Electrical Signals Course PDF

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ECE 633 & 633H: Signals and Systems I

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Fall 2016

Meeting Times and Location: T R 11:10am – 12:30pm in Kingsbury N343. ECE 633H students meet additionally W
5:10 – 6pm in Kingsbury N343.

Instructor: Prof. Se Young (Pablo) Yoon, Kingsbury W217, SeYoung.Yoon@unh.edu, 862-5364. The preferred mean
of contact outside office hours is by email.

Office Hours: M W 9:30 – 11:00am. Students may stop in when the office door is open.

Credits: 3 credits for ECE 633, and 4 credits for ECE 633H. No lab, not writing intensive, not a Discovery or Inquiry

Requisites: Prerequisite is MATH 527 or equivalent.

Course Purpose: This course is designed to connect real systems to their underlying mathematical description, and
to establish the foundations for subsequent courses in communications and controls systems.

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, you should be able to do the following:

• Classify signals and systems based on their properties

• Derived the system model of a LTIC system and determine its stability
• Predict the response of a system to a prescribed input signal and given initial conditions
• Use the Laplace transform table to solve the forward and inverse Laplace transform
• Obtain the transfer function of a LTIC system
• Solve system response using Laplace transform
• Design filters for achieving a desired signal transformation
• Understand how to obtain the frequency spectrum of periodic and aperiodic signals

Text: (Required) Linear Systems and Signals, 2/e, by B. P. Lathi, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005, ISBN-13

References: (Not required)

Signals, Systems and Transforms, 5/e, by C. L. Phillips, J. M. Parr and E. A. Riskin, Pearson Education, New
Jersey, 2014, ISBN-13 978-0-13-350647-1d

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 7/e, by G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini, Prentice Hall,
Columbus, OH, 2014, ISBN-13 978-0-13-349659-8

Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004, ISBN 0-07-249942-7

Concepts in Systems and Signals by J. D. Sherrick, Prentice Hall, Columbus, OH, 2001, ISBN 0-13-084115-3

Software: Occasional demonstrations and exercises in MATLAB and Simulink may be assigned, as time permits.
This software is available in the ECE cluster for student use.
ECE 633H: Students in the honor section will attend an additional class meeting per week. The honor portion of the
course will be evaluated based on a final report and final presentation, and will count toward 10% of the total
course for 633H students. The remaining 90% will come from the non-honors part of this course.

Homework and Quiz: Homework will be assigned weekly. A quiz will be given at the end of the class on Thursdays
based on the homework problems assigned the previous week. Solutions for homework will be posted one week
after it is assigned.

Exam: Two midterm exams will be given throughout the semester during class time. In addition, a final exam will
be scheduled in the time slot assigned by the university. All exams will be closed book and closed notes. Only
electronic devices explicitly approved by the instructor will be allowed (see “Use of Electronic Devices” section).

Grade Weighting: Quiz 10%

Homework 15%
Midterm Exam I 25%
Midterm Exam II 25%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%

Course grades will be determined as follows

92 – 89 – 82 – 77 – 72 – 67 – 62 – 60 –
Score ≥ 97 < 60
96.9 91.9 88.9 81.9 76.9 71.9 66.9 61.9
Grade A+ A A- / B+ B B- / C+ C C- / D+ D D- F

Tentative Schedule:

Week Chapter (Lathi) Subject

1 B,1 Background
2,3,4 1 Signals and Systems
5,6,7 2 Time Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems
8,9,10 4 Laplace Transform
11,12 6 Fourier Series
13,14 7 Fourier Transform

Academic Honesty: Students are required to know and abide to the Academic Honesty statement included in the
UNH Student Handbook (http://www.unh.edu/vpsas/handbook/academic-honesty).

Use of Electronic Devices: Students may not use cell phones, PDAs, pager, digital music players, laptops and other
electronic devices during class unless designated by the course instructor. If use of any of these items is permitted
by the course instructor, these items are not allowed to be used for non-class activities. If you need to leave a cell
phone on for an emergency situation, you should inform the course instructor at the beginning of the class session
as well as keep the phone in a silent mode (http://www.unh.edu/vpsas/handbook/welcome-university-new-

Students with Disabilities: The University is committed to providing students with documented disabilities equal
access to all university programs and facilities. If you think you have a disability requiring accommodations, you
must register with Disability Services for Students (DSS). Contact DSS at (603) 862-2607 or
disability.office@unh.edu. If you have received Accommodation Letters for this course from DSS, please provide
me with that information privately in my office so that we can review those accommodations.

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