Module Making

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1 Nature of Mathematics


“Mathematics is the science of patterns, and nature exploits just about every pattern
that there is”
_Ian Stewart_
Welcome our beloved students to this Module 1: Nature of Mathematics. In
this module, you will learn and explore various patterns and regularities in the world
which constitutes to mathematics. Mathematics is not just about numbers, it is also an
integral part of our daily life. It is used in technology, business, medicine and other
disciplines. This module is self-explanatory wherein students can easily understand
and comprehend the lesson. Just relax and enjoy every activities found in each lesson.


At the end of this module, students are expected to:

 identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world;

 solve for the nth term in the Fibonacci Sequence;
 appreciate that mathematics is a useful language;
 perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly, its basic concepts and
 demonstrate mastery of the following:
 sets
 function; and
 relation

Module lessons

Lesson 1: Patterns in Nature and Regularities in the World

Lesson 2: The Fibonacci Sequence

Lesson 3: Mathematical Language and Symbols

Lesson 4: Sets, Function and Relation

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Lesson 1: Patterns in Nature and Regularities in the World

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world;

 discuss the importance and role of mathematics in some disciplines; and
 appreciate the significance of mathematics and its role in our daily life
Time Frame: 2 hours


Patterns are everywhere. In the general context, patterns in nature are regular,
repeated or recurring forms or designs. This lesson focuses on identifying various
patterns that appears naturally including man-made designs. Moreover, students are
expected to comply and submit the different tasks provided.


Look Around
Let’s Get Started
Ten hidden words are in the puzzle. Look up, down, across, backward
and diagonally. Pictures and images are scattered around that will serve
as clues to help you locate the mystery words.

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Let’s think of this Think of Me!

1. From the given puzzle, how many words were familiar to


2. Are there some words that still look strange to you?

3. What word/words have you already encountered before? Define and

give examples.

The previous activity makes you familiar with various patterns

found in the natural setting. The idea of patterns is one of the main
reasons why mathematics exists.


Let’s explore Read Me!

Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural

world. These patterns recur in different contexts and can sometimes be
modelled mathematically. Natural patterns includes symmetries, fractals,
spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tessellations, cracks, and stripes

An agreementSymmetry
in dimensions, due proportion and arrangement.

A curve on a plane that turns endlessly outward or inward (or both).

Series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops or turns in a watercourse.

P a t t e r n s in

A disturbance thatWave
moves through space or matter.
N a tu r e

An objects formedFoam
by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid.

Tiling of a plane using geometric shapes with no gaps or overlaps.

Fracture or
Break or cause toCrack
break without a complete separation of parts.

Series of bands or strips having different color from the area next to it.

A never-ending pattern that is self-similar across different scales.

These are processes of rotation, reflection and scaling of the object.
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Importance of Mathematics in Life

“Mathematics is NOT about numbers, equations, computations,

or algorithms: it is about UNDERSTANDING”

_William Paul Thurston_





Netflix film

Netflix film

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The Roles of Mathematics in Some Discipline

Computer Programming

Agriculture Arts

The Roles of
in Some

Engineering Management


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Let’s work it out Answer Me!

A. Identification. Give the correct word/s that correspond/s to the given statements
below. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. A series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings in the channel
of a river, stream, or other watercourse. _________
2. A disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space, with little or no
associated mass transport._________
3. A substance formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid. _________
4. The tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes with no overlaps and
gaps. _________
5. A curve which emanates from a point, moving farther away as it revolves around
the point. _________
6. An agreement in dimensions, due proportion, an arrangement. _________
7. This occurs due to the development of certain displacement discontinuity surfaces
within the solid. _________
8. These are processes of rotation, reflection and scaling of the object. _________
9. A series of bands or strips, often of the same width and color along the length.
10. The infinitely complex patterns that are self -similar across different scales.

B. Essay. Answer briefly the following questions below. (3-5 sentences only)
1. What are the new ideas about mathematics you’ve learned?

2. What is the significance and role of Mathematics in your daily life?


3. How are you going to apply the underlying concepts of mathematics in real life
scenarios? Cite at least two examples.

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MATH about ME

I am __ years old My birthday is on

___ + ___ = ___ __/___ /___

___ - ___ = ___ My favorite

ME number is ___.

First Name Last Name

I have __ letters in my I have ___ letters in

first name. my last name.

There are __ people in my family I have lost ____ teeth so far.

___ girls ___ boys I have ___ pets at home.


Congratulations my dear students, you did a great job in this lesson. You are
now acquainted on the nature of mathematics and its significance in other disciplines.
You may now proceed to Lesson 2 in this module. Thank you and stay safe.

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Lesson 2: The Fibonacci Sequence

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 solve for the nth term in the Fibonacci Sequence; and

 apply the rule of Fibonacci Numbers in identifying patterns in nature.

Time Frame: 2 hours (2days)


As we have seen on the previous lesson, patterns can be seen everywhere.

Grist (2011) pointed out another patterns in this world which we
can generate by performing one or several mathematical
operations repeatedly which is the Fibonacci numbers. This
lesson will introduce you to the nature’s numbering system.
Moreover, students are expected to comply and submit the
different tasks provided.


Let’s Get Started Next in line!

Determine what comes next in the given patterns.

1. A, C, E, G, I, ___

2. 3,6, 12, 24, 48, 96, __

3. 41, 39, 37, 35, 33, ___

4. 1, 10, 100, 1000, ___

5. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, ___


Let’s think of this Think of me!

1. Do you have any idea on how to find the next term in the given

2. How did you come up with your answers?

3. Is this activity will help you to understand the concept of this lesson? If yes, how?

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Let’s explore Read Me!

In Mathematics, (wikipedia), the Fibonacci numbers are

the numbers in the following integer sequence, called
Fibonacci sequence, and characterized by the fact that every number after
the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones:

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, which may have

repeated values. The arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.

The first 6 Fibonacci numbers Fn for n = 0, 1, 2, …6 are

F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
0 1 1 2 3 5 8
Leonardo Fibonacci came up with the sequence when
calculating the ideal expansion pairs of rabbits over the
course of one year.

The sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by

the recurrence relation:

Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
where n = 0, 1, 2, …., n

Iris, 3 petals; parnassia, 5 petals; cosmea, 8 petals

It is also interesting to note that the ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers

approach the number Phi (φ), also known as Golden Ratio which is approximately
equal to 1.618.

Golden Ratio in
Human’s face:
Mona Lisa

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Let’s work it out Answer Me!

Instruction: Solve for the nth term in the given sequence.

A. Let Fib(n) be the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence, with Fib (1) = 1, Fib(2) = 1,
Fib(3) =2, and so on.

1. Compute Fib (8).

2. Find Fib (19).

3. If Fib (22) = 17 711, and Fib (24) =46 368, what is Fib (23)?

4. What letter comes next in this pattern?


5. What completes the following pattern?

CSD, ETF, GUF,______, KWL

B. Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three terms.

1.) 16, 32, 64, 128

2.) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

3.) 1,8, 27, 64, 125

4.) 15, 10, 14, 10,13, 10

5.) 27, 30, 33, 36, 39

C. Performance Task

1. Go into the garden or park right now, and start counting leaves and petals, and
measuring rotations to see what you find:

You may write your results on this form:

Plant Name or Description:

Do the Leaves Grow in Spirals? Y / N

Count a group of Leaves:

How many leaves (a) ?

How many full rotations (b) ?

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Rotation per leaf (b/a) :

Rotation Angle (360 × b/a) :

Are There Flowers? Y / N

How many petals on Flower 1:

Flower 2:

Flower 3:

2. Create a short video clip focusing on the significance and application of

mathematics in your daily life (particularly in your houses).


Make a diagram of your own family tree. Ask your

parents and grandparents and older relatives as each will
be able to tell you about particular parts of your family
tree that others didn't know. It can be quite fun trying to
see how far back you can go. If you have them put old
photographs of relatives on a big chart of your Tree (or
use photocopies of the photographs if your relatives want
to keep the originals). If you like, include the year and
place of birth and death and also the dates of any


Congratulations my beloved students, you did a great job in this lesson. You
are now accustomed on concept of Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio. You are
now moving forward on Lesson 3. Thank you and stay safe.

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Lesson 3: Mathematical Language and Symbols

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 discuss the language, symbols, and conventions of mathematics;

 explain the nature of mathematics as a language;
 perform indicated operations using PEMDAS/BODMAS; and
 appreciate that mathematics is a useful language;

Time Frame: 1hour


The aim of this lesson is to introduce you to a mathematical

way of thinking that can serve you in a wide variety of
situations. In order for you to understand various problems in
mathematics you must immerse yourselves on the underlying
principle of the mathematics as a language.


Let’s Get Started

Activity 1

Instruction: Complete the PPG Matrix by answering the each column below.

Prior Present Knowledge Gained

Knowledge (P) Knowledge
(P) (G)

(Cite all concepts that you (Write all the concepts (Enumerate the insights
know about the lesson) discussed) gained from the lesson)

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Activity 2 : Use Me!

Instruction: Given in the box are the different Mathematical

symbols used it in order to complete the meaning of each statement.

= ≤ ≈ ∈ ∞ √ ∴ ≤

+ / - × ≠ ° ¿ ¿

1.) a = c ___ c = a 6.) right angle measures 90 ___.

2.) -7___10 = 3 7.) 65 __ 5 = 13

3.) 5 is ___ of 25. 8.) |−2| ___ 2.

1 3
4.) π ___ 3.14 9.) ___
2 4

5.) ___ is endless 10.) 6 ___ 4


Let’s think of this Think of me!

1. How do you find the activity 1 and 2? Are you familiar

on the different symbols given?

2. What is the significance of knowing all those symbols?


3. Do this activity help you to understand the language of mathematics?


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Let’s explore Read Me!

The language of mathematics is the system used by

mathematicians to communicate mathematical ideas among
themselves. Mathematics as a language contains the following:

 Symbols to express a formula or to represent a constant.

 Syntax to make the expression well-formed to make the characters and
symbols clear and valid.
 Rules order of operations (or operator precedence) is a collection of rules that
reflect conventions about which procedures to perform first in order to
evaluate a given mathematical expression.
 Convention dictates the meaning or a way in which something is usually done.

Concise Precise
able to say able to make
things briefly very fine
Language of distinctions

able to express
thoughts with
relative ease

Writing Sentences Using Variables

In mathematics, an expression or mathematical expression is a finite combination

of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context.

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For example:

1. Seven plus four equals eleven means 7+4=11

2. The sum of their squares equals the square of their sum.

a2+b2 = (a + b)2

3. The product of six and nine equals fifty-four means

6 x 9 = 54

The most common expressions types are numbers, sets, and functions.

For example:

2 20/5 (7-3) + 8 3+3+3+3

All look different, but they are all what we called expressions. Most of the common
mistake is to forget the parentheses “( )”

For example, the expression:

1/ (x+2) is different from 1/x+2, because we are going to input in the system it
will interprets the meaning as (1/x) + 2. Mathematical Convention is a fact, name,
notation, or usage which is generally agreed upon by mathematicians.

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The following symbols are commonly used in the order of operations.

The more you need to understand, the more you need language that expresses
mathematical ideas clearly, precisely, and unambiguously.

Perform Operations on Mathematical Expressions Correctly

In simplifying mathematical expressions, the following order operations are one

critical point to observe. It is the set of rules that determines which operations should
be done before or after

Before After

M –ultiplication P- arentheses B - rackets

D – ivision E- xponents O - rder
A – ddition M – ultiplication D - ivision
S – ubtraction D – ivision M - ultiplication
A –ddition A - ddition
S –ubtraction S - ubtraction

 Rules for Order of Operations

1. Simplify within grouping symbols, such as parenthesis
( ), brackets [ ], and braces { }. Start with the innermost grouping symbol.
2. Find any powers indicated by exponents.
3. Moving from left to right, perform any multiplication or divisions in the order they
4. Moving from left to right, perform any addition or subtraction in the order they appear.

For example:

Simplify the following use PEMDAS/BODMAS.

1.) 23 – [(40-12)÷7]2 = 23 – [28÷7)2

= 23- [4]2

= 23 -16

Answer =7

26−2 24
2.) 7 - ÷ 22 =7- ÷ 22
1+2 3

= 7 - 8 ÷ 22

= 7- 8 ÷ 4

= 7-2

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Answer =5

8(7−4 ) 8( 3)
3.) ÷2 = ÷2
4 2−22 4 2−22

= ÷2

= ÷2

= 2÷2

Answer =1


Let’s work it out Answer Me!

Instruction: Read and comprehend each problem below. Show your solutions if

A. Write each of the following phrase, using symbols.

1. c decreased by 9 ________

2. the sum of x and y ______

3. thrice the difference of 5 and c _______

4. The quotient of w and 6 minus 3 times their sum _____

5. half of g increased by the product of 3 and q ______

B. Evaluate the following using the Order of Operations

1.) 2(3-5)2 – 8(2) + (7-4) 2.) (-4)2• 6÷9 + 4 • 3

7−3 ( 2 ) +6 14+|13−5|÷ 2
3.) 4.)
52−1 12−3(2)

5.) 12 –[4-3•3+(11-5)] •3 6.) 48 ÷ [(6-2)3÷ 22]

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Congratulations my dear students, you did a great job in

this lesson. You are now acquainted on the language of
mathematics and its symbols as well as performing operations
following PEMDAS/BODMAS rule. You are now ready to
proceed to the next Lesson in this module. Thank you and stay safe.

Lesson 4: The Four Basic Concepts in Mathematics

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

demonstrate mastery of the following:

 set
 function; and
 relation
distinguish function from relation;
find the union, intersection and complement of each sets; and
apply the concept of sets, function and relation in a real life scenario.

Time Frame: 2hours


Welcome our dear students to the last lesson in this Module.

This lesson aims to provide deeper understanding on the Four
Basic Concepts in Mathematics namely: Set, Function, Relation
and Binary Function. These topics are very familiar to you since
it was already tackled during your senior high school or even in
junior high.


Let’s Get Started

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Activity 1: Match Me!

Instruction: Match each column A to Column B below and use the letters
behind the option to form a word/s. Put the letter on the box below.

Column A Column B

1. A is a proper subset of B a. A’ N

2. Union of A and B b. A∪B A

3. “... is not an element of …” c. A⊆B I

4. Intersection of A and B d. A∩B H

5. A is a subset of B e. A⊂B M

6. Number of element in set A f. ∈ F

7. “... is an element of …” g. n(A) S

8. The empty set h. ∅ U

9. Complement of set A i. ∉ T

j.∀ E

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Activity 2: Classify Me!

Direction: Group the following objects in such a way that they have common

Tablet Cellphone Pencil

Liquid eraser Pot Digital camera
Knife Grater Ballpen
Laptop Paper ipod
Notebook fork ladle

Gadgets School Supplies Kitchen Utensils

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Activity 3: In and Out Boxes

Direction: Determine what is the relationship between the first number (input)
and the second number (output). Fill in the blank boxes with the right number. Write
down the rule being applied below the table.

Input Output Input Output

1. 2 6 3.
5 11
10 14 9 15

Input Output Input Output

4. 4 8
7 11
2 3 7 8 12


Let’s think of this Think of me!

1. How did you find the activities? Is it difficult on your part? How did
you cope up?

2. What are your understanding on the topic based on the activities given?

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3. Are the activities beneficial on the courses you studied?

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Let’s explore Read Me!

1. SET

The word set as a formal mathematical term was introduced in 1879 by Georg
Cantor (1845-1918). A set is simply a collection of well-defined objects that contains
no duplicates. The objects found in the set are called elements of the set. To describe
a set, we use braces { }, and use capital letters to represent it.

The following are examples of sets:

1. The list of course offerings of Kolehiyo ng Pantukan.

2. The newly elected alumni officers of Kolehiyo ng Pantukan.

3. The set of natural numbers N = { 1, 2, 3, …}

4. A = {x¿x is a letter in the word mathematics}

5. B = {x|x is a positive integer, 3≤ x ≤ 8}

Methods of Writing Sets

Rule vs Roster Method

Descriptive Form Set-Builder Form (Rule) Roster Form

The set of all vowels in {x|x is a vowel in the {a, e, i, o, u}
English alphabet English alphabet}

The set of all odd positive {x|x is an odd number and 0

integers less than or equal to ¿ x ≤ 15 }
15 read as “ the set of all x such {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15}
that x is greater than 0 but
less than or equal to 15”
The set of all positive cube {x|x is a cube number and 0 {1, 8, 27, 64}
numbers less than 100. ¿ x <100 }
Some Terms on Sets

The following terms are very essential in this lesson and as we proceed on the
succeeding topics on sets.

A. Finite vs. Infinite Sets

A finite set is a set whose elements are limited or countable and terminates at a
certain natural number. On the contrary, an infinite set is a set whose elements are
unlimited or uncountable, and the last element cannot be specified.

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Example 1.: Some examples of Finite Sets

a. I = {x|x is a positive integer less than 10}

b. C = {m,a,t,h}

c. E = {tiktok,facebook,instragram,twitter}

Example 2.: Some examples of Infinite Sets

a. F = {…, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …}

b. Y = {x|x is a set of real numbers}

c. I = {x|x is a set of molecules on earth}

B. Unit Set, Empty Set, and Universal Set

A unit set is a set with only one element it is also called singleton. On the other
hand, the unique set with no elements is called the empty set (or null set) and it id
denoted as ∅ or { }. Moreover, a set that contains all the elements considered in a
particular situation and denoted by U is called universal set.

Example 3: Some examples of Unit Set

a. K = {x|x is a whole number greater than 2 but less than 4}

b. N = {covid}

c. P = {x|x is the set of even prime numbers}

The above examples a,b,c contain only one element 3, covid, pantukan, respectively.

Example 4.: Some examples of Empty Set

a. A = {x|x is an integer less than 2 but greater than 1}

b. C = {x|x is the set of positive integers less than zero}

c. E = {x|x is the of fractions in integers}

Example 5: Some examples of Universal Set

a. U = {x|x is the set of month in a year}

b. U = { 1, 2, 3, …,100}

c. U = {x|x is the set of characters in Mobile Legend}

C. Cardinality. The cardinal number of a set is the number of elements or numbers

in the set, the cardinality of set A is denoted by n(A).

Example 6: Given set B, A, and R determine its cardinality.

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a. B = {a, e, i, o, u}, the cardinal number of B is 5 or n(B) =5

b. A = {f, a, c, e}, the cardinal number of A is 4 or n(A) = 4.

c. R = {x|x is a positive integer less than 10}, which can also be

written as {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

Kinds of Sets

A. Subset. If A and B are sets, A is called a subset of B, written A⊆ B, if and only if,
every element of A is also an element of B.

Example 1: Suppose A = {3, 4, 5}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7}, then A ⊆ B, since all the elements in A is in B.


 Note: A Set with no elements is a Subset of

Every Set: If ∅ is a set with no elements and A is A
any set then ∅ ⊆ A.
3 5

7 6

Figure 1.1
B. Proper Subset. Let A and B be sets. A is a proper subset of B, written
A⊂ B, if and only if, every element of A is in B but there is at least one element of B
that is not in A. On contrary, the symbol ⊂ denotes that it is not a proper subset.

Example 2: Suppose A = {c, d, e}, B = {a, b, c, d, e}, C = {e, a, c, b, d}, and

U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, then A and C are both subsets of B; but

A⊂ B, whereas C ⊂ B.
f b a
 Note: It can be seen that only A is a proper A
subset of B and not C because B and C are with c d
the same elements (notice that set A is inside
sets B and C.) e

g U

Figure 1.2

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C. Equal Set. Given set A and B, A equals B, written, A=B, if and only if, every
element of A is B and every element of B is in A.

Example 3: Suppose A = {a, b, c, d, e}, B = {a, b, d, e, c}, U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g},

then A⊆ B and B⊆ A, therefore A=B.

f c d

b a

U g U

Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4

 Note: It can be noted that all elements of A are also elements of B

(notice that set A is also set B).

D. Power Set. Given a set S from the universal U, the power set of S denoted by
Power(S), is the collection of all subsets of S.

Example 4: Determine the power set of (a) A= {e, f}, (b) = {1, 2, 3}.

a. Power(A) = 2n = 22 = 4, thus Power(A) has 4 elements namely,

P(A) = {{e}, {f}, {e,f}, ∅}.

b. Power(B) = 2n = 23 =8, thus Power(B) has 8 elements namely,

P(B) = {{1}, {2}, {3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3} ∅}.

 Note: For all integers n, if a set S has n elements the Power(S) has 2n

Operations on Sets

A. Union. The union of A and B, denoted A∪ B, is the set of all elements x in U such
that x in in A or x is in B.

Example 1: Suppose A= {a, b, c}; B={c, d, e}; and U ={a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, then
A∪ B = {a, b, ,c, d, e}.

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a e
b d

f U
Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6

 Note: Figure 1.5 shows the elements covered by A∪ B and Figure

1.6 presents the areas covered by A∪ B. Also, note that we will not
write the element c twice in representing set A.

B. Intersection. The intersection of A and B, denoted A∩ B, is the set containing all

elements common to both A and B.

Example 2: Suppose A= {a, b, c} and B = {c, d, e} and U= {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, then A

∩ B ={c

g A B

a c

U f U

Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8

 Note: Figure 1.7 shows the area covered by A∩ B and Figure 1.8
shows that the common element of set A and B is only c.

C. Complement. The complement of A denoted A’, Ac, A*, is the set of all elements x
in U such that x is not in A.

Example 3: Suppose A= {a, b, c, d, e} and U ={a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, then

A’= {f ,g}.

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g A

c d

b a

Figure 1.9 Figure 1.10

 Note: Figure 1.9 illustrates the area covered by complement of A or A’ and Figure
1.10 shows that the elements outside set A are elements f and g.

D. Difference. The difference of A and B denoted as A B, is the set of elements in U

such that x is in A and x is not in B.

Example 4: Suppose A= {a, b, c} and B= { c, d, e} and U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, then

A B = {a, b}

g A B

b c d

a e

U f U
Figure 1.11 Figure 1.12

 Note: Figure 1.11 elicits the area covered by A B and Figure 1.12 shows the
elements of set A minus the elements belong to set B are elements a and b.

2. Function

A function is a relation in which, for each value of the first component (x or

domain) of the ordered pairs, there is exactly one value of the second component (y or

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Remember: A one-to-one correspondence and many-to-one correspondence are

called functions while one-to-many correspondence is not.

Examples: The function can be presented using the following:

a. Table.

The perimeter of a square is four times the length of its sides.

Side (s) 1 3 5 7 9
Perimeter (P) 4 12 20 28 36

b. Ordered Pairs

{(1,4), (3,12),(5,20), (7,28), (9,36)}

c. Mapping

1 4

3 12

5 20

7 28

9 36

x y

∴ this is a Function

d. Graphing: Vertical Line Test

If a vertical line cuts the graph of a relation in more than one point, then the
relation does not represent a function.



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3. Relation

A relation is a set of ordered pairs. If x and y are elements of these sets and if a
relation exist between x and y, then we can say that x corresponds to y or that y
depends on x.

Example 1: Table

Student’s Name Courses Taken

1. Marie D. Santos BSEd- English
2. Alex P. Dela Cruz BS Entrepreneurship
3. Ivy F. Uy BS Tourism Management
4. Mark D. Lantin BSEd -Mathematics
5. Dave A. Garcia BSBA –Human Resource Management

Example 2: Mapping
x y



Let’s work it out Answer Me!

Direction: Read and comprehend each question below. Show your complete solution
if necessary.

A. Indicate which of the following verbal descriptions defined a set.

1. The list of subjects offered every semester in Kolehiyo ng Pantukan.

2. The list of honest senators in the Philippine Senate.

3. The collection of all good-looking barangay captains in Kingking.

4. The billiard players with International Titles.

5. The things you bring during examination.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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B. Write the following sets in rule method.

1. D = { Duterte,Aquino,Arroyo, Estrada, …}

2. O = {CHEd, DepEd, TESDA}

3. N = { January, February, March, …}

C. Write the following in roster method.

1. E is the set of months with 31 days.

2. C ={ x|x∈ integers between 1 and 10}

3. B = { x|x∈ is letter in the word heart}

D. If U = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k}; A={a,b,c,e,f}; B={b,c,d,e}; C={f,g,h}; and D ={ a, e,

g, i}. List the elements of the following sets?

1. A∩ B = _________

2. A’∪D =_________

3. A C = _________

4. A∩ C’ = ________

5. (A∩ C) B = ________

E. Give the domain and range of each relation.

Domain Range

1. (1,2), (5,0), (0,-2), (-3,4) _____________ _____________

2. (0,4), (-5, 1), (-3,-2), (3, -5) _____________ _____________

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F. State whether the graph represents a function

1. 3.

Answer: ____________
Answer: ____________

Answer: _____________
Answer: ____________


Congratulations my dear students, you did a great job

in this lesson. You are now acquainted on The Basic
Concepts of Mathematics namely: Sets, Function, and
Relation. You are now ready to proceed to the next
module. Thank you and stay safe.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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Kindly use you book for your assessment on Pages 21-23; 37-39; and 56-58.

Thank you for answering. Stay safe and God bless us all.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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The following table summarizes essential concepts in this module. The

references given in the right-hand column list Examples and Applications/Exercises
that can be used to test your understanding of the concept.

Lesson 1.1 Patterns in Nature and Regularities in the


Patterns. Patterns are regular, repeated, or recurring forms See Pages 1-8 in your book
or designs. Patterns are commonly observed in natural
objects, such as the number of seeds in a sunflower, the
spiral of snail’s shell, the number of petals of flowers and
even the face of a human being. Humans are hard wired to
recognize patterns and by studying them, we discovered the
underlying mathematical principles behind nature’s designs.

Importance of Mathematics in Life. According to Katie See Pages 9-12 in your book
Kim (2015), Math is inescapable as you become an adult in
the real world. From calculating complicated algorithms and
applying mathematical concepts in real-life setting.

The Role of Mathematics in Some Discipline. As posted by See Pages 12-20 in your book
Angel Rathnabai (2014), Mathematics is not only number
work or computation, but is more about forming
generalization, seeing relationships, and developing logical
thinking and reasoning.
Lesson 1.2 The Fibonacci Sequence
Sequence. A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called
terms, that may repeated values. The arrangement of these See Pages 6-8 in your book
terms is set by a definite rule. The terms of a sequence could
be generated by applying the rule to previous terms of the

Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is formed by

adding the preceding two numbers, beginning with 0 and 1. See Pages 6-8 in your book
Ratios of two Fibonacci numbers approximate the Golden
Ratio, which is considered as the most aesthetically pleasing

Lesson 3: Mathematical Language and Symbols

Mathematics as a language has symbols to express a formula
or to represent a constant. It has syntax to make the See Pages 24-36 in your book
expression well-formed to make the characters and symbols
clear and valid that does not violate the rules. A
mathematical concept is independent of the symbol chosen
to represent it. In short, convention dictates the meaning.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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Aufmann, R., Mathematics in the Modern World. Rex Book Store, Inc.
Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines.

Daligdig, R.,EdD.(2019).Mathematics in the Modern World. Lorimar Publishing,

Inc.Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Marcelino, D., Contemporary Mathematics. Lorimar Publishing,

Inc.Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Sirug, W.,Ph.D.(2014). College Algebra Revised Edition. Mindshapers

Co.,Inc.Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila.

https://io9.giz, examples-of-the-golden-ratio-in=nature.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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2 Problem Solving & Reasoning


“Ne ver bring the problem solving stage into the decision making
stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem
rather than the solution.”

_Robert H. Schuller_

Welcome our beloved students to Module 2: Problem Solving and Reasoning.

Two goals of this module are to help you become a better problem solver and to
demonstrate that problem solving can be an enjoyable experience. This module is
self-explanatory wherein students can easily understand and comprehend the lesson.
Just relax and enjoy every activities found in each lesson.


At the end of this module, students should be able to:

 use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments;

 write clear and logical proofs on mathematical concepts;
 solve problems involving patterns and recreational problems following
Polya’s Four Steps; and
 organize one’s methods and approaches for proving and solving problems.

Module lessons

This module is divided into three (3) lessons.

Lesson 2.1 Reasoning

Lesson 2.2 Polya’s 4-Steps in Problem Solving

Lesson 2.3 Mathematical and Recreational Problems Using


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Lesson 2.1 Reasoning

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 distinguish the different kinds of reasoning;

 use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments; and
 write clear and logical proofs on mathematical concepts
Time Frame: 1 hour (1 day)


Mathematics is not just about numbers; much of it is problem

solving and reasoning. In this New Normal, most occupations
require good problem solving-skills. Logic and reasoning are
very useful tools in decision making. In our life, most of the time
we make judgment and conclusions based on facts or
observations which are not always true. Thus, we have to know
the different way of arriving at accurate conclusions.


Judge Me!
Let’s Get Started

Direction: Notice the given pictures below. Give your insights or interpretation in
each photo. Make it brief and concise.


3. Before After

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Let’s think of this Think of Me

1. Which of the following images above caught your attention? Why?

2. What do reasoning and decision making mean?

3. Why are reasoning and critical thinking important in dealing math



Let’s explore Read Me!

Mathematical reasoning or the principle of mathematical

reasoning is a part of mathematics where we determine the truth
values of the given statements. Reasoning is the practice of stating
ideas clearly and precisely to arrive at a conclusion. In mathematics it
is very important that you know how to interpret the result and not
just purely solving it.


Deductive Kinds of Reasoning

Reasoning (Zuela,,2009)


For more readings kindly refer to Page 40-42 in our books.

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For example:

1. Given: 5(x+2) = -3x -6 Prove: x= -2

Statement Reason
5(x+2) = -3x -6 Given
5x+10 = -3x -6 Distributive Property
8x +10 = -6 Addition Property of Equality (APE)
8x = -16 Subtraction Property of Equality
x = -2 Multiplication Property of Equality (MPE)

2. K is the midpoint of H́J and ǴI . Complete the proof that △HIK≅△JGK.


Statement Reason
K is the midpoint of H́J Given
K is the midpoint of ǴI Given
H́I ≅ GJ Definition of Midpoint
´ ≅ JK
HK ´ Definition of Midpoint
´ ≅ IK
GK ´ SAS Congruence

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Let’s work it out Answer Me!

A. Give at least 2 examples of real life situation illustrating each of the following:

1. Inductive reasoning



2. Deductive reasoning



3. Analogy



4. Intuition


Mathematics in the Modern World

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B. Draw a concept map and explain the components based on the learning you gained
from this lesson.



Sub-concept Main
Main Concept
Concept Sub-concept


Congratulations my dear students, you did a great job in this lesson. You are
now accustomed on the different kinds of reasoning wherein you can use in the
succeeding lesson. You are now ready to proceed to Lesson 2. Thank you and stay

Mathematics in the Modern World

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Lesson 2.2 Problem-Solving Strategies

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

use Polya's four step process to solve word problems

solve problems involving patterns and recreational problems following
Polya’s Four Steps; and
organize one’s methods and approaches for proving and solving problems.

Time Frame: 1 hour (1 day)


“A great discovery solves a great problem but there is a grain

of discovery in the solution of any problem. Your problem may be
modest; but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into play your
inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own means, you may
experience the tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery.”

_George Polya_

This lesson will equip you to become a good problem solver not just purely
solving the problem technically but also devising strategies on how to solve it.


Let’s Get Started STOP LOOK and LISTEN!

Direction: Read and comprehend the given problem below. Show your complete

Alvin is now 21 years older than his son. In 8 years, he will be twice as old as
his son’s age. What are their present ages?


Let’s think of this

1. How did you come up with your solution?

2. Do you have any difficulty in understanding and solving the given


3. What strategies did you apply in order to solve the given problem?

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Let’s explore Read Me!

George Polya, known as the father of modern problem solving. Whether you
like it or not, just like math problem solving is everywhere.

Polya’ 4-Steps in Problem Solving

Understand the

Plan Devise a plan

Carry out the plan

Look back

For example

Christian is three years older than Paul. The sum of their ages is 39. Find the
age of each.


Step 1: Understand the problem.

Christian’s age
Paul’s age
The sum of their ages

Required: Their ages

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Step 2: Devise a plan

Let x = Christian’s age

x+3 = Paul’s age

Then x + (x+3) = 39.

Step 3: Carry out plan

Solving we obtain

x + (x+3) = 39

2x +3 -3 = 39-3 APE

2x = 36 MPE

x = 18

Substitute; x=18


18+3 = 21

The answers are:

Christian’s age = 18 years

Paul’s age = 21 years.
Step 4: Look back.

Therefore, 21 is three more than 18 and 21+18 = 39.

Note: Please refer to your books on Pages 47-52 for more examples.


Let’s work it out Answer Me!

Direction: Solve the given problem below using Polya’s 4-steps

in problem solving. Show all pertinent solutions.

1. There are three numbers such that the first is two more than
the second and four less than the third. If their sum is 59, find the

2. Lhevie is 12 years old.The sum of the ages of Lhevie and Remond is 60. How old
is Remond?

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3. 5 years from now Mharfe will be twice as old as Nelvin. The current sum of the
ages of Mharfe and Nelvin is 86. How old is Nelvin right now?


Congratulations my dear students, you did a great job in this

lesson. You are now equipped on the different steps in Polya’s
problem solving. You are now ready to proceed to the next
lesson. Thank you and stay safe.

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Lesson 2.3 Mathematical and Recreational Problems Using


Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 understand each steps in solving worded problems using the different problem
solving strategies;
 apply the different problem solving strategies in calculating unknown values;
 internalize the real application of various problems in our daily life.
Time Frame: 2 hours (2 days)


Learning to solve problems is not a difficult task. It can be a huge fun and
ultimately a challenging one. In this lesson, you will able to know the step by step
process in dealing with the different problems in mathematics which later on you may
apply in your daily life. Just relax and enjoy every activities and exercises found in
this lesson.

ACTIVITY Can you complete these

magic squares? Be
careful, some are harder
than others.
Let’s Get Started
8 9

Each row, columns, and
diagonals must add up to the
same number. 3 4

7 12 13 9 8

8 13 12

Use the last square to create

your own magic square.

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Let’s think of this

1. Do you have any idea on how to answer the given activity?


2. How did you come up on your solutions?


3. What strategy/ies did you used in order to answer the given activity?



Let’s explore Read Me!

Life is always confronted by problems.

Whether you are a mother, a father, a professional or even an ordinary person. Some
of these are no big deal because solutions can be easily seen just like patterns.
However, some other patterns need ample time to be read and understood. Stay focus
For more readings kindly refer to Pages 53-55.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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Let’s work it out Answer Me!

Direction: Find the solution to the following recreational problems and provide your

A. Logic Puzzles

1.) IF 2.) IF 3.) IF

1= 11 AT = 4 22 = 40

2= 22 CAT = 6 35 = 82

3= 33 CROW = 8 81 = 97

4= 44 BRAIN = 10, Then 43 = 71

5= 55 TWISTER = ? 56 = 111


11=?? 89 = ?

4. One has to find the missing number in the series

3 5 9 15 23 33? 59

5. IF

Work is Fun = 5 6 4

Time is Money = 5 3 7

Time is Fun = 3 5 6


Work = ??? and

Money = ????

B. Construct a 5 x 5 Magic Square following its concept.

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C. Mini Sudoku. Fill all empty squares so that the counting numbers 1 to 6 appear
exactly once in each row, each column.

6 2 5

4 3

6 5 4

1 3

1 6 2 5

4 1 6


Congratulations my dear students, you did a great job in

this lesson. You are now accustomed on the use of mathematics in
solving recreational problems. You are now ready to proceed to
the next module. Thank you and stay safe.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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Assessment 2.1. Determine whether the arguments are an example of intuition,

analogy, inductive reasoning, or deductive reasoning.

1. The brothers, Jose, Protacio, Mario, and Bonifacio love Mathematics in the Modern
World. The fifth brother, Juan must love Mathematics in the Modern World also.

2. Comb is to hair as toothbrush is to teeth.

3. By looking at the color of the ripe mangoes, you can already tell the one sweeter
than the other.

4. Jennifer always leaves for school at 7:00 a.m. Jennifer is always on time. Jennifer
assumes, then, that if she leaves at 7:00 a.m. for school today, she will be on time.

5. chef : food :: sculptor : stone

6. Ray is a football player. All the other football players on the high school team
weigh more than 170 pounds. Therefore, Ray must weigh more than 170 pounds.

7. John is an excellent swimmer. His family has a swimming pool. John's sister Mary
must also be an excellent swimmer.

8. Tree is to leaf as flower is to petal.

9. All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5. The number 35 ends with a 5, so it

must be divisible by 5.

10. The chair in the living room is red. The chair in the dining room is red. The chair
in the bedroom is red. All the chairs in the house are red.

Assessment 2.2. Solve the given problem using Polya’s Four steps in Problem

1. One number exceeds another number by 5. If the sum of the two numbers is 39,
find the smaller number.
2. If one number is three times as large as another number and the smaller number is
increased by 19, the result is 6 less than twice the larger number. What is the larger
3. Ten years from now, Albert will be three times older than he is today. What is his
current age?
4. John is twice as old as his friend Peter. Peter is 5 years older than Alice. In 5 years,
John will be three times as old as Alice. How old is Peter now?
5. Becca is twice as old as Susan and Greg is 9 years older than Susan. 3 years ago,
Becca was 9 less than 3 times Susan's age. How old is Greg now?

For more assessment/exercises kindly refer to your book on Pages 56-58. Thank you
for answering, Stay safe and God bless us all.

Mathematics in the Modern World

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The following table summarizes essential concepts in this module. The

references given in the right-hand column list Examples and Applications/Exercises
that can be used to test your understanding of the concept.

Lesson 2.1 Reasoning

Mathematical reasoning or the principle of

mathematical reasoning is a part of mathematics See Pages 40-46 in your book
where we determine the truth values of the given
Kinds of Reasoning
1. Intuition –it is called reasoning by guessing or
reasoning by common sense.

2. Analogy – it is reasoning by comparison

See Pages 40-46 in your book
3. Inductive Reasoning- is the process of
reaching a general conclusion by examining
specific examples. A conclusion based on
inductive reasoning is called a conjecture.

4. Deductive Reasoning – is the process of

reaching a conclusion by applying general
assumptions, procedures, or principles.

Lesson 2.2 Problem – Solving Strategies

Polya’s Four-Step Problem-Solving Strategy

1. Understand the Problem. (See) See Pages 47-52 in your book

2. Devise a plan. ( Plan)
3. Carry out the plan. (Do)
4. Review the solution. (Check)

Lesson 2.3 Mathematical and Recreational

Problems Using Mathematics

Life is always confronted by problems.

Whether you are a mother, a father, a professional
or even an ordinary person. Some of these are no See Pages 53-55 in your book
big deal because solutions can be easily seen just
like patterns. However, some other patterns need
ample time to be read and understood. Stay focus
and be calm in solving.

Mathematics in the Modern World

P a g e | 51


Aufmann, R., Mathematics in the Modern World. Rex Book Store, Inc.
Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines.

Daligdig, R.,EdD.(2019).Mathematics in the Modern World. Lorimar Publishing,

Inc.Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Marcelino, D., Contemporary Mathematics. Lorimar Publishing,

Inc.Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Sirug, W.,Ph.D.(2014). College Algebra Revised Edition. Mindshapers

Co.,Inc.Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila.


Glavez, K. (2008). Using Equations in Solving Age Problem.Retrieved on August 8,

2020 from

Mathematics in the Modern World

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