Modified Toughness Used To Evaluate The Effect of

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Modified toughness used to evaluate the effect of polymer modified asphalt

on SMA

Article  in  Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers · November 2004

DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2004.9670956


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4 authors:

Jyh-Dong Lin Shih-Huang Chen

National Central University National Central University


Pei Liu Jian-Neng Wang

Feng Chia University National Yunlin University of Science and Technology


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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 1013-1020 (2004) 1013



Jyh-Dong Lin, Shih-Huang Chen*, Pei Liu, and Jian-Neng Wang

Toughness, as defined in ASTM D5801, is the work used to stretch a specimen
until fracture, and is used to evaluate the ability of polymer modified asphalt (PMA)
to resist deformation. Fracture elongations in PMA are usually longer than 10 cm.
However, it is almost impossible for asphalt concrete, with or without PMA, to en-
dure such large deformation before fracture. It is presumed that an effective elonga-
tion exists for more effective determination of toughness. Principle component analysis
(PCA) and single regression analysis were used in this study to evaluate the correla-
tion between physical tests of PMA, including toughness and performance tests of
Stonic Mastic Asphalt (SMA). Meanwhile, performance tests, including resilient
modulus tests, creep tests and indirect tensile tests, were conducted on SMA samples.
According to the results form Principle Components Analysis (PCA), it was observed
that only a common factor affects the performance tests. Regression analyses were
used to find common factors from physical tests of PMA. Correlation coefficients
between toughness and performance tests were found to be better than other physical
tests. When toughness was calculated with effective elongation (6.5 cm), R 2 was 0.90.
In our opinion, the desirable PMA should provide SMA enough work to resist the
deformation while the deformation is still small. This result was also confirmed by
observation of SEM and Rheological analysis. Modified toughness (calculated with
effective elongation) considered as the common factor, is a simple method to evaluate
the microstructure of PMA. Overall, modified toughness seems promising for use in
evaluation of the effect of PMA on SMA.

Key Words: modified toughness, polymer modified asphalt, stonic mastic asphalt

I. INTRODUCTION Mixture characteristics (such as coarse aggregate ra-

tio), asphalt quality, workmanship, and environmen-
Recently, Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) concrete tal temperature, are all considered as important fac-
has become the prevalent pavement material in Tai- tors for performance of SMA (Scherocmam, 1992).
wan’s national highways, and consequently its per- In Taiwan, pavement temperatures during the
formance has received more attention recently. summer can easily reach to 65°C. According to the
Superpave specification (Asphalt Institute, 1995), PG70
*Corresponding author. (Tel: 886-9-63285878; Fax: 886-3- graded asphalt cement should be selected for such a
4227183; Email: warm environment. Nonetheless, because most as-
J. D. Lin is with the Department of Civil Engineering, National
Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 320, R.O.C.
phalt cement production in Taiwan is either PG58 or
S. H. Chen is with the Department of Transportation & Logis- PG64 (Jiang, 1991), polymer modified asphalt cement
tics, Toko University, Chai-Yi, Taiwan 603, R.O.C. (PMA) is generally used as a binder material for SMA.
P. Lin is with the Department of Traffic and Transportation En- Toughness and rheological properties have been
gineering and Management, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Tai- considered as important factors for performance
wan 407, R.O.C.
J. N. Wang is with the Department of Construction Engineering,
evaluation of PMA. Benson (1955) studied the rela-
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Tai- tions between tensile force applied and the amount
wan 640, R.O.C. of asphalt cement was stretched by that force, and
1014 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)

Table 1 Basic composition and physical test of polymer modified asphalt

Sample ID CAR G1 G2 U
Polymer SBS-R, 6% SBS-L, 6% SBS-R, 3% SBS-L, 3%
Base Asphalt AC20+ AC20 AC20 AC20
Penetration, 25°C (1/100 mm) 45 47 48 52
Viscosity, 60°C (Poises) 32340 20410 18760 9945
Softening point, R&B(°C) 79 73 55 54
Toughness (kg×cm) 281 159 133 136
Tenacity (kg×cm) 245 132 116 115
R: radial type, L: linear type

20.00 Table 2 Aggregate grading for all mixes

G1 Sieve size (mm) 12.5mm NMAS (9) Passing %
U U 25.0 100 100
15.00 19.0 100 100
G2 CAR 12.5 100-90 95
9.5 78-26 52
Force (kgf)

4.75 28-20 24
2.36 24-16 20
1.18 21-13 17
0.60 18-12 15
0.30 15-12 13.5
0.075 10-8 9
NMAS: Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size
12.1 15.1 22.8
0 10 20
Elongation (cm) II. MATERIAL

Fig. 1 Results of toughness test 1. Asphalt Cement

PMA with Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) is

proposed the concept of toughness. Toughness of widely used in Taiwan, and thus four commercial
material (as in ASTM D5801) was defined as the to- PMA mixes were used in this study. Physical prop-
tal work needed to separate the tension head from the erties, including penetration, viscosity, softening
sample under certain test conditions. It serves as an point; toughness, and tenacity, of each PMA were
indicator of polymer’s effect on the base asphalt evaluated. Composition and properties of each tested
(ASTM D5840). On the other hand, tenacity is used PMA are given in Table 1. Meanwhile, Fig. 1 illus-
to indicate the amount and type of polymer used in trates the force-elongation relationships of these four
base asphalt. Although toughness and tenacity are PMA. It can be observed from these results that, in
prevalently used, studies have reported that the tough- terms of physical properties, the order of superiority
ness of PMA might not be closely related to the ef- is CAR>G 1 >G 2 >U. On the other hand, the order
fect of PMA on performance of SMA. (Lin, 1992; CAR>G 1>G 2⋅=⋅U can be observed when only tough-
Jiang and Lin, 1993; Liu, 1996; Tan, 1996) ness is considered.
Appropriate PMA selection is critical for the
success of a project (Kennepohl, 1992). Conse- 2. Aggregate Gradation and Fiber
quently, it is important to determine a feasible method
of quality evaluation for PMA. In this study, corre- Aggregate gradation conforming to the specifi-
lation between physical tests on PMA and perform- cation in NCHRP Report 425(Brown, 1999) was used
ance tests on SMA are investigated. In order to de- in this study and is presented in Table 2. Cellulose
velop a simple technique for evaluating PMA’s ef- fibers were added to 0.3 percent, by total weight, of
fect on the performance of SMA that does not require the mixture. Mix gradation and amount of fiber ad-
expensive and complicated test instruments. dition were the same for all mixtures in this study.
J. D. Lin et al.: Modified Toughness Used to Evaluate the Effect of Polymer Modified Asphalt on SMA 1015

Table 3 Mixture properties

Mixture Specification
(Using CAR) (Using G1) (Using G2) (Using U)
Optimum binders Content (%) 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.7
Average VMA (%) 17.3 17.2 17.1 17.5 >27
Average Va (%) 3.5 3.7 3.4 3.5 3-4
Drawdown (%) 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.01 <0.3
TSR (%) 85 89 80 90 >70
TSR: Tensile Strength Ratio

3. Mixture and Specimen Preparation were performed. Tests were carried out at 25°C and
40°C, using a test frequency of 1.0 Hz.
All specimens were compacted using the Troxler
model 4140 Superpave Gyration Compactor (SGC). (ii) Uniaxial Creep Test (static)
Compaction procedure followed NCHRP Report 425.
(Brown, 1999) All loose mixtures went through short Creep test conditions were at an axial stress of
time aging, as specified in ASSHTO PP2 and were 14.5psi for 3600 sec. Loading and unloading times
then compacted using an SGC with 100 gyrations (TP4). were 1800 sec. These test were carried out at 25°C
Calculated optimum binder content, air voids, VMA and 40°C (Sao, 1994).
and VCA of each type of SMA are given in Table 3.
(iii) Indirect Tensile Strength Test
Tensile strength was used to evaluate the abil-
The search for a simple technique to evaluate ity to resist deformation of asphalt concrete. In this
PMA’s effect on the performance of SMA was con- study, the Marshall Method apparatus was used to
ducted in four phases. Performance tests of SMA apply loads. In order to uniformly distribute the load,
were carried out in the first phase. Then, in the sec- the compressive load was applied through a 1/2" wide
ond phase, Principal Components Factor Analysis metallic loading strip. These tests were performed
(PCA) method was adopted to find common factors using displacement control at a constant vertical dis-
affecting the performance of SMA. PCA only offers placement rate of 2 inch/min. Standard procedures
a relationship between a common factor and perform- of ASTM D4123 (1999) were performed.
ance tests. Since the type of PMA was the only vari-
able in this study, the common factor was therefore (iv) Result of Laboratory Performance Tests
regarded as the PMA property. To find the common
factor from physical test results, single linear regres- Table 4 summarizes laboratory performance test
sion analysis was carried out in the third phase, and results, including MR, tensile strength and static
according to these results, toughness was a better uniaxial creep, of SMA samples. Although the physi-
choice than the other properties. Since toughness may cal test results, as in table 1, indicated a performance
not be a good indicator of the performance of SMA, ranking of CAR>G 1>G 2>U, the laboratory perform-
in phase four a “modified toughness” was proposed ance test results, as in Table 4, illustrate a somewhat
for evaluation of PMA’s effect. In addition, scan- different trend. It can be seen that although the CAR
ning electronic microscopy (SEM) and rheometer type PMA had the best physical property, the SMA
measurements were used to confirm the effectiveness mix A, which used CAR type PMA as binder mate-
of this modified toughness approach. rial, did not perform as well in the performance tests.
The radial types of SBS have generally better
1. Phase I: Laboratory Performance Tests on SMA thermal resistance than linear ones. However, the radial
types of SBS have higher molecular weight, and thus
(i) Resilient Modulus Test need more time and higher temperature to be dispersed
into the base asphalt. Meanwhile, chemical compo-
The Indirect tension test for resilient modulus sition of asphalt, including asphaltenes, aromatics, satu-
was used to measure the stiffness of the SMA sam- rates and resins, also affect compatibility between
ples. Standard procedures of ASTM D4123 (1999) polymer and base asphalt. This implies that mix
1016 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)

Table 4 Result of MR, tensile strength and creep test of SMA

MR Tensile strength, 25°C Static Uniaxial creep
25°C 40°C Tensile Work η 3, 25°C η 3, 40°C E 1 , 25°C E 1, 40°C
Kg/cm 2 Kg/cm 2 Kg/cm 2 Kg*cm Kg*sec/cm 2 Kg*sec/cm 2 Kg /cm 2 Kg/cm 2
A 17857 2859 8 221 1.6×10 6 1.4×10 5 1005 755
B 9211 2184 7 160 2.2×10 6 1.7×10 5 798 698
C 20062 3146 9 247 2.7×10 6 1.5×10 5 1041 834
D 20646 3701 8 233 2.9×10 6 1.9×10 5 1218 1103
E 1: the modulus of elasticity of Maxwell unit η 3: the modulus of viscosity of Maxwell unit

procedure during PMA production may affect its per- 1, so the PMA type was considered a reliable com-
formance. Consequently, the volume of polymer added mon factor.
into base asphalt can only serve as a reference, in-
stead of being an absolute index for performance of
PMA. Although more polymers added into the base y: performance test
asphalt may improve the physical properties of PMA, x: common factor
the microstructure may not be improved substantially. a, b: coefficient
Toughness, defined as the work needed to stretch
the binder till fracture, may be used as an indicator (iii) Single Linear Regression Analysis
of the amount and type of polymer added to the base
asphalt (Wang, 2000; Tsai et al., 2000). Fracture Single linear regression analysis and Spearman
elongations of binders in the toughness tests can gen- rank correlation coefficient (r) were conducted using
erally reach 10 cm. However, it is almost impossible SPSS 9.0 in this study, with a confidence level of
for asphalt concrete pavement, with or without poly- 95%. The sample correlation coefficient (r) was
mer-modified binder, to undergo such a large defor- shown as follows. “x” is the indicator for prediction
mation. This suggests that the contribution of PMA of “y”. The criterion used was 0.7. If the value was
binders’ extra work to asphalt concrete in resisting greater than 0.7, it was presumed to indicate positive
deformation occur while the deformation is small. correlation.
Consequently, toughness as defined in ASTM D5801
(1999) may over value information from test results.
[(xi – x )(yi – y )]
r= n n
2. Phase II: Correlation Analysis of Physical Test
of PMA and Performance Test of SMA
Σ (xi – x ) 2
Σ (yi – y ) 2

(i) Factor Analysis (iv) Result of Single Linear Regression Analysis

Principle Components Analysis (PCA), which Regression analysis was applied to analyze
is one kind of factor analysis, was applied to identify physical tests of PMA and performance tests of SMA.
the smallest number of common factors and the most The data of the four PMA listed in Table 2 was paired
important factor was found by this method. The common with the corresponding data of the four SMA in Ta-
factor is considered reliable if over 70% of the total ble 4. The results of single linear regression analysis
variation can be explained by it, or the eigenvalue is between physical tests of PMA and performance tests
greater than 1. SPSS 9.0 was used to do a PCA on of SMA are presented in Table 5. It was observed
the correlation matrix from Table 4 (Sharma, 1996). that no consistent or significant trend due to the per-
formance tests of SMA exists for the softening point
(ii) Result of Factor Analysis or penetration (25°C). On the other hand, viscosity
(60°C) and toughness of PMA did indicate a positive
According to PCA, the type of PMA is the only correlation with performance tests. Nonetheless, it
common factor chosen by the SPSS program. The was also observed that the correlation coefficient was
relationship between the performance test and the smaller than 0.7 between tensile strength of SMA and
common factor can be explained by the equation listed viscosity of PMA. The F-test at a level of signifi-
below, which explains about 80% of the total varia- cance of α =0.05 also showed similar results. Corre-
tion. Meanwhile, the eigenvalue was also greater than lation coefficients of toughness were all greater than
J. D. Lin et al.: Modified Toughness Used to Evaluate the Effect of Polymer Modified Asphalt on SMA 1017

Table 5 Correlation coefficients (r) of single linear regression analysis

MR25°C MR40°C TENSILE WORK η 3 (25°C) η 3 (40°C) E 1 (25°C) E 1 (40°C) AVERAGE
Softening point 0.602 0.736 0.580 0.598 0.288 0.903 0.668 0.759 0.642
Penetration, 25°C 0.860 0.598 0.866 0.905 0.662 0.254 0.602 0.237 0.623
Viscosity, 60°C 0.931 0.993 0.602 0.848 0.915 0.857 0.999 0.895 0.880
Toughness 0.992 0.890 0.905 0.998 0.787 0.835 0.869 0.700 0.873

Table 6 Area with different elongation

Elongation 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 11 10 8 6 4 2 0
Type cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm
CAR 281 258 241 212 185 158 134 122 112 90 65 48 27 0
G1 159 159 159 159 159 140 113 101 89 67 48 31 17 0
G2 133 133 133 133 133 133 131 118 105 80 57 37 20 0
U 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 119 88 60 37 18 0

before fracture. It is thus assumed that extra fracture

Ultimate work contributed by PMA to SMA may occur while
the deformation is still small. This may further im-
A+B=Toughness B=Tenacity
ply that toughness defined in ASTM D5801 takes
some unnecessary work into consideration. An ap-
A Slope of proach to use modified definition of toughness is thus
Force tenacity
suggested in this study. As shown in Fig. 2, ultimate
strength, effective elongation and slope of tenacity
are proposed as material constants for evaluation of
PMA in this new approach.
B It is assumed that an effective elongation exists
Modified toughness at some specific value, which will exhibit high posi-
tive correlation between calculated toughness and
Elongation performance of SMA. Area under the force-elonga-
Fracture elongation
Effective elongation (assumed by us) tion curve calculated up to this effective elongation
was then defined as the modified toughness. To de-
Fig. 2 Modified toughness and effective elongation rive an appropriate value for the effective elongation,
an increment of 2 cm was regarded as the criterion for
area (or toughness) calculation. An effective area was
0.7. It is thus concluded that toughness of PMA was then calculated as the area under the force-elongation
a better indicator than others. curve up to the current elongation criterion for every
increment (as illustrated in Fig. 2). Table 6 gives a
3. Phase III: Modified Approach for Evaluation of summary of all areas calculated from each elongation
PMA criterion. Single linear regression analyses were then
carried out with these calculated areas for all 4 PMA
(i) Modified Toughness for Evaluation of PMA binders for determination of the effective elongation.

It is easily observed that toughness of CAR was (ii) Results of Modified Toughness
significantly better than other samples. According
to the results of regression analysis, the performance (1) Ultimate strength of toughness and the slope of
tests of SMA using it should be the best. However, tenacity
results of the performance tests listed in Table 4 didn’t The average correlation coefficient (r) calcu-
fully agree with this induction. The toughness of all lated with 8 performance tests and ultimate strength
four PMA binders was calculated with fracture length was 0.672. On the other hand, the average correla-
of PMA, and fracture lengths of these PMA were all tion coefficients calculated with 8 performance tests
over 10.8 cm. However, it was apparent that SMA and the slope was 0.702. These results indicated that
normally could not undergo such large deformations neither ultimate strength of toughness nor the slope
1018 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)

Table 7 Correlation coefficient(r) at elongation of 6.5 cm

MR25°C MR40°C Tensile Work η 3 (25°C) η 3 (40°C) E 1 (25°C) E1 (40°C) Average
r 0.964 0.998 0.870 0.895 0.965 0.983 0.993 0.922 0.949

1 higher at shorter elongation, the mixture will have bet-

ter stiffness, tensile strength and work.
Although creep tests are compressive type tests,
0.8 PMA is still necessary to ensure integrity of the stone-
Average correlation cofficient (r)

by-stone skeleton. In creep tests, tension force actu-

ally exists between PMA and coarse aggregates, so
0.6 coarse aggregate and gradation are crucial factors to
y=-4E-00x4+0.0024x3–0.0465x2+0.3566x+0.0322 resist vertical compression. Thus, the effect of PMA
R2=0.97 is to resist deformation and to bind aggregates together.
4. Phase IV: Confirm the Effect of Modified
Toughness by SEM and Rheometer

0.2 The results listed in Table 4 show that the per-

formance tests of mixture D (using U type PMA) were
better than others. Meanwhile, the calculated modi-
0 fied toughness of CAR and U were 67.9 kg-cm and
0 5 10 15 20 25 74.7 kg-cm, respectively. Based on these results, it
Elongation (cm) can be assumed that U type PMA has better micro-
structure and compatibility between asphalt and poly-
Fig. 3 A average correlation coefficients at deferent elongation mer. To confirm this assumption, FE-SEM observa-
tions and a measurement rheometer were used to fur-
ther evaluate the microstructure of PMA.
of tenacity might be good indicators.
(2) Effective elongation of toughness (i) Observation of Microstructure
Figure 3 illustrates the results of regression analy-
sis between area calculated with different elongation The microstructures of PMA samples were stud-
and performance test of SMA. It can be observed ied by using the scanning electron micrographs re-
from Table 7 that the average correlation coefficient corded with the help of a HITACHINI [Model S–800]
of the area calculated with 6.5 cm has the highest value FE-SEM instrument at a 20kV accelerating voltage.
(0.949), and all other correlation coefficients were Samples of 2 mm thickness were mounted on a cylin-
under 0.87. Consequently, the 6.5 cm elongation was drical plate for this test, and, surfaces of the samples
considered as the effective elongation. In other words, were coated with gold by sputtering under vacuum.
toughness calculated with the effective elongation
should be able to give a more precise evaluation of (ii) Observation of FE- SEM Results
the effect of PMA on SMA. In our opinion, the tough-
ness test of ASTM D5801 was a good indicator to Figure 4 illustrates the results from SEM obser-
evaluate PMA binders. However, it is suggested that vations. In the figure, black areas are asphalt; the
toughness calculated up to the effective elongation white particles are SBS polymer, and, the wrinkly
should be sufficient for evaluation of PMA binders. surfaces are the entanglement between asphalt and
(3) Significance of modified toughness in MR, ten- polymer. Comparing all four PMA binders, the
sile and creep test degree of entanglement can be ranked as U>G 2 >G 1>
Toughness of PMA, tensile strength and MR test CAR. This observation showed a trend similar to that
of SMA are all in the category of tensile type observed from modified toughness values. Conse-
mechanical tests, and the mechanical characteristics of quently, toughness calculated with effective elonga-
these tests are somewhat similar. It was observed that tion is considered capable of being an index for the
the mixtures, mixed with higher modified toughness degree of entanglement or cross-links. Again, the
PMA, have higher MR values, tensile strength and work, SEM results showed that cross-link and entanglement
so the asphalt binder is the main source of tensile strength of the U-type PMA are better then the CAR-type
in SMA. If the ability of PMA to resist deformation is PMA.
J. D. Lin et al.: Modified Toughness Used to Evaluate the Effect of Polymer Modified Asphalt on SMA 1019

1E+6 1.0E+2

1E+5 7.5E+1

G' (dyne/cm2)

tan (delta)
1E+4 CAR 5.0E+1
G2 tan (delta)
(a) CAR-type (c) G2-type U

1E+3 G' 2.5E+1

tan (delta)
1E+2 0.0E+0
0.0E+0 5.0E+4 1.0E+5 1.5E+5 2.0E+5
Torque (

Fig. 5 Torque vs. G′ of PMA and AC-10

(b) G1-type (d) U-type

Fig. 4 Micrograph of PMA

(iii) Analysis of Rheological Analysis CAR
Rheological analysis was carried out using a 30 U
Displacement (rad)

CARRI-MED [Model CSL 500] rheometer. It was

operated in both static and dynamic mode. Samples
were prepared by heating PMA up to 150°C, pressing 20
a liquid drops were pressed in between two plates to
form thin films, and final, scrubbing off the excess
specimen. Thickness of these films was about 200 µm. 10

(iv) Result of Rheological Analysis

Results of rheological analysis are depicted in 0

Figs. 5 and 6. In our opinion, G’ would be increased 0 20 40 60 80 100
with good crosslink and entanglement between as- Time (sec)
phalt and polymer. The deformation form creep tests
Fig. 6 Creep compliance of PMA and AC-10
would also be decreased. It was observed that U had
better microstructure to resist deformation than CAR.
The result had the same trend as modified toughness.
It was thus demonstrated that the calculation of tough- significantly improved using the modified toughness
ness with effective elongation is a promising charac- calculated as effective elongation (6.5 cm). Consid-
teristic to use in evaluating PMA. ering the results of FE-SEM and Rheological analy-
ses, the modified toughness of PMA could be used as
IV. PHYSICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF the index for physical cross linking or chain entan-
MODIFIED TOUGHNESS glement. The physical significances of modified tough-
ness were shown as follows:
Four representative PMAs were used to evalu-
ate their effect on the performance of SMAs. The 1. The modified toughness had high potential to be an
correlation between toughness of PMAs and perform- important index between polymer and base asphalt
ance of SMAs were statistically explored. The cor- on physical cross linking or chain entanglement.
relations between the performance of SMAs and tough- 2. The modified toughness could be the work or ca-
ness calculated with fracture elongation (ASTM D5801, pacity of PMAs needed to resist deformation until
1999) were not significant. However, correlations were failure occurs.
1020 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)

Because of limited budget, only four PMAs were Vol. 04.03, pp. 628-629.
studied. More PMAs are expected to yield more ac- Benson, J. R., 1955, Road and Engineering Construc-
curate results. More Rheological analyses and FE- tion, pp. 78-84.
SEM (or TEM) observations will be useful to rein- Brown, E. R., 1999, “Designing Stone Matrix Asphalt
force the physical significance and interpretation of Mixtures for Rut-Resistant,” National Coopera-
modified toughness. tive Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Re-
port 425, National Center for Asphalt technology
V. CONCLUSION (NCAT), AL, US, pp. 14-25
Jiang, L. B., 1991, “Product and Specification of Bi-
1. Effective elongation of toughness test was pro- tumen,” Proceedings of the 1991 Taiwan Pave-
posed and confirmed to be a useful material prop- ment Conference, Taiwan, pp. 1-1~1-28.
erty. According to the results of correlation analy- Jiang, L. B., and Lin, J. D., 1993, “Introduction to
sis, it was observed that elongation of 6.5cm could Polymer Used in Pavement,” Proceedings of the
be a good representative of effective elongation. 7th National Con-ference on Pavement Engineer-
The correlation of modified toughness and per- ing Symposium, Taiwan, pp. 85-90.
formance test of SMA are of significance. Kennepohl, G. J., and Davison, J. K., 1992, “Intro-
2. When conditions of aggregate, gradation and fiber duction to Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) in On-
are fixed, higher modified toughness value of PMA tario,” Journal of Association Asphalt Pavement
indicates higher stiffness of SMA in the MR test. Technologists (AAPT), Vol. 61, pp. 517-534.
Moreover, higher modified toughness implies that Lin, J. D., 1992, “An Evaluation on Asphalt Cement
PMA can provide more work to resist heavy traf- and Asphalt Concrete,” Proceedings of 1992 Tai-
fic on SMA. In static creep test, modified tough- wan pavement conference, Taiwan, pp. 91-94.
ness can be used to predict modulus of elasticity Liu, S. I., 1996, “The Study of Porous Asphalt Con-
and viscosity of SMA. In other words, modified crete Performance,” Master Thesis, Department
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on SMA. Taoyuan, Taiwan, pp. 7-12.
3. Integrity of the coarse aggregate skeleton is the most Sao, L. H., 1994, “Study on Performance of SMA,”
important factor of performance of SMA. PMA is Master Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering,
needed to ensure the structural integrity of SMA. National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan,
Modified toughness in this study is concluded to pp. 27-29.
be able to predict the performance of SMA. That Scherocmam, J. A., 1992, “Construction of SMA Test
is, modified toughness serves as a scalar for evalu- Sections in the US,” Journal of Association As-
ation of ability of SMA to resist deformation. phalt Pavement Technologists (AAPT), Vol. 61,
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fied asphalt may be better correlated by using modified Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 58-93.
toughness. Further study is suggested on this topic. Tan, J. C., 1996, “An Evaluation on Performance of
Different Gradation Asphalt Concrete by Using
REFERENCES the SHRP Gyratory Compactor,” Master Thesis,
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Asphalt Institute, 1995, Superpave Level 1 Mix De- tral University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, pp. 20-22.
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KY, USA, pp. 14-45. Report on Establishing Relationships between
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nous Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section Office of Science and Technology Advisors. Min-
.4, USA, Vol. 04.03, pp. 409-411. istry of Transportation and Communications, Tai-
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Toughness and Tenacity of Bituminous Materi- Wang, J. M., 2000, “The Study of Polymer Modified
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ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, USA, gineering National Central University, Taoyuan,
Vol.04.03, pp. 621-624. Taiwan, pp. 30-31.
ASTM D5840, 1999, “Standard Specification for Type
II Polymer Modified Cement for Use in Pavement Manuscript Received: May 02, 2002
construction” Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Revision Received: Feb. 28, 2004
Section 4, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, USA, and Accepted: Apr. 06, 2004

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