.com 57
Why spend more when these four test survivors get the job done?
Grizzly G0555, $395 .... Jet JWBS-140S, $4.60
High Points High Points
. . Demonstrated the least amount of blade . . Cuts tight curves and follows marked
deflection, about V32". lines well.
• Blade-tension quick-release lever makes • Steel guide blocks with thumbscrews
blade changes quicker and could extend make adjustments quicker than using
the life of your blades and tires. bearings.
• Comes with a miter gauge, and its sturdy • Table tilts 50° right and 17° left, enabling
rip fence with easy-to-use scale was the you to cut high-angled dovetails.
best in this test. Low Points
• Microadjustable ball-bearing blade • You must remove the table to adjust the
guides help it cut tight curves. lower blade guides forward or backward.
• Table tilts 51 ° right and W left, enabling • Moving the top guide assembly up or
you to cut high-angled dovetails. down changes the thrust bearing and
Low Points guide block alignment to the blade.
• Its 6' power cord is shortest in the test. • Its 6' power cord is shortest in the test.
More Points
• Bearing-style blade guides with micro-
adjusters work well but take longer to
• Not the most powerful saw in the test,
but cuts accurately and has nice features
for its price.
1. (A) Aluminum 4. Excellent 7. Using a 1-hp dust collector 9. (C) China
(C) Cast Iron Good with 4" hose (T) Taiwan
2. (B) Ball bearing Fair 8. (B) Blade 10. Prices current at time of
(S) Square steel insert Not Applicable (F) Rip fence article production and do
blocks (L) Task light not include shipping, where
5. Timed cuts while resawing (M) Miter gauge applicable.
3. (Q) Threaded rod with quick 6"-wide red oak (R) Riser block
release (T) Tools for adjustments
(R) Threaded rod 6. Resawing 6"-wide red oak
." c
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Band your dollars together and put them into this saw
The Grizzly GOSSS and Shop Fox W1706 separate themselves It wasn't the most powerful saw, but its quality of cut proved
from the field, not for doing one thing well but rather for second to none, and that's ultimately what we expect from a
doing the most things well. The Shop Fox demonstrates the bandsaw. It also excelled at cutting curves because its blade
most power, cuts curved shapes best, vibrates little, and has guides held the blade true without twisting, and it was at or
heavy-duty cast-iron components. But we just can't get past near the top in every performance category with no signifi-.
its blade deflection of %2" in a 6" resaw cut. If this doesn't cant flaws. And it's also the best value in the class. •
bother you then buy this saw. But we'll gladly trade cutting Written by Bob Hunter with Craig Ruegsegger Illustrations: Tim Cahill
speed for accuracy, so we've named1:he GOSSS our Top Tool.
woodmagazine.com 59
You don't ne
a dream sho
to build this
handsome p
a few basic p
tools will do.
one-stop sho
at your favori
. I home center
Ou'd pay a lot for a solid-wood bookcase in a furniture one cove (F) from the edge of each of these shelf blanks. For
store. Instead, save a bundle by building this handsome the bottom shelf (E) blank) edge-glue three %x3lhx27" boards.
oak piece. You'll get the bonus of enjoying some time in
your shop. Machine the case parts
Edge-glue the blanks 1 Cut the sides (A) and bolsters (B) to size [Materials List, page
64]. Make two photocopies of Side Pattern #1, Side Pattern
1 To make blanks for the sides (A), cut four %x3Yzx43" boards
and two that measure %x2Yzx43". Layout two 3Yz"-wide
boards and one 2Yz"-wide board for each side, arranging them
#2, and the Bolster Pattern on the WOOD Patterns® insert.
Adhere the patterns to the parts with spray adhesive [Drawing
1], and cut them to shape [Photo A]. Sand the cut edges smooth.
for the best grain and color match. Edge-glue the sides. To To drum-sand the edges using an electric drill, see page 20.
obtain the flattest panels, see the Shop Tip below. Edge-glue the bolsters (B) to the sides (A) [Drawing 1].
With the two side (Al patterns adhered to the side, install a fine-tooth Starting at the marked line on the inside face of the right-hand side
blade into your jigsaw and carefully cut along the line. (Al, rout a rabbet all the way to the bottom.
How to edge-glue
finished-thickness boards
Buying boards already planed to 3,4" thick saves
time and eliminates the need for a planer. But
when edge-gluing narrow boards to make
a wide panel, there's no extra thickness to
plane or sand away, so the surfaces of adjacent
boards must align perfectly. Using the sides (A)
as an example, here's how to ensure the flattest
Glue and clamp the first two boards,
applying light pressure with pipe or bar clamps.
Then apply clamps along the glue line to align
the board faces, as shown near right. Tighten
the pipe clamps.
After the first glue-up dries, glue and clamp
the third board to the first two, once again
clamping along the glue line, as shown far right.
woodmagazlne.com 61
4 ChUCk a 3jg" cove bit into a handheld router, and rout the top 5
Make two photocopies of the Crest Rail Pattern. Cut along
the pattern lines, and adhere the patterns to the crest rail
front edge of the top shelf (C), middle shelf (D), and bottom blank, flipping one pattern. Jigsaw and sand the rail to shape.
shelf (E) blanks [Drawing 2, Step 1]. Then rip the cove trim (F)
from the top and middle shelf blanks [Step 2]. Rip the shelves t~ 6
Finish-sand the top shelf (C), middle shelves (D), bottom
shelf (E), cove trim (F), crest rail (G), and bottom rail (H).
i 'I
Location I ®
of side
pattern #2
\ I:
\ I
of parts(D
• .\ J.
Location of
\~ .
bolster \
42" 42"
Glue and clamp the cove trim to the top and middle shelves [Drawing 4], and screw them to the sides with flathead screws
[Drawings 3 and 3a] and the crest rail to the top shelf [Drawing and panhead screws and washers [Drawing 3].
3b]. Keep the part ends flush. 2Place one side assembly (A/II]) inside face up on your work-
7 Cut the long cleats (I) and short cleats (J) to size. Drill
countersunk shank holes and form slots by drilling over-
lapping holes [Drawing 4]. (For the #8 wood screws in this
bench. Sparingly apply glue to the back 2" of the top face
. of the short cleat (J). Position the top shelf assembly (C/F/G)
against the short cleat, aligning the back of the assembly with
project, drill %2" shank holes and 164" pilot holes.) Make sure the back edge of the side (A). Drill pilot holes [Photo e], and
you have four left-hand and four right-hand cleats. (The coun- fasten the shelf with a flathead screw and panhead screw and
tersunk hole and slot in the 1" width are offset toward the washer [Drawing 3]. Then glue and screw the middle shelf
front of the bookcase, and the shank hole in the ¥t" thickness assemblies (D/F) and bottom shelf (E) to the long cleats (I).
is countersunk on the inside face.) Finish-sand the cleats. Now glue and screw the shelves to the cleats on the second side
assembly [Photo D].
Construct the case
1 Position the cleats (I, J) on the sides (A) [Drawing 1], and
clamp them in place. Using the hole and center of the slot
3 GIUe and clamp the bottom rail (H) to the underside of
the bottom shelf (E) with the front edge of the rail and the
front edges of the bolsters (B) flush [Drawing 3].
in each cleat as a guide, drill pilot holes into the sides. Spar-
ingly apply plue to the back 2" of the W face of each cleat 4 Cut the back (K) to size and finish-sand it. The oak side
faces up when cutting the plywood on a tablesaw.
0/'16" slots
3/a" long
/ .~
W4'''i> 1"
woodmagazlne.com 63
Materials List
Case T W l MatI. Qty.
A* sides 3/4" 9" 42" 0 2
B bolsters 3/4" 1314" 14314" 0 2
Big Gulp Ultimate Dust Hood Where to buy: Lee Valley Tools,
Model #DLGULP, $60 800-871-8158,leevalley.com;
Penn State Industries Grizzly Industrial, 800-523-4777,
800-377-7297, pennstateind.com grizzly.com
woodmagazine.com 65
Add punch and simplicity to your DC system
Gain airflow and filtration No-clog blast gates improve airflow
with specially made bags Debris can build up in
If your dust collector's filter bag puffs up the grooves of typical
like a taut balloon, you're probably not blast gates, preventing
getting maximum airflow through your them from closing fully,
collector. Although many manufact- so they leak air and
urers offer high-efficiency filter bags ultimately reduce suction
(1 to 5 microns) as standard or optional where you need it.
equipment, most don't do anything to Lee Valley's self-cleaning
optimize airflow. American Fabric Filter gates extend through the
custom-makes oversize I-micron bags bracket to push debris out
that increase airflow by not restricting of the groove and prevent
it. Top bags cost from $120 to $150, and such buildup.
bottom bags from $70 to $85.
High-Efficiency Filter Bags Blast Gates
Custom-made, $70-$150 2"-6" models, $8-$17 each
American Fabric Filter Lee Valley Tools
800-367-3591, americanfabricfilter.com 800-871-8158,leevalley.com
You can use this filter for wet messes No holes necessary for dust pickup
We've all been there: To remove the caked-on dust from the Mirka's Abranet sanding discs are made of a porous, meshlike
pleated paper filter of your shop vacuum, you tap it, beat on material, with grit on one side and hook-and-Ioop-style fasten-
it, or blow it out with compressed air, but you still can't get it ers on the other. The result: You get effective dust collection
fully clean. Not so with Cleanstream filters, made of non- through all the pores without taking the time to line it up with
stick Gore-Tex material you can clean with air or water, so it the sander's dust-collection holes. Abranet comes in 13 grits
works on wet and dry pickups. They deliver finer filtration from 80 to 1,000, and costs nearly twice as much as Mirka's
than paper varieties-trapping particles as small as 0.3 Gold sandpaper discs. But the better dust collection means the
micron. Filters fit Shop-Vac, Craftsman, and Ridgid brands. abrasive won't load up with sanding dust, so it lasts longer than
Cleanstream Wet/Dry Vacuum Filters typical sandpaper. And it means you'll put
$23-$35 each less dust into the air. Abranet also
W.L. Gore and Associates comes in sheets and rolls.
800-758-6755, c1eanstream.com
Various grits,
$14-$18 for 10
discs (also available
in 50 packs)
Mirka Abrasives
Where to buy: Woodcraft,
800-225-1153, woodcraft.com
woodmagazine.com 67
Mo ·
Junior operating engineers will enjoy
doing the heavy lifting with this fully
operational construction toy.
efore your favorite youngster gets bogged down
in video games, give a gift that lets his imagina-
tion do the lifting-this sturdy wooden crane.
2 Lay out the chassis (A) front and rear bevels [Drawing
1], and bandsaw and sand them to shape. Then chuck
an 11hz" brad-point bit into your drill press, position the
fence W' from the bit center, and drill axle holes in both
sides of the chassis [Photo A]. Finish-sand the part.
the I" holes and the outside edges of the the counterweight to the boom (D/E/F),
mast, except for the bottom. Finish-sand Y2" from the end and centered.
the mast.
Fabricate the hoist Layout the axle hole centers on the chassis
5 From a %xl%x22" piece of stock,
resaw and plane a 14"-thick blank for
the front spacer (D) and rear spacer (E). 1 From Y2"-thick stock, cut the hoist
sides (I) to size. Adhere them face-to-
(A). Clamp the chassis to the drill-press fence
at each location, and drilllW'-deep holes.
(We used walnut.) Cut the parts to face with double-faced tape. Mark hole
length. Bandsaw and sand the chamfer centers [Drawing Sa], and drill the holes width of the mast (B/C) and the hoist
on the front spacer and the taper on the on your drill press with a l,4" brad-point sides (I). Rout a chamfer along the top
rear spacer [Drawing 3]. bit. Layout the angled corner. Bandsaw front edge [Drawing 5]. Drill shank holes
woodmagazine.com 69
As with the mast, cut 3/4 x%x24" cauls, Sparingly apply glue to the cab (G), position Using the holes in the hoist side (I) as guides,
applying masking tape, to align the spacers it against the boom (D/E/F), centered on the drill 3/16" holes for the threaded rod through
(0, E) between the boom sides (F) for gluing. mast (B/C), and clamp the cab in place. the mast (B/C) with a brad-point bit.
, rs-3'~~11f2"
II ~------
DEXPLODED VIEW holes, and drive the screws. (For #6
¥4" screws, drill %4" shank holes and 0/32"
\ j 1/1S" chamfer pilot holes.) Clamp the mast (B/C)
f"i::::::::::=T'l on all edges
, -~ between the hoist sides. Using the screw
1~- \:.1f2" holes in the hoist base as guides, drill
G•• _ #10-32 threaded rod pilot holes into the mast sides (B), and
25/a" long
...-.. _~
"'~"'--- #1 0-32 threaded rod
""iIto 0 11/8" long
'---#10-32 cap nut #10-32 cap nut
Snap hook
43/4' •
String 24" long
, }
'¥is" hole "--"'--n, -;-r
~ 1/1S" chamfers
#10-32 cap nut @
~:: b
i ,
#10-32 threaded rod
35/a" long
.....o--!-1O-32 cap nut , \
..... #6 x 1/2"
#8 x 2" F.H. wood screw~ i e panhead screw
I!ICABDETAIL 3'" lazy Susan, 1
l 2
11 I J
centered 1
1/8" chamfer r- 11f2"----j
l 2¥4'
'-:J.l,,·2\(2' '
11" ~
~u ¥S" waSher~~'
",'em wheel
t 6))
@ ~
~ "&
'1/32 X 2¥S"
tandem wheel axle
70 WOOD magazine September 2008
How to safely hold rounded objects for drilling
Enlarging the screw holes in the wood
knobs for the hoist assembly presents
two challenges: holding a part with a
domed surface steady on the drill-press
table, and keeping it from spinning
as the drill bit bites into the surface.
Here's an easy way to overcome both.
Drill a %" hole 114" deep in a piece of
%"-thick scrap. Place a 1Y2x1 W' piece
of double-faced tape over the hole, as
shown at right. Center the knob over
the hole, and press down firmly. Now
support the scrap with the drill-press
fence, centering the bit on the knob
screw hole, and drill, as shown at
far right. This method also works for
drilling into wood balls.
~ 1W' ~
Trim after assembly.
Parts trimmed
____----7after assembly
woodmagazine.com 71
and press a knob onto the end of each ~~1W' wood knob
one. Wrap masking tape around one end
of each spool dowel, and insert the other #10-32 cap nut
~G ,
I V4" hole 3/a" deep
end into one of the remaining holes. \ '. 1 \ J V." washers
Apply a clear finish to all the parts and "-@ "'0'" @
'ih .\. ..... ¥a x .78" compression spring
assemblies. (We applied four coats of @.~~ '.
aerosol satin lacquer, sanding between
coats with 320-grit sandpaper. To smooth ?~ 1{2 :::::::. 3/32" hole
the wheels between coats, use a soft brass #10-32 threaded rod 1Va X 7/a" spool
wire brush.) 35/a" long
11 1/4" washer
1/4 11
2 Slide a wheel and washer onto each
axle. Glue the axles into the chassis chamfer ~
W' dowel 4" long
fasten the second hoist side in place, wood screw
capturing the spool dowels within the ,"
hoist side holes. Add a washer to each
dowel protruding from the hoist sides,
and glue the knobs onto the dowels. 1W' wood knob
#10-32 cap nut
Vz" 2%"
1112" 3"
W 2
spacer (E), through the hole in the rear hard hat, and start up your engines and hoist base 3/4" 3%" 6V." w
spool, and then tie it off. Wind the your imagination... 'Parts initially cut oversize. See the instructions.
Hardware kit: Each kit includes the following parts:
~:: 2: ::~ ::~ ~~ :Jmt:::':::::::::::n *®§ ::::j tandem wheels (8), tandem wheel axles (8), 'Is" flat
washers (8), 3" lazy Susan, #10-32x12" threaded rod,
¥4 X 3 1/2 X 60"
Maple (1.7 bd. ft.) #10-32 cap nuts (8), snap hook, wood bucket, lV.' birch
'Plane or resaw to the thicknesses listed in the Materials List. knobs (4), lV.x '/." spools (2), V4x9y," wood dowel,
¥." flat washers (12), ,/. x .78" compression springs (4),
J black nylon string (14 ft.). Order kit no. 3122, $24.99,
plus shipping. Meisel Hardware Specialties,
D ~00-441-9870, meiselwoodhobby.com.
3f4 X 5V2 x 24" Walnut (1 bd. ft.)
72 WOOD magazine September 2008
For an answer to your woodworking question, write to ASK
Answers to your questions from . WOOD, 1716 Locust St., LS-221, Des Moines, IA 50309·3023
letters, e-mails, and WOOD Online o or e-mail usataskwood@woodmagazine.com. For immediate
feedback from your fellow woodworkers, post your questions on
one of our woodworking forums at woodmagazine.com/forums.
Heart-smart woodworking
Q el recently had a pacemaker
e put in and, according to my
doctor, 1can't get within two feet of
my power tools. How do 1save my
hobby and my health?
-AI Lakatos, Brighton, Mich.
wax shavings into the oil.
In addition to the elevation You'll find paraffin wax at your
• screws on your planer, Tom, rub grocery store, where it's sometimes
paraffin wax onto the threads of screws labeled as "canning wax," or your craft
to make them easier to drive into wood. store, labeled as "candle wax." Old,
Applying an even coat on the infeed discarded candles work well, too. continued on page 74
woodmagazlne.com 73
Curing glue-clogged clamps
Q .llent a friend four damps to
.glue up a large project. They
came back with dried yellow glue
a few minutes before removing it with a
plastic scraper. When you're finished,
use detergent and water to remove the
globs on the bars that he couldn't cleaner. For more stubborn deposits,
get off. What's the best way to re- use a hair dryer or heat gun on the
move glue that's hardened? high setting to 'soften the glue before
-George Noeth, Fort Mill, S.c. scraping it off, as shown at right.
Next time you lend a friend your
You've got a couple of options clamps, throw in a roll of painter's tape.
• for removing dried glue from Tell him to adjust the clamp jaws
clamps, George. For thin deposits, spray during dry assembly, and then mask
on a citrus-based cleaner, such as Citrus the bar between the jaws with the tape
Magic or Polyken 41 Citrus Cleaner. before gluing and clamping. Any drips
Allow it to soften and swell the glue for will come off with the tape.
Stopblocks ensure
a square frame
Q .I want to use my mitersaw to
• miter-cut four pieces of lx4"
stock to the same length for a square
frame. How can I do that precisely?
-Henry Long, Benbrook, Texas
continued on page 76
Doweling 101
Q .Is there a list of tried-and-true
• doweling rules? I want to edge-
join a pair of 3/4 x7x48" ash boards for
rocking horse rockers. How close to
the ends can I place dowels, and how
Measure Master® Pro far apart can I space them?
Feet-Inch-Fraction and Metric Demension Calculator -Charlie Stopcynski, Lawrenceville, Ga.
You'll get professional woodworking results with ease. The Measure
Master makes it simple to work in, and convert between, most common
dimensional formats - as well as Areas and Volumes. Includes built-in We recommend making that first
Board-Feet solutions. Model 4020 • hole about %" from the end; as
Construtfion Master Pro shown below, to avoid breaking out the
Advanced Feet-Inch-Fraction Construction-Math Calculator end grain while muscling loose a dry-
Our most complete calculator for the advanced woodworker. It features
more powerful built-in solutions, in addition to those found in the Measure
Master Pro. The perfect tool If your woodworking passion includes
projects such as remodeling or adding a room. It even provides Angles
assembled joint in preparation for a
For edge-gluing, the dowels align the .
••••• for compound miters. Model 4065
pieces and keep their surfaces flush
Home ProiedCalc® more than reinforce the joint. So space
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Simplify your home Improvement projects with this easy-to-use calculator. the dowel holes just close enough to
Built-in function keys let you quickly and accurately find material correct any minor warping of the parts.
requirements for paint, concrete, tiies, wallpaper and carpet. Model 8510
For most edge joints, space the dowels
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Low-cost, low-speed 6" grinder proves a perfect fit for turner.s
I've long searched for an inexpensive wheel, I can sharpen wide tools without dressing tool to flatten the wheels, and
6" slow-speed (1,725 rpm) grinder for having to slide them side-to-side on the you'll have sharp tools in no time. •
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was, all the 6" grinders I found either
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What's Ahead
A sneak peek inside the October issue (on sale August 26)
Quilt Rack
Display several quilts in
minimal floor space with
this no-nonsense rack.
It qUickly disassembles for
storage or transport.
Wood car
Is it possible to build a
wooden car that will
go 240 miles per hour?
Discover how acrew of
North Carolina craftsmen
are making this dream
a reality. Chinese checkers
Build this project in just aweekend for years of fun-filled family
entertainment. Asimple router template makes child's play of
accurately placing the marble recesses.
92 September 2008
If you're looking for high-performance. dust collection in
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See them in action at your local quality Powermatic dealer.