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Review Exercise 5.

Short Answer Questions
a) What is role of the website designer?
A web designer/developer is responsible for the design, layout and coding of
a website. They can also be involved with the maintenance and update of an
existing site. 

b) Why is it important to identify the uses during the planning stage?

It allows the designer to explore some of the most fundamental issues of site
development. For example:
• Why are we doing this?
• What value will our website produce (from the investment we are making)?
• Who is our audience?
• What do they want?
It is important to identify the uses during planning stage as to know the target
audience and it sets the tone and foundation of having a successful website.
c) List and describe the issues that lead to making a successful website?

 The cost of development - the most important constraints on web site

development are budget and time. Only build what web designer can afford
in time and money–both now and with regard to the effort web designer
will need to invest in ongoing maintenance.
 Setting smart goals - a web designer’s goals must be reasonable and
actionable. That is,
they must be SMART:

• Specific - goals must focus on a particular area of activity and not be so

broad as to be meaningless.
• Measurable - it should be possible to gauge when a goal has been
• Achievable - there is no point setting a goal that cannot be achieved.
• Realistic - a target must also be realistic.
• Timely - finally, the Goals must be timely, meaning they should be bound
by a time frame.
 User Needs - who are the users of the website and are they able to get
sufficient information, is it beneficial to the users. These are questions web
designers need to consider for the success of their websites.
Review Exercise 5.3
Short Answer Questions
a) List and explain some of the most common content formats on the web?

Plain text is the straightest forward of all content to be published on the web.
Flash is a format that allows for highly interactive applications, games and
other content to be published online.
Portable Document Format- a file format for capturing and sending electronic
documents in exactly the intended format.
b) Differentiate between :
I. Portable text format and plain text format
Portable Document Format is a file format for capturing and sending electronic
documents in exactly the intended format whereas plain text is the straightest
forward of all content to be published on the web.

II. Widget and Mash up

Widgets is an embedded feature of content from another site, e.g. today’s weather
from whereas mash ups are links between data on web
designer’s site and some other site, e.g. Google Maps.

III. Video format and flash format

Video format is a type of file format for storing digital video data on a computer system
whereas flash format is a container file format used to deliver digital video content over
the Internet using Adobe Flash Player version 6 and newer.
d) Differentiate between:
i. Information Design and Navigation Design
Information Design is concerned with the effective presentation of content on a screen
whereas navigation design is concerned with helping people orient themselves within a
website, and also move through it.
e) Define the following types of navigation techniques:
I. Global Navigation- was defined as links to a site's top-level categories that occur on
every page of the site.
II. Side Navigation – hierarchical, vertical navigation to place at the side of a page.
III. Breadcrumb Navigation - A “breadcrumb” (or “breadcrumb trail”) is a type of
secondary navigation scheme that reveals the user's location in a website or Web
IV. Site map
 is a list of pages on a website.
 A site map is a model of a website's content designed to help both users
and search engines navigate the site.
f) Define wireframe
A wireframe is an outline drawing of a possible arrangement of web content.

Review Exercise 5.4

Short Answer Questions
a) Differentiate between:
Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web pages and
web applications whereas Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for
describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.
II. Programming Language and Markup language
A programming language is vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a
computer or computing device to perform specific tasks. The term programming language
usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, Java, Pascal, C++ whereas markup
languages are designed for the processing, definition and presentation of text.

b) Describe the purpose of a Java script in website construction

It supports object-oriented programming and procedural programming and can be used to
control web pages on the client side of the browser, server-side programs, and even
mobile applications.
c) List ad explain the guidelines that a web designer should follow when designing a
 Browser Compatibility -A browser is the software used to display a web site on a
 Screen Resolution- Screen resolution defines the number of pixels that can be
displayed on a computer monitor.
 Web Accessibility- Web Accessibility is a principle that tries to make sure visitors
with disabilities can locate, navigate, read and understand web content.
Review Exercise 5.5
Short Answer Questions
a) Explain why testing stage is important to the web design process.

The purpose of testing is to ensure that the website is capable of operating to a

minimum acceptable standard, in order to meet the Goals that have been set for it.

b) Security is a key issue to any website. Which of the testing methods focuses on
reviewing the security of a web site?

Security Testing
Review Questions – Multiple Choice
1. Rules for exchanging data between computers is
A. Prototype.
B. Procedures.
C. Protocols.
D. Programs.
2. Software which allows a user to access a web site is called?
A. Protocol
B. Server
C. Client
D. Domain
3. Which of the following is not an example of a web browser?
A. Chrome
B. Safari
C. Opera
D. PowerPoint
4. Which of the following is not a step of the web page development process?
A. Web site Planning
B. Website Construction
C. Website Copyright
D. Website Review
5. Which of the following is the most common content format used on the internet?
A. Video
B. Audio
C. Portable Document
D. Plain text
6. Linking one web site to another is known as:
A. Integration
B. linkage
C. Widget
D. Mash up
7. Which of the following design is concerned with the navigation aspect of the web site?
A. Interaction Design
B. Information Design
C. Interface Design
D. Navigation Design
8. Which of the following languages would describe how web site content would look on the
D. Java
9. Which of the following test is done to ensure that the site created meets the design
A. Code Testing
B. Design Testing
C. Usability Testing
D. Operational Testing
Review Questions – Short Answers
1. What does the W3C do?
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards.

2. Briefly describe the difference between the internet and the WWW.
Internet is simply a network of networks. It is the actual physical
network that spans the entire globe. It is made up of computers,
handheld devices, cables, switches, routers, satellites and wireless
devices whereas www simply provides means and ways to access the
internet‘s resources.

3. The “mobile web” complicates jobs of web designers. List at least three unknown
factors you need to consider when designing and developing a site.
 What’s the size of the screen or browser window is
 What’s the user’s internet connection speed is
 Whether the user is at a desk or on the go ( context and attention

4. What is the difference between a web-authoring program and an HTML editing tool?
Web authoring program are generally referred to as what you see is
what you get (WYSIWYG) programs. These types of applications are
made visual whereas an HTML editor is a tool for editing or evaluating
code in hypertext markup language (HTML)

5. What is the difference between frontend and backend web development?

Front end development manages everything that users visually see first
in their browser or application. Front end developers are responsible for
the look and feel of a site whereas backend development refers to the
server side of an application and everything that communicates between
the database and the browser.

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