Ltralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart The Competition, and Accelerate Your Career
Ltralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart The Competition, and Accelerate Your Career
Ltralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart The Competition, and Accelerate Your Career
Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the
Competition, and Accelerate Your Career
SCOTT YOUNG is a writer and business owner. In 2012, he ran his own self-directed education project where in twelve months
and for less than $2,000, he was able to learn how to code sufficiently well that he could pass the same final exams that MIT
computer science graduates are required to pass at the end of their four-year degree programs. To achieve this, Scott Young
used open-source computer science lectures available online along with his own self-organized learning activities and
exercises. His TEDx talk about his learning approach has been viewed more than half a million times. To further refine his
learning methodology, Scott Young then went on to learn four languages in twelve months. Scott Young is a graduate of the
University of Manitoba and Montpellier Business School.
The website for this book is at:
ISBN 978-1-77544-984-3
SUMMARIES.COM is a lifetime learning company specializing in business smarts. We provide concise information and tools for
salespeople, business owners and managers and entrepreneurs to get ahead. Read less, do more.
Ultralearning – Page 1
Is it really possible to get an MIT-level education
without attending MIT? Or to learn a new language 2 FOCUS SHARPEN YOUR KNIFE
to the point of becoming fluent and conversant in
just three months? Or to develop your own video
game from scratch and make it a commercial ULTRA 4 DRILL ATTACK YOUR WEAKEST POINT
success without being a professional game
developer working for a big studio? 5 RETRIEVAL TEST TO LEARN
The answer to these and similar questions is an
unqualified "Yes". In fact, there is an entire culture
of people who have achieved these and other 7 RETENTION DON'T FILL A LEAKY BUCKET
compelling goals on t he basis of their
self-education projects. T hese are the 8 INTUITION DIG DEEP FIRST, THEN BUILD UP
"Ultralearning" is a strategy for acquiring skills and
knowledge in a self-directed and intense manner.
You make a decision about what you want to learn Principle #1 – Metalearning – Draw a map first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
and then undertake concentrated learning activities Start any ultralearning project by learning what is the most effective way to learn the
which push you to your limits and compress your subject or acquire the skill you're after. Figure out how to learn efficiently.
learning into the shortest feasible time.
Principle #2 – Focus – Sharpen your knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Carve out chunks of time where you can concentrate and focus on what you're trying to
learn consistently well.
Principle #3 – Directness – Go straight ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 3 - 4
ULTRA LEARNING Learn by doing the things you're trying to become good at. Don't trade hands-on
experience for other more convenient alternatives.
Principle #4 – Drill – Attack your weakest point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Break complex skills into their component parts and then be ruthless about improving
Ultralearning can be used to accelerate the career your weakest points. Master the component parts and then reassemble them.
you already have, to transition to the career you Principle #5 – Retrieval – Test to learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
always wanted to have, or to rescue your career by Use the testing process to learn more as you go along. Always test yourself before you
adding new hard skills that are more valuable. feel confident, and push yourself to recall information, not just review it.
Ultralearning is the very best way to deal with a
Principle #6 – Feedback – Don't dodge the punches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 5 - 6
changing world.
Put aside your ego and look for the harshest feedback you can find. Extract the signal
There are nine principles that are involved in
from the noise, and pay attention to what that feedback highlights you need to learn.
running successful ultralearning projects. Master
them and you can learn anything you set your mind Principle #7 – Retention – Don't fill a leaky bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
to. This is the ultimate competitive advantage of the Be aware and understand what you're consistently forgetting, and do something about it.
future, because no matter what happens, you'll be Learn to remember things not just for now but forever.
able to learn and adapt. Principle #8 – Intuition – Dig deep first, then build up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
The world belongs to the ultralearners. Join their Play and explore to develop your intuition, and work to understand what you learn. Don't
ranks by mastering the art of learning hard things resort to memorization tricks but get to know your subject deeply.
quickly. It will serve you well.
Principle #9 – Experiment – Explore outside your comfort zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 7 - 8
Don't lose sight of the fact you can't become a true master of your subject by following the
paths trodden by others. Explore possibilities others have not imagined.
Ultralearning – Page 2
n Look for immersive learning opportunities – along the DIrect-Then-Drill works well but there are three major
lines of go live in the country where the language you problems which tend to crop up when you do this:
want to learn is the native tongue. Immerse yourself ULTRA LEARNING 4 DRILL 1. It's not always easy to figure out when and what to
in the environment in which your targeted skill is drill. Identifying which aspect of the skill will generate
practiced. the greatest improvements to your overall abilities
n Join communities of people who are actively for the least amount of effort is not always obvious.
engaged in learning projects of their own. Borrow All you can do is experiment. Form a hypothesis
some of their drive and motivation. about what's holding you back, attack it with some
Break complex skills into their component parts and
Look for simulators that you can use. Pilots and drills, and then get some quick feedback about
n then be ruthless about improving your weakest points.
surgeons don't learn their craft by physically piloting whether you're right.
Master the component parts and then reassemble them.
planes or performing operations. They start with 2. Designing a drill to improve what you're weak at can
simulators first – and you can do the same. Take full be hard. You don't know what you don't know. You
advantage of any experience simulators you can Ben Franklin was one of the writers of the Declaration of may not be able to recognize your specific deficits, or
access in your field. Independence. He edited Thomas Jefferson's words to see the drills which will address those weaknesses.
become: "We hold these truths to be self-evident". It
n Look for overkill environments – where you will be 3. Doing drills is hard and uncomfortable at the best of
would be easy, therefore, to assume his skills for writing
critiqued bluntly and mercilessly. For example, if you times. Focusing on what you're obviously bad at
and persuasion were natural-born gifts but nothing
want to learn public speaking, you can go to takes guts and determination.
could be further from the truth.
Toastmasters, where everyone is trying to overcome With these points in mind, some workable ideas for
their fears. An overkill approach, by contrast, would As a young man, Benjamin Franklin's father pointed out
organizing and structuring these drills are:
be to go speak at high schools or middle schools Ben's writing skills were below par. Franklin was
alarmed by this and set out to practice to improve his n Do some time slicing where you isolate one action in
where the feedback you will get will be much more
writing skills. He would take a magazine and rewrite the a sequence and practice just that and get it perfect
brutal. Students will tell you if your jokes are funny or
arguments in various articles from memory. Franklin before integrating it back into context. You can do this
not in a very direct manner. Putting yourself into an
would then meticulously compare his version with the with a specific skill or a cognitive component.
overkill environment will accelerate your learning – if
your ego survives. original, in order to discover his faults and address them. n Try and copy the parts of the skill you don't want to
He did that for years until a few of his articles were drill so you can focus. For example, if you're learning
Go straight to the source whenever and wherever you
published under a pseudonym. how to draw, start with a line drawing someone else
learn. Take the plunge and give it a go. That's always the
That painstakingly careful analysis and deliberate has done rather than with a photo. That allows you to
best way to learn anything.
practice Ben Franklin undertook is a great template for draw on their framing of the scene and decisions
"Learning directly is one of the hallmarks of many of the the fourth ultralearning principle: drill. To learn a new about what details to include and what to leave out.
successful ultralearning projects I’ve encountered, skill, you've got to do some drills that force you to use You can practice improving your rendering skills.
particularly because of how different it can be from the that skill and then get corrective feedback. Ultralearners n Use a magnifying glass approach and deliberately
style of education most of us are used to. Whenever you commonly employ what can be t ermed t he spend more time on one component of the skill than
learn anything new, it’s a good habit to ask yourself "Direct-Then-Drill" strategy: you normally would. For example, to improve your
where and how the knowledge will manifest itself. If you writing, spend ten hours on the headline and first
can answer that, you can then ask whether you’re doing paragraph. Get really good at specific components
anything to tie what you’re learning to that context. " Direct Then Drill one by one.
– Scott Young
n Look at what the prerequisites are for the skill you
"He who can go to the fountain does not go to the water Apply t he Figure out Develop want to learn, and invest the time to learn those
jar." level of skill the specific drills which foundational steps. Progressively go back and fill in
– Leonardo da Vinci you have at components help you get the gaps in your skills.
present in a of that skill better in Again, drills are hard to do, which is why they are easy to
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders
real world whic h ar e those areas avoid. To be an ultralearner, you have to do drills. Attack
of giants."
setting. limiting your and then your weakest point with those drills to make the most
– Isaac Newton
results. apply. progress.
Ultralearning – Page 5
someone who doesn't know what they're doing, it can 2. Embed what you learn into procedures – so as you
send you off on tangents. follow your regular routines you're refreshing what
To get better feedback for your ultralearning project, ULTRA LEARNING 7 RETENTION you've learned. Touch typists start out memorizing
there are several tactics worth trying: the positions of keys on a keyboard but then get to
the stage where they can type without looking down.
n Always look for ways to filter out the background DON'T FILL A LEAKY BUCKET Eventually they start thinking in words rather than
noise – by being selective about the feedback you
individual letters. If you can procedurize core skills,
pay attention to, and discount random events. Look
then you can pay more attention to what you want to
for feedback which is detailed enough that you can Be aware and understand what you're consistently learn rather than obsessing over the mechanics.
draw good, systematic conclusions. forgetting and do something about it. Learn to remember
3. Do some overlearning – where you do additional
n Try and hit the sweet spot in terms of difficulty – things not just for now but forever.
practice even when you can do something perfectly.
because good feedback needs to be unpredictable.
Overlearning key facts will enhance your ability to
Don't get feedback on tasks which you're always
Feedback about your learning is great, but it's only recall them in the future. Repeat what you want to
going to succeed at because that won't help.
useful if you apply the lessons it is teaching you. You learn and retain again and again. Try immersion in
Similarly, feedback on long shots you were never
have to keep working at retaining what you're learning some micro-project that will use the core knowledge
going to win will be too random to be useful. Avoid
as you go along. and skills you want to remember. Go one level higher
situations where you always feel great or feel bad
Remembering facts is hard mental work. It's generally on the skills ladder.
about your performance.
hard to remember things for three reasons: 4. Try using mnemonics – translate what you want to
n Look for metafeedback – which is feedback about the
remember into vivid images or maps. Many memory
viability of the learning strategy you are applying.
experts use this method to produce prodigious
Analyze your learning rate and run some DECAY OVERWRITE FORGET THE displays of remembering long sequences . This can,
experiments to see if you're missing out on the MEMORIES CUES however, be a brittle memory tool because there is a
benefits another approach might provide.
lot of time invested up-front to develop detailed
n Seek out high-intensity, rapid feedback – even if this mental images. It can also take some time for ideas
makes you nervous. Immediate feedback situations to be recalled this way.
like getting on stage can supercharge your learning
The key point is to acquire and then retain knowledge,
and motivate you. n Facts and details decay relatively quickly. Over time, you have to combat the somewhat inevitable human
we can quickly forget the finer details. tendency to forget things. Figure out what specific blend
"Receiving feedback isn’t always easy. If you process it
as a message about your ego rather than your skills, it’s n In the human mind, many memories overlap. of spaced learning, procedurization, overlearning, and
easy to let a punch become a knockout. Though Therefore, it's easy for facts to become jumbled. mnemonics will counteract your long- and short-term
carefully controlling the feedback environment so it is You'll also find that having previously acquired rates of forgetting, and this can make a huge difference.
maximally encouraging may be a tantalizing option, real information can make acquiring new knowledge
harder at times. "Ultralearners, with their ruthless focus on efficiency and
life rarely affords such an opportunity. Instead, it’s better
effectiveness, may have landed on some universal
to get in and take the punches early so that they don’t put n We can lose the cues to our memories relatively principles in the art of learning. Beyond principles and
you down for the count. Though short-term feedback quickly as well. If we forget the cues, their linked tactics is a broader ultralearning ethos. It’s one of taking
can be stressful, once you get into the habit of receiving memories can be lost as well. responsibility for your own learning: deciding what you
it, it becomes easier to process without overreacting Overall, forgetting things is the default setting for our want to learn, how you want to learn it, and crafting your
emotionally. Ultralearners use this to their advantage, minds. Ultralearners understand this so they devise own plan to learn what you need to. You’re the one in
exposing themselves to massive amounts of feedback tactics for coping with this. There are at least four charge, and you’re the one who’s ultimately responsible
so that the noise can be stripped away from the signal." mechanisms which ultralearners use to stop forgetting for the results you generate. Learning well isn’t just
– Scott Young what they learn as they go along: about following a set of prescriptions. You need to try
1. Space your learning rather than trying to cram – and things out for yourself, think hard about the nature of the
have a system where you methodically revisit what learning challenges you face, and test solutions to
you have learned and refresh it in your mind. Allow overcome them."
enough time to absorb what you're learning. – Scott Young
Ultralearning – Page 7
n You've got to experiment with different styles, and "Experimentation is the principle that ties all the others 4. Review your results – analyze your results once you
eventually come up with your own signature style. together. Not only does it make you try new things and finish. Identify what went well and where you
To run some worthwhile experiments around learning think hard about how to solve specific learning struggled so you can do better on your next
styles, some ideas are: challenges, it also encourages you to be ruthless in ultralearning project.
discarding methods that don’t work. Careful 5. Choose how you will maintain or go on to master
1. Copy what others are doing – and then go in your
experimentation not only brings out your best potential, what you've learned – have a plan for what you will
preferred direction. Find your voice. Copy first, then
it also eliminates bad habits and superstitions by putting do with the new skills you have gained. Specifically:
start creating your own stuff.
them to the test of real-world results."
2. Compare other methods side-by-side – to give you n Schedule how often and when you will practice in
– Scott Young
information quickly about what works best for your order to sustain your new skills and get better.
personal style. You might then come up with a hybrid Ultralearning projects are never easy but they can be n Clarify how you will integrate your new skill into
style which combines and integrates the best incredibly good fun if you're learning about something your personal or business life.
features of many different styles. you're passionate about. To choose and execute your
n Analyze what would be involved in diving deeper
first ultralearning project:
3. Introduce some new constraints – ideally which into the skill you have learned and consider that.
make doing things the traditional way impossible. 1. Do your research – identify the topic you want to Think about what it would take to master that skill
Force yourself to develop new capabilities by adding learn about, the scope and aim of your ultralearning and whether you want to go down that route.
some constraints. project, and the primary resources you will access.
n Look for opportunities to transfer a skill learned in
Benchmark how others have done before you, and
4. Come up with a new superpower – by making a your ultralearning project into a new domain. See
look at the drills and backup materials you might use.
hybrid combination of two skills which ordinarily if that opens up some interesting opportunities.
would not overlap. A great example of this was Scott 2. Schedule your time – figure out how much time
By the end of any ultralearning project, you've come a
Adams who combined his background as an you're going to commit. It's usually best to have a set
long way. You then want to kick on and make the most of
engineer with skills as a cartoonist to come up with time each week you allocate and reserve for your
all the effort you've invested.
the highly acclaimed Dilbert series. project. Try doing a pilot week to make sure your
estimates are correct and then calendar your entire "The goal of ultralearning is to expand the opportunities
5. Explore the extremes – and see if that throws up
ultralearning project. available to you, not narrow them. It is to create new
some interesting possibilities. There's no magic in
sticking to the middle and being average. Most 3. Execute your plan – taking care to ask yourself avenues for learning and to push yourself to pursue
painters worked in thin layers of glaze but Van questions periodically to stay on track. Some good them aggressively rather than timidly waiting by the
Gough used thick applications of bold colors. Pick questions to ask: sidelines. This is not going to be a method suitable for
some aspect of the skill you're trying to cultivate and • Metalearning - Have I prepared properly? everyone, but for those who feel inspired to use it, I hope
push it out to an extreme. You can always pull back • Focus – What is my dedicated focus time? it provides a start."
to something more moderate later on. • Directness – Am I learning the way I will use it? – Scott Young
• Drill – Am I working on my weak points?
Great learning is an ongoing act of constant
• Retrieval – How am I testing what I learn?
experimentation. You have to keep trying new things,
• Feedback – Am I gathering robust feedback?
get feedback, and adjust your course forwards all the
• Retention – How will I keep what I'm learning?
time. You'll never really know which approach to
learning works best for you until you try out a number of
• Intuition – Do I deeply understand the topics? ULTRA LEARNING
• Experimentation – How will I try new things?
alternatives. Be prepared to adjust your learning
program frequently, and never forget this is an individual
These summaries will help you...
> Get a high-level view of the key concepts in each book;
> Learn from the author’s 20+ years of experience, in just 30 minutes reading;
> Get fresh ideas, strategies & motivation that could be worth millions to you;
> Follow emerging trends & catch the wave before your competitors do;
> Become a self-directed learner. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.