Assignment On Strengths and Weakness

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The passage describes the author's five strengths and five weaknesses based on a school assignment.

The author lists leadership skills, reliability, determination, being a self-starter, and organization as their strengths.

The author lists stubbornness, indecisiveness, perfectionism, sensitivity, and being a control freak as their weaknesses.


Describe Your Five Strengths and Five Weakness
with Reasons Justifying Them

Course Code: MKT-613

Course Title: Advanced Marketing Management

Submitted To
Md. Jahangir Alam
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Leading University

Submitted By
Jakia Akther Mitu
ID: 2011017012
Program: MBA
Semester: 4th-B
Department of Business Administration
Leading University

Date of Submission: August 07, 2020

Question: Describe your five strengths and five weakness with explanation.
Answer: Almost every time when we want to list our personality strengths and weakness, the
strengths list comes long and full of wonderful sentiments and statements, while the weakness
list usually contains one or two things or nothing at all. But for some people, the strengths list is
minimal, while the weakness lists are double the length. So, it actually gets difficult to write down
your own strengths and weakness but this time I am going to write a list of personal strengths and
weaknesses I feel that I have.
1. Leadership skills: I’ve always been a natural leader. From school life to university life,
I’ve always been the leader of my groups or the class captain of my classrooms and not
only just acting as leader but I’ve also gained praise of doing the best work as compared
to other. I look back at those success and know that I wouldn’t have reached them if I
hadn’t built and led teams composed of highly skilled and diverse individuals. I’m proud
of my ability to get cross-functional members on the same group.
2. Reliable: The people around you know they can always count on me. I finish the work
that I am assigned and never let people down. I'm the person that gets assigned the any
kind of work, because my friends, family and teachers know they can trust me. I think
everybody started to appreciate this key quality of mine. I love the fact that people can
find me when they need me.
3. Determined: Once I've identified a goal, I reach it no matter what the cost. There's
nothing that can stop me from finishing what I start. Whether its about completing
assignments , buying groceries or organizing house chores etc.
4. Self-starter: I don't need somebody constantly telling me what to do. I know what I
have to do and am able to complete my work on your own initiative.
5. Organized: I am able to organize my work so that nothing escapes my attention
and always assign tasks to their appropriate level of priority. Whether its my
educational work or house chores, I try to keep everything organized, it gives me
mental peace.

1. Stubborn: Headstrong and determined, nothing can change my mind once I have taken
a decision. I find it hard to admit that I have made a mistake and will often persevere with
a course of action even when it isn't appropriate. I find it hard to abandon a decision or
goal once I've set my mind on it. I also can’t leave a thing if my heart once says go for it
until I get that thing.
2. Indecisive: I am never sure about anything. Chronic indecision and constant changes of
mind make me incapable of following through with a decision without having second
thoughts. I'm too hasty. I'm essentially an impulsive person and act naturally without
reflecting too much on where a certain choice will lead.
3. Perfectionist: Sometimes I’m only happy when something is perfect. This means I am
often unsatisfied, because you don't have time to do things as well as you would like. It's
difficult for me to close out a project if I know that there are aspects that can be improved
on. After all, if they can be improved, why not do it? So that's where my perfectionism
works against me. I know, however, that there are times when it's more important to have
a finished but imperfect project than a perfect project which hasn't been started, but still I
don’t get satisfied doing that.
4. Sensitive: I take literally everything to heart, no matter what the situation, and tend to
lead with my heart more than my head. At times I lack clarity of thought and if something
goes wrong, I take it so personally that I start to cry. By nature, I'm a highly sensitive
person. If someone's having a tough day and comes across as rather curt, I have to remind
myself that it's not personal. Although it's never happened to me personally, I imagine if
my teacher/parents/close person ever snapped at me, I'd have a tough time shaking that
off too.
5. Control freak: I micromanage every little detail to make sure absolutely everything goes
according to my plan and find it difficult to allow others to act independently. Since
acting as group leader for a very long time, I just can’t rely on other member’s works
without adding my own touch,

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