Anonymous Communications - A Survey On I2P
Anonymous Communications - A Survey On I2P
Anonymous Communications - A Survey On I2P
1 Introduction
The rapid growth of the Internet applications has made communication privacy
an increasingly important security requirement. Although encryption aims at
preserving some modification of data, it is still possible for the adversaries to get
significant information about the traffic carried on the network packets and the
physical entities, such as the network addresses of the sender and the receiver of
the message.
One of the main problem is the exposure of the network address which might
result in severe consequences: Adversaries can easily overhear all the messages
and perform traffic analysis; even if the communication content is encrypted,
routing information is still sent in the clear because routers need packets desti-
nations in order to route them in the right direction.
Several platforms were developed to help increase anonymity in Internet, as
an example, we have Tor network which is one of the first solution to provide
anonymous communication[1]. But Tor network later came up to have some lim-
itations in a sense that it is built on a centralized system. To resolve those con-
straints, developers have came up with a distributed alternative for file-sharing
which was then followed by the appearance of P2P networking. And then later
followed by a new project called the Invisible Internet Project (I2P)[2].
I2P has been developed by a group of anonymous people and supporters,
whereby the main developer and person responsible for this project is known by
the nickname jrandom. The I2P developers’ concept was to implement a great
and unique idea for distributed P2P anonymous systems, which provide its users
a better anonymity and security[3].
2 Gildas Nya Tchabe and Yinhua Xu
As many other software that are designed to protect user’s anonymity, I2P
also allows the implementation of an additional layer of encryption model and
Anonymous Communications : A survey on I2P 3
Inbound and outbound tunnels are automatically built when I2P is started.
It is also important to notice that connections to tunnels are only valid for
nodes(systems) over which I2P has an installed paths. As shown in figure 2, the
first tunnel is a tunnel gateway and the last tunnel is the the tunnel endpoint.
NetDB : One of the key concept of I2P is the network database called
NetDB. it is composed of a pair of algorithms(DHT Kademlia and floodfill) that
make the sharing of metadata possible[13].
requested Information, a list of other close floodfill is sent back. The requesting
peers will continue to query others floodfills peers until all known floodfills have
been contacted. Then the floodfill sends the response to the initiator through
the inbound tunnels[15] .
expensive requirements, nevertheless, the attacker will exploit some bugs in the
implementation of countermeasures all the same. The bugs of the applications
will not be discussed in this paper.
Floodfill Takeover One of the most efficient DoS attack is floodfill takeover,
where an attacker creates multiple fraud identities as bases to control the total
network. In fact, the participants will estimate the performance of the known
peers and measure them in connection. It turns out definitely, that multiple
identities on the same host limits the performance of each malicious peer, in
another word, no sufficient resource will be distributed to those additionally cre-
ated identities. Nonetheless, the attacker still has a opportunity to makes the
participation of its peers in the NetDB possible by following the next instruc-
The availability of resources is weighted in regard to two available data rate,
statically and administratively configured for peers, and job lag, the average
delay between continuous scheduled tasks during operation. The attacker can
generate more scheduled assignments to deploy the job lag, which is significantly
dependent on the number of open tasks. For the network load changes and
routers are possible to be rebooted from time to time, the attacker would like to
wait for the decrement of the legal floodfill participants number so as to make
additional malicious identities alive in the network, especially when a churn
Furthermore, the attacker can even lengthen the job lag in cooperation with
DoS attacks against a legal floodfill participant to raise update frequency of
floodfill nodes. He not only turns many legitimate nodes down, but builds many
new tunnels through them as well to order more searching jobs, which can over-
load the victims in the tunnel and build up a job lag. It should be noticed that
the emission of large amounts of data through the victim will be avoided by the
data limitation mechanism, which forces the victim to drop job requests and
lower its burden, and a DoS attack is launched on one victim at a time only
after the last victim quits from the floodfill set.
Eclipse Attack The final goal of this attack is to make netDB unavailable to
legitimate net- work participants like other DoS attacks. The attacker should
isolate the victim to prevent it to find a key in the database by holding all its
neighbours, otherwise a lookup-failing message from an uncontrolled neighbor
will tell the victim that the attacker is intruding. If the attacker builds up a
firewall in this region, he blocks all the access requests to items and responds
to them with the answer ”information not found . Gradually the legal ones will
not be served and even not have no interaction with the nodes which should be
visible to them.
4 I2P vs Tor
As mentioned at the beginning of our report, there are a lot of software that are
deployed to help to provide anonymity of internet users. One of the first system
is Tor. Here we compare the Tor network to I2P network.
Anonymous Communications : A survey on I2P 9
4.1 Tor
Tor network is a free software and open source that helps to provide anonymity
of users. Tor is composed with 3 different types of node: directory servers, exit
points, and internal relays. The directory server contains a list of relays which
are to be obtained by the client. The directory servers do not only send the list
of relays to the client but also his address and some basic configuration files. In
order for the client to get valid relays, he needs to choose a trusted server. Once
the client has received a list of valid and operational relays, he could choose an
optional route for his traffic across the Tor network and later transmit it to the
exit node. Tor components are basically the PC to which you are connected,
relays, routers, and exit node[9,10].
In Tor network all traffic follow the same route and exit at the same point.
This approach is quite different to way I2P operates. During the traffic all mes-
sage are fully encrypted as in I2P network. The routing protocol in Tor is known
as ”Onion routing” which are used to repeatedly encrypt the original data in-
cluding destination IP address, and send it through several network nodes called
onion routers. It is also important to notice that exit node is only aware of it
intermediate node to send/ receive data. He does not know what is actually in
the message because it is fully encrypted . The difference between the exit and
entry node is that: The entry node knows ” who you are” but not ”what you
are doing ” while the exit node knows ” what you are doing” but not ”who you
are”. The relays in between only forward encrypted messages.
In addition to Tor capability, it is possible for the users to access what it
called ”hidden services” such as emails servers, forums etc.
4.2 I2P
Tor and I2P both have a lot of benefits in common since they are both designed
to help provide better anonymity. But from the beginning Tor was designed to
help users to access public network anonymously . while I2P first function was
to be a network between the network ”being a true darknet”[10].
In contrast to Tor, all nodes in I2P act as routers. As mentioned before I2P
uses different route than Tor network: I2P traffic are unidirectional (sending and
receiving route are different) which help to increase reliability and redundancy
to the network while Tor uses a simple duplex circuit (sending and receiving
messages go through the same path).
In I2P, informations about peers and en/decryption keys are stored in the
NetDB while in Tor those informations are stored in a central directory servers.
Concerning the application-level, The users to be able to use Tor, the must
configure the proxy services which are stored on his computer. While in I2P,
special applications have already been written and must only be used in I2P
network (i2pSnark, eepsites, and i2p-messenger ).
Except that I2P and Tor distinguish themselves from each other in some other
details, which will not be discussed in this paper, the main part of which was
summarized briefly by in a table[11]. Most of them have already been mentioned
10 Gildas Nya Tchabe and Yinhua Xu
I2P Tor
Communication Method Packet-Switched Circuit-Switched
Communication Protocol TCP or UDP TCP
Type of Tunnels Unidirectional Biddrectional
Routing Algorithm Garlic Onion
Lifetime of Tunnels Short-Lived Long-Lived
Encryption Type Link-, Layered- and End to End encryption Link -and Layer Encryption
Storage of Peer Info Floodfill Peers 7 Directory Servers
Service Provider Build-In Servers External TCP Servers
Number of Services Many Integrated Services Few Hidden Services
Peer Selection Performance-Based Bandwidth-Based
Hop Number in the Tunnel User-Configurable, Random Number of Hops 3-Hop
Number of Exit Nodes One A large Number
Network Dimension SMall Large
Implementation Code Java C
Table 1. Main Differences between I2P and Tor Network
Some advantages of Tor Over I2P: Tor offers better resistance, performance[14],
documentations, low bandwidth overhead, more translations. While I2P on the
other side is faster, completely distributed, self organized, selection of peers
through ranking performance[12].
5 Conclusion
In this paper we firstly presented a brief description of I2Ps components then
we commented on some weaknesses such as DoS etc. We compared the routing
aspects of I2P system to Tor and saw that both Tor and I2P provide crypto-
graphically methods to anonymously access information and communicate on-
line. Tor provides service with better anonymity for Internet and higher QoS
for any network, while I2P provides a more robust and reliable network within
the network. Of course, when implementing either of these two tools, one must
always be aware of that ones ISP can see that he or she is using Tor or I2P
(though they cannot determine the content of the traffic itself). In order to hide
this knowledge from ones ISP, one should make use of a high-quality VPN ser-
vice to act as an entry point to either ones anonymous network arbitrarily or
to the Internet at large. One of the key elements that annoy anonymous sys-
tem researchers is QoS for the bandwidth utilized by peers on the systems and
the overall network performance. Although this has been slightly commented
on, more research in QoS and a bandwidth-choking approach is required while
concentrating on security and functionality implications.
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